Código Fuente del Contrato
Archivo 1 de 1: LiquidityGaugeV6.vy
# pragma version 0.3.10
# pragma optimize gas
# pragma evm-version shanghai
@title LiquidityGaugeV6
@author Curve.Fi
@license Copyright (c) Curve.Fi, 2020-2023 - all rights reserved
@notice Implementation contract for use with Curve Factory
@dev Differs from v5.0.0 in that it uses create_from_blueprint to deploy Gauges
from vyper.interfaces import ERC20
implements: ERC20
interface CRV20:
def future_epoch_time_write() -> uint256: nonpayable
def rate() -> uint256: view
interface Controller:
def checkpoint_gauge(addr: address): nonpayable
def gauge_relative_weight(addr: address, time: uint256) -> uint256: view
interface ERC20Extended:
def symbol() -> String[32]: view
interface ERC1271:
def isValidSignature(_hash: bytes32, _signature: Bytes[65]) -> bytes32: view
interface Factory:
def admin() -> address: view
interface Minter:
def minted(user: address, gauge: address) -> uint256: view
interface VotingEscrow:
def user_point_epoch(addr: address) -> uint256: view
def user_point_history__ts(addr: address, epoch: uint256) -> uint256: view
interface VotingEscrowBoost:
def adjusted_balance_of(_account: address) -> uint256: view
event Deposit:
provider: indexed(address)
value: uint256
event Withdraw:
provider: indexed(address)
value: uint256
event UpdateLiquidityLimit:
user: indexed(address)
original_balance: uint256
original_supply: uint256
working_balance: uint256
working_supply: uint256
event CommitOwnership:
admin: address
event ApplyOwnership:
admin: address
event SetGaugeManager:
_gauge_manager: address
event Transfer:
_from: indexed(address)
_to: indexed(address)
_value: uint256
event Approval:
_owner: indexed(address)
_spender: indexed(address)
_value: uint256
struct Reward:
token: address
distributor: address
period_finish: uint256
rate: uint256
last_update: uint256
integral: uint256
MAX_REWARDS: constant(uint256) = 8
TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION: constant(uint256) = 40
WEEK: constant(uint256) = 604800
VERSION: constant(String[8]) = "v6.1.0" # <- updated from v6.0.0 (makes rewards semi-permissionless)
EIP712_TYPEHASH: constant(bytes32) = keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)")
EIP2612_TYPEHASH: constant(bytes32) = keccak256("Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)")
VERSION_HASH: constant(bytes32) = keccak256(VERSION)
NAME_HASH: immutable(bytes32)
CACHED_CHAIN_ID: immutable(uint256)
salt: public(immutable(bytes32))
CACHED_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR: immutable(bytes32)
CRV: constant(address) = 0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52
GAUGE_CONTROLLER: constant(address) = 0x2F50D538606Fa9EDD2B11E2446BEb18C9D5846bB
MINTER: constant(address) = 0xd061D61a4d941c39E5453435B6345Dc261C2fcE0
VEBOOST_PROXY: constant(address) = 0x8E0c00ed546602fD9927DF742bbAbF726D5B0d16
VOTING_ESCROW: constant(address) = 0x5f3b5DfEb7B28CDbD7FAba78963EE202a494e2A2
# ERC20
balanceOf: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
totalSupply: public(uint256)
allowance: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])
name: public(String[64])
symbol: public(String[40])
# ERC2612
nonces: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
# Gauge
factory: public(address)
manager: public(address)
lp_token: public(address)
is_killed: public(bool)
# [future_epoch_time uint40][inflation_rate uint216]
inflation_params: uint256
