Photograph of Ania Catherine taken by Dejha Ti in Calistoga, California in 2017. During that year, Catherine and Ti had just started working on their ongoing feature film A page intentionally left blank, a nonlinear narrative inspired by the hidden lives of surrealist muses.
On a walk, the two spotted a field of grass which had human-like curves and appeared to have been frozen mid-motion. Unamused was created spontaneously as research and experimentation around recontextualizing the female nude figure for the purposes of the film–which include seeing the female nude through the eyes of a woman, through the subject’s own eyes, and in situations in which the full spectrum of the “muse” as a human–and oftentimes artist–is recognized.
The title hints at how muses might feel about always being known for inspiring others instead of for their own artistic talents: unamused.