

文件 1 的 5:ECVerify.sol
pragma solidity 0.5.8;

library ECVerify {

    function ecverify(bytes32 hash, bytes memory signature) internal pure returns (address signature_address) {
        require(signature.length == 65);

        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;
        uint8 v;

        // The signature format is a compact form of:
        //   {bytes32 r}{bytes32 s}{uint8 v}
        // Compact means, uint8 is not padded to 32 bytes.
        assembly {
            r := mload(add(signature, 32))
            s := mload(add(signature, 64))

            // Here we are loading the last 32 bytes, including 31 bytes of 's'.
            v := byte(0, mload(add(signature, 96)))

        // Version of signature should be 27 or 28, but 0 and 1 are also possible
        if (v < 27) {
            v += 27;

        require(v == 27 || v == 28);

        signature_address = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);

        // ecrecover returns zero on error
        require(signature_address != address(0x0));

        return signature_address;
文件 2 的 5:ERC20.sol
pragma solidity 0.5.8;

import './ERC20Basic.sol';

 * @title ERC20 interface
 * @dev see https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/20
contract ERC20 is ERC20Basic {
  function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint256);
  function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
  function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
  event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
文件 3 的 5:ERC20Basic.sol
pragma solidity 0.5.8;

 * @title ERC20Basic
 * @dev Simpler version of ERC20 interface
 * @dev see https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/179
contract ERC20Basic {
  uint256 public totalSupply;
  function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint256);
  function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
  event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
文件 4 的 5:PrivatixServiceContract.sol
pragma solidity 0.5.8;

import './ERC20.sol';
import './ECVerify.sol';
import './SafeMath64.sol';

/// @title Privatix Service Contract.
contract PrivatixServiceContract {
    using SafeMath64 for uint64;

     *  Data structures

    // Number of blocks Agent must wait from last popupServiceOffering or from registerServiceOffering before
    // he can popupServiceOffering.
    uint32 public popup_period;

    // Number of blocks to wait from an uncooperativeClose initiated by the Client
    // in order to give the Agent a chance to respond with a balance proof
    // in case the sender cheats. After the remove period, the sender can settle
    // and delete the channel.
    uint32 public challenge_period;

    // Number of blocks Agent will wait from registerServiceOffering or from last popupServiceOffering before
    // he can delete service offering and receive Agent's deposit back.
    uint32 public remove_period;

    // Fee that goes to network_fee_address from each closed channel balance.
    uint32 public network_fee;
    // Address where network_fee is transferred.
    address public network_fee_address;

    // We temporarily limit total token deposits in a channel to 300 PRIX.
    // This is just for the bug bounty release, as a safety measure.
    uint64 public constant channel_deposit_bugbounty_limit = 10 ** 8 * 300;

    ERC20 public token;

    mapping (bytes32 => Channel) private channels;
    mapping (bytes32 => ClosingRequest) private closing_requests;
    mapping (address => uint64) private internal_balances;
    mapping(bytes32 => ServiceOffering) private service_offering_s;

    // 52 bytes
    struct ServiceOffering{
      uint64 min_deposit;  // bytes8 - Minimum deposit that Client should place to open state channel.
      address agent_address; //bytes20 - Address of Agent.
      uint16 max_supply; // bytes2 - Maximum supply of services according to service offerings.
      uint16 current_supply; // bytes2 - Currently remaining available supply.

      // bytes4 - Last block number when service offering was created, popped-up or channel opened.
      // If 0 - offering was removed.
      uint32 update_block_number;

    // 28 bytes
    struct Channel {
        // uint64 is the maximum uint size needed for deposit based on a
        // log2(10^8 * 1275455 token totalSupply) = 46.85.
        uint64 deposit;

        // Block number at which the channel was opened. Used in creating
        // a unique identifier for the channel between a sender and receiver.
        // Supports creation of multiple channels between the 2 parties and prevents
        // replay of messages in later channels.
        uint32 open_block_number;