# For tracking external rewards
reward_count: public(uint256)
reward_data: public(HashMap[address, Reward])
# claimant -> default reward receiver
rewards_receiver: public(HashMap[address, address])
# reward token -> claiming address -> integral
reward_integral_for: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])
# user -> [uint128 claimable amount][uint128 claimed amount]
claim_data: HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]
working_balances: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
working_supply: public(uint256)
# 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from (last_action) till checkpoint
integrate_inv_supply_of: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
integrate_checkpoint_of: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
# ∫(balance * rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint
# Units: rate * t = already number of coins per address to issue
integrate_fraction: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
# The goal is to be able to calculate ∫(rate * balance / totalSupply dt) from 0 till checkpoint
# All values are kept in units of being multiplied by 1e18
period: public(int128)
# array of reward tokens
reward_tokens: public(address[MAX_REWARDS])
period_timestamp: public(uint256[100000000000000000000000000000])
# 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint
integrate_inv_supply: public(uint256[100000000000000000000000000000]) # bump epoch when rate() changes
def __init__(_lp_token: address):
@notice Contract constructor
@param _lp_token Liquidity Pool contract address
self.lp_token = _lp_token
self.factory = msg.sender
self.manager = tx.origin
symbol: String[32] = ERC20Extended(_lp_token).symbol()
name: String[64] = concat("Curve.fi ", symbol, " Gauge Deposit")
self.name = name
self.symbol = concat(symbol, "-gauge")
self.period_timestamp[0] = block.timestamp
self.inflation_params = (
(CRV20(CRV).future_epoch_time_write() << 216)
+ CRV20(CRV).rate()
NAME_HASH = keccak256(name)
salt = block.prevhash
CACHED_CHAIN_ID = chain.id
# Internal Functions
def _domain_separator() -> bytes32:
if chain.id != CACHED_CHAIN_ID:
return keccak256(
def _checkpoint(addr: address):
@notice Checkpoint for a user
@dev Updates the CRV emissions a user is entitled to receive
@param addr User address
_period: int128 = self.period
_period_time: uint256 = self.period_timestamp[_period]
_integrate_inv_supply: uint256 = self.integrate_inv_supply[_period]
inflation_params: uint256 = self.inflation_params
prev_future_epoch: uint256 = inflation_params >> 216
gauge_is_killed: bool = self.is_killed
rate: uint256 = inflation_params % 2 ** 216
new_rate: uint256 = rate
if gauge_is_killed:
rate = 0
new_rate = 0
if prev_future_epoch >= _period_time:
future_epoch_time_write: uint256 = CRV20(CRV).future_epoch_time_write()
if not gauge_is_killed:
new_rate = CRV20(CRV).rate()
self.inflation_params = (future_epoch_time_write << 216) + new_rate
# Update integral of 1/supply
if block.timestamp > _period_time:
_working_supply: uint256 = self.working_supply
prev_week_time: uint256 = _period_time
week_time: uint256 = min((_period_time + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK, block.timestamp)
for i in range(500):
dt: uint256 = week_time - prev_week_time
w: uint256 = Controller(GAUGE_CONTROLLER).gauge_relative_weight(self, prev_week_time)
if _working_supply > 0:
if prev_future_epoch >= prev_week_time and prev_future_epoch < week_time:
