"YAKUBOTS" is a captivating research and development project focused on YAKU robotics, led by the innovative Yak's Factory team. It envisions the year 2130 as an era of harmonious coexistence between humans and robots, where personal assistant robots will be prevalent, efficiently carrying out various tasks on our behalf.
The inspiration behind the remarkable "YAKU robot" design stems from a group's quest to connect with the past. Embracing the essence of Japanese culture, the team has ingeniously infused elements from various 90's anime into the robot's intricate design. This blend of cultural charm and modern technology promises to yield a truly exceptional and captivating creation.
With a dash of the spirit of yakuza also known as gokudō (極道, "the extreme path"), these robots are destined to possess a unique character and flair. This harmonious fusion of tradition and progress ensures that the YAKU robots stand out from the crowd and offer users an unparalleled experience.