Class: EUCLID.
Containment: SCP-5266 is held inside a one thousand square foot containment cell with concrete and rebar reinforced walls, flooring, and roof. Her containment cell does not contain any windows, outlets, or other methods by which an external viewer can see inside. Located on each corner of her cell's cube shaped confinement is one Nokia X23-19 bluetooth enabled audio recorder, which relays an audio feed with a two second delay to D-Class personnel assigned to see to her needs. In the event visual contact of SCP-5266 is needed in case of emergency, only D-Class personnel who have undergone castration should be utilized for such purposes. In the event no castrated D-Class personnel are available, research staff on hand are to anesthetize a D-Class personnel and have them undergo castration before allowing said personnel visual contact with SCP-5266.
Description: SCP-5266 is a Caucasian woman, likely of Eastern European descent, of approximately 25 years of age. SCP-5266 is 5'9, has brown hair and slightly tanned white skin, and green eyes. SCP-5266 SCP-5266 was first discovered by the foundation in Vienna after Foundation agents embedded in Europol were made aware of a series of unsolved deaths of young men in Vienna who appeared to have been killed through "pelvic explosion" in which their pelvis and genitalia seemed to have spontaneously combusted and exploded outwards, killing them near instantly through shock and blood loss. After cross referencing movement the victims' movements the hours prior to their deaths, Foundation personnel determined all four victims had gone to a bar "The Squashed Cock" within 24 hours prior to their deaths. SCP-5266 was found by Foundation personnel tending bar at The Squashed cock, and was identified as anomalous after agent [REDACTED]'s Antimeme protective visor displayed a warning sign for viral infection. SCP-5266 was subdued using aerosolized trazadone and valium and transported to Containment Site 18 without further incident.
SCP-5266's anomalous properties begin whenever a male between the ages of 20 and 35 view her face. Upon this happening the male, henceforth referred to as SCP-5266-A, will begin to experience powerful feelings of attraction for SCP-5266 to the extent of being physically compelled to follow SCP-5266 after work. Upon SCP-5266-A having isolated SCP-5266 in a place where there are no other visual observers, SCP-5266-A will confess their undying love for SCP-5266 and beg her to "let them take her home". Over 16 trials, SCP-5266 has never been observed to decline these offers.
SCP-5266's secondary anomalous properties make themselves known once SCP-5266-A and her join in coitus. SCP-5266 has extraordinarily powerful pelvic floor muscles. Approximately 30 seconds after engaging in coitus with SCP-5266-A, SCP-5266 will engage these muscles using a "kegel" flex, with a force of approximately [REDACTED] Newtons. In tests to date, this has led to the immediate "pelvic explosion" and near immediate subsequent death of SCP-5266-A without fail. Notably, the flesh of the glans of SCP-5266-A has never been recovered in subsequent cleanup procedure after an observed instance of SCP-5266 causing a "pelvic explosion". It is theorized that SCP-5266 is somehow absorbing this flesh, but tests of this have been inconclusive to date. Below are the summaries of several notable instances of tests of SCP-5266's anomalous memetic and physical capabilities.
Test 1: SCP-5266 introduced to a D-Class Personnel "Harvey Jones" in a room monitored with audio recording equipment but no cameras. Harvey was found guilty of two cases of second degree manslaughter, and is a known homosexual.
Result: Harvey Jones, henceforth referred to as SCP-5266-A, immediately confesses his undying love for SCP-5266 and requests immediate coitus, and is predictably killed. No glans was recovered.
Test 2: SCP-5266 introduced to a D-Class Personnel "Amelia Flaherty" in a room monitored with audio recording equipment but no cameras. Amelia was found guilty of one instance of first degree murder, and is a biological woman.
Result: No anomalous interactions observed. SCP-5266 and Amelia had a somewhat awkward conversation in which Amelia inquired as to the purpose of their interaction and SCP-5266 expressed ignorance. Test concluded after one hour of no anomalous behavior.
Test 3: SCP-5266 introduced to a D-Class Personnel "Benjamin Phillips" in a room monitored with audio and video recording equipment but no cameras. Benjamin was found guilty of three instances of first degree assault and two instances of attempted first degree murder and is a biological man.
Result: Benjamin demonstrates severe discomfort at the presence of the camera, paces around the edges of the room without speaking for eight minutes before requesting "some alone time" with SCP-5266. Request Denied. After twenty five minutes of continued pacing, Benjamin (henceforth SCP-5266) falls to his knees and begins confessing his undying love to SCP-5266. SCP-5266 replies "sorry love, never when there's someone watching". SCP-5266-A begins attempting to assault SCP-5266 in an attempt to force coitus. This attempt comes quickly to an end when SCP-5266 wraps her legs around his head and [REDACTED]. No traces of SCP-5266-A's corpse were recovered.
Test 4: SCP-5266 introduced to a D-Class personnel "James Garfield" in a room monitored with audio recording equipment but no cameras. James was found guilty of two instances of child molestation and one instance of endangering a child, and is a biological man who was chemically castrated as part of his sentence.
Result: No anomalous interactions observed. Test concluded after one hour of no anomalous behavior. In post-tests interviews James remarked "She's pretty but she's no Audrey Hepburn".