Name: Bitcoin Brian
Age: 23
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Location: Miami, FL
Profession: Self-Proclaimed “HODLer” (And picks up his allowance every week in Boca Raton)
Bitcoin Brian is a self-proclaimed "Cryptocurrency Investor, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist" according to his social media bio. Of course he is. What type of philanthropy is Bitcoin Brian involved in? None. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada. He doesn't even know what the word means. He just saw some alt-coin "Founder" had it in his bio so he copied and pasted it into his as well.
The majority of Bitcoin Brian's social media posts coincide with major price movement -- both gains and dips. "To the moon! 🚀" when Bitcoin breaks a previous record and "Buy the dip! 🤑" when the price drops. There is never any value-add. Just hype.
To appear more intelligent, Bitcoin Brian loves to toss in random cryptocurrency and blockchain jargon. The truth is, he doesn't even fully understand crypto or blockchain himself, but that's ok. The majority of his followers are 13 to 18 year old males who think his StockX unboxing IG Stories are sick.
With Bitcoin prices predicted to moon, the future looks bright, at least financially, for Bitcoin Brian, right? Wrong again. You see, he doesn't own much BTC. He is currently HODLing 0.00017 BTC in his Coinbase wallet. Baller.