Thank you Al_Crego for bringing me here, it is for me a great honor. Big fan of your work, and great admirer of the being. I am proud to recognize we have now been both students & teachers of each other for a while. I am ready to keep learning from you as well as sharing with you, to the best of my capacity, what I discover on my path. I sincerely hope my presence here will not to ruin your excellent reputation.
As the tradition goes, below are the "PRE NFT" record logs for this token.
reading them will give you some insights on how and when the piece was created and what happened during its life before becoming a collectible token.
After reading about the Eternal recurrence concept trough the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, I spent one week meditating on the subject. At one point, during a near sleep state (the moment when most natural geometric visions comes by), a vision came to mind and it was this animation. I woke immediately woke up from the near sleep state, trying to be careful enough to remember the vision and not to have it dissipate trough the transition to full awareness. I sat down, and translated it to the best of my capacities. Endlessly following the fundamental objective of being able to display those vision trough a distributable medium that allows it.
It was created in After Effects with Trapcode TAO.
Posting the original on GIPHY
30,284 Views (on mint day)
Once this token is minted and it has an url, this is going to redirect right here on the token page. It is perpetual traffic routing to the token... Think about it.
Since I like to make my work available for display at live events trough VJ artists and projectionists. I made a 4K 16:9 video available on my friend Kyle Lyons platform: VJLoops.com
I also made the project file available for free to my patreons
This token was minted on Opensea.io as the first token. It has been listed 108 days at 0.25
this used to be the link to this token : https://bit.ly/3xX7J6i
The opensea token was burned. And now it's my Genesis Piece over here.
Thrills and curiosity fills my mind at the present moment... GO! let's do this.
And may the events occur (or reoccur?)