# If we went across one or multiple epochs, apply the rate
# of the first epoch until it ends, and then the rate of
# the last epoch.
# If more than one epoch is crossed - the gauge gets less,
# but that'd meen it wasn't called for more than 1 year
_integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * (prev_future_epoch - prev_week_time) / _working_supply
rate = new_rate
_integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * (week_time - prev_future_epoch) / _working_supply
_integrate_inv_supply += rate * w * dt / _working_supply
# On precisions of the calculation
# rate ~= 10e18
# last_weight > 0.01 * 1e18 = 1e16 (if pool weight is 1%)
# _working_supply ~= TVL * 1e18 ~= 1e26 ($100M for example)
# The largest loss is at dt = 1
# Loss is 1e-9 - acceptable
if week_time == block.timestamp:
prev_week_time = week_time
week_time = min(week_time + WEEK, block.timestamp)
_period += 1
self.period = _period
self.period_timestamp[_period] = block.timestamp
self.integrate_inv_supply[_period] = _integrate_inv_supply
# Update user-specific integrals
_working_balance: uint256 = self.working_balances[addr]
self.integrate_fraction[addr] += _working_balance * (_integrate_inv_supply - self.integrate_inv_supply_of[addr]) / 10 ** 18
self.integrate_inv_supply_of[addr] = _integrate_inv_supply
self.integrate_checkpoint_of[addr] = block.timestamp
def _checkpoint_rewards(_user: address, _total_supply: uint256, _claim: bool, _receiver: address):
@notice Claim pending rewards and checkpoint rewards for a user
user_balance: uint256 = 0
receiver: address = _receiver
if _user != empty(address):
user_balance = self.balanceOf[_user]
if _claim and _receiver == empty(address):
# if receiver is not explicitly declared, check if a default receiver is set
receiver = self.rewards_receiver[_user]
if receiver == empty(address):
# if no default receiver is set, direct claims to the user
receiver = _user
reward_count: uint256 = self.reward_count
for i in range(MAX_REWARDS):
if i == reward_count:
token: address = self.reward_tokens[i]
integral: uint256 = self.reward_data[token].integral
last_update: uint256 = min(block.timestamp, self.reward_data[token].period_finish)
duration: uint256 = last_update - self.reward_data[token].last_update
if duration != 0 and _total_supply != 0:
self.reward_data[token].last_update = last_update
integral += duration * self.reward_data[token].rate * 10**18 / _total_supply
self.reward_data[token].integral = integral
if _user != empty(address):
integral_for: uint256 = self.reward_integral_for[token][_user]
new_claimable: uint256 = 0
if integral_for < integral:
self.reward_integral_for[token][_user] = integral
new_claimable = user_balance * (integral - integral_for) / 10**18
claim_data: uint256 = self.claim_data[_user][token]
total_claimable: uint256 = (claim_data >> 128) + new_claimable
if total_claimable > 0:
total_claimed: uint256 = claim_data % 2**128
if _claim:
assert ERC20(token).transfer(receiver, total_claimable, default_return_value=True)
self.claim_data[_user][token] = total_claimed + total_claimable
elif new_claimable > 0:
self.claim_data[_user][token] = total_claimed + (total_claimable << 128)
def _update_liquidity_limit(addr: address, l: uint256, L: uint256):
@notice Calculate limits which depend on the amount of CRV token per-user.
Effectively it calculates working balances to apply amplification
of CRV production by CRV
@param addr User address
@param l User's amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
@param L Total amount of liquidity (LP tokens)
# To be called after totalSupply is updated
voting_balance: uint256 = VotingEscrowBoost(VEBOOST_PROXY).adjusted_balance_of(addr)
voting_total: uint256 = ERC20(VOTING_ESCROW).totalSupply()
lim: uint256 = l * TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION / 100
if voting_total > 0:
lim += L * voting_balance / voting_total * (100 - TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION) / 100
lim = min(l, lim)
old_bal: uint256 = self.working_balances[addr]
self.working_balances[addr] = lim
_working_supply: uint256 = self.working_supply + lim - old_bal
self.working_supply = _working_supply
log UpdateLiquidityLimit(addr, l, L, lim, _working_supply)
def _transfer(_from: address, _to: address, _value: uint256):
@notice Transfer tokens as well as checkpoint users
if _value != 0:
total_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply
is_rewards: bool = self.reward_count != 0
if is_rewards:
self._checkpoint_rewards(_from, total_supply, False, empty(address))
new_balance: uint256 = self.balanceOf[_from] - _value
self.balanceOf[_from] = new_balance
self._update_liquidity_limit(_from, new_balance, total_supply)
if is_rewards:
self._checkpoint_rewards(_to, total_supply, False, empty(address))
