// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {State} from "@src/SizeStorage.sol";
import {Errors} from "@src/libraries/Errors.sol";
import {Events} from "@src/libraries/Events.sol";
import {Math, PERCENT, YEAR} from "@src/libraries/Math.sol";
import {CreditPosition, DebtPosition, LoanLibrary, RESERVED_ID} from "@src/libraries/LoanLibrary.sol";
import {RiskLibrary} from "@src/libraries/RiskLibrary.sol";
/// @title AccountingLibrary
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
library AccountingLibrary {
using RiskLibrary for State;
using LoanLibrary for DebtPosition;
using LoanLibrary for State;
/// @notice Converts debt token amount to a value in collateral tokens
/// @dev Rounds up the debt token amount
/// @param state The state object
/// @param debtTokenAmount The amount of debt tokens
/// @return collateralTokenAmount The amount of collateral tokens
function debtTokenAmountToCollateralTokenAmount(State storage state, uint256 debtTokenAmount)
returns (uint256 collateralTokenAmount)
uint256 debtTokenAmountWad = Math.amountToWad(debtTokenAmount, state.data.underlyingBorrowToken.decimals());
collateralTokenAmount = Math.mulDivUp(
debtTokenAmountWad, 10 ** state.oracle.priceFeed.decimals(), state.oracle.priceFeed.getPrice()
/// @notice Repays a debt position
/// @dev Upon repayment, the debt position future value and the borrower's total debt tracker are updated
/// @param state The state object
/// @param debtPositionId The debt position id
/// @param repayAmount The amount to repay
function repayDebt(State storage state, uint256 debtPositionId, uint256 repayAmount) public {
DebtPosition storage debtPosition = state.getDebtPosition(debtPositionId);
state.data.debtToken.burn(debtPosition.borrower, repayAmount);
debtPosition.futureValue -= repayAmount;
emit Events.UpdateDebtPosition(
debtPositionId, debtPosition.borrower, debtPosition.futureValue, debtPosition.liquidityIndexAtRepayment
/// @notice Creates a debt and credit position
/// @dev Updates the borrower's total debt tracker.
/// The debt position future value and the credit position amount are created with the same value.
/// @param state The state object
/// @param lender The lender address
/// @param borrower The borrower address
/// @param futureValue The future value of the debt
/// @param dueDate The due date of the debt
/// @return creditPosition The created credit position
function createDebtAndCreditPositions(
State storage state,
address lender,
address borrower,
uint256 futureValue,
uint256 dueDate
) external returns (CreditPosition memory creditPosition) {
DebtPosition memory debtPosition =
DebtPosition({borrower: borrower, futureValue: futureValue, dueDate: dueDate, liquidityIndexAtRepayment: 0});
uint256 debtPositionId = state.data.nextDebtPositionId++;
state.data.debtPositions[debtPositionId] = debtPosition;
emit Events.CreateDebtPosition(debtPositionId, borrower, lender, futureValue, dueDate);
creditPosition = CreditPosition({
lender: lender,
credit: debtPosition.futureValue,
debtPositionId: debtPositionId,
forSale: true
uint256 creditPositionId = state.data.nextCreditPositionId++;
state.data.creditPositions[creditPositionId] = creditPosition;
state.validateTenor(dueDate - block.timestamp);
emit Events.CreateCreditPosition(
creditPositionId, lender, debtPositionId, RESERVED_ID, creditPosition.credit, creditPosition.forSale
state.data.debtToken.mint(borrower, futureValue);
/// @notice Creates a credit position by exiting an existing credit position
/// @dev If the credit amount is the same, the existing credit position is updated with the new lender.
/// If the credit amount is different, the existing credit position is reduced and a new credit position is created.
/// The exit process can only be done with loans in the ACTIVE status.
/// It guarantees that the sum of credit positions keeps equal to the debt position future value.
/// @param state The state object
/// @param exitCreditPositionId The credit position id to exit
/// @param lender The lender address
/// @param credit The credit amount
/// @param forSale Whether the credit is for sale
function createCreditPosition(
State storage state,
uint256 exitCreditPositionId,
address lender,
uint256 credit,
bool forSale
) external {
CreditPosition storage exitCreditPosition = state.getCreditPosition(exitCreditPositionId);
if (exitCreditPosition.credit == credit) {
exitCreditPosition.lender = lender;
exitCreditPosition.forSale = forSale;
emit Events.UpdateCreditPosition(
exitCreditPositionId, lender, exitCreditPosition.credit, exitCreditPosition.forSale
} else {
uint256 debtPositionId = exitCreditPosition.debtPositionId;
reduceCredit(state, exitCreditPositionId, credit);
CreditPosition memory creditPosition =
CreditPosition({lender: lender, credit: credit, debtPositionId: debtPositionId, forSale: forSale});
uint256 creditPositionId = state.data.nextCreditPositionId++;
state.data.creditPositions[creditPositionId] = creditPosition;
emit Events.CreateCreditPosition(
creditPositionId, lender, debtPositionId, exitCreditPositionId, credit, forSale
/// @notice Reduces the credit amount of a credit position
/// @dev The credit position is updated with the new credit amount.
/// The credit amount cannot be reduced below the minimum credit.
/// This operation breaks the initial sum of credit equal to the debt position future value.
/// If the loan is in REPAID status, this is expected, as lenders grdually claim their credit.
/// If the loan is in ACTIVE/OVERDUE status, a debt reduction must be performed together with a credit reduction (See reduceDebtAndCredit).
/// @param state The state object
/// @param creditPositionId The credit position id
function reduceCredit(State storage state, uint256 creditPositionId, uint256 amount) public {
CreditPosition storage creditPosition = state.getCreditPosition(creditPositionId);
creditPosition.credit -= amount;
emit Events.UpdateCreditPosition(
creditPositionId, creditPosition.lender, creditPosition.credit, creditPosition.forSale
/// @notice Reduces the debt and credit amounts of a debt and credit position
/// @dev The debt and credit positions are reduced with the same amount.
/// @param state The state object
/// @param debtPositionId The debt position id
/// @param creditPositionId The credit position id
/// @param amount The amount to reduce
function reduceDebtAndCredit(State storage state, uint256 debtPositionId, uint256 creditPositionId, uint256 amount)
repayDebt(state, debtPositionId, amount);
reduceCredit(state, creditPositionId, amount);
/// @notice Get the swap fee percent for a given tenor
/// @param state The state object
/// @param tenor The tenor
/// @return swapFeePercent The swap fee percent
function getSwapFeePercent(State storage state, uint256 tenor) internal view returns (uint256) {
return Math.mulDivUp(state.feeConfig.swapFeeAPR, tenor, YEAR);
/// @notice Get the swap fee for a given cash amount and tenor
/// @dev The intention for the swap fee is to for it to be charged on the "issuance value" of the credit and it is a predefined APR
/// The issuance value is defined as the amount of credit sold discounted by the chosen rate
/// @param state The state object
/// @param cash The cash amount
/// @param tenor The tenor
/// @return swapFee The swap fee
function getSwapFee(State storage state, uint256 cash, uint256 tenor) internal view returns (uint256) {
return Math.mulDivUp(cash, getSwapFeePercent(state, tenor), PERCENT);
/// @notice Get the cash amount out for a given credit amount in
/// @param state The state object
/// @param creditAmountIn The credit amount in
/// @param maxCredit The maximum credit
/// @param ratePerTenor The rate per tenor
/// @param tenor The tenor
/// @return cashAmountOut The cash amount out
/// @return fees The fees
function getCashAmountOut(
State storage state,
uint256 creditAmountIn,
uint256 maxCredit,
uint256 ratePerTenor,
uint256 tenor
) internal view returns (uint256 cashAmountOut, uint256 fees) {
uint256 maxCashAmountOut = Math.mulDivDown(creditAmountIn, PERCENT, PERCENT + ratePerTenor);
fees = getSwapFee(state, maxCashAmountOut, tenor);
if (creditAmountIn == maxCredit) {
// no credit fractionalization
if (fees > maxCashAmountOut) {
revert Errors.NOT_ENOUGH_CASH(maxCashAmountOut, fees);
cashAmountOut = maxCashAmountOut - fees;
} else if (creditAmountIn < maxCredit) {
// credit fractionalization
fees += state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee;
if (fees > maxCashAmountOut) {
revert Errors.NOT_ENOUGH_CASH(maxCashAmountOut, fees);
cashAmountOut = maxCashAmountOut - fees;
} else {
revert Errors.NOT_ENOUGH_CREDIT(creditAmountIn, maxCredit);
/// @notice Get the credit amount in for a given cash amount out
/// @param state The state object
/// @param cashAmountOut The cash amount out
/// @param maxCashAmountOut The maximum cash amount out
/// @param maxCredit The maximum cash amount out
/// @param ratePerTenor The rate per tenor
/// @param tenor The tenor
/// @return creditAmountIn The credit amount in
/// @return fees The fees
function getCreditAmountIn(
State storage state,
uint256 cashAmountOut,
uint256 maxCashAmountOut,
uint256 maxCredit,
uint256 ratePerTenor,
uint256 tenor
) internal view returns (uint256 creditAmountIn, uint256 fees) {
uint256 swapFeePercent = getSwapFeePercent(state, tenor);
uint256 maxCashAmountOutFragmentation = 0;
if (maxCashAmountOut >= state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee) {
maxCashAmountOutFragmentation = maxCashAmountOut - state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee;
// slither-disable-next-line incorrect-equality
if (cashAmountOut == maxCashAmountOut) {
// no credit fractionalization
creditAmountIn = maxCredit;
fees = Math.mulDivUp(creditAmountIn, swapFeePercent, PERCENT + ratePerTenor);
} else if (cashAmountOut < maxCashAmountOutFragmentation) {
// credit fractionalization
creditAmountIn = Math.mulDivUp(
cashAmountOut + state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee, PERCENT + ratePerTenor, PERCENT - swapFeePercent
fees =
Math.mulDivUp(creditAmountIn, swapFeePercent, PERCENT + ratePerTenor) + state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee;
} else {
// for maxCashAmountOutFragmentation < cashAmountOut < maxCashAmountOut we are in an inconsistent situation
// where charging the swap fee would require to sell a credit that exceeds the max possible credit
revert Errors.NOT_ENOUGH_CASH(maxCashAmountOutFragmentation, cashAmountOut);
