// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IAugustusFeeVault } from "../interfaces/IAugustusFeeVault.sol";
import { IAugustusFees } from "../interfaces/IAugustusFees.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
// Storage
import { AugustusStorage } from "../storage/AugustusStorage.sol";
/// @title AugustusFees
/// @notice Contract for handling fees
contract AugustusFees is AugustusStorage, IAugustusFees {
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
/// @dev Fee share constants
uint256 public constant PARTNER_SHARE_PERCENT = 8500;
uint256 public constant MAX_FEE_PERCENT = 200;
uint256 public constant SURPLUS_PERCENT = 100;
uint256 public constant PARASWAP_REFERRAL_SHARE = 5000;
uint256 public constant PARTNER_REFERRAL_SHARE = 2500;
uint256 public constant PARASWAP_SURPLUS_SHARE = 5000;
uint256 public constant PARASWAP_SLIPPAGE_SHARE = 10_000;
uint256 public constant MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI = 11;
/// @dev Masks for unpacking feeData
uint256 private constant FEE_PERCENT_IN_BASIS_POINTS_MASK = 0x3FFF;
uint256 private constant IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK = 1 << 92;
uint256 private constant IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK = 1 << 93;
uint256 private constant IS_REFERRAL_MASK = 1 << 94;
uint256 private constant IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK = 1 << 95;
/// @dev A contact that stores fees collected by the protocol
IAugustusFeeVault public immutable FEE_VAULT; // solhint-disable-line var-name-mixedcase
constructor(address _feeVault) {
FEE_VAULT = IAugustusFeeVault(_feeVault);
/// @notice Process swapExactAmountIn fees and transfer the received amount to the beneficiary
/// @param destToken The received token from the swapExactAmountIn
/// @param partnerAndFee Packed partner and fee data
/// @param receivedAmount The amount of destToken received from the swapExactAmountIn
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken
/// @return returnAmount The amount of destToken transfered to the beneficiary
/// @return paraswapFeeShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerFeeShare The share of the fees for the partner
function processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer(
address beneficiary,
IERC20 destToken,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
uint256 receivedAmount,
uint256 quotedAmount
returns (uint256 returnAmount, uint256 paraswapFeeShare, uint256 partnerFeeShare)
// initialize the surplus
uint256 surplus;
// parse partner and fee data
(address payable partner, uint256 feeData) = parsePartnerAndFeeData(partnerAndFee);
// calculate the surplus, we expect there to be 1 wei dust left which we should
// not take into account when determining if there is surplus, we only take the
// surplus if it is greater than MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI
if (receivedAmount > quotedAmount + MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI) {
surplus = receivedAmount - quotedAmount;
// if the cap surplus flag is passed, we cap the surplus to 1% of the quoted amount
if (feeData & IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) {
uint256 cappedSurplus = (SURPLUS_PERCENT * quotedAmount) / 10_000;
surplus = surplus > cappedSurplus ? cappedSurplus : surplus;
// calculate remainingAmount
uint256 remainingAmount = receivedAmount - surplus;
// if partner address is not 0x0
if (partner != address(0x0)) {
// Check if skip blacklist flag is true
bool skipBlacklist = feeData & IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK != 0;
// Check if token is blacklisted
bool isBlacklisted = blacklistedTokens[destToken] == true;
// If the token is blacklisted and the skipBlacklist flag is false,
// send the received amount to the beneficiary, we won't process fees
if (!skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) {
// transfer the received amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust
_transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, receivedAmount);
return (receivedAmount - 1, 0, 0);
// if slippage is postive and referral flag is true
if (feeData & IS_REFERRAL_MASK != 0) {
if (surplus > 0) {
// the split is 50% for paraswap, 25% for the referrer and 25% for the user
uint256 paraswapShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000;
uint256 referrerShare = (surplus * PARTNER_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000;
// distribute fees from destToken
returnAmount = _distributeFees(
receivedAmount, destToken, partner, referrerShare, paraswapShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted
// transfer the return amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust
_transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, returnAmount);
return (returnAmount - 1, paraswapShare, referrerShare);
// if slippage is positive and takeSurplus flag is true
else if (feeData & IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) {
if (surplus > 0) {
// paraswap takes 50% of the surplus and partner takes the other 50%
uint256 paraswapShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_SURPLUS_SHARE) / 10_000;
uint256 partnerShare = surplus - paraswapShare;
// distrubite fees from destToken, partner takes 50% of the surplus
// and paraswap takes the other 50%
returnAmount = _distributeFees(
receivedAmount, destToken, partner, partnerShare, paraswapShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted
// transfer the return amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust
_transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, returnAmount);
return (returnAmount - 1, paraswapShare, partnerShare);
// partner takes fixed fees if isTakeSurplus and isReferral flags are false,
// and feePercent is greater than 0
uint256 feePercent = _getAdjustedFeePercent(feeData);
if (feePercent > 0) {
// fee base = min (receivedAmount, quotedAmount + surplus)
uint256 feeBase = receivedAmount > quotedAmount + surplus ? quotedAmount + surplus : receivedAmount;
// calculate fixed fees
uint256 fee = (feeBase * feePercent) / 10_000;
uint256 partnerShare = (fee * PARTNER_SHARE_PERCENT) / 10_000;
uint256 paraswapShare = fee - partnerShare;
// distrubite fees from destToken
returnAmount = _distributeFees(
receivedAmount, destToken, partner, partnerShare, paraswapShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted
// transfer the return amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust
_transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, returnAmount);
return (returnAmount - 1, paraswapShare, partnerShare);
// if slippage is positive and partner address is 0x0 or fee percent is 0
// paraswap will take the surplus and transfer the rest to the beneficiary
// if there is no positive slippage, transfer the received amount to the beneficiary
if (surplus > 0) {
// If the token is blacklisted, send the received amount to the beneficiary
// we won't process fees
if (blacklistedTokens[destToken] == true) {
// transfer the received amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust
_transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, receivedAmount);
return (receivedAmount - 1, 0, 0);
// transfer the remaining amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust
_transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, remainingAmount);
// transfer the surplus to the fee wallet
destToken.safeTransfer(feeWallet, surplus);
return (remainingAmount - 1, surplus, 0);
} else {
// transfer the received amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust
_transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, receivedAmount);
return (receivedAmount - 1, 0, 0);
/// @notice Process swapExactAmountIn fees and transfer the received amount to the beneficiary
/// @param destToken The received token from the swapExactAmountIn
/// @param partnerAndFee Packed partner and fee data
/// @param receivedAmount The amount of destToken received from the swapExactAmountIn
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken
/// @return returnAmount The amount of destToken transfered to the beneficiary
/// @return paraswapFeeShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerFeeShare The share of the fees for the partner
function processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransferUniV3(
address beneficiary,
IERC20 destToken,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
uint256 receivedAmount,
uint256 quotedAmount
returns (uint256 returnAmount, uint256 paraswapFeeShare, uint256 partnerFeeShare)
// initialize the surplus
uint256 surplus;
// parse partner and fee data
(address payable partner, uint256 feeData) = parsePartnerAndFeeData(partnerAndFee);
// calculate the surplus, we do not take the surplus into account if it is less than
if (receivedAmount > quotedAmount + MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI) {
surplus = receivedAmount - quotedAmount;
// if the cap surplus flag is passed, we cap the surplus to 1% of the quoted amount
if (feeData & IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) {
uint256 cappedSurplus = (SURPLUS_PERCENT * quotedAmount) / 10_000;
surplus = surplus > cappedSurplus ? cappedSurplus : surplus;
// calculate remainingAmount
uint256 remainingAmount = receivedAmount - surplus;
// if partner address is not 0x0
if (partner != address(0x0)) {
// Check if skip blacklist flag is true
bool skipBlacklist = feeData & IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK != 0;
// Check if token is blacklisted
bool isBlacklisted = blacklistedTokens[destToken] == true;
// If the token is blacklisted and the skipBlacklist flag is false,
// send the received amount to the beneficiary, we won't process fees
if (!skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) {
// transfer the received amount to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount);
return (receivedAmount, 0, 0);
// if slippage is postive and referral flag is true
if (feeData & IS_REFERRAL_MASK != 0) {
if (surplus > 0) {
// the split is 50% for paraswap, 25% for the referrer and 25% for the user
uint256 paraswapShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000;
uint256 referrerShare = (surplus * PARTNER_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000;
// distribute fees from destToken
returnAmount = _distributeFees(
receivedAmount, destToken, partner, referrerShare, paraswapShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted
// transfer the return amount to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, returnAmount);
return (returnAmount, paraswapShare, referrerShare);
// if slippage is positive and takeSurplus flag is true
else if (feeData & IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) {
if (surplus > 0) {
// paraswap takes 50% of the surplus and partner takes the other 50%
uint256 paraswapShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_SURPLUS_SHARE) / 10_000;
uint256 partnerShare = surplus - paraswapShare;
// distrubite fees from destToken, partner takes 50% of the surplus
// and paraswap takes the other 50%
returnAmount = _distributeFees(
receivedAmount, destToken, partner, partnerShare, paraswapShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted
// transfer the return amount to the beneficiary,
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, returnAmount);
return (returnAmount, paraswapShare, partnerShare);
// partner takes fixed fees if isTakeSurplus and isReferral flags are false,
// and feePercent is greater than 0
uint256 feePercent = _getAdjustedFeePercent(feeData);
if (feePercent > 0) {
// fee base = min (receivedAmount, quotedAmount + surplus)
uint256 feeBase = receivedAmount > quotedAmount + surplus ? quotedAmount + surplus : receivedAmount;
// calculate fixed fees
uint256 fee = (feeBase * feePercent) / 10_000;
uint256 partnerShare = (fee * PARTNER_SHARE_PERCENT) / 10_000;
uint256 paraswapShare = fee - partnerShare;
// distrubite fees from destToken
returnAmount = _distributeFees(
receivedAmount, destToken, partner, partnerShare, paraswapShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted
// transfer the return amount to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, returnAmount);
return (returnAmount, paraswapShare, partnerShare);
// if slippage is positive and partner address is 0x0 or fee percent is 0
// paraswap will take the surplus and transfer the rest to the beneficiary
// if there is no positive slippage, transfer the received amount to the beneficiary
if (surplus > 0) {
// If the token is blacklisted, send the received amount to the beneficiary
// we won't process fees
if (blacklistedTokens[destToken] == true) {
// transfer the received amount to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount);
return (receivedAmount, 0, 0);
// transfer the remaining amount to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, remainingAmount);
// transfer the surplus to the fee wallet
destToken.safeTransfer(feeWallet, surplus);
return (remainingAmount, surplus, 0);
} else {
// transfer the received amount to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount);
return (receivedAmount, 0, 0);
/// @notice Process swapExactAmountOut fees and transfer the received amount and remaining amount to the
/// beneficiary
/// @param srcToken The token used to swapExactAmountOut
/// @param destToken The token received from the swapExactAmountOut
/// @param partnerAndFee Packed partner and fee data
/// @param maxAmountIn The amount of srcToken passed to the swapExactAmountOut
/// @param receivedAmount The amount of destToken received from the swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of srcToken to be used to swapExactAmountOut
/// @return spentAmount The amount of srcToken used to swapExactAmountOut
/// @return outAmount The amount of destToken transfered to the beneficiary
/// @return paraswapFeeShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerFeeShare The share of the fees for the partner
function processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer(
address beneficiary,
IERC20 srcToken,
IERC20 destToken,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
uint256 maxAmountIn,
uint256 remainingAmount,
uint256 receivedAmount,
uint256 quotedAmount
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 outAmount, uint256 paraswapFeeShare, uint256 partnerFeeShare)
// calculate the amount used to swapExactAmountOut
spentAmount = maxAmountIn - (remainingAmount > 0 ? remainingAmount - 1 : remainingAmount);
// initialize the surplus
uint256 surplus;
// initialize the return amount
uint256 returnAmount;
// parse partner and fee data
(address payable partner, uint256 feeData) = parsePartnerAndFeeData(partnerAndFee);
// check if the quotedAmount is bigger than the maxAmountIn
if (quotedAmount > maxAmountIn) {
revert InvalidQuotedAmount();
// calculate the surplus, we do not take the surplus into account if it is less than
if (quotedAmount > spentAmount + MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI) {
surplus = quotedAmount - spentAmount;
// if the cap surplus flag is passed, we cap the surplus to 1% of the quoted amount
if (feeData & IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) {
uint256 cappedSurplus = (SURPLUS_PERCENT * quotedAmount) / 10_000;
surplus = surplus > cappedSurplus ? cappedSurplus : surplus;
// if partner address is not 0x0
if (partner != address(0x0)) {
// Check if skip blacklist flag is true
bool skipBlacklist = feeData & IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK != 0;
// Check if token is blacklisted
bool isBlacklisted = blacklistedTokens[srcToken] == true;
// If the token is blacklisted and the skipBlacklist flag is false,
// send the remaining amount to the msg.sender, we won't process fees
if (!skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) {
// transfer the remaining amount to msg.sender
returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, remainingAmount);
// transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, --receivedAmount);
return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, 0, 0);
// if slippage is postive and referral flag is true
if (feeData & IS_REFERRAL_MASK != 0) {
if (surplus > 0) {
// the split is 50% for paraswap, 25% for the referrer and 25% for the user
uint256 paraswapShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000;
uint256 referrerShare = (surplus * PARTNER_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000;
// distribute fees from srcToken
returnAmount = _distributeFees(
remainingAmount, srcToken, partner, referrerShare, paraswapShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted
// transfer the rest to msg.sender
returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, returnAmount);
// transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, --receivedAmount);
return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapShare, referrerShare);
// if slippage is positive and takeSurplus flag is true
else if (feeData & IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) {
if (surplus > 0) {
// paraswap takes 50% of the surplus and partner takes the other 50%
uint256 paraswapShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_SURPLUS_SHARE) / 10_000;
uint256 partnerShare = surplus - paraswapShare;
// distrubite fees from srcToken, partner takes 50% of the surplus
// and paraswap takes the other 50%
returnAmount = _distributeFees(
remainingAmount, srcToken, partner, partnerShare, paraswapShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted
// transfer the rest to msg.sender
returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, returnAmount);
// transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, --receivedAmount);
return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapShare, partnerShare);
// partner takes fixed fees if isTakeSurplus and isReferral flags are false,
// and feePercent is greater than 0
uint256 feePercent = _getAdjustedFeePercent(feeData);
if (feePercent > 0) {
// fee base = min (spentAmount, quotedAmount)
uint256 feeBase = spentAmount < quotedAmount ? spentAmount : quotedAmount;
// calculate fixed fees
uint256 fee = (feeBase * feePercent) / 10_000;
uint256 partnerShare = (fee * PARTNER_SHARE_PERCENT) / 10_000;
uint256 paraswapShare = fee - partnerShare;
// distrubite fees from srcToken
returnAmount = _distributeFees(
remainingAmount, srcToken, partner, partnerShare, paraswapShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted
// transfer the rest to msg.sender
returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, returnAmount);
// transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, --receivedAmount);
return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapShare, partnerShare);
// transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, --receivedAmount);
// if slippage is positive and partner address is 0x0 or fee percent is 0
// paraswap will take the surplus, and transfer the rest to msg.sender
// if there is no positive slippage, transfer the remaining amount to msg.sender
if (surplus > 0) {
// If the token is blacklisted, send the remaining amount to the msg.sender
// we won't process fees
if (blacklistedTokens[srcToken] == true) {
// transfer the remaining amount to msg.sender
returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, remainingAmount);
return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, 0, 0);
// transfer the surplus to the fee wallet
srcToken.safeTransfer(feeWallet, surplus);
// transfer the remaining amount to msg.sender
returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, remainingAmount - surplus);
return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, surplus, 0);
} else {
// transfer the remaining amount to msg.sender
returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, remainingAmount);
return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, 0, 0);
/// @notice Process swapExactAmountOut fees for UniV3 swapExactAmountOut, doing a transferFrom user to the fee
/// vault or partner and feeWallet
/// @param beneficiary The user's address
/// @param srcToken The token used to swapExactAmountOut
/// @param destToken The token received from the swapExactAmountOut
/// @param partnerAndFee Packed partner and fee data
/// @param maxAmountIn The amount of srcToken passed to the swapExactAmountOut
/// @param receivedAmount The amount of destToken received from the swapExactAmountOut
/// @param spentAmount The amount of srcToken used to swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of srcToken to be used to swapExactAmountOut
/// @return totalSpentAmount The total amount of srcToken used to swapExactAmountOut
/// @return returnAmount The amount of destToken transfered to the beneficiary
/// @return paraswapFeeShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerFeeShare The share of the fees for the partner
function processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransferUniV3(
address beneficiary,
IERC20 srcToken,
IERC20 destToken,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
uint256 maxAmountIn,
uint256 receivedAmount,
uint256 spentAmount,
uint256 quotedAmount
returns (uint256 totalSpentAmount, uint256 returnAmount, uint256 paraswapFeeShare, uint256 partnerFeeShare)
// initialize the surplus
uint256 surplus;
// calculate remaining amount
uint256 remainingAmount = maxAmountIn - spentAmount;
// parse partner and fee data
(address payable partner, uint256 feeData) = parsePartnerAndFeeData(partnerAndFee);
// check if the quotedAmount is bigger than the fromAmount
if (quotedAmount > maxAmountIn) {
revert InvalidQuotedAmount();
// calculate the surplus, we do not take the surplus into account if it is less than
if (quotedAmount > spentAmount + MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI) {
surplus = quotedAmount - spentAmount;
// if the cap surplus flag is passed, we cap the surplus to 1% of the quoted amount
if (feeData & IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) {
uint256 cappedSurplus = (SURPLUS_PERCENT * quotedAmount) / 10_000;
surplus = surplus > cappedSurplus ? cappedSurplus : surplus;
// if partner address is not 0x0
if (partner != address(0x0)) {
// Check if skip blacklist flag is true
bool skipBlacklist = feeData & IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK != 0;
// Check if token is blacklisted
bool isBlacklisted = blacklistedTokens[srcToken] == true;
// If the token is blacklisted and the skipBlacklist flag is false,
// we won't process fees
if (!skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) {
// transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount);
return (spentAmount, receivedAmount, 0, 0);
// if slippage is postive and referral flag is true
if (feeData & IS_REFERRAL_MASK != 0) {
if (surplus > 0) {
// the split is 50% for paraswap, 25% for the referrer and 25% for the user
uint256 paraswapShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000;
uint256 referrerShare = (surplus * PARTNER_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000;
// distribute fees from srcToken
totalSpentAmount = _distributeFeesUniV3(
) + spentAmount;
// transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount);
return (totalSpentAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapShare, referrerShare);
