Oliver Hayes, a former journalist, dedicated his life to uncovering the truth about extraterrestrial life, a pursuit that cost him his career. Retreating to a secluded cabin with his only companion, a stray dog named Max, Oliver delved into a world of conspiracy and paranoia. His cabin became a fortress of solitude, its bathroom walls adorned with a mosaic of newspaper articles forming a puzzle only he could decipher.
Oliver's obsession reached new heights as he developed "Hidden Sky," a sophisticated software to scan the heavens for anomalies, avoiding any venture outside that might expose him to imagined dangers. The isolation took a toll on his mental well-being, blurring the lines between reality and conspiracy. His demise, discovered years later by locals, remains a mystery—whispers of government interference and unchecked paranoia haunt the narrative.
Oliver Hayes, who dared to question the conventional narrative, became a legend in the remote corners of the world.