Presenting tribute to father of abstract art - Kazimir Malevich (born in Kiev, Ukraine in 1879)! Black checks square or Checkevich. 0.0069 OE open for 48 hours. Part of sales will be donated to Ukrainian charity.
There are some debates on “what artist XX will think of NFTs if he was still alive right now”? I’m sure that Malevich would love nuts, genart, checks and all crazy AI staff. “Black square” still causes huge debates and people still say “I don’t get it, it’s just a square painted with black paint” the same people will never understand chrome squiggle, ringer, gazer or checks.
Modern art world became two commercialised in the second half of XX century, and it feels like NFT crowd is truly bringing real art back, exploring new frontiers, the same way as Malevich and Suprematists did.