The Jewelry Sky is my Vortex edition added to the collection on Jan 10. 2022 as a Win-Win plan to help support other artists after sold out! 33 items were sold on the Open Sea before I got banned there because of my Iranian nationality! I will airdrop those 33 items to the wallets of the owners through my own smart contract. The Win-Win plan is still valid, but only 50% will be reinvested in the community!
✅Panorama of 69 shots
✅Res: 11470 px * 12684 px (145 MegaPixel)
✅More than 72 hours of processing
✅50% of the total sale ➡️ community (4 ETH on the artists who buy this edition)
✅TIFF file (850 MB) as unlockable content for buyers