Jack, also known as J4ck.eth, co-founder of Icebreaker.xyz, shared his ice breaker techniques with us over spicy drinks. Lean back!! enjoy!
Watch the 3-min episode on Youtube & don't forget to subscribe, it helps us LFers a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3o1sN0T8vM
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[00:00] How do you break the ice with people? Jack's polar bear joke
[00:00:20] Morning vs evening crypto meetups?
[00:01:02] Jack's first, worst, and last recruiting interview
[00:02:17] How do you break the ice during an interview?
[00:02:32] Kiss, marry, kill: a date with three different crypto personalities?
[00:03:05] No. of Jack's new connections by the end of summer