Crypto: The Game - After The Final Vote: Day 1. Join hosts Deana and Natasha for the Official companion podcast to Crypto: The Game as they dive into the first night of Season 3. Thank you to Uniswap Labs for sponsoring this season's companion show.
Powerpoint deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DPT2UN8D7URcg3j_bXQOs9iRamm86eUtIr2U7sjvL5E/edit#slide=id.p
00:00 Welcome to Night One
01:01 What is Crypto of the Game?
02:45 Sponsorship Acknowledgment
03:35 Vote Results & Feelings Check
07:01 Game Update: Drama & Tribal Vibes
22:32 Guest Segment: Stephanie's Perspective
29:15 Closing & Reminders