…The depth of the dark
Can only be measured here
By the dim light of those
Distant fire balls, and by
The just out of reach Lightning Bugs
(like a spirit in the sky both are untouchable) .
I lay prone, and very still
Barely breathing
Not a sound dare I make,
For truly I tell you:
This is indeed
Sacred Ground.
Blessed from
Eternity to Eternity.
- Smoky Hoss
I saw this place in my dream. Very clearly. It was quiet in the dark and seemed to be abandoned. However it felt like some kind of a presence that was enveloping me in peace and comfort. Like if I managed to see with my feelings but not with the eyes I would see a different picture. I would find many answers there. But still it is what it is. And I am to accept it.
I don’t know what that place is about and if something like that even exists.
Just wanted to visualize it and convey those feelings as much as possible.
So welcome to my sacred corner of mind.