I almost died from longcovid - combined with a dangerous black mold exposure, other viruses, and parasites I didn’t know I was harboring (including toxoplasmosis that went to my brain - which will make people suicidal on its own) in 2022. A perfect storm.
It was a long, slow, painful, death that suffocated the old me. I’d seen 11 Vanderbilt doctors who couldn’t help me. I spent all of the money I intended for an album on medical bills. I had a large bathroom drawer full of prescriptions. I became an angry, hate-filled skeleton that even began repelling the love of my lives (my husband Grant), who’d already suffered through other health scares with me.
Somewhere in those 10 months of constant suffocation, allergic responses, bone-scraping fatigue, and mental warfare - my old self died. It is with this song (and this entire upcoming EP) that I send her off with a warrior’s funeral. And not just me, but the millions of people fighting chronic illness who have had to grieve parts of themselves in the same, horrific way. To represent this, the song ends with a choir of sick people singing together - all grieving our own lives. I present to you: Sick Of Me.