The Apepe scientists, alongside JP, Vince, and Marcus stood amidst the chaos, their eyes scanning the remnants of a battlefield.
Bloodied and exhausted, they knew the fight was far from over. The once lively city now echoed with the moans of the undead, a stark reminder of the havoc they had unintentionally unleashed.
JP, guilt-ridden and determined, turned to his fro'mrades with no hesitation and said, 'This mess started with us, we have to clean it up!'
Their next move could be the key to stopping the Zombie apocalypse.
They all set off towards the secret pond lab with the beginning of the Apepeverse survival plan entitled: THE FINAL PURGE!
Check out the Zombie Purge that is LIVE right now @ http://rareapepes.com/zombie-purge
Choose wisely, because once you purge there is no going back!