RAVANA is a multi-headed rakshasa (demon) king of the island of Lanka, and the chief antagonist in the Hindu epic Ramayana.
Ravana is widely portrayed to be an evil character, though he also has many qualities that make him a learned scholar. He was well-versed in the six Shastras and the four Vedas, symbolic of his TEN heads.
He was a famed devotee of Lord Shiva.
Collection- The Last of the Behrupia (Impersonator)
Behrupias or Impersonators, are a dying vocation that once drew large crowds through vivid projections of demons, animals and mythical creatures drawn from a deeply personal interpretation of popular fiction.
Artist - Amit Sharma | Agyaat.eth | copyright@amitsharma
License - Extended Editorial
Private Display / Personal Non-Commercial Use. The Rights Usage includes unlimited use to display in IRL physical or VIRTUAL galleries, by the NFT holder. No rights for commercial use or derivative works allowed. The artist reserves the right to print and publish books.