モンドクマ[Mondo Kuma] Kumania COINの開発者。 世界が作り出した暗号資産が持つパワーを糧に経済を回す事ができる。 見栄を張る事が多くたまに抱えきれなくなった通貨を落とすお茶目な一面も… モンドクマに住む大陸には「エアドロ…エアドロ…」と謎の挨拶の文化があるらしい…
Developer of Kumania COIN. Mondo Kuma is able to control the economy with the power of crypto assets created by the world. Mondo Kuma is often vain and has a mischievous side that sometimes drops currency they can no longer hold... The continent where Mondo Kuma lives is said to have a culture of mysterious greetings such as "Airdro... Airdro..."