This exclusive NFT is a lottery ticket.
Prize-Vernon Davis Collection - Jump Man *Golden Ticket*
Creator - Vernondavis85
Personal meeting with the LEGEND !!!
Number of tickets-5000
The first 1000 tickets will cost 0.00 ETH = gas price on OpenSea !!!
This is a unique opportunity to get into a cool FAMILY !!!
-50% of the proceeds from these tickets will be used to buy cool new lottery NFTs. I believe that when ever Beeple and Cryptopunks will be the prize !!! Winners will be randomly selected using the program or other similar program for transparency and fairness in determining the winner. All lotteries are supported personally Koryagin K. (C. Camaro)
For all questions and suggestions, write
It is better to take a chance once than regret lost profits for the rest of your life) I sincerely wish everyone good luck and hope for the support of our community. I am always with both hands for the development of this industry.
Friendly advice: BUY FIRST !!! In order not to buy on the secondary market for big money later) More tickets = More chances !!!