// if slippage is positive and takeSurplus flag is true
else if (feeData & IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) {
if (surplus > 0) {
// paraswap takes 50% of the surplus and partner takes the other 50%
uint256 paraswapShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_SURPLUS_SHARE) / 10_000;
uint256 partnerShare = surplus - paraswapShare;
// partner takes 50% of the surplus and paraswap takes the other 50%
// distrubite fees from srcToken
totalSpentAmount = _distributeFeesUniV3(
) + spentAmount;
// transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount);
return (totalSpentAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapShare, partnerShare);
// partner takes fixed fees if isTakeSurplus and isReferral flags are false,
// and feePercent is greater than 0
uint256 feePercent = _getAdjustedFeePercent(feeData);
if (feePercent > 0) {
// fee base = min (spentAmount, quotedAmount)
uint256 feeBase = spentAmount < quotedAmount ? spentAmount : quotedAmount;
// calculate fixed fees
uint256 fee = (feeBase * feePercent) / 10_000;
uint256 partnerShare = (fee * PARTNER_SHARE_PERCENT) / 10_000;
uint256 paraswapShare = fee - partnerShare;
// distrubite fees from srcToken
totalSpentAmount = _distributeFeesUniV3(
) + spentAmount;
// transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount);
return (totalSpentAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapShare, partnerShare);
// transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary
destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount);
// if slippage is positive and partner address is 0x0 or fee percent is 0
// paraswap will take the surplus
if (surplus > 0) {
// If the token is blacklisted, we won't process fees
if (blacklistedTokens[srcToken] == true) {
return (spentAmount, receivedAmount, 0, 0);
// transfer the surplus to the fee wallet
srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, feeWallet, surplus);
return (spentAmount + surplus, receivedAmount, surplus, 0);
/// @inheritdoc IAugustusFees
function parsePartnerAndFeeData(uint256 partnerAndFee)
returns (address payable partner, uint256 feeData)
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly ("memory-safe") {
partner := shr(96, partnerAndFee)
feeData := and(partnerAndFee, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
/// @notice Distribute fees to the partner and paraswap
/// @param currentBalance The current balance of the token before distributing the fees
/// @param token The token to distribute the fees for
/// @param partner The partner address
/// @param partnerShare The partner share
/// @param paraswapShare The paraswap share
/// @param skipBlacklist Whether to skip the blacklist and transfer the fees directly to the partner
/// @return newBalance The new balance of the token after distributing the fees
function _distributeFees(
uint256 currentBalance,
IERC20 token,
address payable partner,
uint256 partnerShare,
uint256 paraswapShare,
bool skipBlacklist,
bool isBlacklisted
returns (uint256 newBalance)
uint256 totalFees = partnerShare + paraswapShare;
if (totalFees == 0) {
return currentBalance;
} else {
if (skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) {
// totalFees should be just the partner share, paraswap does not take fees
// on blacklisted tokens, the rest of the fees are sent to sender based on
// newBalance = currentBalance - totalFees
totalFees = partnerShare;
// revert if the balance is not enough to pay the fees
if (totalFees > currentBalance) {
revert InsufficientBalanceToPayFees();
if (partnerShare > 0) {
token.safeTransfer(partner, partnerShare);
} else {
// revert if the balance is not enough to pay the fees
if (totalFees > currentBalance) {
revert InsufficientBalanceToPayFees();
// transfer the fees to the fee vault
token.safeTransfer(address(FEE_VAULT), totalFees);
// Setup fee registration data
if (paraswapShare > 0 || partnerShare > 0) {
// Setup fee registration data
address[] memory feeAddresses = new address[](2);
uint256[] memory feeAmounts = new uint256[](2);
feeAddresses[0] = partner;
feeAmounts[0] = partnerShare;
feeAddresses[1] = feeWalletDelegate;
feeAmounts[1] = paraswapShare;
IAugustusFeeVault.FeeRegistration memory feeData =
IAugustusFeeVault.FeeRegistration({ token: token, addresses: feeAddresses, fees: feeAmounts });
// Register the fees
newBalance = currentBalance - totalFees;
/// @notice Distribute fees for UniV3
/// @param currentBalance The current balance of the token before distributing the fees
/// @param payer The user's address
/// @param token The token to distribute the fees for
/// @param partner The partner address
/// @param partnerShare The partner share
/// @param paraswapShare The paraswap share
/// @param skipBlacklist Whether to skip the blacklist and transfer the fees directly to the partner
function _distributeFeesUniV3(
uint256 currentBalance,
address payer,
IERC20 token,
address payable partner,
uint256 partnerShare,
uint256 paraswapShare,
bool skipBlacklist,
bool isBlacklisted
returns (uint256 totalFees)
totalFees = partnerShare + paraswapShare;
if (totalFees != 0) {
if (skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) {
// totalFees should be just the partner share, paraswap does not take fees
// on blacklisted tokens, the rest of the fees will remain on the payer's address
totalFees = partnerShare;
// revert if the balance is not enough to pay the fees
if (totalFees > currentBalance) {
revert InsufficientBalanceToPayFees();
// transfer the fees to the partner
if (partnerShare > 0) {
// transfer the fees to the partner
token.safeTransferFrom(payer, partner, partnerShare);
} else {
// revert if the balance is not enough to pay the fees
if (totalFees > currentBalance) {
revert InsufficientBalanceToPayFees();
// transfer the fees to the fee vault
token.safeTransferFrom(payer, address(FEE_VAULT), totalFees);
if (paraswapShare > 0 || partnerShare > 0) {
// Setup fee registration data
address[] memory feeAddresses = new address[](2);
uint256[] memory feeAmounts = new uint256[](2);
feeAddresses[0] = partner;
feeAmounts[0] = partnerShare;
feeAddresses[1] = feeWalletDelegate;
feeAmounts[1] = paraswapShare;
IAugustusFeeVault.FeeRegistration memory feeData =
IAugustusFeeVault.FeeRegistration({ token: token, addresses: feeAddresses, fees: feeAmounts });
// Register the fees
// othwerwise do not transfer the fees
return totalFees;
/// @notice Get the adjusted fee percent by masking feePercent with FEE_PERCENT_IN_BASIS_POINTS_MASK,
/// if the fee percent is bigger than MAX_FEE_PERCENT, then set it to MAX_FEE_PERCENT
/// @param feePercent The fee percent
/// @return adjustedFeePercent The adjusted fee percent
function _getAdjustedFeePercent(uint256 feePercent) private pure returns (uint256) {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly ("memory-safe") {
feePercent := and(feePercent, FEE_PERCENT_IN_BASIS_POINTS_MASK)
// if feePercent is bigger than MAX_FEE_PERCENT, then set it to MAX_FEE_PERCENT
if gt(feePercent, MAX_FEE_PERCENT) { feePercent := MAX_FEE_PERCENT }
return feePercent;
/// @notice Transfers amount to recipient if the amount is bigger than 1, leaving 1 wei dust on the contract
/// @param token The token to transfer
/// @param recipient The address to transfer to
/// @param amount The amount to transfer
function _transferIfGreaterThanOne(
IERC20 token,
address recipient,
uint256 amount
returns (uint256 amountOut)
if (amount > 1) {
unchecked {
token.safeTransfer(recipient, amount);
return amount;
return 0;
/// @notice Transfer amount to beneficiary, leaving 1 wei dust on the contract
/// @param token The token to transfer
/// @param beneficiary The address to transfer to
/// @param amount The amount to transfer
function _transferAndLeaveDust(IERC20 token, address beneficiary, uint256 amount) private {
unchecked {
token.safeTransfer(beneficiary, amount);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IAugustusRFQRouter } from "../../interfaces/IAugustusRFQRouter.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
// Types
import { AugustusRFQData, OrderInfo } from "../../AugustusV6Types.sol";
// Utils
import { AugustusRFQUtils } from "../../util/AugustusRFQUtils.sol";
import { WETHUtils } from "../../util/WETHUtils.sol";
import { PauseUtils } from "../../util/PauseUtils.sol";
import { Permit2Utils } from "../../util/Permit2Utils.sol";
import { AugustusFees } from "../../fees/AugustusFees.sol";
/// @title AugustusRFQRouter
/// @notice A contract for executing direct AugustusRFQ swaps
abstract contract AugustusRFQRouter is
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
/// @inheritdoc IAugustusRFQRouter
// solhint-disable-next-line code-complexity
function swapOnAugustusRFQTryBatchFill(
AugustusRFQData calldata data,
OrderInfo[] calldata orders,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount)
// Dereference data
address payable beneficiary = data.beneficiary;
uint256 ordersLength = orders.length;
uint256 fromAmount = data.fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount = data.toAmount;
uint8 wrapApproveDirection = data.wrapApproveDirection;
// Decode wrapApproveDirection
uint8 wrap = wrapApproveDirection & 3;
uint8 approve = (wrapApproveDirection >> 2) & 1;
uint8 direction = (wrapApproveDirection >> 3) & 1;
// Check if beneficiary is valid
if (beneficiary == address(0)) {
beneficiary = payable(msg.sender);
// Check if toAmount is valid
if (toAmount == 0) {
revert InvalidToAmount();
// Check if ordersLength is valid
if (ordersLength == 0) {
revert InvalidOrdersLength();
// Check if msg.sender is authorized to be the taker for all orders
for (uint256 i = 0; i < ordersLength; ++i) {
// Dereference srcToken and destToken
IERC20 srcToken = IERC20(orders[0].order.takerAsset);
IERC20 destToken = IERC20(orders[0].order.makerAsset);
// Check if we need to wrap or permit
if (wrap != 1) {
// If msg.value is not 0, revert
if (msg.value > 0) {
revert IncorrectEthAmount();
// Check the length of the permit field,
// if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit
// and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2
if (permit.length < 257) {
// Permit if needed
if (permit.length > 0) {
srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), fromAmount);
} else {
// Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom
permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), fromAmount);
} else {
// Check if msg.value is equal to fromAmount
if (fromAmount != msg.value) {
revert IncorrectEthAmount();
// If it is ETH. wrap it to WETH
WETH.deposit{ value: fromAmount }();
if (approve == 1) {
// Approve srcToken to AugustusRFQ
// Check if we need to execute a swapExactAmountIn or a swapExactAmountOut
if (direction == 0) {
// swapExactAmountIn
// Unwrap WETH if needed
if (wrap == 2) {
// Execute tryBatchFillOrderTakerAmount
AUGUSTUS_RFQ.tryBatchFillOrderTakerAmount(orders, fromAmount, address(this));
// Check received amount
receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this));
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < toAmount) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Unwrap WETH
// Transfer ETH to beneficiary
ERC20Utils.ETH.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount);
} else {
// Check balance of beneficiary before swap
uint256 beforeBalance = destToken.getBalance(beneficiary);
// Execute tryBatchFillOrderTakerAmount
AUGUSTUS_RFQ.tryBatchFillOrderTakerAmount(orders, fromAmount, beneficiary);
// set receivedAmount to afterBalance - beforeBalance
receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(beneficiary) - beforeBalance;
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < toAmount) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Return spentAmount and receivedAmount
return (fromAmount, receivedAmount);
} else {
// swapExactAmountOut
// Unwrap WETH if needed
if (wrap == 2) {
// Execute tryBatchFillOrderMakerAmount
AUGUSTUS_RFQ.tryBatchFillOrderMakerAmount(orders, toAmount, address(this));
// Check remaining WETH balance
receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this));
// Unwrap WETH
// Transfer ETH to beneficiary
ERC20Utils.ETH.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount);
// Set toAmount to receivedAmount
toAmount = receivedAmount;
} else {
// Execute tryBatchFillOrderMakerAmount
AUGUSTUS_RFQ.tryBatchFillOrderMakerAmount(orders, toAmount, beneficiary);
// Check remaining amount
uint256 remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Send remaining srcToken to msg.sender
if (remainingAmount > 1) {
// If srcToken was ETH
if (wrap == 1) {
// Unwrap WETH
// Transfer ETH to msg.sender
ERC20Utils.ETH.safeTransfer(msg.sender, remainingAmount);
} else {
// Transfer remaining srcToken to msg.sender
srcToken.safeTransfer(msg.sender, --remainingAmount);
// Return spentAmount and receivedAmount
return (fromAmount - remainingAmount, toAmount);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IAugustusRFQ } from "../interfaces/IAugustusRFQ.sol";
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
/// @title AugustusRFQUtils
/// @notice A contract containing common utilities for AugustusRFQ swaps
contract AugustusRFQUtils {
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
/// @dev Emitted when the msg.sender is not authorized to be the taker
error UnauthorizedUser();
/// @dev Emitted when the orders length is 0
error InvalidOrdersLength();
/// @dev AugustusRFQ address
IAugustusRFQ public immutable AUGUSTUS_RFQ; // solhint-disable-line var-name-mixedcase
constructor(address _augustusRFQ) {
AUGUSTUS_RFQ = IAugustusRFQ(_augustusRFQ);
/// @dev Check if the msg.sender is authorized to be the taker
function _checkAuthorization(uint256 nonceAndMeta) internal view {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// Parse nonceAndMeta
if xor(and(nonceAndMeta, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff), 0) {
// If the taker is not 0, we check if the msg.sender is authorized
if xor(and(nonceAndMeta, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff), caller()) {
// The taker does not match the originalSender, revert
mstore(0, 0x02a43f8b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // function
// selector for error UnauthorizedUser();
revert(0, 4)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
// @title AugustusStorage
// @notice Inherited storage layout for AugustusV6,
// contracts should inherit this contract to access the storage layout
contract AugustusStorage {
// @dev Mapping of tokens to boolean indicating if token is blacklisted for fee collection
mapping(IERC20 token => bool isBlacklisted) public blacklistedTokens;
// @dev Fee wallet to directly transfer paraswap share to
address payable public feeWallet;
// @dev Fee wallet address to register the paraswap share to in the fee vault
address payable public feeWalletDelegate;
// @dev Contract paused state
bool public paused;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Vendor
import { Diamond } from "./vendor/Diamond.sol";
// Routers
import { Routers } from "./routers/Routers.sol";
// ______ __ __ __ ____
// /\ _ \ /\ \__ /\ \/\ \ /'___\
// \ \ \L\ \ __ __ __ __ __ ____\ \ ,_\ __ __ ____\ \ \ \ \/\ \__/
// \ \ __ \/\ \/\ \ /'_ `\/\ \/\ \ /',__\\ \ \/ /\ \/\ \ /',__\\ \ \ \ \ \ _``\
// \ \ \/\ \ \ \_\ \/\ \L\ \ \ \_\ \/\__, `\\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \/\__, `\\ \ \_/ \ \ \L\ \
// \ \_\ \_\ \____/\ \____ \ \____/\/\____/ \ \__\\ \____/\/\____/ \ `\___/\ \____/
// \/_/\/_/\/___/ \/___L\ \/___/ \/___/ \/__/ \/___/ \/___/ `\/__/ \/___/
// /\____/
// \_/__/
/// @title AugustusV6
/// @notice The V6 implementation of the ParaSwap onchain aggregation protocol
contract AugustusV6 is Diamond, Routers {
/// @dev Diamond
address _owner,
address _diamondCutFacet,
/// @dev Direct Routers
address _weth,
address payable _balancerVault,
uint256 _uniV3FactoryAndFF,
uint256 _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash,
uint256 _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF,
uint256 _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash,
address _rfq,
/// @dev Fees
address payable _feeVault,
/// @dev Permit2
address _permit2
Diamond(_owner, _diamondCutFacet)
{ }
/// @notice Reverts if the caller is one of the following:
// - an externally-owned account
// - a contract in construction
// - an address where a contract will be created
// - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed
receive() external payable override(Diamond) {
address addr = msg.sender;
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly ("memory-safe") {
if iszero(extcodesize(addr)) { revert(0, 0) }
/// @notice Returns the current implementation version
function version() external pure returns (string memory) {
return "6.1.0";
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
/// @notice Struct containg data for generic swapExactAmountIn/swapExactAmountOut
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to
struct GenericData {
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
/// @notice Struct for UniswapV2 swapExactAmountIn/swapExactAmountOut data
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to
/// @param pools data consisting of concatenated token0 and token1 address for each pool with the direction flag being
/// the right most bit of the packed token0-token1 pair bytes used in the path
struct UniswapV2Data {
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
bytes pools;
/// @notice Struct for UniswapV3 swapExactAmountIn/swapExactAmountOut data
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to
/// @param pools data consisting of concatenated token0-
/// token1-fee bytes for each pool used in the path, with the direction flag being the left most bit of token0 in the
/// concatenated bytes
struct UniswapV3Data {
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
bytes pools;
/// @notice Struct for CurveV1 swapExactAmountIn data
/// @param curveData Packed data for the Curve pool, first 160 bits is the target exchange address,
/// the 161st bit is the approve flag, bits from (162 - 163) are used for the wrap flag,
//// bits from (164 - 165) are used for the swapType flag and the last 91 bits are unused:
/// Approve Flag - a) 0 -> do not approve b) 1 -> approve
/// Wrap Flag - a) 0 -> do not wrap b) 1 -> wrap native & srcToken == eth
/// c) 2 -> unwrap and destToken == eth d) 3 - >srcToken == eth && do not wrap
/// Swap Type Flag - a) 0 -> EXCHANGE b) 1 -> EXCHANGE_UNDERLYING
/// @param curveAssets Packed uint128 index i and uint128 index j of the pool
/// The first 128 bits is the index i and the second 128 bits is the index j
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount that must be recieved
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The expected amount of destToken to be recieved
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to
struct CurveV1Data {
uint256 curveData;
uint256 curveAssets;
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
/// @notice Struct for CurveV2 swapExactAmountIn data
/// @param curveData Packed data for the Curve pool, first 160 bits is the target exchange address,
/// the 161st bit is the approve flag, bits from (162 - 163) are used for the wrap flag,
//// bits from (164 - 165) are used for the swapType flag and the last 91 bits are unused
/// Approve Flag - a) 0 -> do not approve b) 1 -> approve
/// Approve Flag - a) 0 -> do not approve b) 1 -> approve
/// Wrap Flag - a) 0 -> do not wrap b) 1 -> wrap native & srcToken == eth
/// c) 2 -> unwrap and destToken == eth d) 3 - >srcToken == eth && do not wrap
/// @param i The index of the srcToken
/// @param j The index of the destToken
/// The first 128 bits is the index i and the second 128 bits is the index j
/// @param poolAddress The address of the CurveV2 pool (only used for EXCHANGE_UNDERLYING_FACTORY_ZAP)
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount that must be recieved
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The expected amount of destToken to be recieved
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to
struct CurveV2Data {
uint256 curveData;
uint256 i;
uint256 j;
address poolAddress;
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
/// @notice Struct for BalancerV2 swapExactAmountIn data
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiaryAndApproveFlag The beneficiary address and approve flag packed into one uint256,
/// the first 20 bytes are the beneficiary address and the left most bit is the approve flag
struct BalancerV2Data {
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
uint256 beneficiaryAndApproveFlag;
/// @notice Struct for Maker PSM swapExactAmountIn data
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toll Used to calculate gem amount for the swapExactAmountIn
/// @param to18ConversionFactor Used to calculate gem amount for the swapExactAmountIn
/// @param gemJoinAddress The address of the gemJoin contract
/// @param exchange The address of the exchange contract
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiaryDirectionApproveFlag The beneficiary address, swap direction and approve flag packed
/// into one uint256, the first 20 bytes are the beneficiary address, the left most bit is the approve flag and the
/// second left most bit is the swap direction flag, 0 for swapExactAmountIn and 1 for swapExactAmountOut
struct MakerPSMData {
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 toll;
uint256 to18ConversionFactor;
address exchange;
address gemJoinAddress;
bytes32 metadata;
uint256 beneficiaryDirectionApproveFlag;
/// @notice Order struct for Augustus RFQ
/// @param nonceAndMeta The nonce and meta data packed into one uint256,
/// the first 160 bits is the user address and the last 96 bits is the nonce
/// @param expiry The expiry of the order
/// @param makerAsset The address of the maker asset
/// @param takerAsset The address of the taker asset
/// @param maker The address of the maker
/// @param taker The address of the taker, if the taker is address(0) anyone can take the order
/// @param makerAmount The amount of makerAsset
/// @param takerAmount The amount of takerAsset
struct Order {
uint256 nonceAndMeta;
uint128 expiry;
address makerAsset;
address takerAsset;
address maker;
address taker;
uint256 makerAmount;
uint256 takerAmount;
/// @notice Struct containing order info for Augustus RFQ
/// @param order The order struct
/// @param signature The signature for the order
/// @param takerTokenFillAmount The amount of takerToken to fill
/// @param permitTakerAsset The permit data for the taker asset
/// @param permitMakerAsset The permit data for the maker asset
struct OrderInfo {
Order order;
bytes signature;
uint256 takerTokenFillAmount;
bytes permitTakerAsset;
bytes permitMakerAsset;
/// @notice Struct containing common data for executing swaps on Augustus RFQ
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param wrapApproveDirection The wrap, approve and direction flag packed into one uint8,
/// the first 2 bits is wrap flag (10 for wrap dest, 01 for wrap src, 00 for no wrap), the next bit is the approve flag
/// (1 for approve, 0 for no approve) and the last bit is the direction flag (0 for swapExactAmountIn and 1 for
/// swapExactAmountOut)
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
