Dream Time Life Simulation (Video Poster) forms part of an allowlist quest for Wisdoms for Neknel, an extensive Web3 native project by artist collective Keiken.
Dream Time Life Simulation, the third episode of The Life Game, explores emancipatory imagined technologies, structures and worlds that could exist in the metaverse. Following Keiken's recent works, Viral Energy and Battle of Reality, Dream Time Life Simulation is the third episode that follows a protagonist called ME. In Dream Time Life Simulation, ME activates ALL, a decentralised reflection technology that allows you to subvert your reality. In this new reality ME's avatars are MA and MX. Using MA's metathinking they decide to create a technology called Dream Time Life Simulation that allows them to portal into their memories and dreams. Here they explore their multiple consciousness, ancestral wisdom and diasporic memories and dreams of their motherland, Veracruz, Mexico.
Explore: https://twitter.com/neknelworld + https://neknel.world