/// @notice Get the credit amount out for a given cash amount in
/// @param state The state object
/// @param cashAmountIn The cash amount in
/// @param maxCashAmountIn The maximum cash amount in
/// @param maxCredit The maximum credit
/// @param ratePerTenor The rate per tenor
/// @param tenor The tenor
/// @return creditAmountOut The credit amount out
/// @return fees The fees
function getCreditAmountOut(
State storage state,
uint256 cashAmountIn,
uint256 maxCashAmountIn,
uint256 maxCredit,
uint256 ratePerTenor,
uint256 tenor
) internal view returns (uint256 creditAmountOut, uint256 fees) {
if (cashAmountIn == maxCashAmountIn) {
// no credit fractionalization
creditAmountOut = maxCredit;
fees = getSwapFee(state, cashAmountIn, tenor);
} else if (cashAmountIn < maxCashAmountIn) {
// credit fractionalization
if (state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee > cashAmountIn) {
revert Errors.NOT_ENOUGH_CASH(state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee, cashAmountIn);
uint256 netCashAmountIn = cashAmountIn - state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee;
creditAmountOut = Math.mulDivDown(netCashAmountIn, PERCENT + ratePerTenor, PERCENT);
fees = getSwapFee(state, netCashAmountIn, tenor) + state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee;
} else {
revert Errors.NOT_ENOUGH_CASH(maxCashAmountIn, cashAmountIn);
/// @notice Get the cash amount in for a given credit amount out
/// @param state The state object
/// @param creditAmountOut The credit amount out
/// @param maxCredit The maximum credit
/// @param ratePerTenor The rate per tenor
/// @param tenor The tenor
/// @return cashAmountIn The cash amount in
/// @return fees The fees
function getCashAmountIn(
State storage state,
uint256 creditAmountOut,
uint256 maxCredit,
uint256 ratePerTenor,
uint256 tenor
) internal view returns (uint256 cashAmountIn, uint256 fees) {
if (creditAmountOut == maxCredit) {
// no credit fractionalization
cashAmountIn = Math.mulDivUp(maxCredit, PERCENT, PERCENT + ratePerTenor);
fees = getSwapFee(state, cashAmountIn, tenor);
} else if (creditAmountOut < maxCredit) {
// credit fractionalization
uint256 netCashAmountIn = Math.mulDivUp(creditAmountOut, PERCENT, PERCENT + ratePerTenor);
cashAmountIn = netCashAmountIn + state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee;
fees = getSwapFee(state, netCashAmountIn, tenor) + state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee;
} else {
revert Errors.NOT_ENOUGH_CREDIT(creditAmountOut, maxCredit);
if (fees > cashAmountIn) {
revert Errors.NOT_ENOUGH_CASH(cashAmountIn, fees);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.1) (utils/Context.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
* @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the
* sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available
* via msg.sender and msg.data, they should not be accessed in such a direct
* manner, since when dealing with meta-transactions the account sending and
* paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application
* is concerned).
* This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts.
abstract contract Context {
function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
return msg.sender;
function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes calldata) {
return msg.data;
function _contextSuffixLength() internal view virtual returns (uint256) {
return 0;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
library DataTypes {
struct ReserveData {
//stores the reserve configuration
ReserveConfigurationMap configuration;
//the liquidity index. Expressed in ray
uint128 liquidityIndex;
//the current supply rate. Expressed in ray
uint128 currentLiquidityRate;
//variable borrow index. Expressed in ray
uint128 variableBorrowIndex;
//the current variable borrow rate. Expressed in ray
uint128 currentVariableBorrowRate;
//the current stable borrow rate. Expressed in ray
uint128 currentStableBorrowRate;
//timestamp of last update
uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp;
//the id of the reserve. Represents the position in the list of the active reserves
uint16 id;
//aToken address
address aTokenAddress;
//stableDebtToken address
address stableDebtTokenAddress;
//variableDebtToken address
address variableDebtTokenAddress;
//address of the interest rate strategy
address interestRateStrategyAddress;
//the current treasury balance, scaled
uint128 accruedToTreasury;
//the outstanding unbacked aTokens minted through the bridging feature
uint128 unbacked;
//the outstanding debt borrowed against this asset in isolation mode
uint128 isolationModeTotalDebt;
struct ReserveConfigurationMap {
//bit 0-15: LTV
//bit 16-31: Liq. threshold
//bit 32-47: Liq. bonus
//bit 48-55: Decimals
//bit 56: reserve is active
//bit 57: reserve is frozen
//bit 58: borrowing is enabled
//bit 59: stable rate borrowing enabled
//bit 60: asset is paused
//bit 61: borrowing in isolation mode is enabled
//bit 62: siloed borrowing enabled
//bit 63: flashloaning enabled
//bit 64-79: reserve factor
//bit 80-115 borrow cap in whole tokens, borrowCap == 0 => no cap
//bit 116-151 supply cap in whole tokens, supplyCap == 0 => no cap
//bit 152-167 liquidation protocol fee
//bit 168-175 eMode category
//bit 176-211 unbacked mint cap in whole tokens, unbackedMintCap == 0 => minting disabled
//bit 212-251 debt ceiling for isolation mode with (ReserveConfiguration::DEBT_CEILING_DECIMALS) decimals
//bit 252-255 unused
uint256 data;
struct UserConfigurationMap {
* @dev Bitmap of the users collaterals and borrows. It is divided in pairs of bits, one pair per asset.
* The first bit indicates if an asset is used as collateral by the user, the second whether an
* asset is borrowed by the user.
uint256 data;
struct EModeCategory {
// each eMode category has a custom ltv and liquidation threshold
uint16 ltv;
uint16 liquidationThreshold;
uint16 liquidationBonus;
// each eMode category may or may not have a custom oracle to override the individual assets price oracles
address priceSource;
string label;
enum InterestRateMode {NONE, STABLE, VARIABLE}
struct ReserveCache {
uint256 currScaledVariableDebt;
uint256 nextScaledVariableDebt;
uint256 currPrincipalStableDebt;
uint256 currAvgStableBorrowRate;
uint256 currTotalStableDebt;
uint256 nextAvgStableBorrowRate;
uint256 nextTotalStableDebt;
uint256 currLiquidityIndex;
uint256 nextLiquidityIndex;
uint256 currVariableBorrowIndex;
uint256 nextVariableBorrowIndex;
uint256 currLiquidityRate;
uint256 currVariableBorrowRate;
uint256 reserveFactor;
ReserveConfigurationMap reserveConfiguration;
address aTokenAddress;
address stableDebtTokenAddress;
address variableDebtTokenAddress;
uint40 reserveLastUpdateTimestamp;
uint40 stableDebtLastUpdateTimestamp;
struct ExecuteLiquidationCallParams {
uint256 reservesCount;
uint256 debtToCover;
address collateralAsset;
address debtAsset;
address user;
bool receiveAToken;
address priceOracle;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
address priceOracleSentinel;
struct ExecuteSupplyParams {
address asset;
uint256 amount;
address onBehalfOf;
uint16 referralCode;
struct ExecuteBorrowParams {
address asset;
address user;
address onBehalfOf;
uint256 amount;
InterestRateMode interestRateMode;
uint16 referralCode;
bool releaseUnderlying;
uint256 maxStableRateBorrowSizePercent;
uint256 reservesCount;
address oracle;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
address priceOracleSentinel;
struct ExecuteRepayParams {
address asset;
uint256 amount;
InterestRateMode interestRateMode;
address onBehalfOf;
bool useATokens;
struct ExecuteWithdrawParams {
address asset;
uint256 amount;
address to;
uint256 reservesCount;
address oracle;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
struct ExecuteSetUserEModeParams {
uint256 reservesCount;
address oracle;
uint8 categoryId;
struct FinalizeTransferParams {
address asset;
address from;
address to;
uint256 amount;
uint256 balanceFromBefore;
uint256 balanceToBefore;
uint256 reservesCount;
address oracle;
uint8 fromEModeCategory;
struct FlashloanParams {
address receiverAddress;
address[] assets;
uint256[] amounts;
uint256[] interestRateModes;
address onBehalfOf;
bytes params;
uint16 referralCode;
uint256 flashLoanPremiumToProtocol;
uint256 flashLoanPremiumTotal;
uint256 maxStableRateBorrowSizePercent;
uint256 reservesCount;
address addressesProvider;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
bool isAuthorizedFlashBorrower;
struct FlashloanSimpleParams {
address receiverAddress;
address asset;
uint256 amount;
bytes params;
uint16 referralCode;
uint256 flashLoanPremiumToProtocol;
uint256 flashLoanPremiumTotal;
struct FlashLoanRepaymentParams {
uint256 amount;
uint256 totalPremium;
uint256 flashLoanPremiumToProtocol;
address asset;
address receiverAddress;
uint16 referralCode;
struct CalculateUserAccountDataParams {
UserConfigurationMap userConfig;
uint256 reservesCount;
address user;
address oracle;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
struct ValidateBorrowParams {
ReserveCache reserveCache;
UserConfigurationMap userConfig;
address asset;
address userAddress;
uint256 amount;
InterestRateMode interestRateMode;
uint256 maxStableLoanPercent;
uint256 reservesCount;
address oracle;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
address priceOracleSentinel;
bool isolationModeActive;
address isolationModeCollateralAddress;
uint256 isolationModeDebtCeiling;
struct ValidateLiquidationCallParams {
ReserveCache debtReserveCache;
uint256 totalDebt;
uint256 healthFactor;
address priceOracleSentinel;
struct CalculateInterestRatesParams {
uint256 unbacked;
uint256 liquidityAdded;
uint256 liquidityTaken;
uint256 totalStableDebt;
uint256 totalVariableDebt;
uint256 averageStableBorrowRate;
uint256 reserveFactor;
address reserve;
address aToken;
struct InitReserveParams {
address asset;
address aTokenAddress;
address stableDebtAddress;
address variableDebtAddress;
address interestRateStrategyAddress;
uint16 reservesCount;
uint16 maxNumberReserves;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC20/ERC20.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {IERC20} from "./IERC20.sol";
import {IERC20Metadata} from "./extensions/IERC20Metadata.sol";
import {Context} from "../../utils/Context.sol";
import {IERC20Errors} from "../../interfaces/draft-IERC6093.sol";
* @dev Implementation of the {IERC20} interface.