struct AugustusRFQData {
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint8 wrapApproveDirection;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "../../../interfaces/IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
// Types
import { BalancerV2Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol";
// Utils
import { BalancerV2Utils } from "../../../util/BalancerV2Utils.sol";
/// @title BalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountIn on Balancer V2
abstract contract BalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn is IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn, BalancerV2Utils {
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
/// @inheritdoc IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn
function swapExactAmountInOnBalancerV2(
BalancerV2Data calldata balancerData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit,
bytes calldata data
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare)
// Dereference balancerData
uint256 quotedAmountOut = balancerData.quotedAmount;
uint256 beneficiaryAndApproveFlag = balancerData.beneficiaryAndApproveFlag;
uint256 amountIn = balancerData.fromAmount;
uint256 minAmountOut = balancerData.toAmount;
// Decode params
(IERC20 srcToken, IERC20 destToken, address payable beneficiary, uint256 approve) =
_decodeBalancerV2Params(beneficiaryAndApproveFlag, data);
// Check if toAmount is valid
if (minAmountOut == 0) {
revert InvalidToAmount();
// Check if beneficiary is valid
if (beneficiary == address(0)) {
beneficiary = payable(msg.sender);
// Check if srcToken is ETH
if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) {
// Check the length of the permit field,
// if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit
// and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2
if (permit.length < 257) {
// Permit if needed
if (permit.length > 0) {
srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountIn);
} else {
// Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom
permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), amountIn);
// Check if approve is needed
if (approve == 1) {
// Approve BALANCER_VAULT to spend srcToken
// Execute swap
// Check balance after swap
receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary
return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer(
beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut } from "../../../interfaces/IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
// Types
import { BalancerV2Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol";
// Utils
import { BalancerV2Utils } from "../../../util/BalancerV2Utils.sol";
/// @title BalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut
/// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountOut on BalancerV2 pools
abstract contract BalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut is IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut, BalancerV2Utils {
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
/// @inheritdoc IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut
function swapExactAmountOutOnBalancerV2(
BalancerV2Data calldata balancerData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit,
bytes calldata data
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare)
// Dereference balancerData
uint256 quotedAmountIn = balancerData.quotedAmount;
uint256 beneficiaryAndApproveFlag = balancerData.beneficiaryAndApproveFlag;
uint256 maxAmountIn = balancerData.fromAmount;
uint256 amountOut = balancerData.toAmount;
// Decode params
(IERC20 srcToken, IERC20 destToken, address payable beneficiary, uint256 approve) =
_decodeBalancerV2Params(beneficiaryAndApproveFlag, data);
// Make sure srcToken and destToken are different
if (srcToken == destToken) {
revert ArbitrageNotSupported();
// Check if toAmount is valid
if (amountOut == 0) {
revert InvalidToAmount();
// Check if beneficiary is valid
if (beneficiary == address(0)) {
beneficiary = payable(msg.sender);
// Check contract balance
uint256 balanceBefore = srcToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check if srcToken is ETH
if (srcToken.isETH(maxAmountIn) == 0) {
// Check the length of the permit field,
// if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit
// and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2
if (permit.length < 257) {
// Permit if needed
if (permit.length > 0) {
srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), maxAmountIn);
} else {
// Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom
permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), maxAmountIn);
// Check if approve is needed
if (approve == 1) {
// Approve BALANCER_VAULT to spend srcToken
} else {
balanceBefore = balanceBefore - msg.value;
// Execute swap
// Check balance of destToken
receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check balance of srcToken, deducting the balance before the swap if it is greater than 1
uint256 remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)) - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0);
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < amountOut) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Process fees and transfer destToken and srcToken to beneficiary
return processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer(
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Contracts
import { AugustusFees } from "../fees/AugustusFees.sol";
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
// Utils
import { Permit2Utils } from "./Permit2Utils.sol";
import { PauseUtils } from "./PauseUtils.sol";
/// @title BalancerV2Utils
/// @notice A contract containing common utilities for BalancerV2 swaps
abstract contract BalancerV2Utils is AugustusFees, Permit2Utils, PauseUtils {
/// @dev Emitted when the passed selector is invalid
error InvalidSelector();
/// @dev BalancerV2 vault address
address payable public immutable BALANCER_VAULT; // solhint-disable-line var-name-mixedcase
constructor(address payable _balancerVault) {
BALANCER_VAULT = _balancerVault;
/// @dev Decode srcToken, destToken from balancerData, beneficiary and approve flag from beneficiaryAndApproveFlag
function _decodeBalancerV2Params(
uint256 beneficiaryAndApproveFlag,
bytes calldata balancerData
returns (IERC20 srcToken, IERC20 destToken, address payable beneficiary, uint256 approve)
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly ("memory-safe") {
// Parse beneficiaryAndApproveFlag
beneficiary := and(beneficiaryAndApproveFlag, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
approve := shr(255, beneficiaryAndApproveFlag)
// Load calldata without selector
let callDataWithoutSelector := add(4, balancerData.offset)
// Check selector
switch calldataload(balancerData.offset)
// If the selector is for swap(tuple singleSwap,tuple funds,uint256 limit,uint256 deadline)
case 0x52bbbe2900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 {
// Load srcToken from singleSswap.assetIn
srcToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, 288))
// Load destToken from singleSswap.assetOut
destToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, 320))
// If the selector is for batchSwap(uint8 kind,tuple[] swaps,address[] assets,tuple funds,int256[]
// limits,uint256 deadline)
case 0x945bcec900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 {
// Load assetOffset from balancerData
let assetsOffset := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, 64))
// Load assetCount at assetOffset
let assetsCount := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, assetsOffset))
// Get swapExactAmountIn type from first 32 bytes of balancerData
let swapType := calldataload(callDataWithoutSelector)
// Set fromAmount, srcToken, toAmount and destToken based on swapType
switch eq(swapType, 1)
case 1 {
// Load srcToken as the last asset in balancerData.assets
srcToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, add(assetsOffset, mul(assetsCount, 32))))
// Load destToken as the first asset in balancerData.assets
destToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, add(assetsOffset, 32)))
default {
// Load srcToken as the first asset in balancerData.assets
srcToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, add(assetsOffset, 32)))
// Load destToken as the last asset in balancerData.assets
destToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, add(assetsOffset, mul(assetsCount, 32))))
default {
// If the selector is invalid, revert
mstore(0, 0x7352d91c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the
// selector for error InvalidSelector();
revert(0, 4)
// Balancer users 0x0 as ETH address so we need to convert it
if eq(srcToken, 0) { srcToken := 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE }
if eq(destToken, 0) { destToken := 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE }
return (srcToken, destToken, beneficiary, approve);
/// @dev Call balancerVault with data
function _callBalancerV2(bytes calldata balancerData) internal {
address payable targetAddress = BALANCER_VAULT;
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly ("memory-safe") {
// Load free memory pointer
let ptr := mload(64)
// Copy the balancerData to memory
calldatacopy(ptr, balancerData.offset, balancerData.length)
// Execute the call on balancerVault
if iszero(call(gas(), targetAddress, callvalue(), ptr, balancerData.length, 0, 0)) {
returndatacopy(ptr, 0, returndatasize()) // copy the revert data to memory
revert(ptr, returndatasize()) // revert with the revert data
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { ICurveV1SwapExactAmountIn } from "../../../interfaces/ICurveV1SwapExactAmountIn.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
// Types
import { CurveV1Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol";
// Utils
import { AugustusFees } from "../../../fees/AugustusFees.sol";
import { WETHUtils } from "../../../util/WETHUtils.sol";
import { Permit2Utils } from "../../../util/Permit2Utils.sol";
import { PauseUtils } from "../../../util/PauseUtils.sol";
/// @title CurveV1SwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice A contract for executing direct CurveV1 swaps
abstract contract CurveV1SwapExactAmountIn is
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
/// @inheritdoc ICurveV1SwapExactAmountIn
function swapExactAmountInOnCurveV1(
CurveV1Data calldata curveV1Data,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare)
// Dereference curveV1Data
IERC20 srcToken = curveV1Data.srcToken;
IERC20 destToken = curveV1Data.destToken;
uint256 amountIn = curveV1Data.fromAmount;
uint256 minAmountOut = curveV1Data.toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmountOut = curveV1Data.quotedAmount;
address payable beneficiary = curveV1Data.beneficiary;
uint256 curveAssets = curveV1Data.curveAssets;
uint256 curveData = curveV1Data.curveData;
// Check if toAmount is valid
if (minAmountOut == 0) {
revert InvalidToAmount();
// Check if beneficiary is valid
if (beneficiary == address(0)) {
beneficiary = payable(msg.sender);
// Decode curveData
// 160 bits for curve exchange address
// 1 bit for approve flag
// 2 bits for wrap flag
// 2 bits for swap type flag
address exchange;
uint256 approveFlag;
uint256 wrapFlag;
uint256 swapType;
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly ("memory-safe") {
exchange := and(curveData, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
approveFlag := and(shr(160, curveData), 1)
wrapFlag := and(shr(161, curveData), 3)
swapType := and(shr(163, curveData), 3)
// Check if srcToken is ETH
// Transfer srcToken to augustus if not ETH
if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) {
// Check the length of the permit field,
// if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit
// and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2
if (permit.length < 257) {
// Permit if needed
if (permit.length > 0) {
srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountIn);
} else {
// Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom
permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), amountIn);
// Check if approve flag is set
if (approveFlag == 1) {
// Approve exchange
} else {
// Check if approve flag is set
if (approveFlag == 1) {
// Approve exchange
// Execute swap
_executeSwapOnCurveV1(exchange, wrapFlag, swapType, curveAssets, amountIn);
// Check balance after swap and unwrap if needed
if (wrapFlag == 2) {
// Received amount is WETH balance
receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this));
// Unwrap WETH
WETH.withdraw(receivedAmount - 1);
// Set receivedAmount to this contract's balance
receivedAmount = address(this).balance;
} else {
// Received amount is destToken balance
receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary
return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer(
beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut
function _executeSwapOnCurveV1(
address exchange,
uint256 wrapFlag,
uint256 swapType,
uint256 curveAssets,
uint256 fromAmount
// Load WETH address
address weth = address(WETH);
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// Load free memory pointer
let ptr := mload(64)
// Wrap ETH if needed
// Check if wrap src flag is set
if eq(wrapFlag, 1) {
// Prepare call data for WETH.deposit()
// Store function selector and
mstore(ptr, 0xd0e30db000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // deposit()
// Perform the external call with the prepared calldata
// Check the outcome of the call and handle failure
if iszero(call(gas(), weth, callvalue(), ptr, 4, 0, 0)) {
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// Execute swap
// Prepare call data for external call
// Check swap type
switch swapType
case 0x01 {
// Store function selector for function exchange_underlying(int128,int128,uint256,uint256)
mstore(ptr, 0xa6417ed600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector
mstore(add(ptr, 4), shr(128, curveAssets)) // store index i
mstore(add(ptr, 36), and(curveAssets, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)) // store index j
mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount
mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1
// Perform the external call with the prepared calldata
// Check the outcome of the call and handle failure
if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, 0, ptr, 132, 0, 0)) {
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// 0x00(default) for EXCHANGE
default {
// check send eth wrap flag
switch eq(wrapFlag, 0x03)
// if it is not set, store selector for function exchange(int128,int128,uint256,uint256)
case 1 {
mstore(ptr, 0x3df0212400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector
mstore(add(ptr, 4), shr(128, curveAssets)) // store index i
mstore(add(ptr, 36), and(curveAssets, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)) // store index j
mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount
mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1
// Perform the external call with the prepared calldata
// Check the outcome of the call and handle failure
if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, callvalue(), ptr, 132, 0, 0)) {
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// if it is set, store selector for function exchange(int128,int128,uint256,uint256)
default {
mstore(ptr, 0x3df0212400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector
mstore(add(ptr, 4), shr(128, curveAssets)) // store index i
mstore(add(ptr, 36), and(curveAssets, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)) // store index j
mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount
mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1
// Perform the external call with the prepared calldata
// Check the outcome of the call and handle failure
if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, 0, ptr, 132, 0, 0)) {
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { ICurveV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "../../../interfaces/ICurveV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
// Types
import { CurveV2Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol";
// Utils
import { AugustusFees } from "../../../fees/AugustusFees.sol";
import { WETHUtils } from "../../../util/WETHUtils.sol";
import { Permit2Utils } from "../../../util/Permit2Utils.sol";
import { PauseUtils } from "../../../util/PauseUtils.sol";
/// @title CurveV2SwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice A contract for executing direct CurveV2 swaps
abstract contract CurveV2SwapExactAmountIn is
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
/// @inheritdoc ICurveV2SwapExactAmountIn
function swapExactAmountInOnCurveV2(
CurveV2Data calldata curveV2Data,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare)
// Dereference curveData
IERC20 srcToken = curveV2Data.srcToken;
IERC20 destToken = curveV2Data.destToken;
uint256 amountIn = curveV2Data.fromAmount;
uint256 minAmountOut = curveV2Data.toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmountOut = curveV2Data.quotedAmount;
address payable beneficiary = curveV2Data.beneficiary;
uint256 i = curveV2Data.i;
uint256 j = curveV2Data.j;
address poolAddress = curveV2Data.poolAddress;
uint256 curveData = curveV2Data.curveData;
// Check if toAmount is valid
if (minAmountOut == 0) {
revert InvalidToAmount();
// Check if beneficiary is valid
if (beneficiary == address(0)) {
beneficiary = payable(msg.sender);
// Decode curveData
// 160 bits for curve exchange address
// 1 bit for approve flag
// 2 bits for wrap flag
// 2 bits for swap type flag
address exchange;
uint256 approveFlag;
uint256 wrapFlag;
uint256 swapType;
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
exchange := and(curveData, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
approveFlag := and(shr(160, curveData), 1)
wrapFlag := and(shr(161, curveData), 3)
swapType := and(shr(163, curveData), 3)
// Check if srcToken is ETH
// Transfer srcToken to augustus if not ETH
if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) {
// Check the length of the permit field,
// if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit
// and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2
if (permit.length < 257) {
// Permit if needed
if (permit.length > 0) {
srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountIn);
} else {
// Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom
permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), amountIn);
// Check if approve flag is set
if (approveFlag == 1) {
// Approve exchange
} else {
// Check if approve flag is set
if (approveFlag == 1) {
// Approve exchange
// Execute swap
_executeSwapOnCurveV2(exchange, wrapFlag, swapType, i, j, amountIn, poolAddress);
// Check balance after swap and unwrap if needed
if (wrapFlag == 2) {
// Received amount is WETH balance
receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this));
// Unwrap WETH
WETH.withdraw(receivedAmount - 1);
// Set receivedAmount to this contract's balance
receivedAmount = address(this).balance;
} else {
// Received amount is destToken balance
receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary
return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer(
beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut
function _executeSwapOnCurveV2(
address exchange,
uint256 wrapFlag,
uint256 swapType,
uint256 i,
uint256 j,
uint256 fromAmount,
address poolAddress
// Load WETH address
address weth = address(WETH);
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// Load free memory pointer
let ptr := mload(64)
// Wrap ETH if needed
// Check if wrap src flag is set
if eq(wrapFlag, 1) {
// Prepare call data for WETH.deposit()
// Store function selector and
mstore(ptr, 0xd0e30db000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // deposit()
// Perform the external call with the prepared calldata
// Check the outcome of the call and handle failure
if iszero(call(gas(), weth, callvalue(), ptr, 4, 0, 0)) {
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// Execute swap
// Prepare call data for external call
// Check swap type
switch swapType
case 0x01 {
// Store function selector for function exchange_underlying(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)
mstore(ptr, 0x65b2489b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector
mstore(add(ptr, 4), i) // store index i
mstore(add(ptr, 36), j) // store index j
mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount
mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1
// Perform the external call with the prepared calldata
// Check the outcome of the call and handle failure
if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, 0, ptr, 132, 0, 0)) {
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
case 0x02 {
// Store function selector for function exchange(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)
mstore(ptr, 0x64a1455800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
mstore(add(ptr, 4), poolAddress) // store poolAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 36), i) // store index i
mstore(add(ptr, 68), j) // store index j
mstore(add(ptr, 100), fromAmount) // store fromAmount
mstore(add(ptr, 132), 1) // store 1
// Perform the external call with the prepared calldata
// Check the outcome of the call and handle failure
if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, 0, ptr, 164, 0, 0)) {
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// 0x00(default) for EXCHANGE
default {
// check send eth wrap flag
switch eq(wrapFlag, 0x03)
// if it is not set, store selector for function exchange(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,bool)
case 1 {
mstore(ptr, 0x394747c500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector
mstore(add(ptr, 4), i) // store index i
mstore(add(ptr, 36), j) // store index j
mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount
mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1
mstore(add(ptr, 132), 1) // store true
// Perform the external call with the prepared calldata
// Check the outcome of the call and handle failure
if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, callvalue(), ptr, 164, 0, 0)) {
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// if it is set, store selector for function exchange(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)
default {
mstore(ptr, 0x5b41b90800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector
mstore(add(ptr, 4), i) // store index i
mstore(add(ptr, 36), j) // store index j
mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount
mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1
// Perform the external call with the prepared calldata
// Check the outcome of the call and handle failure
if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, 0, ptr, 132, 0, 0)) {
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Vendored on October 12, 2023 from:
* https://github.com/mudgen/diamond-3-hardhat/blob/main/contracts/Diamond.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* \
* Author: Nick Mudge <nick@perfectabstractions.com> (https://twitter.com/mudgen)
* EIP-2535 Diamonds: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2535
* Implementation of a diamond.
