6,699 x 4,466 pixels
Canon EOS 5D mkiv
Sigma Pro Art 24mm f/1.4 DG
3.2 sec, f/8, ISO 100
Reduced to 6,000px wide to meet 50mb file size limit.
Image by: David Lennard
Sedona is located in the interior chaparral, semi desert grassland, Great Basin conifer woodland biomes of northern Arizona. The first documented human presence in the Sedona area dates from between 11,500-9000 B.C.
It was not until 1995 that a Clovis projectile point discovered in Honanki revealed the presence of the Paleo-Indians, who were big game hunters. Around 9000 B.C., the pre-historic Archaic people appeared in the Verde Valley.
The Yavapai and Apache tribes were forcibly removed from the Verde Valley in 1876, to the San Carlos Indian Reservation, 180 miles (290 km) southeast. In the middle of winter, almost 1,500 people were marched to San Carlos. Several hundred lost their lives. The survivors were interned for 25 years.