The jasmine flower has been precious for thousands of years and it captures the imagination of people from all across Asia to the Mediterranean. It is often referenced in poems and artistic works as a symbol of affection and love. The flowers were gifted by lovers for hundreds of years and this symbolic meaning is something that lasted until today.
Making use of this symbolic meaning, the artist hand picked, edited and classified over 9000+ images and paintings of jasmine flowers and collected data of its evolution during the past 100 years. This archive of images was then used to train machine learning models for creating imaginary latent space. By using artificial intelligence he visualized a digital dreamscape made up of memories of his love, Jasmine.
1 of 1 unique edition
AI (StyleGAN) Generated Video Art with IO Display
Duration: 7.5 min loop
Dimensions: 1920x1080 px
Date of creation: 2021
Sound: Irakli Kiziria