* /*****************************************************************************
import { LibDiamond } from "./libraries/LibDiamond.sol";
import { IDiamondCut } from "./interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol";
contract Diamond {
constructor(address _contractOwner, address _diamondCutFacet) payable {
// Add the diamondCut external function from the diamondCutFacet
IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] memory cut = new IDiamondCut.FacetCut[](1);
bytes4[] memory functionSelectors = new bytes4[](1);
functionSelectors[0] = IDiamondCut.diamondCut.selector;
cut[0] = IDiamondCut.FacetCut({
facetAddress: _diamondCutFacet,
action: IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Add,
functionSelectors: functionSelectors
LibDiamond.diamondCut(cut, address(0), "");
// Find facet for function that is called and execute the
// function if a facet is found and return any value.
fallback() external payable {
LibDiamond.DiamondStorage storage ds;
bytes32 position = LibDiamond.DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION;
// get diamond storage
assembly {
ds.slot := position
// get facet from function selector
address facet = ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[msg.sig].facetAddress;
require(facet != address(0), "Diamond: Function does not exist");
// Execute external function from facet using delegatecall and return any value.
assembly {
// copy function selector and any arguments
calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize())
// execute function call using the facet
let result := delegatecall(gas(), facet, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0)
// get any return value
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize())
// return any return value or error back to the caller
switch result
case 0 { revert(0, returndatasize()) }
default { return(0, returndatasize()) }
receive() external payable virtual { }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
/// @title ERC20Utils
/// @notice Optimized functions for ERC20 tokens
library ERC20Utils {
error IncorrectEthAmount();
error PermitFailed();
error TransferFromFailed();
error TransferFailed();
error ApprovalFailed();
IERC20 internal constant ETH = IERC20(0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE);
/// @dev Vendored from Solady by @vectorized - SafeTransferLib.approveWithRetry
/// https://github.com/Vectorized/solady/src/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol#L325
/// Instead of approving a specific amount, this function approves for uint256(-1) (type(uint256).max).
function approve(IERC20 token, address to) internal {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly ("memory-safe") {
mstore(0x14, to) // Store the `to` argument.
mstore(0x34, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) // Store the `amount`
// argument (type(uint256).max).
mstore(0x00, 0x095ea7b3000000000000000000000000) // `approve(address,uint256)`.
// Perform the approval, retrying upon failure.
if iszero(
and( // The arguments of `and` are evaluated from right to left.
or(eq(mload(0x00), 1), iszero(returndatasize())), // Returned 1 or nothing.
call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, 0x00, 0x20)
) {
mstore(0x34, 0) // Store 0 for the `amount`.
mstore(0x00, 0x095ea7b3000000000000000000000000) // `approve(address,uint256)`.
pop(call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, codesize(), 0x00)) // Reset the approval.
mstore(0x34, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) // Store
// type(uint256).max for the `amount`.
// Retry the approval, reverting upon failure.
if iszero(
or(eq(mload(0x00), 1), iszero(returndatasize())), // Returned 1 or nothing.
call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, 0x00, 0x20)
) {
mstore(0, 0x8164f84200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
// store the selector (error ApprovalFailed())
revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector
mstore(0x34, 0) // Restore the part of the free memory pointer that was overwritten.
/// @dev Executes an ERC20 permit and reverts if invalid length is provided
function permit(IERC20 token, bytes calldata data) internal {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly ("memory-safe") {
// check the permit length
switch data.length
// 32 * 7 = 224 EIP2612 Permit
case 224 {
let x := mload(64) // get the free memory pointer
mstore(x, 0xd505accf00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector
// function permit(address owner, address spender, uint256
// amount, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)
calldatacopy(add(x, 4), data.offset, 224) // store the args
pop(call(gas(), token, 0, x, 228, 0, 32)) // call ERC20 permit, skip checking return data
// 32 * 8 = 256 DAI-Style Permit
case 256 {
let x := mload(64) // get the free memory pointer
mstore(x, 0x8fcbaf0c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector
// function permit(address holder, address spender, uint256
// nonce, uint256 expiry, bool allowed, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)
calldatacopy(add(x, 4), data.offset, 256) // store the args
pop(call(gas(), token, 0, x, 260, 0, 32)) // call ERC20 permit, skip checking return data
default {
mstore(0, 0xb78cb0dd00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector
// (error PermitFailed())
revert(0, 4)
/// @dev Returns 1 if the token is ETH, 0 if not ETH
function isETH(IERC20 token, uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256 fromETH) {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly ("memory-safe") {
// If token is ETH
if eq(token, 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) {
// if msg.value is not equal to fromAmount, then revert
if xor(amount, callvalue()) {
mstore(0, 0x8b6ebb4d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector
// (error IncorrectEthAmount())
revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector
// return 1 if ETH
fromETH := 1
// If token is not ETH
if xor(token, 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) {
// if msg.value is not equal to 0, then revert
if gt(callvalue(), 0) {
mstore(0, 0x8b6ebb4d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector
// (error IncorrectEthAmount())
revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector
// return 0 if not ETH
/// @dev Executes transfer and reverts if it fails, works for both ETH and ERC20 transfers
function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal returns (bool success) {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
switch eq(token, 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE)
// ETH
case 1 {
// transfer ETH
// Cap gas at 10000 to avoid reentrancy
success := call(10000, recipient, amount, 0, 0, 0, 0)
// ERC20
default {
let x := mload(64) // get the free memory pointer
mstore(x, 0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector
// (function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount))
mstore(add(x, 4), recipient) // store the recipient
mstore(add(x, 36), amount) // store the amount
success := call(gas(), token, 0, x, 68, 0, 32) // call transfer
if success {
switch returndatasize()
// check the return data size
case 0 { success := gt(extcodesize(token), 0) }
default { success := and(gt(returndatasize(), 31), eq(mload(0), 1)) }
if iszero(success) {
mstore(0, 0x90b8ec1800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector
// (error TransferFailed())
revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector
/// @dev Executes transferFrom and reverts if it fails
function safeTransferFrom(
IERC20 srcToken,
address sender,
address recipient,
uint256 amount
returns (bool success)
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
let x := mload(64) // get the free memory pointer
mstore(x, 0x23b872dd00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector
// (function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient,
// uint256 amount))
mstore(add(x, 4), sender) // store the sender
mstore(add(x, 36), recipient) // store the recipient
mstore(add(x, 68), amount) // store the amount
success := call(gas(), srcToken, 0, x, 100, 0, 32) // call transferFrom
if success {
switch returndatasize()
// check the return data size
case 0 { success := gt(extcodesize(srcToken), 0) }
default { success := and(gt(returndatasize(), 31), eq(mload(0), 1)) }
if iszero(success) {
mstore(x, 0x7939f42400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector
// (error TransferFromFailed())
revert(x, 4) // revert with error selector
/// @dev Returns the balance of an account, works for both ETH and ERC20 tokens
function getBalance(IERC20 token, address account) internal view returns (uint256 balanceOf) {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
switch eq(token, 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE)
// ETH
case 1 { balanceOf := balance(account) }
// ERC20
default {
let x := mload(64) // get the free memory pointer
mstore(x, 0x70a0823100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector
// (function balanceOf(address account))
mstore(add(x, 4), account) // store the account
let success := staticcall(gas(), token, x, 36, x, 32) // call balanceOf
if success { balanceOf := mload(x) } // load the balance
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Contracts
import { GenericUtils } from "../../util/GenericUtils.sol";
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IGenericSwapExactAmountIn } from "../../interfaces/IGenericSwapExactAmountIn.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
// Types
import { GenericData } from "../../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title GenericSwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice Router for executing generic swaps with exact amount in through an executor
abstract contract GenericSwapExactAmountIn is IGenericSwapExactAmountIn, GenericUtils {
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
/// @inheritdoc IGenericSwapExactAmountIn
function swapExactAmountIn(
address executor,
GenericData calldata swapData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit,
bytes calldata executorData
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare)
// Dereference swapData
IERC20 destToken = swapData.destToken;
IERC20 srcToken = swapData.srcToken;
uint256 amountIn = swapData.fromAmount;
uint256 minAmountOut = swapData.toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmountOut = swapData.quotedAmount;
address payable beneficiary = swapData.beneficiary;
// Check if beneficiary is valid
if (beneficiary == address(0)) {
beneficiary = payable(msg.sender);
// Check if toAmount is valid
if (minAmountOut == 0) {
revert InvalidToAmount();
// Check if srcToken is ETH
if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) {
// Check the length of the permit field,
// if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit
// and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2
if (permit.length < 257) {
// Permit if needed
if (permit.length > 0) {
srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, executor, amountIn);
} else {
// Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom
permit2TransferFrom(permit, executor, amountIn);
// Execute swap
_callSwapExactAmountInExecutor(executor, executorData, amountIn);
// Check balance after swap
receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary
return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer(
beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IGenericSwapExactAmountOut } from "../../interfaces/IGenericSwapExactAmountOut.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
// Types
import { GenericData } from "../../AugustusV6Types.sol";
// Utils
import { GenericUtils } from "../../util/GenericUtils.sol";
/// @title GenericSwapExactAmountOut
/// @notice Router for executing generic swaps with exact amount out through an executor
abstract contract GenericSwapExactAmountOut is IGenericSwapExactAmountOut, GenericUtils {
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
/// @inheritdoc IGenericSwapExactAmountOut
function swapExactAmountOut(
address executor,
GenericData calldata swapData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit,
bytes calldata executorData
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare)
// Dereference swapData
IERC20 destToken = swapData.destToken;
IERC20 srcToken = swapData.srcToken;
uint256 maxAmountIn = swapData.fromAmount;
uint256 amountOut = swapData.toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmountIn = swapData.quotedAmount;
address payable beneficiary = swapData.beneficiary;
// Make sure srcToken and destToken are different
if (srcToken == destToken) {
revert ArbitrageNotSupported();
// Check if beneficiary is valid
if (beneficiary == address(0)) {
beneficiary = payable(msg.sender);
// Check if toAmount is valid
if (amountOut == 0) {
revert InvalidToAmount();
// Check contract balance
uint256 balanceBefore = srcToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check if srcToken is ETH
// Transfer srcToken to executor if not ETH
if (srcToken.isETH(maxAmountIn) == 0) {
// Check the length of the permit field,
// if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit
// and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2
if (permit.length < 257) {
// Permit if needed
if (permit.length > 0) {
srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, executor, maxAmountIn);
} else {
// Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom
permit2TransferFrom(permit, executor, maxAmountIn);
} else {
balanceBefore = balanceBefore - msg.value;
// Execute swap
_callSwapExactAmountOutExecutor(executor, executorData, maxAmountIn, amountOut);
// Check balance of destToken
receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check balance of srcToken, deducting the balance before the swap if it is greater than 1
uint256 remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)) - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0);
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < amountOut) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Process fees and transfer destToken and srcToken to beneficiary
return processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer(
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Contracts
import { AugustusFees } from "../fees/AugustusFees.sol";
// Utils
import { Permit2Utils } from "./Permit2Utils.sol";
import { PauseUtils } from "./PauseUtils.sol";
/// @title GenericUtils
/// @notice A contract containing common utilities for Generic swaps
abstract contract GenericUtils is AugustusFees, Permit2Utils, PauseUtils {
/// @dev Call executor with executorData and amountIn
function _callSwapExactAmountInExecutor(
address executor,
bytes calldata executorData,
uint256 amountIn
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// get the length of the executorData
// + 4 bytes for the selector
// + 32 bytes for fromAmount
// + 32 bytes for sender
let totalLength := add(executorData.length, 68)
calldatacopy(add(0x7c, 4), executorData.offset, executorData.length) // store the executorData
mstore(add(0x7c, add(4, executorData.length)), amountIn) // store the amountIn
mstore(add(0x7c, add(36, executorData.length)), caller()) // store the sender
// call executor and forward call value
if iszero(call(gas(), executor, callvalue(), 0x7c, totalLength, 0, 0)) {
returndatacopy(0x7c, 0, returndatasize()) // copy the revert data to memory
revert(0x7c, returndatasize()) // revert with the revert data
/// @dev Call executor with executorData, maxAmountIn, amountOut
function _callSwapExactAmountOutExecutor(
address executor,
bytes calldata executorData,
uint256 maxAmountIn,
uint256 amountOut
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// get the length of the executorData
// + 4 bytes for the selector
// + 32 bytes for fromAmount
// + 32 bytes for toAmount
// + 32 bytes for sender
let totalLength := add(executorData.length, 100)
calldatacopy(add(0x7c, 4), executorData.offset, executorData.length) // store the executorData
mstore(add(0x7c, add(4, executorData.length)), maxAmountIn) // store the maxAmountIn
mstore(add(0x7c, add(36, executorData.length)), amountOut) // store the amountOut
mstore(add(0x7c, add(68, executorData.length)), caller()) // store the sender
// call executor and forward call value
if iszero(call(gas(), executor, callvalue(), 0x7c, totalLength, 0, 0)) {
returndatacopy(0x7c, 0, returndatasize()) // copy the revert data to memory
revert(0x7c, returndatasize()) // revert with the revert data
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
/// @title IAugustusFeeVault
/// @notice Interface for the AugustusFeeVault contract
interface IAugustusFeeVault {
/// @notice Error emitted when withdraw amount is zero or exceeds the stored amount
error InvalidWithdrawAmount();
/// @notice Error emmitted when caller is not an approved augustus contract
error UnauthorizedCaller();
/// @notice Error emitted when an invalid parameter length is passed
error InvalidParameterLength();
/// @notice Error emitted when batch withdraw fails
error BatchCollectFailed();
/// @notice Emitted when an augustus contract approval status is set
/// @param augustus The augustus contract address
/// @param approved The approval status
event AugustusApprovalSet(address indexed augustus, bool approved);
/// @notice Struct to register fees
/// @param addresses The addresses to register fees for
/// @param token The token to register fees for
/// @param fees The fees to register
struct FeeRegistration {
address[] addresses;
IERC20 token;
uint256[] fees;
/// @notice Allows partners to withdraw fees allocated to them and stored in the vault
/// @param token The token to withdraw fees in
/// @param amount The amount of fees to withdraw
/// @param recipient The address to send the fees to
/// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not
function withdrawSomeERC20(IERC20 token, uint256 amount, address recipient) external returns (bool success);
/// @notice Allows partners to withdraw all fees allocated to them and stored in the vault for a given token
/// @param token The token to withdraw fees in
/// @param recipient The address to send the fees to
/// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not
function withdrawAllERC20(IERC20 token, address recipient) external returns (bool success);
/// @notice Allows partners to withdraw all fees allocated to them and stored in the vault for multiple tokens
/// @param tokens The tokens to withdraw fees i
/// @param recipient The address to send the fees to
/// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not
function batchWithdrawAllERC20(IERC20[] calldata tokens, address recipient) external returns (bool success);
/// @notice Allows partners to withdraw fees allocated to them and stored in the vault
/// @param tokens The tokens to withdraw fees in
/// @param amounts The amounts of fees to withdraw
/// @param recipient The address to send the fees to
/// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not
function batchWithdrawSomeERC20(
IERC20[] calldata tokens,
uint256[] calldata amounts,
address recipient
returns (bool success);
/// @notice Get the balance of a given token for a given partner
/// @param token The token to get the balance of
/// @param partner The partner to get the balance for
/// @return feeBalance The balance of the given token for the given partner
function getBalance(IERC20 token, address partner) external view returns (uint256 feeBalance);
/// @notice Get the balances of a given partner for multiple tokens
/// @param tokens The tokens to get the balances of
/// @param partner The partner to get the balances for
/// @return feeBalances The balances of the given tokens for the given partner
function batchGetBalance(
IERC20[] calldata tokens,
address partner
returns (uint256[] memory feeBalances);
/// @notice Returns the unallocated fees for a given token
/// @param token The token to get the unallocated fees for
/// @return unallocatedFees The unallocated fees for the given token
function getUnallocatedFees(IERC20 token) external view returns (uint256 unallocatedFees);
/// @notice Registers the given feeData to the vault
/// @param feeData The fee registration data
function registerFees(FeeRegistration memory feeData) external;
/// @notice Sets the augustus contract approval status
/// @param augustus The augustus contract address
/// @param approved The approval status
function setAugustusApproval(address augustus, bool approved) external;
/// @notice Sets the contract pause state
/// @param _isPaused The new pause state
function setContractPauseState(bool _isPaused) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
/// @title IAugustusFees
/// @notice Interface for the AugustusFees contract, which handles the fees for the Augustus aggregator
interface IAugustusFees {
/// @notice Error emmited when the balance is not enough to pay the fees
error InsufficientBalanceToPayFees();
/// @notice Error emmited when the quotedAmount is bigger than the fromAmount
error InvalidQuotedAmount();
/// @notice Parses the `partnerAndFee` parameter to extract the partner address and fee data.