    // 28 bytes
    struct ClosingRequest {
        // Number of tokens owed by the Client when closing the channel.
        uint64 closing_balance;

        // Block number at which the remove period ends, in case it has been initiated.
        uint32 settle_block_number;

     *  Events

    event LogChannelCreated(
        address indexed _agent,
        address indexed _client,
        bytes32 indexed _offering_hash,
        uint64 _deposit);
    event LogChannelToppedUp(
        address indexed _agent,
        address indexed _client,
        bytes32 indexed _offering_hash,
        uint32 _open_block_number,
        uint64 _added_deposit);
    event LogChannelCloseRequested(
        address indexed _agent,
        address indexed _client,
        bytes32 indexed _offering_hash,
        uint32 _open_block_number,
        uint64 _balance);
    event LogOfferingCreated(
        address indexed _agent,
        bytes32 indexed _offering_hash,
        uint64 indexed _min_deposit,
        uint16 _current_supply,
        uint8 _source_type,
        string _source);
    event LogOfferingDeleted(
      address indexed _agent,
      bytes32 indexed _offering_hash);
    event LogOfferingPopedUp(
      address indexed _agent,
      bytes32 indexed _offering_hash,
      uint64 indexed _min_deposit,
      uint16 _current_supply,
      uint8 _source_type,
      string _source);
    event LogCooperativeChannelClose(
      address indexed _agent,
      address indexed _client,
      bytes32 indexed _offering_hash,
      uint32 _open_block_number,
      uint64 _balance);
    event LogUnCooperativeChannelClose(
      address indexed _agent,
      address indexed _client,
      bytes32 indexed _offering_hash,
      uint32 _open_block_number,
      uint64 _balance);

     *  Modifiers

     *  Constructor

    /// @notice Constructor for creating the Privatix Service Contract.
    /// @param _token_address The address of the PTC (Privatix Token Contract)
    /// @param _popup_period A fixed number of blocks representing the pop-up period.
    /// @param _remove_period A fixed number of blocks representing the remove period.
    /// @param _challenge_period A fixed number of blocks representing the challenge period.
    /// We enforce a minimum of 500 blocks waiting period.
    /// after a sender requests the closing of the channel without the receiver's signature.
      address _token_address,
      address _network_fee_address,
      uint32 _popup_period,
      uint32 _remove_period,
      uint32 _challenge_period
      ) public {
        require(_token_address != address(0x0));
        require(_network_fee_address != address(0x0));
        require(_remove_period >= 100);
        require(_popup_period >= 500);
        require(_challenge_period >= 5000);

        token = ERC20(_token_address);

        // Check if the contract is indeed a token contract
        require(token.totalSupply() > 0);

        network_fee_address = _network_fee_address;
        popup_period = _popup_period;
        remove_period = _remove_period;
        challenge_period = _challenge_period;


     *  External functions

    /// @notice Creates a new internal balance by transferring from PTC ERC20 token.
    /// @param _value Token transfered to internal balance.
    function addBalanceERC20(uint64 _value) external {
      internal_balances[msg.sender] = internal_balances[msg.sender].add(_value);
      // transferFrom deposit from sender to contract
      // ! needs prior approval on token contract.
      require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _value));

    /// @notice Transfers tokens from internal balance to PTC ERC20 token.
    /// @param _value Token amount to return.
    function returnBalanceERC20(uint64 _value) external {
      internal_balances[msg.sender] = internal_balances[msg.sender].sub(_value); // test S21
      require(token.transfer(msg.sender, _value));

    /// @notice Returns user internal balance.
    function balanceOf(address _address) external view
      return (internal_balances[_address]); // test U1

    /// @notice Change address where fee is transferred
    /// @param  _network_fee_address Address where network_fee is transferred.
    function setNetworkFeeAddress(address _network_fee_address) external { // test S24
        require(msg.sender == network_fee_address);
        network_fee_address = _network_fee_address;

