Plegaria, A song that I heard for the first time in the beautiful voice of a friend and colleague, then in the voice of a masterful folk music artist from my country along with an exceptional choir of singers from my region; and finally in the voice of the original author of the lyrics of this work.
It is a song that because of its lyrical composition managed to connect with me and it is one of the few works of other artists that I am pleased to interpret.
In this version we find the work of great producers, who have endowed the song with a sound proposal fresh enough to listen to it in a dramatic scene of a movie, or to appreciate from time to time the particular sound of a song made by excellent artists. This is art, this is alternative music. Enjoy listening to it as I do.
Author: Alberto Osorio
Publisher: Sony Music Publishing México
Interpreter: Veronica Caicedo
Production: Colombo, Unkl J