/// @dev `partnerAndFee` is a uint256 value where data is packed in a specific bit layout.
/// The bit layout for `partnerAndFee` is as follows:
/// - The most significant 160 bits (positions 255 to 96) represent the partner address.
/// - Bits 95 to 92 are reserved for flags indicating various fee processing conditions:
/// - 95th bit: `IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK` - Partner takes surplus
/// - 94th bit: `IS_REFERRAL_MASK` - Referral takes surplus
/// - 93rd bit: `IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK` - Bypass token blacklist when processing fees
/// - 92nd bit: `IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK` - Cap surplus to 1% of quoted amount
/// - The least significant 16 bits (positions 15 to 0) encode the fee percentage.
/// @param partnerAndFee Packed uint256 containing both partner address and fee data.
/// @return partner The extracted partner address as a payable address.
/// @return feeData The extracted fee data containing the fee percentage and flags.
function parsePartnerAndFeeData(uint256 partnerAndFee)
returns (address payable partner, uint256 feeData);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
pragma abicoder v2;
// Types
import { Order, OrderInfo } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
interface IAugustusRFQ {
/// @dev Allows taker to fill an order
/// @param order Order quote to fill
/// @param signature Signature of the maker corresponding to the order
function fillOrder(Order calldata order, bytes calldata signature) external;
/// @dev The same as fillOrder but allows sender to specify the target beneficiary address
/// @param order Order quote to fill
/// @param signature Signature of the maker corresponding to the order
/// @param target Address of the receiver
function fillOrderWithTarget(Order calldata order, bytes calldata signature, address target) external;
/// @dev Allows taker to fill an order partially
/// @param order Order quote to fill
/// @param signature Signature of the maker corresponding to the order
/// @param takerTokenFillAmount Maximum taker token to fill this order with.
function partialFillOrder(
Order calldata order,
bytes calldata signature,
uint256 takerTokenFillAmount
returns (uint256 makerTokenFilledAmount);
/// @dev Same as `partialFillOrder` but it allows to specify the destination address
/// @param order Order quote to fill
/// @param signature Signature of the maker corresponding to the order
/// @param takerTokenFillAmount Maximum taker token to fill this order with.
/// @param target Address that will receive swap funds
function partialFillOrderWithTarget(
Order calldata order,
bytes calldata signature,
uint256 takerTokenFillAmount,
address target
returns (uint256 makerTokenFilledAmount);
/// @dev Same as `partialFillOrderWithTarget` but it allows to pass permit
/// @param order Order quote to fill
/// @param signature Signature of the maker corresponding to the order
/// @param takerTokenFillAmount Maximum taker token to fill this order with.
/// @param target Address that will receive swap funds
/// @param permitTakerAsset Permit calldata for taker
/// @param permitMakerAsset Permit calldata for maker
function partialFillOrderWithTargetPermit(
Order calldata order,
bytes calldata signature,
uint256 takerTokenFillAmount,
address target,
bytes calldata permitTakerAsset,
bytes calldata permitMakerAsset
returns (uint256 makerTokenFilledAmount);
/// @dev batch fills orders until the takerFillAmount is swapped
/// @dev skip the order if it fails
/// @param orderInfos OrderInfo to fill
/// @param takerFillAmount total taker amount to fill
/// @param target Address of receiver
function tryBatchFillOrderTakerAmount(
OrderInfo[] calldata orderInfos,
uint256 takerFillAmount,
address target
/// @dev batch fills orders until the makerFillAmount is swapped
/// @dev skip the order if it fails
/// @param orderInfos OrderInfo to fill
/// @param makerFillAmount total maker amount to fill
/// @param target Address of receiver
function tryBatchFillOrderMakerAmount(
OrderInfo[] calldata orderInfos,
uint256 makerFillAmount,
address target
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { AugustusRFQData, OrderInfo } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title IAugustusRFQRouter
/// @notice Interface for direct swaps on AugustusRFQ
interface IAugustusRFQRouter is IErrors {
/// @notice Emitted when the passed msg.value is not equal to the fromAmount
error IncorrectEthAmount();
/// @notice Executes a tryBatchFillTakerAmount or tryBatchFillMakerAmount call on AugustusRFQ
/// the function that is executed is defined by the direction flag in the data param
/// @param data Struct containing common data for AugustusRFQ
/// @param orders An array containing AugustusRFQ orderInfo data
/// @param permit Permit data for the swap
/// @return spentAmount The amount of tokens spent
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of tokens received
function swapOnAugustusRFQTryBatchFill(
AugustusRFQData calldata data,
OrderInfo[] calldata orders,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { BalancerV2Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice Interface for executing swapExactAmountIn directly on Balancer V2 pools
interface IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountIn on Balancer V2 pools
/// @param balancerData Struct containing data for the swap
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit Permit data for the swap
/// @param data The calldata to execute
/// the first 20 bytes are the beneficiary address and the left most bit is the approve flag
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountInOnBalancerV2(
BalancerV2Data calldata balancerData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit,
bytes calldata data
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { BalancerV2Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut
/// @notice Interface for executing swapExactAmountOut directly on Balancer V2 pools
interface IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountOut on Balancer V2 pools
/// @param balancerData Struct containing data for the swap
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit Permit data for the swap
/// @param data The calldata to execute
/// @return spentAmount The actual amount of tokens used to swap
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of tokens received
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountOutOnBalancerV2(
BalancerV2Data calldata balancerData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit,
bytes calldata data
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { CurveV1Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title ICurveV1SwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice Interface for direct swaps on Curve V1
interface ICurveV1SwapExactAmountIn is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountIn on Curve V1 pools
/// @param curveV1Data Struct containing data for the swap
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit Permit data for the swap
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountInOnCurveV1(
CurveV1Data calldata curveV1Data,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { CurveV2Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title ICurveV2SwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice Interface for direct swaps on Curve V2
interface ICurveV2SwapExactAmountIn is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountIn on Curve V2 pools
/// @param curveV2Data Struct containing data for the swap
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit Permit data for the swap
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountInOnCurveV2(
CurveV2Data calldata curveV2Data,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Vendored on October 12, 2023 from:
* https://github.com/mudgen/diamond-3-hardhat/blob/main/contracts/interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* \
* Author: Nick Mudge (https://twitter.com/mudgen)
* EIP-2535 Diamonds: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2535
* /*****************************************************************************
interface IDiamondCut {
enum FacetCutAction {
// Add=0, Replace=1, Remove=2
struct FacetCut {
address facetAddress;
FacetCutAction action;
bytes4[] functionSelectors;
/// @notice Add/replace/remove any number of functions and optionally execute
/// a function with delegatecall
/// @param _diamondCut Contains the facet addresses and function selectors
/// @param _init The address of the contract or facet to execute _calldata
/// @param _calldata A function call, including function selector and arguments
/// _calldata is executed with delegatecall on _init
function diamondCut(FacetCut[] calldata _diamondCut, address _init, bytes calldata _calldata) external;
event DiamondCut(FacetCut[] _diamondCut, address _init, bytes _calldata);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
* @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP.
interface IERC20 {
* @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
* another (`to`).
* Note that `value` may be zero.
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
* @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
* a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
* @dev Returns the value of tokens in existence.
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Returns the value of tokens owned by `account`.
function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from the caller's account to `to`.
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
* @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be
* allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
* zero by default.
* This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Sets a `value` amount of tokens as the allowance of `spender` over the
* caller's tokens.
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
* IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
* that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
* transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
* condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
* desired value afterwards:
* https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/20#issuecomment-263524729
* Emits an {Approval} event.
function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
* @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from `from` to `to` using the
* allowance mechanism. `value` is then deducted from the caller's
* allowance.
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
/// @title IErrors
/// @notice Common interface for errors
interface IErrors {
/// @notice Emitted when the returned amount is less than the minimum amount
error InsufficientReturnAmount();
/// @notice Emitted when the specified toAmount is less than the minimum amount (2)
error InvalidToAmount();
/// @notice Emmited when the srcToken and destToken are the same
error ArbitrageNotSupported();
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { GenericData } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title IGenericSwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice Interface for executing a generic swapExactAmountIn through an Augustus executor
interface IGenericSwapExactAmountIn is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a generic swapExactAmountIn using the given executorData on the given executor
/// @param executor The address of the executor contract to use
/// @param swapData Generic data containing the swap information
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit The permit data
/// @param executorData The data to execute on the executor
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountIn(
address executor,
GenericData calldata swapData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit,
bytes calldata executorData
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { GenericData } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title IGenericSwapExactAmountOut
/// @notice Interface for executing a generic swapExactAmountOut through an Augustus executor
interface IGenericSwapExactAmountOut is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a generic swapExactAmountOut using the given executorData on the given executor
/// @param executor The address of the executor contract to use
/// @param swapData Generic data containing the swap information
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit The permit data
/// @param executorData The data to execute on the executor
/// @return spentAmount The actual amount of tokens used to swap
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of tokens received from the swap
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountOut(
address executor,
GenericData calldata swapData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit,
bytes calldata executorData
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { UniswapV2Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice Interface for direct swaps on Uniswap V2
interface IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountIn on Uniswap V2 pools
/// @param uniData struct containing data for the swap
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit The permit data
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountInOnUniswapV2(
UniswapV2Data calldata uniData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { UniswapV2Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut
/// @notice Interface for direct swapExactAmountOut on Uniswap V2
interface IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountOut on Uniswap V2 pools
/// @param swapData struct containing data for the swap
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit The permit data
/// @return spentAmount The actual amount of tokens used to swap
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of tokens received
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountOutOnUniswapV2(
UniswapV2Data calldata swapData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
/// @title Callback for IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap
/// @notice Any contract that calls IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap must implement this interface
interface IUniswapV3SwapCallback {
/// @notice Called to `msg.sender` after executing a swap via IUniswapV3Pool#swap.
/// @dev In the implementation you must pay the pool tokens owed for the swap.
/// The caller of this method must be checked to be a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory.
/// amount0Delta and amount1Delta can both be 0 if no tokens were swapped.
/// @param amount0Delta The amount of token0 that was sent (negative) or must be received (positive) by the pool by
/// the end of the swap. If positive, the callback must send that amount of token0 to the pool.
/// @param amount1Delta The amount of token1 that was sent (negative) or must be received (positive) by the pool by
/// the end of the swap. If positive, the callback must send that amount of token1 to the pool.
/// @param data Any data passed through by the caller via the IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap call
function uniswapV3SwapCallback(int256 amount0Delta, int256 amount1Delta, bytes calldata data) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { UniswapV3Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice Interface for executing direct swapExactAmountIn on Uniswap V3
interface IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountIn on Uniswap V3 pools
/// @param uniData struct containing data for the swap
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit The permit data
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountInOnUniswapV3(
UniswapV3Data calldata uniData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { UniswapV3Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut
/// @notice Interface for executing direct swapExactAmountOut on Uniswap V3
interface IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountOut on Uniswap V3 pools
/// @param swapData struct containing data for the swap
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit The permit data
/// @return spentAmount The actual amount of tokens used to swap
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of tokens received
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountOutOnUniswapV3(
UniswapV3Data calldata swapData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
/// @title IWETH
/// @notice An interface for WETH IERC20
interface IWETH is IERC20 {
function deposit() external payable;
function withdraw(uint256 amount) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Vendored on October 12, 2023 from:
* https://github.com/mudgen/diamond-3-hardhat/blob/main/contracts/libraries/LibDiamond.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* \
* Author: Nick Mudge <nick@perfectabstractions.com> (https://twitter.com/mudgen)
* EIP-2535 Diamonds: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2535
* /*****************************************************************************
import { IDiamondCut } from "../interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol";
// Remember to add the loupe functions from DiamondLoupeFacet to the diamond.
// The loupe functions are required by the EIP2535 Diamonds standard
error InitializationFunctionReverted(address _initializationContractAddress, bytes _calldata);
library LibDiamond {
bytes32 constant DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION = keccak256("diamond.standard.diamond.storage");
struct FacetAddressAndPosition {
address facetAddress;
uint96 functionSelectorPosition; // position in facetFunctionSelectors.functionSelectors array
struct FacetFunctionSelectors {
bytes4[] functionSelectors;
uint256 facetAddressPosition; // position of facetAddress in facetAddresses array
struct DiamondStorage {
// maps function selector to the facet address and
// the position of the selector in the facetFunctionSelectors.selectors array
mapping(bytes4 => FacetAddressAndPosition) selectorToFacetAndPosition;
// maps facet addresses to function selectors
mapping(address => FacetFunctionSelectors) facetFunctionSelectors;
// facet addresses
address[] facetAddresses;
// Used to query if a contract implements an interface.
// Used to implement ERC-165.