new_balance = self.balanceOf[_to] + _value
self.balanceOf[_to] = new_balance
self._update_liquidity_limit(_to, new_balance, total_supply)
log Transfer(_from, _to, _value)
# External User Facing Functions
def deposit(_value: uint256, _addr: address = msg.sender, _claim_rewards: bool = False):
@notice Deposit `_value` LP tokens
@dev Depositting also claims pending reward tokens
@param _value Number of tokens to deposit
@param _addr Address to deposit for
assert _addr != empty(address) # dev: cannot deposit for zero address
if _value != 0:
is_rewards: bool = self.reward_count != 0
total_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply
if is_rewards:
self._checkpoint_rewards(_addr, total_supply, _claim_rewards, empty(address))
total_supply += _value
new_balance: uint256 = self.balanceOf[_addr] + _value
self.balanceOf[_addr] = new_balance
self.totalSupply = total_supply
self._update_liquidity_limit(_addr, new_balance, total_supply)
ERC20(self.lp_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, _value)
log Deposit(_addr, _value)
log Transfer(empty(address), _addr, _value)
def withdraw(_value: uint256, _claim_rewards: bool = False):
@notice Withdraw `_value` LP tokens
@dev Withdrawing also claims pending reward tokens
@param _value Number of tokens to withdraw
if _value != 0:
is_rewards: bool = self.reward_count != 0
total_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply
if is_rewards:
self._checkpoint_rewards(msg.sender, total_supply, _claim_rewards, empty(address))
total_supply -= _value
new_balance: uint256 = self.balanceOf[msg.sender] - _value
self.balanceOf[msg.sender] = new_balance
self.totalSupply = total_supply
self._update_liquidity_limit(msg.sender, new_balance, total_supply)
ERC20(self.lp_token).transfer(msg.sender, _value)
log Withdraw(msg.sender, _value)
log Transfer(msg.sender, empty(address), _value)
def claim_rewards(_addr: address = msg.sender, _receiver: address = empty(address)):
@notice Claim available reward tokens for `_addr`
@param _addr Address to claim for
@param _receiver Address to transfer rewards to - if set to
empty(address), uses the default reward receiver
for the caller
if _receiver != empty(address):
assert _addr == msg.sender # dev: cannot redirect when claiming for another user
self._checkpoint_rewards(_addr, self.totalSupply, True, _receiver)
def transferFrom(_from: address, _to :address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
@notice Transfer tokens from one address to another.
@dev Transferring claims pending reward tokens for the sender and receiver
@param _from address The address which you want to send tokens from
@param _to address The address which you want to transfer to
@param _value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred
_allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[_from][msg.sender]
if _allowance != max_value(uint256):
self.allowance[_from][msg.sender] = _allowance - _value
self._transfer(_from, _to, _value)
return True
def transfer(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
@notice Transfer token for a specified address
@dev Transferring claims pending reward tokens for the sender and receiver
@param _to The address to transfer to.
@param _value The amount to be transferred.
self._transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value)
return True
def approve(_spender : address, _value : uint256) -> bool:
@notice Approve the passed address to transfer the specified amount of
tokens on behalf of msg.sender
@dev Beware that changing an allowance via this method brings the risk
that someone may use both the old and new allowance by unfortunate
transaction ordering. This may be mitigated with the use of
{incraseAllowance} and {decreaseAllowance}.
@param _spender The address which will transfer the funds
@param _value The amount of tokens that may be transferred
@return bool success
self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = _value
log Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value)
return True
def permit(
_owner: address,
_spender: address,
_value: uint256,
_deadline: uint256,
_v: uint8,
_r: bytes32,
_s: bytes32
) -> bool:
@notice Approves spender by owner's signature to expend owner's tokens.
See https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2612.
@dev Inspired by https://github.com/yearn/yearn-vaults/blob/main/contracts/Vault.vy#L753-L793
@dev Supports smart contract wallets which implement ERC1271
@param _owner The address which is a source of funds and has signed the Permit.
@param _spender The address which is allowed to spend the funds.
@param _value The amount of tokens to be spent.
@param _deadline The timestamp after which the Permit is no longer valid.