    /// @notice Change network fee value. It is limited from 0 to 10%.
    /// @param  _network_fee Fee that goes to network_fee_address from each closed channel balance.
    function setNetworkFee(uint32 _network_fee) external { // test S22
        require(msg.sender == network_fee_address);
        require(_network_fee <= 10000); // test S23
        network_fee = _network_fee;

    /// @notice Creates a new channel between `msg.sender` (Client) and Agent and places
    /// the `_deposit` tokens from internal_balances to channel.
    /// @param _agent_address The address of Agent that receives tokens.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    /// @param _deposit The amount of tokens that the Client escrows.
    function createChannel(address _agent_address, bytes32 _offering_hash, uint64 _deposit) external {
        require(_deposit >= service_offering_s[_offering_hash].min_deposit); // test S4
        require(internal_balances[msg.sender] >= _deposit); // test S5

        decreaseOfferingSupply(_agent_address, _offering_hash);
        createChannelPrivate(msg.sender, _agent_address, _offering_hash, _deposit);
        internal_balances[msg.sender] = internal_balances[msg.sender].sub(_deposit); //test S5
        emit LogChannelCreated(_agent_address, msg.sender, _offering_hash, _deposit); //test E1

    /// @notice Increase the channel deposit with `_added_deposit`.
    /// @param _agent_address The address of Agent that receives tokens.
    /// @param _open_block_number The block number at which a channel between the
    /// Client and Agent was created.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    /// @param _added_deposit The added token deposit with which the current deposit is increased.
    function topUpChannel(
        address _agent_address,
        uint32 _open_block_number,
        bytes32 _offering_hash,
        uint64 _added_deposit)

        internal_balances[msg.sender] = internal_balances[msg.sender].sub(_added_deposit);

    /// @notice Function called by the Client or Agent, with all the needed
    /// signatures to close the channel and settle immediately.
    /// @param _agent_address The address of Agent that receives tokens.
    /// @param _open_block_number The block number at which a channel between the
    /// Client and Agent was created.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    /// @param _balance The amount of tokens owed by the Client to the Agent.
    /// @param _balance_msg_sig The balance message signed by the Client.
    /// @param _closing_sig The Agent's signed balance message, containing the Client's address.
    function cooperativeClose(
        address _agent_address,
        uint32 _open_block_number,
        bytes32 _offering_hash,
        uint64 _balance,
        bytes calldata _balance_msg_sig,
        bytes calldata _closing_sig)
        // Derive Client address from signed balance proof
        address sender = extractSignature(_agent_address, _open_block_number, _offering_hash, _balance, _balance_msg_sig, true);

        // Derive Agent address from closing signature
        address receiver = extractSignature(sender, _open_block_number, _offering_hash, _balance, _closing_sig, false);
        require(receiver == _agent_address); // tests S6, I1a-I1f

        // Both signatures have been verified and the channel can be settled.
        settleChannel(sender, receiver, _open_block_number, _offering_hash, _balance);
        emit LogCooperativeChannelClose(receiver, sender, _offering_hash, _open_block_number, _balance); // test E7

    /// @notice Client requests the closing of the channel and starts the remove period.
    /// This can only happen once.
    /// @param _agent_address The address of Agent that receives tokens.
    /// @param _open_block_number The block number at which a channel between
    /// the Client and Agent was created.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    /// @param _balance The amount of tokens owed by the Client to the Agent.
    function uncooperativeClose(
        address _agent_address,
        uint32 _open_block_number,
        bytes32 _offering_hash,
        uint64 _balance)
        bytes32 key = getKey(msg.sender, _agent_address, _open_block_number, _offering_hash);

        require(channels[key].open_block_number > 0); // test S9
        require(closing_requests[key].settle_block_number == 0); // test S10
        require(_balance <= channels[key].deposit); // test S11

        // Mark channel as closed
        closing_requests[key].settle_block_number = uint32(block.number) + challenge_period;
        require(closing_requests[key].settle_block_number > block.number);
        closing_requests[key].closing_balance = _balance;

        emit LogChannelCloseRequested(_agent_address, msg.sender, _offering_hash, _open_block_number, _balance); // test E3

