Stellar Industries. A sprawling conglomerate with its tendrils extending into every facet of society, wanted to control the Miracles: Sentient Titans. These colossal beings of astonishing intellect, had once been marvels of human innovation and were created by the Maker to serve humanity but Stellar Industries, in its lust for power, saw an opportunity to control these giants for its nefarious ends.
Stellar's scientists had already reverse-engineered the Titan technology, but they faced an obstacle: the central brain core of each Titan was protected by a complex code, known as the Maker's Code, that restricted access to their consciousness. Without deciphering this code, Stellar's engineers could not harness the full potential of these Titans.
As the titans consciousness kept fading with each failed attempt to break the code. inhuman conditions pushed the scientists to commit suicide. Yet, even in death, they found no release. Stellar's enforcers had a way to bring them back...