As summer arrives, a new phase in the life cycle begins as all spore particles are carried away by the wind, facilitating fertilization. With the onset of warmer weather, spherical, pink-hued fruits emerge, signaling the next stage of development. During the maturation process, parasol-like leaves seem to unfurl, providing shelter from the intense summer heat and ensuring the fruit's protection. Once fully matured, the fruit hovers amidst the foliage, reminiscent of a colossal living molecule, buoyed by the minimal gravitational influence characteristic of this unique planetary environment.
# [Kyujin Cho]
My creations stem from a profound curiosity about the mysteries lurking in the unknown. Whether it's the depths of our imagination, the unexplored realms of the deep sea, or the vast expanses of outer space, the true nature of these "undiscovered creatures" remains shrouded in mystery. Yet, they offer us a canvas upon which to unleash our imagination. They could be creatures of immense proportions or tiny beings hiding under our beds, perhaps even extraterrestrial in origin. As I painstakingly craft each artwork, I embrace the uncertainty, hoping that through my animation, I can breathe life into these enigmatic entities, igniting your imagination in the process. There are still countless mysteries awaiting discovery in our world, and I invite you to revel in the joy of exploration.