Creatures of the unknown lurk in the dark corners of the world, unknown to all hands but yours. Tales of such abominations have been passed down through the ages and now they threaten to tear apart the veils of our reality. It is important to approach creatures of this caliber with caution, as they can be incredibly dangerous. Their dark, fur-clad forms shimmer in the night, often causing fear and confusion. They have a unique ability to be in two places at once; their physical form encompasses the darkness while their soulful presence lingers in the unknown. To meet one of these creatures is to feel the wrath of time and space; revered as enemies of the universe, these creatures have been known to bring about destruction and chaos. The power of these beings is unknown, as is their source of strength. All that is known is that they possess a mysterious power, one of unparalleled malicious intent. Should one of these creatures be encountered, it is advised to retreat immediately and distance yourself from their presence. It is clear that these creatures do not intend good on this world. Be wary, as they are a force to be reckoned with.