@param _v The bytes[64] of the valid secp256k1 signature of permit by owner
@param _r The bytes[0:32] of the valid secp256k1 signature of permit by owner
@param _s The bytes[32:64] of the valid secp256k1 signature of permit by owner
@return True, if transaction completes successfully
assert _owner != empty(address) # dev: invalid owner
assert block.timestamp <= _deadline # dev: permit expired
nonce: uint256 = self.nonces[_owner]
digest: bytes32 = keccak256(
EIP2612_TYPEHASH, _owner, _spender, _value, nonce, _deadline
assert ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s) == _owner # dev: invalid signature
self.allowance[_owner][_spender] = _value
self.nonces[_owner] = unsafe_add(nonce, 1)
log Approval(_owner, _spender, _value)
return True
def increaseAllowance(_spender: address, _added_value: uint256) -> bool:
@notice Increase the allowance granted to `_spender` by the caller
@dev This is alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for
the potential race condition
@param _spender The address which will transfer the funds
@param _added_value The amount of to increase the allowance
@return bool success
allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender] + _added_value
self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = allowance
log Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowance)
return True
def decreaseAllowance(_spender: address, _subtracted_value: uint256) -> bool:
@notice Decrease the allowance granted to `_spender` by the caller
@dev This is alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for
the potential race condition
@param _spender The address which will transfer the funds
@param _subtracted_value The amount of to decrease the allowance
@return bool success
allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender] - _subtracted_value
self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = allowance
log Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowance)
return True
def user_checkpoint(addr: address) -> bool:
@notice Record a checkpoint for `addr`
@param addr User address
@return bool success
assert msg.sender in [addr, MINTER] # dev: unauthorized
self._update_liquidity_limit(addr, self.balanceOf[addr], self.totalSupply)
return True
def set_rewards_receiver(_receiver: address):
@notice Set the default reward receiver for the caller.
@dev When set to empty(address), rewards are sent to the caller
@param _receiver Receiver address for any rewards claimed via `claim_rewards`
self.rewards_receiver[msg.sender] = _receiver
def kick(addr: address):
@notice Kick `addr` for abusing their boost
@dev Only if either they had another voting event, or their voting escrow lock expired
@param addr Address to kick
t_last: uint256 = self.integrate_checkpoint_of[addr]
t_ve: uint256 = VotingEscrow(VOTING_ESCROW).user_point_history__ts(
addr, VotingEscrow(VOTING_ESCROW).user_point_epoch(addr)
_balance: uint256 = self.balanceOf[addr]
assert ERC20(VOTING_ESCROW).balanceOf(addr) == 0 or t_ve > t_last # dev: kick not allowed
assert self.working_balances[addr] > _balance * TOKENLESS_PRODUCTION / 100 # dev: kick not needed
self._update_liquidity_limit(addr, self.balanceOf[addr], self.totalSupply)
# Administrative Functions
def set_gauge_manager(_gauge_manager: address):
@notice Change the gauge manager for a gauge
@dev The manager of this contract, or the ownership admin can outright modify gauge
managership. A gauge manager can also transfer managership to a new manager via this
method, but only for the gauge which they are the manager of.
@param _gauge_manager The account to set as the new manager of the gauge.
assert msg.sender in [self.manager, Factory(self.factory).admin()] # dev: only manager or factory admin
self.manager = _gauge_manager
log SetGaugeManager(_gauge_manager)
def deposit_reward_token(_reward_token: address, _amount: uint256, _epoch: uint256 = WEEK):
@notice Deposit a reward token for distribution
@param _reward_token The reward token being deposited
@param _amount The amount of `_reward_token` being deposited
@param _epoch The duration the rewards are distributed across.
assert msg.sender == self.reward_data[_reward_token].distributor
self._checkpoint_rewards(empty(address), self.totalSupply, False, empty(address))
# transferFrom reward token and use transferred amount henceforth:
amount_received: uint256 = ERC20(_reward_token).balanceOf(self)
assert ERC20(_reward_token).transferFrom(
amount_received = ERC20(_reward_token).balanceOf(self) - amount_received
period_finish: uint256 = self.reward_data[_reward_token].period_finish
assert amount_received > _epoch # dev: rate will tend to zero!
