Pop tart cat shitting out a rainbow flying across the screen.🐈🏳️🌈
Could you get a better example of what society has come to? 🤔
Yes. 👍
Yes you can. ☺️
The new frontier is here. 👏
A pop tart cat, shitting out a rainbow... on a donut, hand sculpted in polymer clay, flying across the sky and then put up for sale as an NFT. 😃🐈🌈🍩
This is the perfect depiction of how far we have come as a species. 🚀
Maybe Charles H. Duell is finally right. 😐
All CrypDonuts are real world clay model donuts. Made from polymer clay, measuring 3.5cm across and weighing in at around 20 grams.
Real. Collectible. NFTs.
The first person to collect all copies of this NFT,
in one wallet, will be entitled to receive the framed original
clay donut model and a special edition 1/1 animated NFT.