MIYAMAKER is an NFT collection made by the Lord GOD of all things who worked through the Miyamaker team as tools and servants for his glory. koolskull took the reigns and hand illustrated hundreds of assets, but only doing so whilst deep in prayer and fasting. credit is a joke and GOD gave koolskull everything he needed to make this happen. GOD authored you, can you ever truly take credit? NO NIGGA! miyagod, astra, koolskull, krauser, zodomo, kardlady, and many more have had their hand in influencing this creative endeavor, but it is all done out of an undying love for milady, remilio, radbro, and the various derivative creative efforts that are intended to spread the message of network spirituality, and to bring the kingdom of GOD to you, dear reader. Charlotte Fang did nothing wrong. The cancelled shall inherit the earth. *DISCLAIMER: Black Hearted Cyber Angel Baby Token has no affiliation with Remilia Corporation or Radbro Webring. It is an experiment on social structures within a decentralized financial system. DO NOT RISK MORE THAN YOU ARE WILLING TO LOSE! - for dynastic certainty and 1000 year financial permanence, hold $CULT coin and never let go of it. GOD will reward you. every beetle makes a difference. you are playing beetle game right now as you read this. this MAY or MAY NOT be a Remilia Black Ops Division psyop - it is up to you to decide wether or not that is the case. are you being operated on right now? is it a bad thing if so? my advice: Read your bible. Don't worry about it.