The NFT that moved comedian George Lopez to tears. He told artist J.J. Weinberg "You've restored my faith that people actually listen. This is the power of art. Thank you."
The purchase comes with a canvas print signed by George Lopez and a downloadable video of the never before seen time-lapse of its creation.
Dreamers have visions that don’t always harmonize with the circumstances in which the world paints them. But when life hands them lemons, they make lemonade and tee off like an Arnold Palmer.
They see opportunities and connections others miss because their imagination can embrace a lemon as a golf ball.
They see beyond a wall as an obstacle and transform it instead into a canvas and a ladder that elevates. This is how a dreamer shapes their
reality...“From the Rough”
J.J. Weinberg 10/3/21
Created on ProCreate - 20 hours and 20,451 strokes.
Animation Collaboration with REMO - https://makersplace.com/remo/