Join us on a journey through the dystopian landscape of Tokyo in Cypher Convergence. As humanity's last hope, the brave Cypher operators must face the tyrannical Hyperbots that rule the city. Will you be the savior Tokyo needs? Experience over $1.5k worth of valuable educational materials and courses on crypto, WEB3, business, AI, mindset, and self-improvement. Get personalized business help and investment advice from educators. Participate in community ventures and earn ETH through profit sharing. TOKYO 2923 forges strategic partnerships with leading companies like Komichi. Put your NFTs to work for guaranteed rewards over three months. Use an AI analysis tool, TradingView bot, and crypto analysis calls. Immerse yourself in the community-powered Alpha Hub, network with other holders, and co-own IP rights. Also enjoy a digital package with 2D Tokyo 2923 PFP, Twitter banner, and Discord banner (an artist might charge you $350+ for it).