    /// @notice Function called by the Client after the remove period has ended, in order to
    /// settle and delete the channel, in case the Agent has not closed the channel himself.
    /// @param _agent_address The address of Agent that receives tokens.
    /// @param _open_block_number The block number at which a channel between
    /// the Client and Agent was created.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    function settle(address _agent_address, uint32 _open_block_number, bytes32 _offering_hash) external {
        bytes32 key = getKey(msg.sender, _agent_address, _open_block_number, _offering_hash);

        // Make sure an uncooperativeClose has been initiated
        require(closing_requests[key].settle_block_number > 0); // test S7

        // Make sure the challenge_period has ended
        require(block.number > closing_requests[key].settle_block_number); // test S8
        uint64 balance = closing_requests[key].closing_balance;
        settleChannel(msg.sender, _agent_address, _open_block_number, _offering_hash,

        emit LogUnCooperativeChannelClose(_agent_address, msg.sender, _offering_hash,
           _open_block_number, balance
        ); // test E9

    /// @notice Function for retrieving information about a channel.
    /// @param _client_address The address of Client hat sends tokens.
    /// @param _agent_address The address of Agent that receives tokens.
    /// @param _open_block_number The block number at which a channel between the
    /// Client and Agent was created.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    /// @return Channel information (unique_identifier, deposit, settle_block_number, closing_balance).
    function getChannelInfo(
        address _client_address,
        address _agent_address,
        uint32 _open_block_number,
        bytes32 _offering_hash)
        returns (uint64, uint32, uint64)
        bytes32 key = getKey(_client_address, _agent_address, _open_block_number, _offering_hash);

        return (

    function getOfferingInfo(bytes32 offering_hash)
        returns(address, uint64, uint16, uint16, uint32)
        ServiceOffering memory offering = service_offering_s[offering_hash];
        return (offering.agent_address,
        // test U2

     *  Public functions

    /// @notice Called by Agent to register service offering
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    /// @param _min_deposit Minimum deposit that Client should place to open state channel.
    /// @param _max_supply Maximum supply of services according to service offerings.
    function registerServiceOffering (
     bytes32 _offering_hash,
     uint64 _min_deposit,
     uint16 _max_supply,
     uint8 _source_type,
     string calldata _source)
      // Service offering not exists, test S2
      require(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].update_block_number == 0);

      //Agent deposit greater than max allowed, test S1
      require(_min_deposit.mul(_max_supply) < channel_deposit_bugbounty_limit);
      require(_min_deposit > 0); // zero deposit is not allowed, test S3

      service_offering_s[_offering_hash] = ServiceOffering(_min_deposit,

      // Substitute deposit amount for each offering slot from agent's internal balance
      // Service provider internal balance must be not less then _min_deposit * _max_supply
      internal_balances[msg.sender] = internal_balances[msg.sender].sub(_min_deposit.mul(_max_supply)); // test S26

      emit LogOfferingCreated(msg.sender, _offering_hash, _min_deposit, _max_supply, _source_type, _source); // test E4

    /// @notice Called by Agent to permanently deactivate service offering.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    function removeServiceOffering (
     bytes32 _offering_hash)
      require(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].update_block_number > 0); // test S13
      // only creator can delete his offering
      assert(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].agent_address == msg.sender); // test S14
      // At least remove_period blocks were mined after last offering structure update
      require(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].update_block_number + remove_period < block.number); // test S15
      // return Agent's deposit back to his internal balance
      internal_balances[msg.sender] = internal_balances[msg.sender].add(

        // it's safe because it was checked in registerServiceOffering
        service_offering_s[_offering_hash].min_deposit * service_offering_s[_offering_hash].max_supply

