All Time Highs in Town
Minting on March 9, 2018 2;15 am
then on November 16, 2018 2:13 hex6c bids at a price of 0,500 eth (opening at $184,
and at a closing price of $177 for one et ) that's about half of that
on that very date, at 2:20 p.m. xcopy accepted his offer.
on december 11 2019 9:53 am , hex6c managed to sell for 10 eth to moderatsart
( open $145 and close at $143 ) around $1,450 and profit is around $1,450 - $92 = $1,358
current owner moderatart
on september 26 2021 3:00 am, moderatart managed to sell for 1000 eth to superrare88
( opening $ 2,922 and closing at $ 3,063 ) about $ 2,922,000 and profit from moderators
very fantastic, which reached $ 2,920,000 more
As of this date, the current owner is superrare88
last last!!!!
the most unique, namely superrare88 only lasted about 3 months
right on January 3, 2022, superrare88 managed to sell
at a price of 1.6K to rarecollector3000 (exchange rate according to superrare is around 6100k usd)
AFTER THIS, MAYBE rarecollector3000 has moved this work to
the steel safe is full of booms around it, if anyone touches the safe, it will die instantly
Right-click and Save As guys
diminting december 7 2018 4:32 am
on december 10 at 5:47 am artonymousartifact made an offer to xcopy
with a price of 1 eth ($ 90 data from superrare ) maybe this is the lowest point of eth
and on the same date, xcopy accepted the offer, at 5:56 to be precise
the current owner is artonymousartifact
on february 17, 2021, an account with the name yeahyeah purchased this work
priced at 99 eth ($174,000) according to superrare data,
the profits earned by artonymousartifact amounted to approximately $ 173,910
current owner yeahyeah
then on December 9, 2021, a legend appears,
he is now known everywhere as a true collector, legendary collector,
even at other artists like deeka he buys his work at fantastic prices
his name is cozomo de medici, he placed an offer of 1.6 K eth ( $ 7,000,000 ) approx.
after this trip, ser cozomo probably put it in the safe
with very tight guard, anyone who approached ready to be ready to die hehehe
Ace The Witch ♧ sale 10 eth
by suryanto sur
this is my native artist, I'm proud of him, back in 2021 I started to know of his existence.
what makes me really a fan of him is that the first work he made was a very interesting combination,
combines 3d with the phenomenal style of the late JMB.
the second, what is unique about him, when many Indonesian artists use western names,
instead he appeared by using a name that is very synonymous with Java, Indonesia. anyone read
name, you will definitely understand right away, that he is from Indonesia on the island of Java to be precise.
"Ace The Witch ♧"
requested on March 13, 2021
and got an offer from Spasmodic for 10 eth ($ 18,200).
the reason why I listed him, he is a very badass person, how come he is always friendly,
always the fastest to reply to comments from other artists, very humble with his big name.
the problem is, there are several artists that I know and know from the beginning of their debut, very arrogant with small artists, unlike King Xerox
starting to start with minting on objkt, a marketplace website based on the tezos chain, instead of wanting to sell expensively,
most artists start here by selling work for still very low prices, like a peak,
the first step is here, so many artists start from objkt, some are even very impressed with objkt.
king xerox [first minted on October 19, 2021, with the work name "KING OF V O R G I A" and an edition of 30 copies,
Initially he was listing at 0.5 tezos ($3 more for 2021 rates)
and sold last for 300 tezos.
secondly, the second ladder to reach the top, an artist usually runs to the foundation, a marketplace website with an ethereum chain base,
my system is auction and buy now, for the auction itself when someone places a bid,
the new time starts 24 hours long, king xerox too
he started on the foundation with the work "the mentor" on march 15th 2022, damn offered by kuroJPG for 0.1 ETH ( $ 260 )
ON JULY 9, 2022, a collector by the name of harristotle made an offer for 3 eth but still didn't let go,
then he bought directly with kuroJPG listing for 5 eth
ON DECEMBER 24, 2022, harristotle passed a reserve at a price of 6.9 eth, on December 30, a collector
called countertrademoi placed a bid and won at the same price as the reserve
king's journey continues to the next step, namely SUPERRARE
with a total minting of only 8 works there, KING succeeded in scoring the next ath with the title "DEGEN EVOLUTION"
minted on 25 january 2023, after a fierce battle, dropping each other's cannons,
finally landbaron555 won the battle with the highest price of 14.69 eth