# Background: Earth Element Rock
The Root Chakra is associated with the earth element, which represents grounding and connection to the physical world. By awakening this center, you will feel deeply connected to the Earth and all living beings, and you will be able to fully enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
# Halo: Power To Become Light
You have the power to let go of outcomes and expectations and to find Peace in letting go. You will practice non-attachment and achieve success in all areas of your life.
# Color: Green
My green color brings fertility and growth, nurturing your creative energies and helping you to bring new ideas and projects to life. You will find balance and harmony in all aspects of your life.
# Adornment: Necklace of Friendship
I adorn you with the quality of true friendship, to find companions who will support you through thick and thin, and who will cherish your company.
# Arms: Prayer Hands & Mala
My hands held in prayer symbolize the union of the individual soul with the Divine, reminding you that your true nature is Divine and that you are never truly separate. By recognizing this unity, you will cultivate a deeper sense of inner Peace and Joy, and will navigate life's challenges with greater ease.
# Head: Dattatreya of Creation
With this expression of the 3-Headed, Dattatreya, symbolizing the unity behind the three forces of creation, you will embody the three-fold nature of the Divine, and recognize the unity within diversity.
# Crown: Crown of Humility
I crown you with the ability to acknowledge your mistakes and to take responsibility for them, for humility is the quality of admitting when you are wrong.