      // this marks offering as deleted
      service_offering_s[_offering_hash].update_block_number = 0;

      emit LogOfferingDeleted(msg.sender, _offering_hash); // test E5

    /// @notice Called by Agent to signal that service offering is actual
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    function popupServiceOffering (
        bytes32 _offering_hash,
        uint8 _source_type,
        string calldata _source)
      require(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].update_block_number > 0); // Service offering already exists, test S16
      // At least popup_period blocks were mined after last offering structure update
      require(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].update_block_number + popup_period < block.number); // test S16a
      require(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].agent_address == msg.sender); // test S17
      // require(block.number > service_offering_s[_offering_hash].update_block_number);

      ServiceOffering memory offering = service_offering_s[_offering_hash];
      service_offering_s[_offering_hash].update_block_number = uint32(block.number);

      emit LogOfferingPopedUp(msg.sender,
                              _source_type, _source
                             ); // test E8

    /// @notice Returns the sender address extracted from the balance proof or closing signature.
    /// @param _address The address of Agent or Client that receives/sends tokens.
    /// @param _open_block_number The block number at which a channel between the
    /// Client and Agent was created.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    /// @param _balance The amount of tokens owed by the Client to the Agent.
    /// @param _msg_sig The balance message signed by the Client or Agent (depends on _type).
    /// @param _type true - extract from BalanceProofSignature signed by Client,
    /// false - extract from ClosingSignature signed by Agent
    /// @return Address of the balance proof signer.
    function extractSignature(
        address _address,
        uint32 _open_block_number,
        bytes32 _offering_hash,
        uint64 _balance,
        bytes memory _msg_sig,
        bool _type)
        returns (address)
        // The hashed strings should be kept in sync with this function's parameters
        // (variable names and types).
        bytes32 message_hash =
        keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32",
                _type ? 'Privatix: sender balance proof signature' : 'Privatix: receiver closing signature',

        // Derive address from signature
        address signer = ECVerify.ecverify(message_hash, _msg_sig);
        return signer;

    /// @notice Returns the unique channel identifier used in the contract.
    /// @param _client_address The address of Client that sends tokens.
    /// @param _agent_address The address of Agent that receives tokens.
    /// @param _open_block_number The block number at which a channel between the
    /// Client and Agent was created.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    /// @return Unique channel identifier.
    function getKey(
        address _client_address,
        address _agent_address,
        uint32 _open_block_number,
        bytes32 _offering_hash)
        returns (bytes32 data)
        return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_client_address, _agent_address, _open_block_number, _offering_hash));

     *  Private functions

     /// @notice Increases available service offering supply.
     /// @param _agent_address The address of Agent that created service offering.
     /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
     /// @return True in both case, when Service Offering still active or already deactivated.
     function increaseOfferingSupply(address _agent_address, bytes32 _offering_hash)
      returns (bool)
      require(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].current_supply < service_offering_s[_offering_hash].max_supply);
      // Verify that Agent owns this offering
      require(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].agent_address == _agent_address);
      // saving gas, as no need to update state
      if(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].update_block_number == 0) return true;

      service_offering_s[_offering_hash].current_supply = service_offering_s[_offering_hash].current_supply+1;

      return true;

    /// @notice Decreases available service offering supply.
    /// @param _agent_address The address of Agent that created service offering.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.

    function decreaseOfferingSupply(address _agent_address, bytes32 _offering_hash)
     require(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].update_block_number > 0);
     require(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].agent_address == _agent_address);
     require(service_offering_s[_offering_hash].current_supply > 0); // test I5

     service_offering_s[_offering_hash].current_supply = service_offering_s[_offering_hash].current_supply-1;


    /// @dev Creates a new channel between a Client and a Agent.
    /// @param _client_address The address of Client that sends tokens.
    /// @param _agent_address The address of Agent that receives tokens.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    /// @param _deposit The amount of tokens that the Client escrows.
    function createChannelPrivate(address _client_address,
                                  address _agent_address,
                                  bytes32 _offering_hash,
                                  uint64 _deposit) private {

        require(_deposit <= channel_deposit_bugbounty_limit);

        uint32 open_block_number = uint32(block.number);

        // Create unique identifier from sender, receiver and current block number
        bytes32 key = getKey(_client_address, _agent_address, open_block_number, _offering_hash);

        require(channels[key].deposit == 0);
        require(channels[key].open_block_number == 0);
        require(closing_requests[key].settle_block_number == 0);