mapping(bytes4 => bool) supportedInterfaces;
// owner of the contract
address contractOwner;
function diamondStorage() internal pure returns (DiamondStorage storage ds) {
bytes32 position = DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION;
assembly {
ds.slot := position
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
function setContractOwner(address _newOwner) internal {
DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage();
address previousOwner = ds.contractOwner;
ds.contractOwner = _newOwner;
emit OwnershipTransferred(previousOwner, _newOwner);
function contractOwner() internal view returns (address contractOwner_) {
contractOwner_ = diamondStorage().contractOwner;
function enforceIsContractOwner() internal view {
require(msg.sender == diamondStorage().contractOwner, "LibDiamond: Must be contract owner");
event DiamondCut(IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] _diamondCut, address _init, bytes _calldata);
// Internal function version of diamondCut
function diamondCut(IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] memory _diamondCut, address _init, bytes memory _calldata) internal {
for (uint256 facetIndex; facetIndex < _diamondCut.length; facetIndex++) {
IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction action = _diamondCut[facetIndex].action;
if (action == IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Add) {
addFunctions(_diamondCut[facetIndex].facetAddress, _diamondCut[facetIndex].functionSelectors);
} else if (action == IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Replace) {
replaceFunctions(_diamondCut[facetIndex].facetAddress, _diamondCut[facetIndex].functionSelectors);
} else if (action == IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Remove) {
removeFunctions(_diamondCut[facetIndex].facetAddress, _diamondCut[facetIndex].functionSelectors);
} else {
revert("LibDiamondCut: Incorrect FacetCutAction");
emit DiamondCut(_diamondCut, _init, _calldata);
initializeDiamondCut(_init, _calldata);
function addFunctions(address _facetAddress, bytes4[] memory _functionSelectors) internal {
require(_functionSelectors.length > 0, "LibDiamondCut: No selectors in facet to cut");
DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage();
require(_facetAddress != address(0), "LibDiamondCut: Add facet can't be address(0)");
uint96 selectorPosition = uint96(ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors.length);
// add new facet address if it does not exist
if (selectorPosition == 0) {
addFacet(ds, _facetAddress);
for (uint256 selectorIndex; selectorIndex < _functionSelectors.length; selectorIndex++) {
bytes4 selector = _functionSelectors[selectorIndex];
address oldFacetAddress = ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[selector].facetAddress;
require(oldFacetAddress == address(0), "LibDiamondCut: Can't add function that already exists");
addFunction(ds, selector, selectorPosition, _facetAddress);
function replaceFunctions(address _facetAddress, bytes4[] memory _functionSelectors) internal {
require(_functionSelectors.length > 0, "LibDiamondCut: No selectors in facet to cut");
DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage();
require(_facetAddress != address(0), "LibDiamondCut: Add facet can't be address(0)");
uint96 selectorPosition = uint96(ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors.length);
// add new facet address if it does not exist
if (selectorPosition == 0) {
addFacet(ds, _facetAddress);
for (uint256 selectorIndex; selectorIndex < _functionSelectors.length; selectorIndex++) {
bytes4 selector = _functionSelectors[selectorIndex];
address oldFacetAddress = ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[selector].facetAddress;
require(oldFacetAddress != _facetAddress, "LibDiamondCut: Can't replace function with same function");
removeFunction(ds, oldFacetAddress, selector);
addFunction(ds, selector, selectorPosition, _facetAddress);
function removeFunctions(address _facetAddress, bytes4[] memory _functionSelectors) internal {
require(_functionSelectors.length > 0, "LibDiamondCut: No selectors in facet to cut");
DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage();
// if function does not exist then do nothing and return
require(_facetAddress == address(0), "LibDiamondCut: Remove facet address must be address(0)");
for (uint256 selectorIndex; selectorIndex < _functionSelectors.length; selectorIndex++) {
bytes4 selector = _functionSelectors[selectorIndex];
address oldFacetAddress = ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[selector].facetAddress;
removeFunction(ds, oldFacetAddress, selector);
function addFacet(DiamondStorage storage ds, address _facetAddress) internal {
enforceHasContractCode(_facetAddress, "LibDiamondCut: New facet has no code");
ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].facetAddressPosition = ds.facetAddresses.length;
function addFunction(
DiamondStorage storage ds,
bytes4 _selector,
uint96 _selectorPosition,
address _facetAddress
ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[_selector].functionSelectorPosition = _selectorPosition;
ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[_selector].facetAddress = _facetAddress;
function removeFunction(DiamondStorage storage ds, address _facetAddress, bytes4 _selector) internal {
require(_facetAddress != address(0), "LibDiamondCut: Can't remove function that doesn't exist");
// an immutable function is a function defined directly in a diamond
require(_facetAddress != address(this), "LibDiamondCut: Can't remove immutable function");
// replace selector with last selector, then delete last selector
uint256 selectorPosition = ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[_selector].functionSelectorPosition;
uint256 lastSelectorPosition = ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors.length - 1;
// if not the same then replace _selector with lastSelector
if (selectorPosition != lastSelectorPosition) {
bytes4 lastSelector = ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors[lastSelectorPosition];
ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors[selectorPosition] = lastSelector;
ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[lastSelector].functionSelectorPosition = uint96(selectorPosition);
// delete the last selector
delete ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[_selector];
// if no more selectors for facet address then delete the facet address
if (lastSelectorPosition == 0) {
// replace facet address with last facet address and delete last facet address
uint256 lastFacetAddressPosition = ds.facetAddresses.length - 1;
uint256 facetAddressPosition = ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].facetAddressPosition;
if (facetAddressPosition != lastFacetAddressPosition) {
address lastFacetAddress = ds.facetAddresses[lastFacetAddressPosition];
ds.facetAddresses[facetAddressPosition] = lastFacetAddress;
ds.facetFunctionSelectors[lastFacetAddress].facetAddressPosition = facetAddressPosition;
delete ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].facetAddressPosition;
function initializeDiamondCut(address _init, bytes memory _calldata) internal {
if (_init == address(0)) {
enforceHasContractCode(_init, "LibDiamondCut: _init address has no code");
(bool success, bytes memory error) = _init.delegatecall(_calldata);
if (!success) {
if (error.length > 0) {
// bubble up error
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let returndata_size := mload(error)
revert(add(32, error), returndata_size)
} else {
revert InitializationFunctionReverted(_init, _calldata);
function enforceHasContractCode(address _contract, string memory _errorMessage) internal view {
uint256 contractSize;
assembly {
contractSize := extcodesize(_contract)
require(contractSize > 0, _errorMessage);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Storage
import { AugustusStorage } from "../storage/AugustusStorage.sol";
/// @title PauseUtils
/// @notice Provides a modifier to check if the contract is paused
abstract contract PauseUtils is AugustusStorage {
/// @notice Error emitted when the contract is paused
error ContractPaused();
// Check if the contract is paused, if it is, revert
modifier whenNotPaused() {
if (paused) {
revert ContractPaused();
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
/// @title Permit2Utils
/// @notice A contract containing common utilities for Permit2
abstract contract Permit2Utils {
error Permit2Failed();
/// @dev Permit2 address
address public immutable PERMIT2; // solhint-disable-line var-name-mixedcase
constructor(address _permit2) {
PERMIT2 = _permit2;
/// @dev Parses data and executes permit2.permitTransferFrom, reverts if it fails
function permit2TransferFrom(bytes calldata data, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal {
address targetAddress = PERMIT2;
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// Get free memory pointer
let ptr := mload(64)
// Store function selector
mstore(ptr, 0x30f28b7a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // permitTransferFrom()
// Copy data to memory
calldatacopy(add(ptr, 4), data.offset, data.length)
// Store recipient
mstore(add(ptr, 132), recipient)
// Store amount
mstore(add(ptr, 164), amount)
// Store owner
mstore(add(ptr, 196), caller())
// Call permit2.permitTransferFrom and revert if call failed
if iszero(call(gas(), targetAddress, 0, ptr, add(data.length, 4), 0, 0)) {
mstore(0, 0x6b836e6b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // Store error selector
// error Permit2Failed()
revert(0, 4)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// DirectSwapExactAmountIn
import { BalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/direct/BalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol";
import { CurveV1SwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/direct/CurveV1SwapExactAmountIn.sol";
import { CurveV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/direct/CurveV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol";
import { UniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/direct/UniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol";
import { UniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/direct/UniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn.sol";
// DirectSwapExactAmountOut
import { BalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut } from "./swapExactAmountOut/direct/BalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut.sol";
import { UniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut } from "./swapExactAmountOut/direct/UniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut.sol";
import { UniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut } from "./swapExactAmountOut/direct/UniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut.sol";
// Fees
import { AugustusFees } from "../fees/AugustusFees.sol";
// GenericSwapExactAmountIn
import { GenericSwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/GenericSwapExactAmountIn.sol";
// GenericSwapExactAmountOut
import { GenericSwapExactAmountOut } from "./swapExactAmountOut/GenericSwapExactAmountOut.sol";
// General
import { AugustusRFQRouter } from "./general/AugustusRFQRouter.sol";
// Utils
import { AugustusRFQUtils } from "../util/AugustusRFQUtils.sol";
import { BalancerV2Utils } from "../util/BalancerV2Utils.sol";
import { UniswapV2Utils } from "../util/UniswapV2Utils.sol";
import { UniswapV3Utils } from "../util/UniswapV3Utils.sol";
import { WETHUtils } from "../util/WETHUtils.sol";
import { Permit2Utils } from "../util/Permit2Utils.sol";
/// @title Routers
/// @notice A wrapper for all router contracts
contract Routers is
address _weth,
uint256 _uniswapV3FactoryAndFF,
uint256 _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash,
uint256 _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF,
uint256 _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash,
address payable _balancerVault,
address _permit2,
address _rfq,
address payable _feeVault
UniswapV2Utils(_uniswapV2FactoryAndFF, _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash)
UniswapV3Utils(_uniswapV3FactoryAndFF, _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash)
{ }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
/// @notice Safe integer casting library that reverts on overflow.
/// @author Solady (https://github.com/vectorized/solady/blob/main/src/utils/SafeCastLib.sol)
/// @author Modified from OpenZeppelin (https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/master/contracts/utils/math/SafeCast.sol)
library SafeCastLib {
error Overflow();
function toUint8(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint8) {
if (x >= 1 << 8) _revertOverflow();
return uint8(x);
function toUint16(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint16) {
if (x >= 1 << 16) _revertOverflow();
return uint16(x);
function toUint24(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint24) {
if (x >= 1 << 24) _revertOverflow();
return uint24(x);
function toUint32(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint32) {
if (x >= 1 << 32) _revertOverflow();
return uint32(x);
function toUint40(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint40) {
if (x >= 1 << 40) _revertOverflow();
return uint40(x);
function toUint48(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint48) {
if (x >= 1 << 48) _revertOverflow();
return uint48(x);
function toUint56(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint56) {
if (x >= 1 << 56) _revertOverflow();
return uint56(x);
function toUint64(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint64) {
if (x >= 1 << 64) _revertOverflow();
return uint64(x);
function toUint72(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint72) {
if (x >= 1 << 72) _revertOverflow();
return uint72(x);
function toUint80(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint80) {
if (x >= 1 << 80) _revertOverflow();
return uint80(x);
function toUint88(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint88) {
if (x >= 1 << 88) _revertOverflow();
return uint88(x);
function toUint96(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint96) {
if (x >= 1 << 96) _revertOverflow();
return uint96(x);
function toUint104(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint104) {
if (x >= 1 << 104) _revertOverflow();
return uint104(x);
function toUint112(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint112) {
if (x >= 1 << 112) _revertOverflow();
return uint112(x);
function toUint120(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint120) {
if (x >= 1 << 120) _revertOverflow();
return uint120(x);
function toUint128(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint128) {
if (x >= 1 << 128) _revertOverflow();
return uint128(x);
function toUint136(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint136) {
if (x >= 1 << 136) _revertOverflow();
return uint136(x);
function toUint144(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint144) {
if (x >= 1 << 144) _revertOverflow();
return uint144(x);
function toUint152(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint152) {
if (x >= 1 << 152) _revertOverflow();
return uint152(x);
function toUint160(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint160) {
if (x >= 1 << 160) _revertOverflow();
return uint160(x);
function toUint168(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint168) {
if (x >= 1 << 168) _revertOverflow();
return uint168(x);
function toUint176(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint176) {
if (x >= 1 << 176) _revertOverflow();
return uint176(x);
function toUint184(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint184) {
if (x >= 1 << 184) _revertOverflow();
return uint184(x);
function toUint192(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint192) {
if (x >= 1 << 192) _revertOverflow();
return uint192(x);
function toUint200(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint200) {
if (x >= 1 << 200) _revertOverflow();
return uint200(x);
function toUint208(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint208) {
if (x >= 1 << 208) _revertOverflow();
return uint208(x);
function toUint216(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint216) {
if (x >= 1 << 216) _revertOverflow();
return uint216(x);
function toUint224(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint224) {
if (x >= 1 << 224) _revertOverflow();
return uint224(x);
function toUint232(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint232) {
if (x >= 1 << 232) _revertOverflow();
return uint232(x);
function toUint240(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint240) {
if (x >= 1 << 240) _revertOverflow();
return uint240(x);
function toUint248(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint248) {
if (x >= 1 << 248) _revertOverflow();
return uint248(x);
function toInt8(int256 x) internal pure returns (int8) {
int8 y = int8(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt16(int256 x) internal pure returns (int16) {
int16 y = int16(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt24(int256 x) internal pure returns (int24) {
int24 y = int24(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt32(int256 x) internal pure returns (int32) {
int32 y = int32(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt40(int256 x) internal pure returns (int40) {
int40 y = int40(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt48(int256 x) internal pure returns (int48) {
int48 y = int48(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt56(int256 x) internal pure returns (int56) {
int56 y = int56(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt64(int256 x) internal pure returns (int64) {
int64 y = int64(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt72(int256 x) internal pure returns (int72) {
int72 y = int72(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt80(int256 x) internal pure returns (int80) {
int80 y = int80(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt88(int256 x) internal pure returns (int88) {
int88 y = int88(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt96(int256 x) internal pure returns (int96) {
int96 y = int96(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt104(int256 x) internal pure returns (int104) {
int104 y = int104(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt112(int256 x) internal pure returns (int112) {
int112 y = int112(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt120(int256 x) internal pure returns (int120) {
int120 y = int120(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt128(int256 x) internal pure returns (int128) {
int128 y = int128(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt136(int256 x) internal pure returns (int136) {
int136 y = int136(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt144(int256 x) internal pure returns (int144) {
int144 y = int144(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt152(int256 x) internal pure returns (int152) {
int152 y = int152(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt160(int256 x) internal pure returns (int160) {
int160 y = int160(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt168(int256 x) internal pure returns (int168) {
int168 y = int168(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt176(int256 x) internal pure returns (int176) {
int176 y = int176(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt184(int256 x) internal pure returns (int184) {
int184 y = int184(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt192(int256 x) internal pure returns (int192) {
int192 y = int192(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt200(int256 x) internal pure returns (int200) {
int200 y = int200(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt208(int256 x) internal pure returns (int208) {
int208 y = int208(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt216(int256 x) internal pure returns (int216) {
int216 y = int216(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt224(int256 x) internal pure returns (int224) {
int224 y = int224(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt232(int256 x) internal pure returns (int232) {
int232 y = int232(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt240(int256 x) internal pure returns (int240) {
int240 y = int240(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt248(int256 x) internal pure returns (int248) {
int248 y = int248(x);
if (x != y) _revertOverflow();
return y;
function toInt256(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256) {
if (x >= 1 << 255) _revertOverflow();
return int256(x);
function toUint256(int256 x) internal pure returns (uint256) {
if (x < 0) _revertOverflow();
return uint256(x);
function _revertOverflow() private pure {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Store the function selector of `Overflow()`.
mstore(0x00, 0x35278d12)
// Revert with (offset, size).
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "../../../interfaces/IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
// Types
import { UniswapV2Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol";
// Utils
import { UniswapV2Utils } from "../../../util/UniswapV2Utils.sol";
/// @title UniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountIn on UniswapV2 pools
abstract contract UniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn is IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn, UniswapV2Utils {
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
/// @inheritdoc IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn
function swapExactAmountInOnUniswapV2(
UniswapV2Data calldata uniData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare)
// Dereference uniData
IERC20 srcToken = uniData.srcToken;
IERC20 destToken = uniData.destToken;
uint256 amountIn = uniData.fromAmount;
uint256 minAmountOut = uniData.toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmountOut = uniData.quotedAmount;
address payable beneficiary = uniData.beneficiary;
bytes calldata pools = uniData.pools;
// Initialize payer
address payer = msg.sender;
// Check if toAmount is valid
if (minAmountOut == 0) {
revert InvalidToAmount();
// Check if beneficiary is valid
if (beneficiary == address(0)) {
beneficiary = payable(msg.sender);
// Check if we need to wrap or permit
if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) {
// Check the length of the permit field,
// if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit
if (permit.length < 257) {
// Permit if needed
if (permit.length > 0) {
} else {
// If it is ETH. wrap it to WETH
WETH.deposit{ value: amountIn }();
// Set srcToken to WETH
srcToken = WETH;
// Set payer to this contract
payer = address(this);
// Execute swap
_callUniswapV2PoolsSwapExactIn(amountIn, srcToken, pools, payer, permit);
// Check if destToken is ETH and unwrap
if (address(destToken) == address(ERC20Utils.ETH)) {
// Check balance of WETH
receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this));
// Unwrap WETH
WETH.withdraw(receivedAmount - 1);
// Set receivedAmount to this contract's balance
receivedAmount = address(this).balance;
} else {
// Othwerwise check balance of destToken
receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary
return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer(
beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut } from "../../../interfaces/IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
// Types
import { UniswapV2Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol";
// Utils
import { UniswapV2Utils } from "../../../util/UniswapV2Utils.sol";
/// @title UniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut
/// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountOut on UniswapV2 pools
abstract contract UniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut is IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut, UniswapV2Utils {
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
/// @inheritdoc IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut
function swapExactAmountOutOnUniswapV2(
UniswapV2Data calldata uniData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare)
// Dereference uniData
IERC20 srcToken = uniData.srcToken;
IERC20 destToken = uniData.destToken;
uint256 maxAmountIn = uniData.fromAmount;
uint256 amountOut = uniData.toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmountIn = uniData.quotedAmount;
address payable beneficiary = uniData.beneficiary;
bytes calldata pools = uniData.pools;
// Check if toAmount is valid
if (amountOut == 0) {
revert InvalidToAmount();
// Check if beneficiary is valid
if (beneficiary == address(0)) {
beneficiary = payable(msg.sender);
// Init balanceBefore
uint256 balanceBefore;
// Check if srcToken is ETH
bool isFromETH = srcToken.isETH(maxAmountIn) != 0;
// Check if we need to wrap or permit
if (isFromETH) {
// Check WETH balance before
balanceBefore = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this));
// If it is ETH. wrap it to WETH
WETH.deposit{ value: maxAmountIn }();
// Set srcToken to WETH
srcToken = WETH;
} else {
// Check srcToken balance before
balanceBefore = srcToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check the length of the permit field,
// if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit
// and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2
if (permit.length < 257) {
// Permit if needed
if (permit.length > 0) {
srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), maxAmountIn);
} else {
// Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom
permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), maxAmountIn);
// Make sure srcToken and destToken are different
if (srcToken == destToken) {
revert ArbitrageNotSupported();
// Execute swap
_callUniswapV2PoolsSwapExactOut(amountOut, srcToken, pools);
// Check if destToken is ETH and unwrap
if (address(destToken) == address(ERC20Utils.ETH)) {
// Make sure srcToken was not WETH
if (srcToken == WETH) {
revert ArbitrageNotSupported();
// Check balance of WETH
receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this));
// Leave dust if receivedAmount > amountOut
if (receivedAmount > amountOut) {
// Unwrap WETH
// Set receivedAmount to this contract's balance
receivedAmount = address(this).balance;
} else {
// Othwerwise check balance of destToken
receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check balance of srcToken
uint256 remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < amountOut) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Check if srcToken is ETH and unwrap if there is remaining amount
if (isFromETH) {
// Check native balance before
uint256 nativeBalanceBefore = address(this).balance;
// If balanceBefore is greater than 1, deduct it from remainingAmount
remainingAmount = remainingAmount - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0);
// Withdraw remaining WETH if any
if (remainingAmount > 1) {
WETH.withdraw(remainingAmount - 1);
srcToken = ERC20Utils.ETH;
// If native balance before is greater than 1, deduct it from remainingAmount
remainingAmount = address(this).balance - (nativeBalanceBefore > 1 ? nativeBalanceBefore : 0);
} else {
// Otherwise, if balanceBefore is greater than 1, deduct it from remainingAmount
remainingAmount = remainingAmount - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0);
// Process fees and transfer destToken and srcToken to beneficiary
return processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer(
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Contracts
import { AugustusFees } from "../fees/AugustusFees.sol";
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
// Utils
import { WETHUtils } from "./WETHUtils.sol";
import { Permit2Utils } from "./Permit2Utils.sol";
import { PauseUtils } from "./PauseUtils.sol";
/// @title UniswapV2Utils
/// @notice A contract containing common utilities for UniswapV2 swaps
abstract contract UniswapV2Utils is AugustusFees, WETHUtils, Permit2Utils, PauseUtils {
/// @dev Used to caluclate pool address
uint256 public immutable UNISWAP_V2_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH;
/// @dev Right padded FF + UniswapV2Factory address
uint256 public immutable UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF;
constructor(uint256 _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF, uint256 _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash) {
UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF = _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF;
UNISWAP_V2_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH = _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash;
/// @dev Loops through UniswapV2 pools in backword direction and swaps exact amount out
function _callUniswapV2PoolsSwapExactOut(uint256 amountOut, IERC20 srcToken, bytes calldata pools) internal {
uint256 uniswapV2FactoryAndFF = UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF;
uint256 uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash = UNISWAP_V2_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH;
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
function calculatePoolAddress(
poolMemoryPtr, poolCalldataPtr, _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF, _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash
) {
// Calculate the pool address
// We can do this by first calling the keccak256 function on the passed pool values and then
// calculating keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address),
// keccak256(abi.encodePacked(token0, token1)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH));
// The first 20 bytes of the computed address are the pool address
// Store 0xff + factory address (right padded)
mstore(poolMemoryPtr, _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF)
// Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE)
let token0ptr := add(poolMemoryPtr, 21)
// Copy pool data (skip last bit) to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE)
calldatacopy(token0ptr, poolCalldataPtr, 40)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encode(address(token0), address(token1))
mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 40))
mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash)
// Calculate address(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address),
// keccak256(abi.encode(token0, token1), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)));
mstore(poolMemoryPtr, and(keccak256(poolMemoryPtr, 85), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)) // 21
// + 32 + 32
// Calculate pool count
let poolCount := div(pools.length, 64)
// Initilize memory pointers
let amounts := mload(64) // pointer for amounts array
let poolAddresses := add(amounts, add(mul(poolCount, 32), 32)) // pointer for pools array
let emptyPtr := add(poolAddresses, mul(poolCount, 32)) // pointer for empty memory
// Initialize fromAmount
let fromAmount := 0
// Set the final amount in the amounts array to amountOut
mstore(add(amounts, mul(poolCount, 0x20)), amountOut)
// Calculate Pool Addresses and Amounts
// Calculate pool addresses
for { let i := 0 } lt(i, poolCount) { i := add(i, 1) } {
add(poolAddresses, mul(i, 32)),
add(pools.offset, mul(i, 64)),
// Rerverse loop through pools and calculate amounts
for { let i := poolCount } gt(i, 0) { i := sub(i, 1) } {
// Use previous pool data to calculate amount in
let indexSub1 := sub(i, 1)
// Get pool address
let poolAddress := mload(add(poolAddresses, mul(indexSub1, 32)))
// Get direction
let direction := and(1, calldataload(add(add(pools.offset, mul(indexSub1, 64)), 32)))
// Get amount
let amount := mload(add(amounts, mul(i, 32)))
// Calculate Amount In
// Get Reserves
// Store the selector
mstore(emptyPtr, 0x0902f1ac00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // 'getReserves()'
// selector
// Perform the external 'getReserves' call - outputs directly to ptr
if iszero(staticcall(gas(), poolAddress, emptyPtr, 4, emptyPtr, 64)) {
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// If direction is true, getReserves returns (reserve0, reserve1)
// If direction is false, getReserves returns (reserve1, reserve0) -> swap the values
// Load the reserve0 value returned by the 'getReserves' call.
