Name: Conspiracy Theorist Tom
Age: 39
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 164 lbs.
Location: Fresno, CA
Education: B.A.H Political Science, Stanford University
Profession: Conspiracy Blogger
Conspiracy Theorist Tom is one weird dude, but that has always been the case. Somewhat of a loner and outcast in high school, Tom went off to attend college at Stanford 🤓 and seemed to have finally found his groove. He excelled in college and then entered the workforce, but quickly morphed back into a self-isolated nut job, spending every waking hour in his basement online. He went down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and never resurfaced.
Conspiracy theories are nothing new, but thanks to the internet, they are more accessible, prominent, and easier to spread. Paranoia runs deep throughout Tom, and he thinks everyone is out to get him and silence his beliefs. The truth is nobody even knows who Tom is. He has a combined 87 followers on social media and his conspiracy theory blog 📝 receives a staggering 37 unique visitors per month.
But those 87 followers and 37 bog readers are even more insane than Tom, looking up to him as some sort of 🧠 genius and sharing his wild theories across social media. Tom's wild imagination serves as an internal narrative, allowing him to make sense of what seems to be senseless in this crazy world we live in.