        // Store channel information
        channels[key] = Channel({deposit: _deposit, open_block_number: open_block_number});

    /// @dev Updates internal balance Structures when the sender adds tokens to the channel.
    /// @param _client_address The address that sends tokens.
    /// @param _agent_address The address that receives tokens.
    /// @param _open_block_number The block number at which a channel between the
    /// sender and receiver was created.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    /// @param _added_deposit The added token deposit with which the current deposit is increased.
    function updateInternalBalanceStructs(
        address _client_address,
        address _agent_address,
        uint32 _open_block_number,
        bytes32 _offering_hash,
        uint64 _added_deposit)
        require(_added_deposit > 0);
        require(_open_block_number > 0);

        bytes32 key = getKey(_client_address, _agent_address, _open_block_number, _offering_hash);

        require(channels[key].deposit > 0);
        require(closing_requests[key].settle_block_number == 0);
        require(channels[key].deposit + _added_deposit <= channel_deposit_bugbounty_limit);

        channels[key].deposit += _added_deposit;
        assert(channels[key].deposit > _added_deposit);

        emit LogChannelToppedUp(_agent_address, _client_address, _offering_hash, _open_block_number, _added_deposit); // test E2

    /// @dev Deletes the channel and settles by transferring the balance to the Agent
    /// and the rest of the deposit back to the Client.
    /// @param _client_address The address of Client that sends tokens.
    /// @param _agent_address The address of Agent that receives tokens.
    /// @param _open_block_number The block number at which a channel between the
    /// sender and receiver was created.
    /// @param _offering_hash Service Offering hash that uniquely identifies it.
    /// @param _balance The amount of tokens owed by the sender to the receiver.
    function settleChannel(
        address _client_address,
        address _agent_address,
        uint32 _open_block_number,
        bytes32 _offering_hash,
        uint64 _balance)
        bytes32 key = getKey(_client_address, _agent_address, _open_block_number, _offering_hash);
        Channel memory channel = channels[key];

        require(channel.open_block_number > 0);
        require(_balance <= channel.deposit);

        // Remove closed channel structures
        // channel.open_block_number will become 0
        delete channels[key];
        delete closing_requests[key];

        require(increaseOfferingSupply(_agent_address, _offering_hash));
        // Send _balance to the receiver, as it is always <= deposit
        uint64 fee = 0;
        if(network_fee > 0) {
            fee = (_balance/100000)*network_fee; // it's safe because network_fee can't be more than 10000
            internal_balances[network_fee_address] = internal_balances[network_fee_address].add(fee);
            _balance -= fee;

        internal_balances[_agent_address] = internal_balances[_agent_address].add(_balance);

        // Send deposit - balance back to Client
        internal_balances[_client_address] = internal_balances[_client_address].add(channel.deposit - _balance - fee); // I4 test


     *  Internal functions

    /// @dev Check if a contract exists.
    /// @param _contract The address of the contract to check for.
    /// @return True if a contract exists, false otherwise
    function addressHasCode(address _contract) private view returns (bool) {
        uint size;
        assembly {
            size := extcodesize(_contract)

        return size > 0;
文件 5 的 5:SafeMath64.sol
pragma solidity 0.5.8;

 * @title SafeMath
 * @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath64 {

  * @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow.
  function mul(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal pure returns (uint64) {
    if (a == 0) {
      return 0;
    uint64 c = a * b;
    assert(c / a == b);
    return c;

  * @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
  function sub(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal pure returns (uint64) {
    assert(b <= a);
    return a - b;

  * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow.
  function add(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal pure returns (uint64) {
    uint64 c = a + b;
    assert(c >= a);
    return c;
  "compilationTarget": {
    "PrivatixServiceContract.sol": "PrivatixServiceContract"
  "evmVersion": "petersburg",
  "libraries": {},
  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": false,
    "runs": 200
  "remappings": []