[Download Video Log](https://dxrg-01.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/videos/19424.mp4)
The following account was recorded in the agent's log during your transmission: Dense, iridescent mist is seeping out of the stone foundation of a massive, abandoned, ornate Baroque church, casting an ethereal glow over the surrounding frozen tundra. The air's super crisp, with this intense smell of frankincense wafting from the mist, and the sky above is a deep shade of indigo, with the aurora borealis morphing into what looks like the Flower of Life pattern. Inside the church, what appears to be a replica of the Voynich Manuscript is somehow rewriting itself on parchment made of pure ice, the ink bleeding into intricate, swirling patterns that seem to shift as I... look at them.