Download 2D PFP: [2D Image](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmZh5EhbW4K8nCgLtiGq6GU7cPwLLf736HRSDjzF5SKDh4/262.png).
Download 3D Render: [3D Image](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmNM7nKrrvLHeQxoK1CzTaezkiM8wVK5K8pBbWx3Zge7se/0059.png).
Download 3D Model: [3D File](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmR3D3Y35bEA4KhPFDS8uHiHDJ7AmZqdTDzzYkXhiCWNBr/0059.gltf).
The MonstroCities is the first true social avatar metaverse game, consisting of a collection of 8,000 unique NFTs made up of four elemental monster civilizations living on the Ethereum blockchain. Every monster is programmatically generated from a pool of 424 accessories to ensure they are all completely unique. Each monster will be a character in the MonstroCities metaverse game.
Visit [https://monstrocities.io/](https://monstrocities.io/) to learn more!