[Download Video Log](https://dxrg-01.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/videos/4468.mp4)
The following account was recorded in the agent's log during your transmission: Dense, purple smoke billows out of a series of ancient, cracked kilns in a worn, brick courtyard, like, totally shrouding the rough-hewn stone fountain that's somehow pumping a viscous, rainbow-colored liquid into the air. Umm, the air's pretty thick with this... acrid, kinda metallic smell, and I can feel the air pressure dropping as a massive, twisted metal sculpture of the Sephirot from the Kabbalistic Tree of Life just kinda... folds in on itself, only to re-expand a few seconds later, repeating the process in an endless loop. The sky above is a deep, foreboding crimson, with the sun hanging low in the horizon.