* This implementation is agnostic to the way tokens are created. This means
* that a supply mechanism has to be added in a derived contract using {_mint}.
* TIP: For a detailed writeup see our guide
* https://forum.openzeppelin.com/t/how-to-implement-erc20-supply-mechanisms/226[How
* to implement supply mechanisms].
* The default value of {decimals} is 18. To change this, you should override
* this function so it returns a different value.
* We have followed general OpenZeppelin Contracts guidelines: functions revert
* instead returning `false` on failure. This behavior is nonetheless
* conventional and does not conflict with the expectations of ERC20
* applications.
* Additionally, an {Approval} event is emitted on calls to {transferFrom}.
* This allows applications to reconstruct the allowance for all accounts just
* by listening to said events. Other implementations of the EIP may not emit
* these events, as it isn't required by the specification.
abstract contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20, IERC20Metadata, IERC20Errors {
mapping(address account => uint256) private _balances;
mapping(address account => mapping(address spender => uint256)) private _allowances;
uint256 private _totalSupply;
string private _name;
string private _symbol;
* @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}.
* All two of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during
* construction.
constructor(string memory name_, string memory symbol_) {
_name = name_;
_symbol = symbol_;
* @dev Returns the name of the token.
function name() public view virtual returns (string memory) {
return _name;
* @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the
* name.
function symbol() public view virtual returns (string memory) {
return _symbol;
* @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation.
* For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should
* be displayed to a user as `5.05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`).
* Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between
* Ether and Wei. This is the default value returned by this function, unless
* it's overridden.
* NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in
* no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including
* {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}.
function decimals() public view virtual returns (uint8) {
return 18;
* @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}.
function totalSupply() public view virtual returns (uint256) {
return _totalSupply;
* @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}.
function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
return _balances[account];
* @dev See {IERC20-transfer}.
* Requirements:
* - `to` cannot be the zero address.
* - the caller must have a balance of at least `value`.
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool) {
address owner = _msgSender();
_transfer(owner, to, value);
return true;
* @dev See {IERC20-allowance}.
function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
return _allowances[owner][spender];
* @dev See {IERC20-approve}.
* NOTE: If `value` is the maximum `uint256`, the allowance is not updated on
* `transferFrom`. This is semantically equivalent to an infinite approval.
* Requirements:
* - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool) {
address owner = _msgSender();
_approve(owner, spender, value);
return true;
* @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}.
* Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not
* required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}.
* NOTE: Does not update the allowance if the current allowance
* is the maximum `uint256`.
* Requirements:
* - `from` and `to` cannot be the zero address.
* - `from` must have a balance of at least `value`.
* - the caller must have allowance for ``from``'s tokens of at least
* `value`.
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool) {
address spender = _msgSender();
_spendAllowance(from, spender, value);
_transfer(from, to, value);
return true;
* @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from `from` to `to`.
* This internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to
* e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
* NOTE: This function is not virtual, {_update} should be overridden instead.
function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 value) internal {
if (from == address(0)) {
revert ERC20InvalidSender(address(0));
if (to == address(0)) {
revert ERC20InvalidReceiver(address(0));
_update(from, to, value);
* @dev Transfers a `value` amount of tokens from `from` to `to`, or alternatively mints (or burns) if `from`
* (or `to`) is the zero address. All customizations to transfers, mints, and burns should be done by overriding
* this function.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function _update(address from, address to, uint256 value) internal virtual {
if (from == address(0)) {
// Overflow check required: The rest of the code assumes that totalSupply never overflows
_totalSupply += value;
} else {
uint256 fromBalance = _balances[from];
if (fromBalance < value) {
revert ERC20InsufficientBalance(from, fromBalance, value);
unchecked {
// Overflow not possible: value <= fromBalance <= totalSupply.
_balances[from] = fromBalance - value;
if (to == address(0)) {
unchecked {
// Overflow not possible: value <= totalSupply or value <= fromBalance <= totalSupply.
_totalSupply -= value;
} else {
unchecked {
// Overflow not possible: balance + value is at most totalSupply, which we know fits into a uint256.
_balances[to] += value;
emit Transfer(from, to, value);
* @dev Creates a `value` amount of tokens and assigns them to `account`, by transferring it from address(0).
* Relies on the `_update` mechanism
* Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address.
* NOTE: This function is not virtual, {_update} should be overridden instead.
function _mint(address account, uint256 value) internal {
if (account == address(0)) {
revert ERC20InvalidReceiver(address(0));
_update(address(0), account, value);
* @dev Destroys a `value` amount of tokens from `account`, lowering the total supply.
* Relies on the `_update` mechanism.
* Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address.
* NOTE: This function is not virtual, {_update} should be overridden instead
function _burn(address account, uint256 value) internal {
if (account == address(0)) {
revert ERC20InvalidSender(address(0));
_update(account, address(0), value);
* @dev Sets `value` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens.
* This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to
* e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc.
* Emits an {Approval} event.
* Requirements:
* - `owner` cannot be the zero address.
* - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
* Overrides to this logic should be done to the variant with an additional `bool emitEvent` argument.
function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 value) internal {
_approve(owner, spender, value, true);
* @dev Variant of {_approve} with an optional flag to enable or disable the {Approval} event.
* By default (when calling {_approve}) the flag is set to true. On the other hand, approval changes made by
* `_spendAllowance` during the `transferFrom` operation set the flag to false. This saves gas by not emitting any
* `Approval` event during `transferFrom` operations.
* Anyone who wishes to continue emitting `Approval` events on the`transferFrom` operation can force the flag to
* true using the following override:
* ```
* function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 value, bool) internal virtual override {
* super._approve(owner, spender, value, true);
* }
* ```
* Requirements are the same as {_approve}.
function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 value, bool emitEvent) internal virtual {
if (owner == address(0)) {
revert ERC20InvalidApprover(address(0));
if (spender == address(0)) {
revert ERC20InvalidSpender(address(0));
_allowances[owner][spender] = value;
if (emitEvent) {
emit Approval(owner, spender, value);
* @dev Updates `owner` s allowance for `spender` based on spent `value`.
* Does not update the allowance value in case of infinite allowance.
* Revert if not enough allowance is available.
* Does not emit an {Approval} event.
function _spendAllowance(address owner, address spender, uint256 value) internal virtual {
uint256 currentAllowance = allowance(owner, spender);
if (currentAllowance != type(uint256).max) {
if (currentAllowance < value) {
revert ERC20InsufficientAllowance(spender, currentAllowance, value);
unchecked {
_approve(owner, spender, currentAllowance - value, false);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {LoanStatus} from "@src/libraries/LoanLibrary.sol";
/// @title Errors
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
library Errors {
error USER_IS_UNDERWATER(address account, uint256 cr);
error NULL_AMOUNT();
error NULL_TENOR();
error NULL_ARRAY();
error NULL_OFFER();
error INVALID_MSG_VALUE(uint256 value);
error INVALID_TOKEN(address token);
error INVALID_KEY(string key);
error INVALID_MAXIMUM_TENOR(uint256 maxTenor);
error VALUE_GREATER_THAN_MAX(uint256 value, uint256 max);
error INVALID_LIQUIDATION_COLLATERAL_RATIO(uint256 crOpening, uint256 crLiquidation);
error PAST_DEADLINE(uint256 deadline);
error PAST_MAX_DUE_DATE(uint256 maxDueDate);
error APR_LOWER_THAN_MIN_APR(uint256 apr, uint256 minAPR);
error APR_GREATER_THAN_MAX_APR(uint256 apr, uint256 maxAPR);
error DUE_DATE_NOT_COMPATIBLE(uint256 dueDate1, uint256 dueDate2);
error DUE_DATE_GREATER_THAN_MAX_DUE_DATE(uint256 dueDate, uint256 maxDueDate);
error TENOR_OUT_OF_RANGE(uint256 tenor, uint256 minTenor, uint256 maxTenor);
error INVALID_POSITION_ID(uint256 positionId);
error INVALID_DEBT_POSITION_ID(uint256 debtPositionId);
error INVALID_CREDIT_POSITION_ID(uint256 creditPositionId);
error INVALID_LENDER(address account);
error INVALID_BORROWER(address account);
error INVALID_LOAN_OFFER(address lender);
error INVALID_BORROW_OFFER(address borrower);
error CREDIT_NOT_FOR_SALE(uint256 creditPositionId);
error NOT_ENOUGH_CREDIT(uint256 credit, uint256 required);
error NOT_ENOUGH_CASH(uint256 cash, uint256 required);
error BORROWER_IS_NOT_LENDER(address borrower, address lender);
error COMPENSATOR_IS_NOT_BORROWER(address compensator, address borrower);
error LIQUIDATOR_IS_NOT_LENDER(address liquidator, address lender);
error NOT_ENOUGH_BORROW_ATOKEN_BALANCE(address account, uint256 balance, uint256 required);
error NOT_ENOUGH_BORROW_ATOKEN_LIQUIDITY(uint256 liquidity, uint256 required);
error CREDIT_LOWER_THAN_MINIMUM_CREDIT(uint256 credit, uint256 minimumCreditBorrowAToken);
error CREDIT_LOWER_THAN_MINIMUM_CREDIT_OPENING(uint256 credit, uint256 minimumCreditBorrowAToken);
