Baek-Ho (white fox) / 백호 (白狐) - 흰 여우 by ShinyTiger
A white fox that can take a human form and pretend to be one. Very skilled at spells which allows the creature's human disguise. Baek-Ho is also well known as a symbol of prophecy and omen. It's said that a year before the fall of Baekje dynasty (the ancient Korean kingdom from 18 BC – 660 AD), this creature was seen in the palace, at the minister's office.
사람처럼 행동하는 흰 여우. 여러 술법을 익혀서 사람 행세를 하며 술법을 부린다. 하늘의 징조를 미리 알려 준다. 멸망 직전, 659년 백제의 궁궐에 나타나 정승의 책상에 걸쳐앉아 있었다고 한다.
This piece contains the artist’s recitation of poet KIM OK’s “Grave,” and an original score by musician Ji-Sung.