if block.timestamp >= period_finish:
self.reward_data[_reward_token].rate = amount_received / _epoch
remaining: uint256 = period_finish - block.timestamp
leftover: uint256 = remaining * self.reward_data[_reward_token].rate
self.reward_data[_reward_token].rate = (amount_received + leftover) / _epoch
self.reward_data[_reward_token].last_update = block.timestamp
self.reward_data[_reward_token].period_finish = block.timestamp + _epoch
def add_reward(_reward_token: address, _distributor: address):
@notice Add additional rewards to be distributed to stakers
@param _reward_token The token to add as an additional reward
@param _distributor Address permitted to fund this contract with the reward token
assert msg.sender in [self.manager, Factory(self.factory).admin()] # dev: only manager or factory admin
assert _distributor != empty(address) # dev: distributor cannot be zero address
reward_count: uint256 = self.reward_count
assert reward_count < MAX_REWARDS
assert self.reward_data[_reward_token].distributor == empty(address)
self.reward_data[_reward_token].distributor = _distributor
self.reward_tokens[reward_count] = _reward_token
self.reward_count = reward_count + 1
def set_reward_distributor(_reward_token: address, _distributor: address):
@notice Reassign the reward distributor for a reward token
@param _reward_token The reward token to reassign distribution rights to
@param _distributor The address of the new distributor
current_distributor: address = self.reward_data[_reward_token].distributor
assert msg.sender in [current_distributor, Factory(self.factory).admin(), self.manager]
assert current_distributor != empty(address)
assert _distributor != empty(address)
self.reward_data[_reward_token].distributor = _distributor
def set_killed(_is_killed: bool):
@notice Set the killed status for this contract
@dev When killed, the gauge always yields a rate of 0 and so cannot mint CRV
@param _is_killed Killed status to set
assert msg.sender == Factory(self.factory).admin() # dev: only owner
self.is_killed = _is_killed
# View Methods
def claimed_reward(_addr: address, _token: address) -> uint256:
@notice Get the number of already-claimed reward tokens for a user
@param _addr Account to get reward amount for
@param _token Token to get reward amount for
@return uint256 Total amount of `_token` already claimed by `_addr`
return self.claim_data[_addr][_token] % 2**128
def claimable_reward(_user: address, _reward_token: address) -> uint256:
@notice Get the number of claimable reward tokens for a user
@param _user Account to get reward amount for
@param _reward_token Token to get reward amount for
@return uint256 Claimable reward token amount
integral: uint256 = self.reward_data[_reward_token].integral
total_supply: uint256 = self.totalSupply
if total_supply != 0:
last_update: uint256 = min(block.timestamp, self.reward_data[_reward_token].period_finish)
duration: uint256 = last_update - self.reward_data[_reward_token].last_update
integral += (duration * self.reward_data[_reward_token].rate * 10**18 / total_supply)
integral_for: uint256 = self.reward_integral_for[_reward_token][_user]
new_claimable: uint256 = self.balanceOf[_user] * (integral - integral_for) / 10**18
return (self.claim_data[_user][_reward_token] >> 128) + new_claimable
def claimable_tokens(addr: address) -> uint256:
@notice Get the number of claimable tokens per user
@dev This function should be manually changed to "view" in the ABI
@return uint256 number of claimable tokens per user
return self.integrate_fraction[addr] - Minter(MINTER).minted(addr, self)
def integrate_checkpoint() -> uint256:
@notice Get the timestamp of the last checkpoint
return self.period_timestamp[self.period]
def future_epoch_time() -> uint256:
@notice Get the locally stored CRV future epoch start time
return self.inflation_params >> 216
def inflation_rate() -> uint256:
@notice Get the locally stored CRV inflation rate
return self.inflation_params % 2 ** 216
def decimals() -> uint256:
@notice Get the number of decimals for this token
@dev Implemented as a view method to reduce gas costs
@return uint256 decimal places
return 18
def version() -> String[8]:
@notice Get the version of this gauge contract
return VERSION
def DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() -> bytes32:
@notice EIP712 domain separator.
return self._domain_separator()