error CREDIT_POSITION_ALREADY_CLAIMED(uint256 positionId);
error CREDIT_POSITION_NOT_TRANSFERRABLE(uint256 creditPositionId, LoanStatus status, uint256 borrowerCR);
error LOAN_ALREADY_REPAID(uint256 positionId);
error LOAN_NOT_REPAID(uint256 positionId);
error LOAN_NOT_ACTIVE(uint256 positionId);
error LOAN_NOT_LIQUIDATABLE(uint256 debtPositionId, uint256 cr, LoanStatus status);
error LOAN_NOT_SELF_LIQUIDATABLE(uint256 creditPositionId, uint256 cr, LoanStatus status);
uint256 liquidatorProfitCollateralToken, uint256 minimumCollateralProfit
error CR_BELOW_OPENING_LIMIT_BORROW_CR(address account, uint256 cr, uint256 riskCollateralRatio);
error INVALID_DECIMALS(uint8 decimals);
error INVALID_PRICE(address aggregator, int256 price);
error STALE_PRICE(address aggregator, uint256 updatedAt);
error STALE_RATE(uint128 updatedAt);
error BORROW_ATOKEN_INCREASE_EXCEEDS_DEBT_TOKEN_DECREASE(uint256 borrowATokenIncrease, uint256 debtTokenDecrease);
error BORROW_ATOKEN_CAP_EXCEEDED(uint256 cap, uint256 amount);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {LoanStatus} from "@src/libraries/LoanLibrary.sol";
import {
} from "@src/libraries/actions/Initialize.sol";
/// @title Events
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
library Events {
// actions
event Initialize(
InitializeFeeConfigParams f, InitializeRiskConfigParams r, InitializeOracleParams o, InitializeDataParams d
event Deposit(address indexed token, address indexed to, uint256 amount);
event Withdraw(address indexed token, address indexed to, uint256 amount);
event UpdateConfig(string indexed key, uint256 value);
event VariablePoolBorrowRateUpdated(uint128 indexed oldBorrowRate, uint128 indexed newBorrowRate);
event SellCreditMarket(
address indexed lender,
uint256 indexed creditPositionId,
uint256 indexed tenor,
uint256 amount,
uint256 dueDate,
bool exactAmountIn
event SellCreditLimit(
uint256 indexed maxDueDate,
uint256[] curveRelativeTimeTenors,
int256[] curveRelativeTimeAprs,
uint256[] curveRelativeTimeMarketRateMultipliers
event BuyCreditMarket(
address indexed borrower,
uint256 indexed creditPositionId,
uint256 indexed tenor,
uint256 amount,
bool exactAmountIn
event BuyCreditLimit(
uint256 indexed maxDueDate,
uint256[] curveRelativeTimeTenors,
int256[] curveRelativeTimeAprs,
uint256[] curveRelativeTimeMarketRateMultipliers
event Repay(uint256 indexed debtPositionId);
event Claim(uint256 indexed creditPositionId, uint256 indexed debtPositionId);
event Liquidate(
uint256 indexed debtPositionId, uint256 minimumCollateralProfit, uint256 collateralRatio, LoanStatus loanStatus
event SelfLiquidate(uint256 indexed creditPositionId);
event LiquidateWithReplacement(
uint256 indexed debtPositionId, address indexed borrower, uint256 minimumCollateralProfit
event Compensate(
uint256 indexed creditPositionWithDebtToRepayId, uint256 indexed creditPositionToCompensateId, uint256 amount
event SetUserConfiguration(
uint256 indexed openingLimitBorrowCR,
bool indexed allCreditPositionsForSaleDisabled,
bool indexed creditPositionIdsForSale,
uint256[] creditPositionIds
// creates
event CreateDebtPosition(
uint256 indexed debtPositionId,
address indexed borrower,
address indexed lender,
uint256 futureValue,
uint256 dueDate
event CreateCreditPosition(
uint256 indexed creditPositionId,
address indexed lender,
uint256 indexed debtPositionId,
uint256 exitPositionId,
uint256 credit,
bool forSale
// updates
event UpdateDebtPosition(
uint256 indexed debtPositionId, address indexed borrower, uint256 futureValue, uint256 liquidityIndexAtRepayment
event UpdateCreditPosition(uint256 indexed creditPositionId, address indexed lender, uint256 credit, bool forSale);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
/// @notice Arithmetic library with operations for fixed-point numbers.
/// @author Solady (https://github.com/vectorized/solady/blob/main/src/utils/FixedPointMathLib.sol)
/// @author Modified from Solmate (https://github.com/transmissions11/solmate/blob/main/src/utils/FixedPointMathLib.sol)
library FixedPointMathLib {
/// @dev The operation failed, as the output exceeds the maximum value of uint256.
error ExpOverflow();
/// @dev The operation failed, as the output exceeds the maximum value of uint256.
error FactorialOverflow();
/// @dev The operation failed, due to an overflow.
error RPowOverflow();
/// @dev The mantissa is too big to fit.
error MantissaOverflow();
/// @dev The operation failed, due to an multiplication overflow.
error MulWadFailed();
/// @dev The operation failed, due to an multiplication overflow.
error SMulWadFailed();
/// @dev The operation failed, either due to a multiplication overflow, or a division by a zero.
error DivWadFailed();
/// @dev The operation failed, either due to a multiplication overflow, or a division by a zero.
error SDivWadFailed();
/// @dev The operation failed, either due to a multiplication overflow, or a division by a zero.
error MulDivFailed();
/// @dev The division failed, as the denominator is zero.
error DivFailed();
/// @dev The full precision multiply-divide operation failed, either due
/// to the result being larger than 256 bits, or a division by a zero.
error FullMulDivFailed();
/// @dev The output is undefined, as the input is less-than-or-equal to zero.
error LnWadUndefined();
/// @dev The input outside the acceptable domain.
error OutOfDomain();
/// @dev The scalar of ETH and most ERC20s.
uint256 internal constant WAD = 1e18;
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * y) / WAD` rounded down.
function mulWad(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Equivalent to `require(y == 0 || x <= type(uint256).max / y)`.
if mul(y, gt(x, div(not(0), y))) {
mstore(0x00, 0xbac65e5b) // `MulWadFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
z := div(mul(x, y), WAD)
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * y) / WAD` rounded down.
function sMulWad(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := mul(x, y)
// Equivalent to `require((x == 0 || z / x == y) && !(x == -1 && y == type(int256).min))`.
if iszero(gt(or(iszero(x), eq(sdiv(z, x), y)), lt(not(x), eq(y, shl(255, 1))))) {
mstore(0x00, 0xedcd4dd4) // `SMulWadFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
z := sdiv(z, WAD)
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * y) / WAD` rounded down, but without overflow checks.
function rawMulWad(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := div(mul(x, y), WAD)
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * y) / WAD` rounded down, but without overflow checks.
function rawSMulWad(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := sdiv(mul(x, y), WAD)
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * y) / WAD` rounded up.
function mulWadUp(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Equivalent to `require(y == 0 || x <= type(uint256).max / y)`.
if mul(y, gt(x, div(not(0), y))) {
mstore(0x00, 0xbac65e5b) // `MulWadFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
z := add(iszero(iszero(mod(mul(x, y), WAD))), div(mul(x, y), WAD))
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * y) / WAD` rounded up, but without overflow checks.
function rawMulWadUp(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := add(iszero(iszero(mod(mul(x, y), WAD))), div(mul(x, y), WAD))
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * WAD) / y` rounded down.
function divWad(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Equivalent to `require(y != 0 && (WAD == 0 || x <= type(uint256).max / WAD))`.
if iszero(mul(y, iszero(mul(WAD, gt(x, div(not(0), WAD)))))) {
mstore(0x00, 0x7c5f487d) // `DivWadFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
z := div(mul(x, WAD), y)
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * WAD) / y` rounded down.
function sDivWad(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := mul(x, WAD)
// Equivalent to `require(y != 0 && ((x * WAD) / WAD == x))`.
if iszero(and(iszero(iszero(y)), eq(sdiv(z, WAD), x))) {
mstore(0x00, 0x5c43740d) // `SDivWadFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
z := sdiv(mul(x, WAD), y)
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * WAD) / y` rounded down, but without overflow and divide by zero checks.
function rawDivWad(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := div(mul(x, WAD), y)
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * WAD) / y` rounded down, but without overflow and divide by zero checks.
function rawSDivWad(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := sdiv(mul(x, WAD), y)
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * WAD) / y` rounded up.
function divWadUp(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Equivalent to `require(y != 0 && (WAD == 0 || x <= type(uint256).max / WAD))`.
if iszero(mul(y, iszero(mul(WAD, gt(x, div(not(0), WAD)))))) {
mstore(0x00, 0x7c5f487d) // `DivWadFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
z := add(iszero(iszero(mod(mul(x, WAD), y))), div(mul(x, WAD), y))
/// @dev Equivalent to `(x * WAD) / y` rounded up, but without overflow and divide by zero checks.
function rawDivWadUp(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := add(iszero(iszero(mod(mul(x, WAD), y))), div(mul(x, WAD), y))
/// @dev Equivalent to `x` to the power of `y`.
/// because `x ** y = (e ** ln(x)) ** y = e ** (ln(x) * y)`.
function powWad(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256) {
// Using `ln(x)` means `x` must be greater than 0.
return expWad((lnWad(x) * y) / int256(WAD));
/// @dev Returns `exp(x)`, denominated in `WAD`.
/// Credit to Remco Bloemen under MIT license: https://2π.com/21/exp-ln
function expWad(int256 x) internal pure returns (int256 r) {
unchecked {
// When the result is less than 0.5 we return zero.
// This happens when `x <= floor(log(0.5e18) * 1e18) ≈ -42e18`.
if (x <= -41446531673892822313) return r;
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// When the result is greater than `(2**255 - 1) / 1e18` we can not represent it as
// an int. This happens when `x >= floor(log((2**255 - 1) / 1e18) * 1e18) ≈ 135`.
if iszero(slt(x, 135305999368893231589)) {
mstore(0x00, 0xa37bfec9) // `ExpOverflow()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
// `x` is now in the range `(-42, 136) * 1e18`. Convert to `(-42, 136) * 2**96`
// for more intermediate precision and a binary basis. This base conversion
// is a multiplication by 1e18 / 2**96 = 5**18 / 2**78.
x = (x << 78) / 5 ** 18;
// Reduce range of x to (-½ ln 2, ½ ln 2) * 2**96 by factoring out powers
// of two such that exp(x) = exp(x') * 2**k, where k is an integer.
// Solving this gives k = round(x / log(2)) and x' = x - k * log(2).
int256 k = ((x << 96) / 54916777467707473351141471128 + 2 ** 95) >> 96;
x = x - k * 54916777467707473351141471128;
// `k` is in the range `[-61, 195]`.