let reserve1 := mload(emptyPtr)
// Load the reserve1 value returned by the 'getReserves' call.
let reserve0 := mload(add(emptyPtr, 32))
// Check if direction is true
if direction {
// swap reserve0 and reserve1
let temp := reserve0
reserve0 := reserve1
reserve1 := temp
// Calculate numerator = reserve0 * amountOut * 10000
let numerator := mul(mul(reserve0, amount), 10000)
// Calculate denominator = (reserve1 - amountOut) * 9970
let denominator := mul(sub(reserve1, amount), 9970)
// Calculate amountIn = numerator / denominator + 1
fromAmount := add(div(numerator, denominator), 1)
// Store amountIn for the previous pool
mstore(add(amounts, mul(indexSub1, 32)), fromAmount)
// Initialize variables
let poolAddress := 0
let nextPoolAddress := 0
// Loop Swap Through Pools
// Loop for each pool
for { let i := 0 } lt(i, poolCount) { i := add(i, 1) } {
// Check if it is the first pool
if iszero(poolAddress) {
// If it is the first pool, we need to transfer amount of srcToken to poolAddress
// Load first pool address
poolAddress := mload(poolAddresses)
// Transfer amount of srcToken to poolAddress
// Transfer fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress
mstore(emptyPtr, 0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the
// selector
// (function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount))
mstore(add(emptyPtr, 4), poolAddress) // store the recipient
mstore(add(emptyPtr, 36), fromAmount) // store the amount
pop(call(gas(), srcToken, 0, emptyPtr, 68, 0, 32)) // call transfer
// Adjust toAddress depending on if it is the last pool in the array
let toAddress := address()
// Check if it is not the last pool
if lt(add(i, 1), poolCount) {
// Load next pool address
nextPoolAddress := mload(add(poolAddresses, mul(add(i, 1), 32)))
// Adjust toAddress to next pool address
toAddress := nextPoolAddress
// Check direction
let direction := and(1, calldataload(add(add(pools.offset, mul(i, 64)), 32)))
// if direction is 1, amount0out is 0 and amount1out is amount[i+1]
// if direction is 0, amount0out is amount[i+1] and amount1out is 0
// Load amount[i+1]
let amount := mload(add(amounts, mul(add(i, 1), 32)))
// Initialize amount0Out and amount1Out
let amount0Out := amount
let amount1Out := 0
// Check if direction is true
if direction {
// swap amount0Out and amount1Out
let temp := amount0Out
amount0Out := amount1Out
amount1Out := temp
// Perform Swap
// Load the 'swap' selector, amount0Out, amount1Out, toAddress and data("") into memory.
mstore(emptyPtr, 0x022c0d9f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
// 'swap()' selector
mstore(add(emptyPtr, 4), amount0Out) // amount0Out
mstore(add(emptyPtr, 36), amount1Out) // amount1Out
mstore(add(emptyPtr, 68), toAddress) // toAddress
mstore(add(emptyPtr, 100), 0x80) // data length
mstore(add(emptyPtr, 132), 0) // data
// Perform the external 'swap' call
if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, emptyPtr, 164, 0, 64)) {
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// Set poolAddress to nextPoolAddress
poolAddress := nextPoolAddress
/// @dev Loops through UniswapV2 pools and swaps exact amount in
function _callUniswapV2PoolsSwapExactIn(
uint256 fromAmount,
IERC20 srcToken,
bytes calldata pools,
address payer,
bytes calldata permit2
uint256 uniswapV2FactoryAndFF = UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF;
uint256 uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash = UNISWAP_V2_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH;
address permit2Address = PERMIT2;
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// Loop Swap Through Pools
// Calculate pool count
let poolCount := div(pools.length, 64)
// Initialize variables
let p := 0
let poolAddress := 0
let nextPoolAddress := 0
let direction := 0
// Loop for each pool
for { let i := 0 } lt(i, poolCount) { i := add(i, 1) } {
// Check if it is the first pool
if iszero(p) {
// Calculate Pool Address
// Calculate the pool address
// We can do this by first calling the keccak256 function on the passed pool values and then
// calculating keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address),
// keccak256(abi.encodePacked(token0,token1)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH));
// The first 20 bytes of the computed address are the pool address
// Get free memory pointer
let ptr := mload(64)
// Store 0xff + factory address (right padded)
mstore(ptr, uniswapV2FactoryAndFF)
// Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE)
let token0ptr := add(ptr, 21)
// Copy pool data (skip last bit) to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF
// SIZE)
calldatacopy(token0ptr, pools.offset, 40)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(token0), address(token1))
mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 40))
mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address),
// keccak256(abi.encode(token0,
// token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH));
mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32
// Load pool
p := mload(ptr)
// Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address
poolAddress := and(p, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
// Transfer fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress
switch eq(payer, address())
// if payer is this contract, transfer fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress
case 1 {
// Transfer fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress
mstore(ptr, 0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the
// selector
// (function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount))
mstore(add(ptr, 4), poolAddress) // store the recipient
mstore(add(ptr, 36), fromAmount) // store the amount
pop(call(gas(), srcToken, 0, ptr, 68, 0, 32)) // call transfer
// othwerwise transferFrom fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress from payer
default {
switch gt(permit2.length, 256)
case 0 {
// Transfer fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress
mstore(ptr, 0x23b872dd00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store
// the selector
// (function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient,
// uint256 amount))
mstore(add(ptr, 4), payer) // store the sender
mstore(add(ptr, 36), poolAddress) // store the recipient
mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store the amount
pop(call(gas(), srcToken, 0, ptr, 100, 0, 32)) // call transferFrom
default {
// Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom
// Store function selector
mstore(ptr, 0x30f28b7a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
// permitTransferFrom()
calldatacopy(add(ptr, 4), permit2.offset, permit2.length) // Copy data to memory
mstore(add(ptr, 132), poolAddress) // Store recipient
mstore(add(ptr, 164), fromAmount) // Store amount
mstore(add(ptr, 196), payer) // Store payer
// Call permit2.permitTransferFrom and revert if call failed
if iszero(call(gas(), permit2Address, 0, ptr, add(permit2.length, 4), 0, 0)) {
mstore(0, 0x6b836e6b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // Store
// error selector
// error Permit2Failed()
revert(0, 4)
// Direction is the first bit of the pool data
direction := and(1, calldataload(add(add(pools.offset, mul(i, 64)), 32)))
// Calculate Amount Out
// Get Reserves
// Get free memory pointer
let ptr := mload(64)
// Store the selector
mstore(ptr, 0x0902f1ac00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // 'getReserves()'
// selector
// Perform the external 'getReserves' call - outputs directly to ptr
if iszero(staticcall(gas(), poolAddress, ptr, 4, ptr, 64)) {
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// If direction is true, getReserves returns (reserve0, reserve1)
// If direction is false, getReserves returns (reserve1, reserve0) -> swap the values
// Load the reserve0 value returned by the 'getReserves' call.
let reserve1 := mload(ptr)
// Load the reserve1 value returned by the 'getReserves' call.
let reserve0 := mload(add(ptr, 32))
// Check if direction is true
if direction {
// swap reserve0 and reserve1
let temp := reserve0
reserve0 := reserve1
reserve1 := temp
// Calculate amount based on fee
let amountWithFee := mul(fromAmount, 9970)
// Calculate numerator = amountWithFee * reserve1
let numerator := mul(amountWithFee, reserve1)
// Calculate denominator = reserve0 * 10000 + amountWithFee
let denominator := add(mul(reserve0, 10000), amountWithFee)
// Calculate amountOut = numerator / denominator
let amountOut := div(numerator, denominator)
fromAmount := amountOut
// if direction is true, amount0Out is 0 and amount1Out is fromAmount,
// otherwise amount0Out is fromAmount and amount1Out is 0
let amount0Out := fromAmount
let amount1Out := 0
// swap amount0Out and amount1Out if direction is false
if direction {
amount0Out := 0
amount1Out := fromAmount
// Adjust toAddress depending on if it is the last pool in the array
let toAddress := address()
// Check if it is not the last pool
if lt(add(i, 1), poolCount) {
// Calculate Next Pool Address
// Store 0xff + factory address (right padded)
mstore(ptr, uniswapV2FactoryAndFF)
// Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE)
let token0ptr := add(ptr, 21)
// Copy next pool data to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE)
calldatacopy(token0ptr, add(pools.offset, mul(add(i, 1), 64)), 40)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(token0), address(token1))
mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 40))
mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address),
// keccak256(abi.encode(token0,
// token1), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH));
mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32
// Load pool
p := mload(ptr)
// Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address
nextPoolAddress := and(p, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
// Adjust toAddress to next pool address
toAddress := nextPoolAddress
// Perform Swap
// Load the 'swap' selector, amount0Out, amount1Out, toAddress and data("") into memory.
mstore(ptr, 0x022c0d9f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
// 'swap()' selector
mstore(add(ptr, 4), amount0Out) // amount0Out
mstore(add(ptr, 36), amount1Out) // amount1Out
mstore(add(ptr, 68), toAddress) // toAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 100), 0x80) // data length
mstore(add(ptr, 132), 0) // data
// Perform the external 'swap' call
if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, ptr, 164, 0, 64)) {
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// Set poolAddress to nextPoolAddress
poolAddress := nextPoolAddress
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn } from "../../../interfaces/IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
import { SafeCastLib } from "@solady/utils/SafeCastLib.sol";
// Types
import { UniswapV3Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol";
// Utils
import { UniswapV3Utils } from "../../../util/UniswapV3Utils.sol";
/// @title UniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountIn on Uniswap V3
abstract contract UniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn is IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn, UniswapV3Utils {
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
using SafeCastLib for uint256;
/// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn
function swapExactAmountInOnUniswapV3(
UniswapV3Data calldata uniData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare)
// Dereference uniData
IERC20 srcToken = uniData.srcToken;
IERC20 destToken = uniData.destToken;
uint256 amountIn = uniData.fromAmount;
uint256 minAmountOut = uniData.toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmountOut = uniData.quotedAmount;
address payable beneficiary = uniData.beneficiary;
bytes calldata pools = uniData.pools;
// Check if toAmount is valid
if (minAmountOut == 0) {
revert InvalidToAmount();
// Check if beneficiary is valid
if (beneficiary == address(0)) {
beneficiary = payable(msg.sender);
// Address that will pay for the swap
address fromAddress = msg.sender;
// Check if we need to wrap or permit
if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) {
// Check the length of the permit field,
// if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit
if (permit.length < 257) {
// Permit if needed
if (permit.length > 0) {
} else {
// If it is ETH. wrap it to WETH
WETH.deposit{ value: amountIn }();
// Swap will be paid from this contract
fromAddress = address(this);
// Execute swap
receivedAmount = _callUniswapV3PoolsSwapExactAmountIn(amountIn.toInt256(), pools, fromAddress, permit);
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Check if destToken is ETH and unwrap
if (address(destToken) == address(ERC20Utils.ETH)) {
// Unwrap WETH
// Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary
return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransferUniV3(
beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut } from "../../../interfaces/IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut.sol";
// Libraries
import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol";
import { SafeCastLib } from "@solady/utils/SafeCastLib.sol";
// Types
import { UniswapV3Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol";
// Utils
import { UniswapV3Utils } from "../../../util/UniswapV3Utils.sol";
/// @title UniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut
/// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountOut on UniswapV3 pools
abstract contract UniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut is IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut, UniswapV3Utils {
using ERC20Utils for IERC20;
using SafeCastLib for uint256;
/// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut
function swapExactAmountOutOnUniswapV3(
UniswapV3Data calldata uniData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare)
// Dereference uniData
IERC20 srcToken = uniData.srcToken;
IERC20 destToken = uniData.destToken;
uint256 maxAmountIn = uniData.fromAmount;
uint256 amountOut = uniData.toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmountIn = uniData.quotedAmount;
address payable beneficiary = uniData.beneficiary;
bytes calldata pools = uniData.pools;
// Check if toAmount is valid
if (amountOut == 0) {
revert InvalidToAmount();
// Check if beneficiary is valid
if (beneficiary == address(0)) {
beneficiary = payable(msg.sender);
// Address that will pay for the swap
address fromAddress = msg.sender;
// Check if srcToken is ETH
bool isFromETH = srcToken.isETH(maxAmountIn) != 0;
// If pools.length > 96, we are going to do a multi-pool swap
bool isMultiplePools = pools.length > 96;
// Init balance before variables
uint256 senderBalanceBefore;
uint256 balanceBefore;
// Check if we need to wrap or permit
if (isFromETH) {
// Check WETH balance before
balanceBefore = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this));
// If it is ETH. wrap it to WETH
WETH.deposit{ value: maxAmountIn }();
// Swap will be paid from this contract
fromAddress = address(this);
} else {
// Check srcToken balance before
balanceBefore = srcToken.getBalance(address(this));
// Check the length of the permit field,
// if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit
// and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2
if (permit.length < 257) {
// Permit if needed
if (permit.length > 0) {
// if we're using multiple pools, we need to store the pre-swap balance of srcToken
if (isMultiplePools) {
senderBalanceBefore = srcToken.getBalance(msg.sender);
} else {
// Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom
permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), maxAmountIn);
// Swap will be paid from this contract
fromAddress = address(this);
// Make sure srcToken and destToken are different
if (srcToken == destToken) {
revert ArbitrageNotSupported();
// Execute swap
(spentAmount, receivedAmount) =
_callUniswapV3PoolsSwapExactAmountOut((-amountOut.toInt256()), pools, fromAddress);
// Check if swap succeeded
if (receivedAmount < amountOut) {
revert InsufficientReturnAmount();
// Check if destToken is ETH and unwrap
if (address(destToken) == address(ERC20Utils.ETH)) {
// Make sure srcToken was not WETH
if (srcToken == WETH) {
revert ArbitrageNotSupported();
// Unwrap WETH
// Iniiialize remainingAmount
uint256 remainingAmount;
// Check if payer is this contract
if (fromAddress == address(this)) {
// If srcTokenwas ETH, we need to withdraw remaining WETH if any
if (isFromETH) {
// Check native balance before
uint256 nativeBalanceBefore = address(this).balance;
// Check balance of WETH, If balanceBefore is greater than 1, deduct it from remainingAmount
remainingAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this)) - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0);
// Withdraw remaining WETH if any
if (remainingAmount > 1) {
// Unwrap WETH
WETH.withdraw(remainingAmount - 1);
// If native balance before is greater than 1, deduct it from remainingAmount
remainingAmount = address(this).balance - (nativeBalanceBefore > 1 ? nativeBalanceBefore : 0);
} else {
// If we have executed multi-pool swap, we need to fetch the remaining amount from balance
if (isMultiplePools) {
// Calculate spent amount and remaining amount, If balanceBefore is greater than 1, deduct it from
// remainingAmount
remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)) - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0);
} else {
// Otherwise, remaining amount is the difference between the spent amount and the remaining balance
remainingAmount = maxAmountIn - spentAmount;
// Process fees using processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer
return processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer(
} else {
// If we have executed multi-pool swap, we need to re-calculate the remaining amount and spent amount
if (isMultiplePools) {
// Calculate spent amount and remaining amount
remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(msg.sender);
spentAmount = senderBalanceBefore - remainingAmount;
// Process fees and transfer destToken and srcToken to feeVault or partner and
// feeWallet if needed
return processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransferUniV3(
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Contracts
import { AugustusFees } from "../fees/AugustusFees.sol";
// Interfaces
import { IUniswapV3SwapCallback } from "../interfaces/IUniswapV3SwapCallback.sol";
// Libraries
import { SafeCastLib } from "@solady/utils/SafeCastLib.sol";
// Utils
import { WETHUtils } from "./WETHUtils.sol";
import { Permit2Utils } from "./Permit2Utils.sol";
import { PauseUtils } from "./PauseUtils.sol";
/// @title UniswapV3Utils
/// @notice A contract containing common utilities for UniswapV3 swaps
abstract contract UniswapV3Utils is IUniswapV3SwapCallback, AugustusFees, WETHUtils, Permit2Utils, PauseUtils {
using SafeCastLib for int256;
/// @notice Error emitted if the caller is not a Uniswap V3 pool
error InvalidCaller();
/// @notice Error emitted if the transfer of tokens to the pool inside the callback failed
error CallbackTransferFailed();
/// @dev Used to caluclate pool address
uint256 public immutable UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH;
/// @dev Right padded FF + UniswapV3Factory address
uint256 public immutable UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF;
uint256 private constant UNISWAP_V3_MIN_SQRT = 4_295_128_740;
uint256 private constant UNISWAP_V3_MAX_SQRT = 1_461_446_703_485_210_103_287_273_052_203_988_822_378_723_970_341;
constructor(uint256 _uniswapV3FactoryAndFF, uint256 _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash) {
UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF = _uniswapV3FactoryAndFF;
UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH = _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash;
// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3SwapCallback
function uniswapV3SwapCallback(
int256 amount0Delta,
