OG (original garage) Social Club by Tai Lopez

OG (original garage) Social Club by Tai Lopez


0.018 ETH
2,302 件
2,303 版
40% 独特的所有者

OG (original garage) Social Club by Tai Lopez 10

0.1 ETH
/ 2,303
Member Id
Access Type
Large Group
NFT Hotel
Tai Lopez
Online Mentorship and Education Card The holder of this NFT will unlock access to a massive amount of mentorship and online training listed in detail below. You’ll get: Free access to OG Social Club exclusive online courses: Tai and his team will create NEW exclusive programs focused on crypto, blockchain, defi and NFT training only available for Silver card holders. No one else in the world will have access to these brand new strategies Tai and other experts will be revealing to the OG NFT holder community. Many exclusive Crypto & NFT secrets to come your way! Free access to a vault of Tai’s top online courses and trainings including: -SMMA® 3.0: Learn how to start and scale a social media marketing agency by getting businesses to pay you $1,000, $5,000 or even $10,000 a month. -67 Steps: Learn the lessons Tai spent 20 years gathering from his mentors about living the good life - Health, Wealth, Love and Happiness. -Crypto Defi Accelerator: Looking to take advantage of the growing cryptocurrency and decentralized finance markets? Learn from people who have built and profited from Cryptocurrency, DeFi, and NFT's. -Crypto Whale Discord: Get access to Tai's private crypto whale discord. You'll be able to talk to community members on all things Crypto, DeFi, and NFTs. Our team will also support you with crypto questions you may have on other projects, and help you with things such as security, and evaluating projects pros and cons. -Crypto Whale Mentorship Live Calls: Access to Tai's private crypto whale calls where we invite crypto experts to teach you how to get ahead in the Crypto, DeFi, and NFT space. If you're a newbie, we also have a support room where we guide you along your crypto journey. -Crypto & NFT Seminar Recordings: Access to live call recordings where we bring experts to teach about the strategies they use to thrive in the Crypto, DeFi, and NFT space. -Bitcoin Crypto Mastermind: Wish you had gotten into crypto in its golden years? You're not too late! Tai and other early crypto adopters show you the mindset and strategies they used to get into crypto before mass adoption happened. Most people still don't know what DeFi & Web 3 is so this program will help you take advantage of one of the world's biggest trends. -Ecommerce Certified Specialist: Interested in working with or building ecommerce businesses? With the Ecommerce Certified Specialist program, you can get the skills you need to successfully help ecommerce businesses grow or even build your own ecommerce business. -Home Sharing Management Company (HSMC): Are you into real estate but not sure how to make a profit in the space? Or maybe you're already an investor and wish to get creative with your real estate properties? The HSMC program will help guide you on how to setup a home sharing management company so you can make profits with your own property, or even others without having to put any of your own money to get started. -Ecomm Agency: Want to grow your ecommerce brand or help others do so? The Ecomm Agency program will help you learn from top marketers how to optimize ecommerce websites for sales. You can use the strategies shared for your business, in a job, or as a freelancer. -How To Build Your Personal Brand: Tai has built a massive 8M+ social media following across all his platforms, and in this program he reveals how to create a massive following of your own. Of course he can't do the work for you, but imagine how many people pay Tai to get this advice. This course hasn't been available for purchase in years! Traveling CEO: Ever wonder how Tai runs 10+ global brands and travels the world? In this program, Tai reveals the systems he uses in order to be an efficient CEO and run successful brands from anywhere in the world. Free Access to Tai Lopez's OGCON: Get access to an exclusive conference for OG Social Club members (OGCON). The OGCON will be held annually in different places around the world. The only way to get into the conference is to hold an OG NFT. Free Automatic Whitelist For All Future Tai Lopez NFT Drops: We'll be working on promoting the OG NFT, and keep growing the community. As we continue to grow, so will our collections. Say goodbye to trying to get on the Whitelist for Tai's future NFT drops because you'll automatically be added if you are an OG NFT holder. This is a huge opportunity! Free Exclusive Discord Channel: Get closer access to like-minded individuals and entrepreneurs in the OG community. You'll be able to collaborate, network, and even get mentored by other members in the OG Social Club along with Tai and his team. Free Quarterly Group Zoom Fireside Discussion, Hosted By Ultra High Net Worth Business Moguls: Tai and his Business Mogul friends will teach live in exclusive OG NFT holder quarterly live calls. In these group sessions, we'll bring experts that will be sharing never revealed business secrets and strategies that they usually don't share with the masses. These calls will cover all ranges of topics including how to improve aspects of your health, wealth, love, and happiness. This NFT also has these utilities for at least 3 years unless otherwise specified. This collectible token lives on the Ethereum blockchain. All access events or experiences will be pre-scheduled in advance with an representative. We reserve the right to remove anyone from a virtual or in person location or event for any reason. All offers are subject to the terms and conditions on This NFT has these bonus utilities for 3 years unless otherwise specified. For fully updated details on this NFT please visit
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