// Evaluate using a (6, 7)-term rational approximation.
// `p` is made monic, we'll multiply by a scale factor later.
int256 y = x + 1346386616545796478920950773328;
y = ((y * x) >> 96) + 57155421227552351082224309758442;
int256 p = y + x - 94201549194550492254356042504812;
p = ((p * y) >> 96) + 28719021644029726153956944680412240;
p = p * x + (4385272521454847904659076985693276 << 96);
// We leave `p` in `2**192` basis so we don't need to scale it back up for the division.
int256 q = x - 2855989394907223263936484059900;
q = ((q * x) >> 96) + 50020603652535783019961831881945;
q = ((q * x) >> 96) - 533845033583426703283633433725380;
q = ((q * x) >> 96) + 3604857256930695427073651918091429;
q = ((q * x) >> 96) - 14423608567350463180887372962807573;
q = ((q * x) >> 96) + 26449188498355588339934803723976023;
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Div in assembly because solidity adds a zero check despite the unchecked.
// The q polynomial won't have zeros in the domain as all its roots are complex.
// No scaling is necessary because p is already `2**96` too large.
r := sdiv(p, q)
// r should be in the range `(0.09, 0.25) * 2**96`.
// We now need to multiply r by:
// - The scale factor `s ≈ 6.031367120`.
// - The `2**k` factor from the range reduction.
// - The `1e18 / 2**96` factor for base conversion.
// We do this all at once, with an intermediate result in `2**213`
// basis, so the final right shift is always by a positive amount.
r = int256(
(uint256(r) * 3822833074963236453042738258902158003155416615667) >> uint256(195 - k)
/// @dev Returns `ln(x)`, denominated in `WAD`.
/// Credit to Remco Bloemen under MIT license: https://2π.com/21/exp-ln
function lnWad(int256 x) internal pure returns (int256 r) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// We want to convert `x` from `10**18` fixed point to `2**96` fixed point.
// We do this by multiplying by `2**96 / 10**18`. But since
// `ln(x * C) = ln(x) + ln(C)`, we can simply do nothing here
// and add `ln(2**96 / 10**18)` at the end.
// Compute `k = log2(x) - 96`, `r = 159 - k = 255 - log2(x) = 255 ^ log2(x)`.
r := shl(7, lt(0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, x))
r := or(r, shl(6, lt(0xffffffffffffffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(5, lt(0xffffffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(4, lt(0xffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(3, lt(0xff, shr(r, x))))
// We place the check here for more optimal stack operations.
if iszero(sgt(x, 0)) {
mstore(0x00, 0x1615e638) // `LnWadUndefined()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
// forgefmt: disable-next-item
r := xor(r, byte(and(0x1f, shr(shr(r, x), 0x8421084210842108cc6318c6db6d54be)),
// Reduce range of x to (1, 2) * 2**96
// ln(2^k * x) = k * ln(2) + ln(x)
x := shr(159, shl(r, x))
// Evaluate using a (8, 8)-term rational approximation.
// `p` is made monic, we will multiply by a scale factor later.
// forgefmt: disable-next-item
let p := sub( // This heavily nested expression is to avoid stack-too-deep for via-ir.
sar(96, mul(add(43456485725739037958740375743393,
sar(96, mul(add(24828157081833163892658089445524,
sar(96, mul(add(3273285459638523848632254066296,
x), x))), x))), x)), 11111509109440967052023855526967)
p := sub(sar(96, mul(p, x)), 45023709667254063763336534515857)
p := sub(sar(96, mul(p, x)), 14706773417378608786704636184526)
p := sub(mul(p, x), shl(96, 795164235651350426258249787498))
// We leave `p` in `2**192` basis so we don't need to scale it back up for the division.
// `q` is monic by convention.
let q := add(5573035233440673466300451813936, x)
q := add(71694874799317883764090561454958, sar(96, mul(x, q)))
q := add(283447036172924575727196451306956, sar(96, mul(x, q)))
q := add(401686690394027663651624208769553, sar(96, mul(x, q)))
q := add(204048457590392012362485061816622, sar(96, mul(x, q)))
q := add(31853899698501571402653359427138, sar(96, mul(x, q)))
q := add(909429971244387300277376558375, sar(96, mul(x, q)))
// `p / q` is in the range `(0, 0.125) * 2**96`.
// Finalization, we need to:
// - Multiply by the scale factor `s = 5.549…`.
// - Add `ln(2**96 / 10**18)`.
// - Add `k * ln(2)`.
// - Multiply by `10**18 / 2**96 = 5**18 >> 78`.
// The q polynomial is known not to have zeros in the domain.
// No scaling required because p is already `2**96` too large.
p := sdiv(p, q)
// Multiply by the scaling factor: `s * 5**18 * 2**96`, base is now `5**18 * 2**192`.
p := mul(1677202110996718588342820967067443963516166, p)
// Add `ln(2) * k * 5**18 * 2**192`.
// forgefmt: disable-next-item
p := add(mul(16597577552685614221487285958193947469193820559219878177908093499208371, sub(159, r)), p)
// Add `ln(2**96 / 10**18) * 5**18 * 2**192`.
p := add(600920179829731861736702779321621459595472258049074101567377883020018308, p)
// Base conversion: mul `2**18 / 2**192`.
r := sar(174, p)
/// @dev Returns `W_0(x)`, denominated in `WAD`.
/// See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_W_function
/// a.k.a. Product log function. This is an approximation of the principal branch.
function lambertW0Wad(int256 x) internal pure returns (int256 w) {
// forgefmt: disable-next-item
unchecked {
if ((w = x) <= -367879441171442322) revert OutOfDomain(); // `x` less than `-1/e`.
int256 wad = int256(WAD);
int256 p = x;
uint256 c; // Whether we need to avoid catastrophic cancellation.
uint256 i = 4; // Number of iterations.
if (w <= 0x1ffffffffffff) {
if (-0x4000000000000 <= w) {
i = 1; // Inputs near zero only take one step to converge.
} else if (w <= -0x3ffffffffffffff) {
i = 32; // Inputs near `-1/e` take very long to converge.
} else if (w >> 63 == 0) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Inline log2 for more performance, since the range is small.
let v := shr(49, w)
let l := shl(3, lt(0xff, v))
l := add(or(l, byte(and(0x1f, shr(shr(l, v), 0x8421084210842108cc6318c6db6d54be)),
0x0706060506020504060203020504030106050205030304010505030400000000)), 49)
w := sdiv(shl(l, 7), byte(sub(l, 31), 0x0303030303030303040506080c13))
c := gt(l, 60)
i := add(2, add(gt(l, 53), c))
} else {
int256 ll = lnWad(w = lnWad(w));
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// `w = ln(x) - ln(ln(x)) + b * ln(ln(x)) / ln(x)`.
w := add(sdiv(mul(ll, 1023715080943847266), w), sub(w, ll))
i := add(3, iszero(shr(68, x)))
c := iszero(shr(143, x))
if (c == 0) {
do { // If `x` is big, use Newton's so that intermediate values won't overflow.
int256 e = expWad(w);
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let t := mul(w, div(e, wad))
w := sub(w, sdiv(sub(t, x), div(add(e, t), wad)))
if (p <= w) break;
p = w;
} while (--i != 0);
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
w := sub(w, sgt(w, 2))
return w;
do { // Otherwise, use Halley's for faster convergence.
int256 e = expWad(w);
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let t := add(w, wad)
let s := sub(mul(w, e), mul(x, wad))
w := sub(w, sdiv(mul(s, wad), sub(mul(e, t), sdiv(mul(add(t, wad), s), add(t, t)))))
if (p <= w) break;
p = w;
} while (--i != c);
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
w := sub(w, sgt(w, 2))
// For certain ranges of `x`, we'll use the quadratic-rate recursive formula of
// R. Iacono and J.P. Boyd for the last iteration, to avoid catastrophic cancellation.
if (c != 0) {
int256 t = w | 1;
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
x := sdiv(mul(x, wad), t)
x = (t * (wad + lnWad(x)));
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
w := sdiv(x, add(wad, t))
/// @dev Calculates `floor(a * b / d)` with full precision.
/// Throws if result overflows a uint256 or when `d` is zero.
/// Credit to Remco Bloemen under MIT license: https://2π.com/21/muldiv
function fullMulDiv(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 d) internal pure returns (uint256 result) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
for {} 1 {} {
// 512-bit multiply `[p1 p0] = x * y`.
// Compute the product mod `2**256` and mod `2**256 - 1`
// then use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to reconstruct
// the 512 bit result. The result is stored in two 256
// variables such that `product = p1 * 2**256 + p0`.
// Least significant 256 bits of the product.
result := mul(x, y) // Temporarily use `result` as `p0` to save gas.
let mm := mulmod(x, y, not(0))
// Most significant 256 bits of the product.
let p1 := sub(mm, add(result, lt(mm, result)))
// Handle non-overflow cases, 256 by 256 division.
if iszero(p1) {
if iszero(d) {
mstore(0x00, 0xae47f702) // `FullMulDivFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
result := div(result, d)
// Make sure the result is less than `2**256`. Also prevents `d == 0`.
if iszero(gt(d, p1)) {
mstore(0x00, 0xae47f702) // `FullMulDivFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
/*------------------- 512 by 256 division --------------------*/
// Make division exact by subtracting the remainder from `[p1 p0]`.
// Compute remainder using mulmod.
let r := mulmod(x, y, d)
// `t` is the least significant bit of `d`.
// Always greater or equal to 1.
let t := and(d, sub(0, d))
// Divide `d` by `t`, which is a power of two.
d := div(d, t)
// Invert `d mod 2**256`
// Now that `d` is an odd number, it has an inverse
// modulo `2**256` such that `d * inv = 1 mod 2**256`.
// Compute the inverse by starting with a seed that is correct
// correct for four bits. That is, `d * inv = 1 mod 2**4`.
let inv := xor(2, mul(3, d))
// Now use Newton-Raphson iteration to improve the precision.
