The SAD Weekly Hangout POAPs serve as a living history of the Project, the Community and the Web3 and Crypto Landscape.
- We discussed Song Attributes including "Legendary Combos."
- What will logging in to Songaday.world look like in the future.
- Vinyl Key wants to press some records for us. https://twitter.com/vinylkey
- Song-A-Day-I AI is coming along. Adam Stallard presented the DAO with "The Santana Vision" for the future of the DAO. Shamanic shared Holly Herndon is doing in her DAO. https://twitter.com/hollyplus_ This led to a thorough diuscussion of the future of Music and AI.
- KineticTurtle/Matt gave us an update and requested some community input on the metadata and the Pop-Up 5K video projects.
- This week's POAP art was inspired by "That Fall Time Sick"