int256 amount1Delta,
bytes calldata data
// Initialize variables
uint256 uniswapV3FactoryAndFF = UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF;
uint256 uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash = UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH;
address permit2Address = PERMIT2;
address poolAddress;
// 160 (single pool data) + 352 (permit2 length)
bool isPermit2 = data.length == 512;
// Check if the caller is a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory
//solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// Pool address
poolAddress := caller()
// Get free memory pointer
let ptr := mload(64)
// We need make sure the caller is a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory
// 1. Prepare data for calculating the pool address
// Store ff+factory address, Load token0, token1, fee from bytes calldata and store pool init code hash
// Store 0xff + factory address (right padded)
mstore(ptr, uniswapV3FactoryAndFF)
// Store data offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE)
let token0Offset := add(ptr, 21)
// Copy token0, token1, fee to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) + 1 byte
// (direction)
calldatacopy(add(token0Offset, 1), add(data.offset, 65), 95)
// 2. Calculate the pool address
// We can do this by first calling the keccak256 function on the fetched values and then
// calculating keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address),
// keccak256(abi.encode(token0,
// token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH));
// The first 20 bytes of the computed address are the pool address
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encode(address(token0), address(token1), fee))
mstore(token0Offset, keccak256(token0Offset, 96))
mstore(add(token0Offset, 32), uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), keccak256(abi.encode(token0,
// token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH));
mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32
// Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address
let computedAddress := and(mload(ptr), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
// Check if the caller matches the computed address (and revert if not)
if xor(poolAddress, computedAddress) {
mstore(0, 0x48f5c3ed00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector
// (error InvalidCaller())
revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector
// Check if data length is greater than 160 bytes (1 pool)
// If the data length is greater than 160 bytes, we know that we are executing a multi-hop swapExactAmountOut
// by recursively calling swapExactAmountOut on the next pool, until we reach the last pool in the data and
// then we will transfer the tokens to the pool
if (data.length > 160 && !isPermit2) {
// Initialize recursive variables
address payer;
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// Copy payer address from calldata
payer := calldataload(164)
// Recursive call swapExactAmountOut
_callUniswapV3PoolsSwapExactAmountOut(amount0Delta > 0 ? -amount0Delta : -amount1Delta, data, payer);
} else {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// Token to send to the pool
let token
// Amount to send to the pool
let amount
// Get free memory pointer
let ptr := mload(64)
// If the caller is the computed address, then we can safely assume that the caller is a UniswapV3Pool
// deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory
// 3. Transfer amount to the pool
// Check if amount0Delta or amount1Delta is positive and which token we need to send to the pool
if sgt(amount0Delta, 0) {
// If amount0Delta is positive, we need to send amount0Delta token0 to the pool
token := and(calldataload(add(data.offset, 64)), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
amount := amount0Delta
if sgt(amount1Delta, 0) {
// If amount1Delta is positive, we need to send amount1Delta token1 to the pool
token := calldataload(add(data.offset, 96))
amount := amount1Delta
// Based on the data passed to the callback, we know the fromAddress that will pay for the
// swap, if it is this contract, we will execute the transfer() function,
// otherwise, we will execute transferFrom()
// Check if fromAddress is this contract
let fromAddress := calldataload(164)
switch eq(fromAddress, address())
// If fromAddress is this contract, execute transfer()
case 1 {
// Prepare external call data
mstore(ptr, 0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the
// selector
// (function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount))
mstore(add(ptr, 4), poolAddress) // store the recipient
mstore(add(ptr, 36), amount) // store the amount
let success := call(gas(), token, 0, ptr, 68, 0, 32) // call transfer
if success {
switch returndatasize()
// check the return data size
case 0 { success := gt(extcodesize(token), 0) }
default { success := and(gt(returndatasize(), 31), eq(mload(0), 1)) }
if iszero(success) {
mstore(0, 0x1bbb4abe00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the
// selector
// (error CallbackTransferFailed())
revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector
// If fromAddress is not this contract, execute transferFrom() or permitTransferFrom()
default {
switch isPermit2
// If permit2 is not present, execute transferFrom()
case 0 {
mstore(ptr, 0x23b872dd00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the
// selector
// (function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient,
// uint256 amount))
mstore(add(ptr, 4), fromAddress) // store the sender
mstore(add(ptr, 36), poolAddress) // store the recipient
mstore(add(ptr, 68), amount) // store the amount
let success := call(gas(), token, 0, ptr, 100, 0, 32) // call transferFrom
if success {
switch returndatasize()
// check the return data size
case 0 { success := gt(extcodesize(token), 0) }
default { success := and(gt(returndatasize(), 31), eq(mload(0), 1)) }
if iszero(success) {
mstore(0, 0x1bbb4abe00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the
// selector
// (error CallbackTransferFailed())
revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector
// If permit2 is present, execute permitTransferFrom()
default {
// Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom
// Store function selector
mstore(ptr, 0x30f28b7a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
// permitTransferFrom()
calldatacopy(add(ptr, 4), 292, 352) // Copy data to memory
mstore(add(ptr, 132), poolAddress) // Store pool address as recipient
mstore(add(ptr, 164), amount) // Store amount as amount
mstore(add(ptr, 196), fromAddress) // Store payer
// Call permit2.permitTransferFrom and revert if call failed
if iszero(call(gas(), permit2Address, 0, ptr, 356, 0, 0)) {
mstore(0, 0x6b836e6b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // Store
// error selector
// error Permit2Failed()
revert(0, 4)
/// @dev Loops through pools and performs swaps
function _callUniswapV3PoolsSwapExactAmountIn(
int256 fromAmount,
bytes calldata pools,
address fromAddress,
bytes calldata permit2
returns (uint256 receivedAmount)
uint256 uniswapV3FactoryAndFF = UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF;
uint256 uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash = UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH;
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// Loop Swap Through Pools
// Calculate pool count
let poolCount := div(pools.length, 96)
// Initialize variables
let p := 0
let poolAddress := 0
let nextPoolAddress := 0
let direction := 0
let isPermit2 := gt(permit2.length, 256)
// Get free memory pointer
let ptr := mload(64)
// Loop through pools
for { let i := 0 } lt(i, poolCount) { i := add(i, 1) } {
// Check if it is the first pool
if iszero(p) {
// Calculate Pool Address
// Calculate the pool address
// We can do this by first calling the keccak256 function on the passed pool values and then
// calculating keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address),
// keccak256(abi.encode(token0,
// token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH));
// The first 20 bytes of the computed address are the pool address
// Store 0xff + factory address (right padded)
mstore(ptr, uniswapV3FactoryAndFF)
// Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE)
let token0ptr := add(ptr, 21)
// Copy pool data (skip first byte) to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF
// SIZE)
calldatacopy(add(token0ptr, 1), add(pools.offset, 1), 95)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encode(address(token0), address(token1), fee))
mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 96))
mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address),
// keccak256(abi.encode(token0,
// token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH));
mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32
// Load pool
p := mload(ptr)
// Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address
poolAddress := and(p, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
// Direction is the first bit of the pool data
direction := shr(255, calldataload(add(pools.offset, mul(i, 96))))
// Check if it is not the last pool
if lt(add(i, 1), poolCount) {
// Calculate Next Pool Address
// Store 0xff + factory address (right padded)
mstore(ptr, uniswapV3FactoryAndFF)
// Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE)
let token0ptr := add(ptr, 21)
// Copy next pool data to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE)
calldatacopy(add(token0ptr, 1), add(add(pools.offset, 1), mul(add(i, 1), 96)), 95)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encode(address(token0), address(token1), fee))
mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 96))
mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address),
// keccak256(abi.encode(token0,
// token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH));
mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32
// Load pool
p := mload(ptr)
// Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address
nextPoolAddress := and(p, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
// Adjust fromAddress and fromAmount if it's not the first pool
if gt(i, 0) { fromAddress := address() }
// Perform Swap
// Return based on direction
// Initialize data length
let dataLength := 0xa0
// Initialize total data length
let totalDataLength := 356
// If permit2 is present include permit2 data length in total data length
if eq(isPermit2, 1) {
totalDataLength := add(totalDataLength, permit2.length)
dataLength := add(dataLength, permit2.length)
// Return amount0 or amount1 depending on direction
switch direction
case 0 {
// Prepare external call data
// Store swap selector (0x128acb08)
mstore(ptr, 0x128acb0800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
// Store toAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 4), address())
// Store direction
mstore(add(ptr, 36), 0)
// Store fromAmount
mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount)
// Store sqrtPriceLimitX96
mstore(add(ptr, 100), UNISWAP_V3_MAX_SQRT)
// Store data offset
mstore(add(ptr, 132), 0xa0)
/// Store data length
mstore(add(ptr, 164), dataLength)
// Store fromAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 228), fromAddress)
// Store token0, token1, fee
calldatacopy(add(ptr, 260), add(pools.offset, mul(i, 96)), 96)
// If permit2 is present, store permit2 data
if eq(isPermit2, 1) {
// Store permit2 data
calldatacopy(add(ptr, 356), permit2.offset, permit2.length)
// Perform the external 'swap' call
if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, ptr, totalDataLength, ptr, 32)) {
// store return value directly to free memory pointer
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// If direction is 0, return amount0
fromAmount := mload(ptr)
default {
// Prepare external call data
// Store swap selector (0x128acb08)
mstore(ptr, 0x128acb0800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
// Store toAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 4), address())
// Store direction
mstore(add(ptr, 36), 1)
// Store fromAmount
mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount)
// Store sqrtPriceLimitX96
mstore(add(ptr, 100), UNISWAP_V3_MIN_SQRT)
// Store data offset
mstore(add(ptr, 132), 0xa0)
/// Store data length
mstore(add(ptr, 164), dataLength)
// Store fromAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 228), fromAddress)
// Store token0, token1, fee
calldatacopy(add(ptr, 260), add(pools.offset, mul(i, 96)), 96)
// If permit2 is present, store permit2 data
if eq(isPermit2, 1) {
// Store permit2 data
calldatacopy(add(ptr, 356), permit2.offset, permit2.length)
// Perform the external 'swap' call
if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, ptr, totalDataLength, ptr, 64)) {
// store return value directly to free memory pointer
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// If direction is 1, return amount1
fromAmount := mload(add(ptr, 32))
// The next pool address was already calculated so we can set it as the current pool address for the
// next iteration of the loop
poolAddress := nextPoolAddress
// fromAmount = -fromAmount
fromAmount := sub(0, fromAmount)
return fromAmount.toUint256();
/// @dev Recursively loops through pools and performs swaps
function _callUniswapV3PoolsSwapExactAmountOut(
int256 fromAmount,
bytes calldata pools,
address fromAddress
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount)
uint256 uniswapV3FactoryAndFF = UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF;
uint256 uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash = UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH;
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// Adjust data received from recursive call
// Initialize variables
let poolsStartOffset := pools.offset
let poolsLength := pools.length
let previousPoolAddress := 0
// Check if pools length is not divisible by 96
if gt(mod(pools.length, 96), 0) {
// Check if pools length is greater than 128 bytes (1 pool)
if gt(pools.length, 160) {
// Get the previous pool address from the first 20 bytes of pool data
previousPoolAddress := and(calldataload(pools.offset), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
// Relculate the offset to skip data
poolsStartOffset := add(pools.offset, 160)
// Recalculate the length to skip data
poolsLength := sub(pools.length, 160)
// Get free memory pointer
let ptr := mload(64)
// Calculate Pool Address
// Calculate the pool address
// We can do this by first calling the keccak256 function on the passed pool values and then
// calculating keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address),
// keccak256(abi.encode(token0,
// token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH));
// The first 20 bytes of the computed address are the pool address
// Store 0xff + factory address (right padded)
mstore(ptr, uniswapV3FactoryAndFF)
// Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE)
let token0ptr := add(ptr, 21)
// Copy pool data (skip first byte) to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF
// SIZE)
calldatacopy(add(token0ptr, 1), add(poolsStartOffset, 1), 95)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encode(address(token0), address(token1), fee))
mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 96))
mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash)
// Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address),
// keccak256(abi.encode(token0,
// token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH));
mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32
// Load pool
let p := mload(ptr)
// Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address
let poolAddress := and(p, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
// Adjust toAddress
let toAddress := address()
// If it's not the first entry to recursion, we use the pool address from the previous pool as
// the toAddress
if xor(previousPoolAddress, 0) { toAddress := previousPoolAddress }
// Direction is the first bit of the pool data
let direction := shr(255, calldataload(poolsStartOffset))
// Perform Swap
// Return based on direction
// Return amount0 or amount1 depending on direction
switch direction
case 0 {
// Prepare external call data
// Store swap selector (0x128acb08)
mstore(ptr, 0x128acb0800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
// Store toAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 4), toAddress)
// Store direction
mstore(add(ptr, 36), 0)
// Store fromAmount
mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount)
// Store sqrtPriceLimitX96
mstore(add(ptr, 100), UNISWAP_V3_MAX_SQRT)
// Store data offset
mstore(add(ptr, 132), 0xa0)
/// Store data length
mstore(add(ptr, 164), add(64, poolsLength))
// Store poolAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 196), poolAddress)
// Store fromAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 228), fromAddress)
// Store token0, token1, fee
calldatacopy(add(ptr, 260), poolsStartOffset, poolsLength)
// Perform the external 'swap' call
if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, ptr, add(poolsLength, 260), ptr, 64)) {
// store return value directly to free memory pointer
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// If direction is 0, return amount0 as fromAmount
fromAmount := mload(ptr)
// return amount1 as spentAmount
spentAmount := mload(add(ptr, 32))
default {
// Prepare external call data
// Store swap selector (0x128acb08)
mstore(ptr, 0x128acb0800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
// Store toAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 4), toAddress)
// Store direction
mstore(add(ptr, 36), 1)
// Store fromAmount
mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount)
// Store sqrtPriceLimitX96
mstore(add(ptr, 100), UNISWAP_V3_MIN_SQRT)
// Store data offset
mstore(add(ptr, 132), 0xa0)
/// Store data length
mstore(add(ptr, 164), add(64, poolsLength))
// Store poolAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 196), poolAddress)
// Store fromAddress
mstore(add(ptr, 228), fromAddress)
// Store token0, token1, fee
calldatacopy(add(ptr, 260), poolsStartOffset, poolsLength)
// Perform the external 'swap' call
if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, ptr, add(poolsLength, 260), ptr, 64)) {
// store return value directly to free memory pointer
// The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory
revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message
// If direction is 1, return amount1 as fromAmount
fromAmount := mload(add(ptr, 32))
// return amount0 as spentAmount
spentAmount := mload(ptr)
// fromAmount = -fromAmount
fromAmount := sub(0, fromAmount)
return (spentAmount, fromAmount.toUint256());
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IWETH } from "../interfaces/IWETH.sol";
/// @title WETHUtils
/// @notice A contract containing common utilities for WETH
abstract contract WETHUtils {
/// @dev WETH address
IWETH public immutable WETH;
constructor(address _weth) {
WETH = IWETH(_weth);
"compilationTarget": {
"src/AugustusV6.sol": "AugustusV6"
"evmVersion": "shanghai",
"libraries": {},
"metadata": {
"bytecodeHash": "none"
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 1000000
"remappings": [
"viaIR": true
[{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_owner","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"_diamondCutFacet","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"_weth","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address payable","name":"_balancerVault","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"_uniV3FactoryAndFF","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"_uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"_uniswapV2FactoryAndFF","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"_uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"address","name":"_rfq","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address 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