// Thanks to Hensel's lifting lemma, this also works in modular
// arithmetic, doubling the correct bits in each step.
inv := mul(inv, sub(2, mul(d, inv))) // inverse mod 2**8
inv := mul(inv, sub(2, mul(d, inv))) // inverse mod 2**16
inv := mul(inv, sub(2, mul(d, inv))) // inverse mod 2**32
inv := mul(inv, sub(2, mul(d, inv))) // inverse mod 2**64
inv := mul(inv, sub(2, mul(d, inv))) // inverse mod 2**128
result :=
// Divide [p1 p0] by the factors of two.
// Shift in bits from `p1` into `p0`. For this we need
// to flip `t` such that it is `2**256 / t`.
mul(sub(p1, gt(r, result)), add(div(sub(0, t), t), 1)),
div(sub(result, r), t)
// inverse mod 2**256
mul(inv, sub(2, mul(d, inv)))
/// @dev Calculates `floor(x * y / d)` with full precision, rounded up.
/// Throws if result overflows a uint256 or when `d` is zero.
/// Credit to Uniswap-v3-core under MIT license:
/// https://github.com/Uniswap/v3-core/blob/contracts/libraries/FullMath.sol
function fullMulDivUp(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 d) internal pure returns (uint256 result) {
result = fullMulDiv(x, y, d);
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
if mulmod(x, y, d) {
result := add(result, 1)
if iszero(result) {
mstore(0x00, 0xae47f702) // `FullMulDivFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
/// @dev Returns `floor(x * y / d)`.
/// Reverts if `x * y` overflows, or `d` is zero.
function mulDiv(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 d) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Equivalent to require(d != 0 && (y == 0 || x <= type(uint256).max / y))
if iszero(mul(d, iszero(mul(y, gt(x, div(not(0), y)))))) {
mstore(0x00, 0xad251c27) // `MulDivFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
z := div(mul(x, y), d)
/// @dev Returns `ceil(x * y / d)`.
/// Reverts if `x * y` overflows, or `d` is zero.
function mulDivUp(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 d) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Equivalent to require(d != 0 && (y == 0 || x <= type(uint256).max / y))
if iszero(mul(d, iszero(mul(y, gt(x, div(not(0), y)))))) {
mstore(0x00, 0xad251c27) // `MulDivFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
z := add(iszero(iszero(mod(mul(x, y), d))), div(mul(x, y), d))
/// @dev Returns `ceil(x / d)`.
/// Reverts if `d` is zero.
function divUp(uint256 x, uint256 d) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
if iszero(d) {
mstore(0x00, 0x65244e4e) // `DivFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
z := add(iszero(iszero(mod(x, d))), div(x, d))
/// @dev Returns `max(0, x - y)`.
function zeroFloorSub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := mul(gt(x, y), sub(x, y))
/// @dev Exponentiate `x` to `y` by squaring, denominated in base `b`.
/// Reverts if the computation overflows.
function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := mul(b, iszero(y)) // `0 ** 0 = 1`. Otherwise, `0 ** n = 0`.
if x {
z := xor(b, mul(xor(b, x), and(y, 1))) // `z = isEven(y) ? scale : x`
let half := shr(1, b) // Divide `b` by 2.
// Divide `y` by 2 every iteration.
for { y := shr(1, y) } y { y := shr(1, y) } {
let xx := mul(x, x) // Store x squared.
let xxRound := add(xx, half) // Round to the nearest number.
// Revert if `xx + half` overflowed, or if `x ** 2` overflows.
if or(lt(xxRound, xx), shr(128, x)) {
mstore(0x00, 0x49f7642b) // `RPowOverflow()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
x := div(xxRound, b) // Set `x` to scaled `xxRound`.
// If `y` is odd:
if and(y, 1) {
let zx := mul(z, x) // Compute `z * x`.
let zxRound := add(zx, half) // Round to the nearest number.
// If `z * x` overflowed or `zx + half` overflowed:
if or(xor(div(zx, x), z), lt(zxRound, zx)) {
// Revert if `x` is non-zero.
if iszero(iszero(x)) {
mstore(0x00, 0x49f7642b) // `RPowOverflow()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
z := div(zxRound, b) // Return properly scaled `zxRound`.
/// @dev Returns the square root of `x`.
function sqrt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// `floor(sqrt(2**15)) = 181`. `sqrt(2**15) - 181 = 2.84`.
z := 181 // The "correct" value is 1, but this saves a multiplication later.
// This segment is to get a reasonable initial estimate for the Babylonian method. With a bad
// start, the correct # of bits increases ~linearly each iteration instead of ~quadratically.
// Let `y = x / 2**r`. We check `y >= 2**(k + 8)`
// but shift right by `k` bits to ensure that if `x >= 256`, then `y >= 256`.
let r := shl(7, lt(0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, x))
r := or(r, shl(6, lt(0xffffffffffffffffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(5, lt(0xffffffffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(4, lt(0xffffff, shr(r, x))))
z := shl(shr(1, r), z)
// Goal was to get `z*z*y` within a small factor of `x`. More iterations could
// get y in a tighter range. Currently, we will have y in `[256, 256*(2**16))`.
// We ensured `y >= 256` so that the relative difference between `y` and `y+1` is small.
// That's not possible if `x < 256` but we can just verify those cases exhaustively.
// Now, `z*z*y <= x < z*z*(y+1)`, and `y <= 2**(16+8)`, and either `y >= 256`, or `x < 256`.
// Correctness can be checked exhaustively for `x < 256`, so we assume `y >= 256`.
// Then `z*sqrt(y)` is within `sqrt(257)/sqrt(256)` of `sqrt(x)`, or about 20bps.
// For `s` in the range `[1/256, 256]`, the estimate `f(s) = (181/1024) * (s+1)`
// is in the range `(1/2.84 * sqrt(s), 2.84 * sqrt(s))`,
// with largest error when `s = 1` and when `s = 256` or `1/256`.
// Since `y` is in `[256, 256*(2**16))`, let `a = y/65536`, so that `a` is in `[1/256, 256)`.
// Then we can estimate `sqrt(y)` using
// `sqrt(65536) * 181/1024 * (a + 1) = 181/4 * (y + 65536)/65536 = 181 * (y + 65536)/2**18`.
// There is no overflow risk here since `y < 2**136` after the first branch above.
z := shr(18, mul(z, add(shr(r, x), 65536))) // A `mul()` is saved from starting `z` at 181.
// Given the worst case multiplicative error of 2.84 above, 7 iterations should be enough.
z := shr(1, add(z, div(x, z)))
z := shr(1, add(z, div(x, z)))
z := shr(1, add(z, div(x, z)))
z := shr(1, add(z, div(x, z)))
z := shr(1, add(z, div(x, z)))
z := shr(1, add(z, div(x, z)))
z := shr(1, add(z, div(x, z)))
// If `x+1` is a perfect square, the Babylonian method cycles between
// `floor(sqrt(x))` and `ceil(sqrt(x))`. This statement ensures we return floor.
// See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_square_root#Using_only_integer_division
z := sub(z, lt(div(x, z), z))
/// @dev Returns the cube root of `x`.
/// Credit to bout3fiddy and pcaversaccio under AGPLv3 license:
/// https://github.com/pcaversaccio/snekmate/blob/main/src/utils/Math.vy
function cbrt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let r := shl(7, lt(0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, x))
r := or(r, shl(6, lt(0xffffffffffffffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(5, lt(0xffffffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(4, lt(0xffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(3, lt(0xff, shr(r, x))))
z := div(shl(div(r, 3), shl(lt(0xf, shr(r, x)), 0xf)), xor(7, mod(r, 3)))
z := div(add(add(div(x, mul(z, z)), z), z), 3)
z := div(add(add(div(x, mul(z, z)), z), z), 3)
z := div(add(add(div(x, mul(z, z)), z), z), 3)
z := div(add(add(div(x, mul(z, z)), z), z), 3)
z := div(add(add(div(x, mul(z, z)), z), z), 3)
z := div(add(add(div(x, mul(z, z)), z), z), 3)
z := div(add(add(div(x, mul(z, z)), z), z), 3)
z := sub(z, lt(div(x, mul(z, z)), z))
/// @dev Returns the square root of `x`, denominated in `WAD`.
function sqrtWad(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
unchecked {
z = 10 ** 9;
if (x <= type(uint256).max / 10 ** 36 - 1) {
x *= 10 ** 18;
z = 1;
z *= sqrt(x);
/// @dev Returns the cube root of `x`, denominated in `WAD`.
function cbrtWad(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
unchecked {
z = 10 ** 12;
if (x <= (type(uint256).max / 10 ** 36) * 10 ** 18 - 1) {
if (x >= type(uint256).max / 10 ** 36) {
x *= 10 ** 18;
z = 10 ** 6;
} else {
x *= 10 ** 36;
z = 1;
z *= cbrt(x);
/// @dev Returns the factorial of `x`.
function factorial(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 result) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
if iszero(lt(x, 58)) {
mstore(0x00, 0xaba0f2a2) // `FactorialOverflow()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
for { result := 1 } x { x := sub(x, 1) } { result := mul(result, x) }
/// @dev Returns the log2 of `x`.
/// Equivalent to computing the index of the most significant bit (MSB) of `x`.
/// Returns 0 if `x` is zero.
function log2(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 r) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
r := shl(7, lt(0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, x))
r := or(r, shl(6, lt(0xffffffffffffffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(5, lt(0xffffffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(4, lt(0xffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(3, lt(0xff, shr(r, x))))
// forgefmt: disable-next-item
r := or(r, byte(and(0x1f, shr(shr(r, x), 0x8421084210842108cc6318c6db6d54be)),
/// @dev Returns the log2 of `x`, rounded up.
/// Returns 0 if `x` is zero.
function log2Up(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 r) {
r = log2(x);
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
r := add(r, lt(shl(r, 1), x))
/// @dev Returns the log10 of `x`.
/// Returns 0 if `x` is zero.
function log10(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 r) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
if iszero(lt(x, 100000000000000000000000000000000000000)) {
x := div(x, 100000000000000000000000000000000000000)
r := 38
if iszero(lt(x, 100000000000000000000)) {
x := div(x, 100000000000000000000)
r := add(r, 20)
if iszero(lt(x, 10000000000)) {
x := div(x, 10000000000)
r := add(r, 10)
if iszero(lt(x, 100000)) {
x := div(x, 100000)
r := add(r, 5)
r := add(r, add(gt(x, 9), add(gt(x, 99), add(gt(x, 999), gt(x, 9999)))))
/// @dev Returns the log10 of `x`, rounded up.
