# Background: Creativity
Your creative process will be a form of meditation, a way to quiet the mind and connect with the Divine. Your art will be infused with the Peace, clarity, and Wisdom that comes from a deep spiritual practice.
# Halo: Power To Become Small
You will harness your inner strength and trust in yourself to overcome any challenge. With this, you will succeed in all your endeavors.
# Color: Blue
My blue color empowers you with the strength and protection you need to overcome obstacles and negativity, and to remain centered and peaceful in the face of life's challenges.
# Adornment: Necklace of Love
I adorn you with the quality of forgiveness, to let go of resentment and grudges and cultivate harmony and understanding.
# Arms: Ring & Bow
Rama's bow represents Dharma and reminds you of the importance of living a righteous life. You will use this as a guiding force to uphold values and principles that align with your soul's purpose.
# Head: Ecstasy
With this expression of ecstasy, I provide you with the quality of wonder, amazement, and the ability to see the beauty and awe-inspiring qualities of the world around us.
# Crown: Crown of Fearlessness
Step out of your comfort zone and take bold actions towards your goals, for this crown of fearlessness brings you the courage to venture into the unknown.