## Description
Those who make believe make reality.
Behold the first of many real-world experiences conceived by the creative team at The Books of Ye. On the front, find a bold medieval parody of a famous cultural trope, and on the back, read an excerpt from our manifesto on the newfound power dynamics of the age of meme capitalism.
As with all BoY merch, this hoodie lives both in the metaverse and the real world. The physical hoodie for which this NFT can be redeemed is a luxurious ultra-heavyweight 36oz 100% cotton material in a vintage, oversized dropped shoulder cut.
## Benefits
This NFT is redeemable for the physical hoodie represented here, and can also be enjoyed in the Metaverse via partnerships in development.
[Redeem your hoodie at RFYN](https://app.rfyn.io/gallery/ethereum/0x389FEcA4e33f745CDe8e1897c18dF0D70F3691b1/token/3)