/// Returns 0 if `x` is zero.
function log10Up(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 r) {
r = log10(x);
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
r := add(r, lt(exp(10, r), x))
/// @dev Returns the log256 of `x`.
/// Returns 0 if `x` is zero.
function log256(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 r) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
r := shl(7, lt(0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, x))
r := or(r, shl(6, lt(0xffffffffffffffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(5, lt(0xffffffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(r, shl(4, lt(0xffff, shr(r, x))))
r := or(shr(3, r), lt(0xff, shr(r, x)))
/// @dev Returns the log256 of `x`, rounded up.
/// Returns 0 if `x` is zero.
function log256Up(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 r) {
r = log256(x);
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
r := add(r, lt(shl(shl(3, r), 1), x))
/// @dev Returns the scientific notation format `mantissa * 10 ** exponent` of `x`.
/// Useful for compressing prices (e.g. using 25 bit mantissa and 7 bit exponent).
function sci(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 mantissa, uint256 exponent) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
mantissa := x
if mantissa {
if iszero(mod(mantissa, 1000000000000000000000000000000000)) {
mantissa := div(mantissa, 1000000000000000000000000000000000)
exponent := 33
if iszero(mod(mantissa, 10000000000000000000)) {
mantissa := div(mantissa, 10000000000000000000)
exponent := add(exponent, 19)
if iszero(mod(mantissa, 1000000000000)) {
mantissa := div(mantissa, 1000000000000)
exponent := add(exponent, 12)
if iszero(mod(mantissa, 1000000)) {
mantissa := div(mantissa, 1000000)
exponent := add(exponent, 6)
if iszero(mod(mantissa, 10000)) {
mantissa := div(mantissa, 10000)
exponent := add(exponent, 4)
if iszero(mod(mantissa, 100)) {
mantissa := div(mantissa, 100)
exponent := add(exponent, 2)
if iszero(mod(mantissa, 10)) {
mantissa := div(mantissa, 10)
exponent := add(exponent, 1)
/// @dev Convenience function for packing `x` into a smaller number using `sci`.
/// The `mantissa` will be in bits [7..255] (the upper 249 bits).
/// The `exponent` will be in bits [0..6] (the lower 7 bits).
/// Use `SafeCastLib` to safely ensure that the `packed` number is small
/// enough to fit in the desired unsigned integer type:
/// ```
/// uint32 packed = SafeCastLib.toUint32(FixedPointMathLib.packSci(777 ether));
/// ```
function packSci(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 packed) {
(x, packed) = sci(x); // Reuse for `mantissa` and `exponent`.
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
if shr(249, x) {
mstore(0x00, 0xce30380c) // `MantissaOverflow()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
packed := or(shl(7, x), packed)
/// @dev Convenience function for unpacking a packed number from `packSci`.
function unpackSci(uint256 packed) internal pure returns (uint256 unpacked) {
unchecked {
unpacked = (packed >> 7) * 10 ** (packed & 0x7f);
/// @dev Returns the average of `x` and `y`.
function avg(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
unchecked {
z = (x & y) + ((x ^ y) >> 1);
/// @dev Returns the average of `x` and `y`.
function avg(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
unchecked {
z = (x >> 1) + (y >> 1) + (((x & 1) + (y & 1)) >> 1);
/// @dev Returns the absolute value of `x`.
function abs(int256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := xor(sub(0, shr(255, x)), add(sub(0, shr(255, x)), x))
/// @dev Returns the absolute distance between `x` and `y`.
function dist(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := xor(mul(xor(sub(y, x), sub(x, y)), sgt(x, y)), sub(y, x))
/// @dev Returns the minimum of `x` and `y`.
function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := xor(x, mul(xor(x, y), lt(y, x)))
/// @dev Returns the minimum of `x` and `y`.
function min(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := xor(x, mul(xor(x, y), slt(y, x)))
/// @dev Returns the maximum of `x` and `y`.
function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := xor(x, mul(xor(x, y), gt(y, x)))
/// @dev Returns the maximum of `x` and `y`.
function max(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := xor(x, mul(xor(x, y), sgt(y, x)))
/// @dev Returns `x`, bounded to `minValue` and `maxValue`.
function clamp(uint256 x, uint256 minValue, uint256 maxValue)
returns (uint256 z)
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := xor(x, mul(xor(x, minValue), gt(minValue, x)))
z := xor(z, mul(xor(z, maxValue), lt(maxValue, z)))
/// @dev Returns `x`, bounded to `minValue` and `maxValue`.
function clamp(int256 x, int256 minValue, int256 maxValue) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := xor(x, mul(xor(x, minValue), sgt(minValue, x)))
z := xor(z, mul(xor(z, maxValue), slt(maxValue, z)))
/// @dev Returns greatest common divisor of `x` and `y`.
function gcd(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
for { z := x } y {} {
let t := y
y := mod(z, y)
z := t
/// @dev Returns `x + y`, without checking for overflow.
function rawAdd(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
unchecked {
z = x + y;
/// @dev Returns `x + y`, without checking for overflow.
function rawAdd(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
unchecked {
z = x + y;
/// @dev Returns `x - y`, without checking for underflow.
function rawSub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
unchecked {
z = x - y;
/// @dev Returns `x - y`, without checking for underflow.
function rawSub(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
unchecked {
z = x - y;
/// @dev Returns `x * y`, without checking for overflow.
function rawMul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
unchecked {
z = x * y;
/// @dev Returns `x * y`, without checking for overflow.
function rawMul(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
unchecked {
z = x * y;
/// @dev Returns `x / y`, returning 0 if `y` is zero.
function rawDiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := div(x, y)
/// @dev Returns `x / y`, returning 0 if `y` is zero.
function rawSDiv(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := sdiv(x, y)
/// @dev Returns `x % y`, returning 0 if `y` is zero.
function rawMod(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := mod(x, y)
/// @dev Returns `x % y`, returning 0 if `y` is zero.
function rawSMod(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := smod(x, y)
/// @dev Returns `(x + y) % d`, return 0 if `d` if zero.
function rawAddMod(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 d) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := addmod(x, y, d)
/// @dev Returns `(x * y) % d`, return 0 if `d` if zero.
function rawMulMod(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 d) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
z := mulmod(x, y, d)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
* @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP.
interface IERC20 {
* @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
* another (`to`).
* Note that `value` may be zero.
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
* @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
* a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
* @dev Returns the value of tokens in existence.
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Returns the value of tokens owned by `account`.
function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from the caller's account to `to`.
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
* @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be
* allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
* zero by default.
* This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Sets a `value` amount of tokens as the allowance of `spender` over the
* caller's tokens.
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
* IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
* that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
* transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
* condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
* desired value afterwards:
* https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/20#issuecomment-263524729
* Emits an {Approval} event.
function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
* @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from `from` to `to` using the
* allowance mechanism. `value` is then deducted from the caller's
* allowance.
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC20/extensions/IERC20Metadata.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {IERC20} from "../IERC20.sol";
* @dev Interface for the optional metadata functions from the ERC20 standard.
interface IERC20Metadata is IERC20 {
* @dev Returns the name of the token.
function name() external view returns (string memory);
* @dev Returns the symbol of the token.
function symbol() external view returns (string memory);
* @dev Returns the decimals places of the token.
function decimals() external view returns (uint8);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import {IPoolAddressesProvider} from './IPoolAddressesProvider.sol';
import {DataTypes} from '../protocol/libraries/types/DataTypes.sol';
* @title IPool
* @author Aave
* @notice Defines the basic interface for an Aave Pool.
interface IPool {
* @dev Emitted on mintUnbacked()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address initiating the supply
* @param onBehalfOf The beneficiary of the supplied assets, receiving the aTokens
* @param amount The amount of supplied assets
* @param referralCode The referral code used
event MintUnbacked(
address indexed reserve,
address user,
address indexed onBehalfOf,
uint256 amount,
uint16 indexed referralCode
* @dev Emitted on backUnbacked()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param backer The address paying for the backing
* @param amount The amount added as backing
* @param fee The amount paid in fees
event BackUnbacked(address indexed reserve, address indexed backer, uint256 amount, uint256 fee);
* @dev Emitted on supply()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address initiating the supply
* @param onBehalfOf The beneficiary of the supply, receiving the aTokens
* @param amount The amount supplied
* @param referralCode The referral code used
event Supply(
address indexed reserve,
address user,
address indexed onBehalfOf,
uint256 amount,
uint16 indexed referralCode
* @dev Emitted on withdraw()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset being withdrawn
* @param user The address initiating the withdrawal, owner of aTokens
* @param to The address that will receive the underlying
* @param amount The amount to be withdrawn
event Withdraw(address indexed reserve, address indexed user, address indexed to, uint256 amount);
* @dev Emitted on borrow() and flashLoan() when debt needs to be opened
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset being borrowed
* @param user The address of the user initiating the borrow(), receiving the funds on borrow() or just
* initiator of the transaction on flashLoan()
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will be getting the debt
* @param amount The amount borrowed out
* @param interestRateMode The rate mode: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
* @param borrowRate The numeric rate at which the user has borrowed, expressed in ray
* @param referralCode The referral code used
event Borrow(
address indexed reserve,
address user,
address indexed onBehalfOf,
uint256 amount,
DataTypes.InterestRateMode interestRateMode,
uint256 borrowRate,
uint16 indexed referralCode
* @dev Emitted on repay()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The beneficiary of the repayment, getting his debt reduced
* @param repayer The address of the user initiating the repay(), providing the funds
* @param amount The amount repaid
* @param useATokens True if the repayment is done using aTokens, `false` if done with underlying asset directly
event Repay(
address indexed reserve,
address indexed user,
address indexed repayer,
uint256 amount,
bool useATokens
* @dev Emitted on swapBorrowRateMode()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address of the user swapping his rate mode
* @param interestRateMode The current interest rate mode of the position being swapped: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
event SwapBorrowRateMode(
address indexed reserve,
address indexed user,
DataTypes.InterestRateMode interestRateMode
* @dev Emitted on borrow(), repay() and liquidationCall() when using isolated assets
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param totalDebt The total isolation mode debt for the reserve
event IsolationModeTotalDebtUpdated(address indexed asset, uint256 totalDebt);
* @dev Emitted when the user selects a certain asset category for eMode
* @param user The address of the user
* @param categoryId The category id
event UserEModeSet(address indexed user, uint8 categoryId);
* @dev Emitted on setUserUseReserveAsCollateral()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address of the user enabling the usage as collateral
event ReserveUsedAsCollateralEnabled(address indexed reserve, address indexed user);
* @dev Emitted on setUserUseReserveAsCollateral()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address of the user enabling the usage as collateral
event ReserveUsedAsCollateralDisabled(address indexed reserve, address indexed user);
* @dev Emitted on rebalanceStableBorrowRate()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address of the user for which the rebalance has been executed
event RebalanceStableBorrowRate(address indexed reserve, address indexed user);
* @dev Emitted on flashLoan()
* @param target The address of the flash loan receiver contract
* @param initiator The address initiating the flash loan
* @param asset The address of the asset being flash borrowed
* @param amount The amount flash borrowed
* @param interestRateMode The flashloan mode: 0 for regular flashloan, 1 for Stable debt, 2 for Variable debt
* @param premium The fee flash borrowed
* @param referralCode The referral code used
event FlashLoan(
address indexed target,
address initiator,
address indexed asset,
uint256 amount,
DataTypes.InterestRateMode interestRateMode,
uint256 premium,
uint16 indexed referralCode
* @dev Emitted when a borrower is liquidated.
