The Planet Earth is the only known place in the universe that harbors life. Fossil evidence from the Earth informs most studies of abiogenesis - the natural process by which life has arisen from non-living matter, such as glaciers. Glacier ice also archives microbes that are almost 15,000 years old.
Information found in glaciers, including microbes, helps reveal paleoclimate histories and predict future climate change. As the planet’s air conditioner, the polar ice caps help maintain a delicate climate balance. Glaciers are keystones of Life on Earth. As giant freshwater reservoirs, they support life on Earth and influence our day-to-day lives, even for people who live far away from them. Yet, glaciers are disappearing at a rate that makes climate change notable. But what role does humanity carry in itself for this planet?
The collection "I am planet Earth" aims to remind each of us that we are all part of this planet and that by destroying everything around us, we are destroying ourselves.