DOWNLOAD HIGH-RES: https://leanime.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/QmT7NX6NMr4Z7GDRQ14R2cNsafq56eca1ic8X1vyhGMpva/5560.jpg
Le Anime is an interactive project at the intersection of art, collectible and gaming by toomuchlag.
There are 1573 original Le Anime NFTs, 9054 Spirit NFTs and an undefined number of Heroes NFTs.
The number of active Heroes NFTs depends on current players choices as Heroes are created merging Le Anime and Spirit NFTs together in different fashion, there can be a flexible amount of Heroes.
Heroes accumulate EXP by staying merged.
Create your Heroes https://www.leanime.art
When you trade/buy/sell an Hero, it goes with everything inside of it (Le Anime and Spirits merged to create it).
More info about Le Anime https://www.leanime.art