Well. We’ve almost made it to 100 Tweaks. And you don’t even know where they came from yet. I find it quite entertaining that you humans were willing to adopt such absurd creatures without knowing where they came from. Or who is even narrating any of this stuff.
Looking back, over 80 unique Tweaks have been adopted, some with no head, some with no arms, and even a devil. Someone even adopted a Tweak named ‘Earth to Tom.’ Why? I guess some might call Tweaks ‘art.’ Maybe they think Tweaks have a ‘plan’ or a ‘purpose.’ I really couldn’t tell you.
The absurdity only grows when you realize that all the Tweaks were created by Tweaks. And the narrator of all this shit is a Tweak. And Tweaks are really just you. Does it make any sense yet?
Good. It’s not supposed to. If you can read the title, it’s the ‘Preface,’ meaning I’m not going to answer any of those rhetorical questions until the Origin story comes out. When's that?
The art you see here also has absolutely no bearing on this story. It's random. Making it more absurd that some of you will buy this. 050 drew this before molding a few Tweaks last week. It looks cool. I’ve said too much. Goodbye for now.