* @param collateralAsset The address of the underlying asset used as collateral, to receive as result of the liquidation
* @param debtAsset The address of the underlying borrowed asset to be repaid with the liquidation
* @param user The address of the borrower getting liquidated
* @param debtToCover The debt amount of borrowed `asset` the liquidator wants to cover
* @param liquidatedCollateralAmount The amount of collateral received by the liquidator
* @param liquidator The address of the liquidator
* @param receiveAToken True if the liquidators wants to receive the collateral aTokens, `false` if he wants
* to receive the underlying collateral asset directly
event LiquidationCall(
address indexed collateralAsset,
address indexed debtAsset,
address indexed user,
uint256 debtToCover,
uint256 liquidatedCollateralAmount,
address liquidator,
bool receiveAToken
* @dev Emitted when the state of a reserve is updated.
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param liquidityRate The next liquidity rate
* @param stableBorrowRate The next stable borrow rate
* @param variableBorrowRate The next variable borrow rate
* @param liquidityIndex The next liquidity index
* @param variableBorrowIndex The next variable borrow index
event ReserveDataUpdated(
address indexed reserve,
uint256 liquidityRate,
uint256 stableBorrowRate,
uint256 variableBorrowRate,
uint256 liquidityIndex,
uint256 variableBorrowIndex
* @dev Emitted when the protocol treasury receives minted aTokens from the accrued interest.
* @param reserve The address of the reserve
* @param amountMinted The amount minted to the treasury
event MintedToTreasury(address indexed reserve, uint256 amountMinted);
* @notice Mints an `amount` of aTokens to the `onBehalfOf`
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to mint
* @param amount The amount to mint
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will receive the aTokens
* @param referralCode Code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
function mintUnbacked(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
address onBehalfOf,
uint16 referralCode
) external;
* @notice Back the current unbacked underlying with `amount` and pay `fee`.
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to back
* @param amount The amount to back
* @param fee The amount paid in fees
* @return The backed amount
function backUnbacked(address asset, uint256 amount, uint256 fee) external returns (uint256);
* @notice Supplies an `amount` of underlying asset into the reserve, receiving in return overlying aTokens.
* - E.g. User supplies 100 USDC and gets in return 100 aUSDC
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to supply
* @param amount The amount to be supplied
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will receive the aTokens, same as msg.sender if the user
* wants to receive them on his own wallet, or a different address if the beneficiary of aTokens
* is a different wallet
* @param referralCode Code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
function supply(address asset, uint256 amount, address onBehalfOf, uint16 referralCode) external;
* @notice Supply with transfer approval of asset to be supplied done via permit function
* see: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2612 and https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-713
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to supply
* @param amount The amount to be supplied
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will receive the aTokens, same as msg.sender if the user
* wants to receive them on his own wallet, or a different address if the beneficiary of aTokens
* is a different wallet
* @param deadline The deadline timestamp that the permit is valid
* @param referralCode Code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
* @param permitV The V parameter of ERC712 permit sig
* @param permitR The R parameter of ERC712 permit sig
* @param permitS The S parameter of ERC712 permit sig
function supplyWithPermit(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
address onBehalfOf,
uint16 referralCode,
uint256 deadline,
uint8 permitV,
bytes32 permitR,
bytes32 permitS
) external;
* @notice Withdraws an `amount` of underlying asset from the reserve, burning the equivalent aTokens owned
* E.g. User has 100 aUSDC, calls withdraw() and receives 100 USDC, burning the 100 aUSDC
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to withdraw
* @param amount The underlying amount to be withdrawn
* - Send the value type(uint256).max in order to withdraw the whole aToken balance
* @param to The address that will receive the underlying, same as msg.sender if the user
* wants to receive it on his own wallet, or a different address if the beneficiary is a
* different wallet
* @return The final amount withdrawn
function withdraw(address asset, uint256 amount, address to) external returns (uint256);
* @notice Allows users to borrow a specific `amount` of the reserve underlying asset, provided that the borrower
* already supplied enough collateral, or he was given enough allowance by a credit delegator on the
* corresponding debt token (StableDebtToken or VariableDebtToken)
* - E.g. User borrows 100 USDC passing as `onBehalfOf` his own address, receiving the 100 USDC in his wallet
* and 100 stable/variable debt tokens, depending on the `interestRateMode`
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to borrow
* @param amount The amount to be borrowed
* @param interestRateMode The interest rate mode at which the user wants to borrow: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
* @param referralCode The code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
* @param onBehalfOf The address of the user who will receive the debt. Should be the address of the borrower itself
* calling the function if he wants to borrow against his own collateral, or the address of the credit delegator
* if he has been given credit delegation allowance
function borrow(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 interestRateMode,
uint16 referralCode,
address onBehalfOf
) external;
* @notice Repays a borrowed `amount` on a specific reserve, burning the equivalent debt tokens owned
* - E.g. User repays 100 USDC, burning 100 variable/stable debt tokens of the `onBehalfOf` address
* @param asset The address of the borrowed underlying asset previously borrowed
* @param amount The amount to repay
* - Send the value type(uint256).max in order to repay the whole debt for `asset` on the specific `debtMode`
* @param interestRateMode The interest rate mode at of the debt the user wants to repay: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
* @param onBehalfOf The address of the user who will get his debt reduced/removed. Should be the address of the
* user calling the function if he wants to reduce/remove his own debt, or the address of any other
* other borrower whose debt should be removed
* @return The final amount repaid
function repay(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 interestRateMode,
address onBehalfOf
) external returns (uint256);
* @notice Repay with transfer approval of asset to be repaid done via permit function
* see: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2612 and https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-713
* @param asset The address of the borrowed underlying asset previously borrowed
* @param amount The amount to repay
* - Send the value type(uint256).max in order to repay the whole debt for `asset` on the specific `debtMode`
* @param interestRateMode The interest rate mode at of the debt the user wants to repay: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
* @param onBehalfOf Address of the user who will get his debt reduced/removed. Should be the address of the
* user calling the function if he wants to reduce/remove his own debt, or the address of any other
* other borrower whose debt should be removed
* @param deadline The deadline timestamp that the permit is valid
* @param permitV The V parameter of ERC712 permit sig
* @param permitR The R parameter of ERC712 permit sig
* @param permitS The S parameter of ERC712 permit sig
* @return The final amount repaid
function repayWithPermit(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 interestRateMode,
address onBehalfOf,
uint256 deadline,
uint8 permitV,
bytes32 permitR,
bytes32 permitS
) external returns (uint256);
* @notice Repays a borrowed `amount` on a specific reserve using the reserve aTokens, burning the
* equivalent debt tokens
* - E.g. User repays 100 USDC using 100 aUSDC, burning 100 variable/stable debt tokens
* @dev Passing uint256.max as amount will clean up any residual aToken dust balance, if the user aToken
* balance is not enough to cover the whole debt
* @param asset The address of the borrowed underlying asset previously borrowed
* @param amount The amount to repay
* - Send the value type(uint256).max in order to repay the whole debt for `asset` on the specific `debtMode`
* @param interestRateMode The interest rate mode at of the debt the user wants to repay: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
* @return The final amount repaid
function repayWithATokens(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 interestRateMode
) external returns (uint256);
* @notice Allows a borrower to swap his debt between stable and variable mode, or vice versa
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset borrowed
* @param interestRateMode The current interest rate mode of the position being swapped: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
function swapBorrowRateMode(address asset, uint256 interestRateMode) external;
* @notice Rebalances the stable interest rate of a user to the current stable rate defined on the reserve.
* - Users can be rebalanced if the following conditions are satisfied:
* 1. Usage ratio is above 95%
* 2. the current supply APY is below REBALANCE_UP_THRESHOLD * maxVariableBorrowRate, which means that too
* much has been borrowed at a stable rate and suppliers are not earning enough
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset borrowed
* @param user The address of the user to be rebalanced
function rebalanceStableBorrowRate(address asset, address user) external;
* @notice Allows suppliers to enable/disable a specific supplied asset as collateral
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset supplied
* @param useAsCollateral True if the user wants to use the supply as collateral, false otherwise
function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address asset, bool useAsCollateral) external;
* @notice Function to liquidate a non-healthy position collateral-wise, with Health Factor below 1
* - The caller (liquidator) covers `debtToCover` amount of debt of the user getting liquidated, and receives
* a proportionally amount of the `collateralAsset` plus a bonus to cover market risk
* @param collateralAsset The address of the underlying asset used as collateral, to receive as result of the liquidation
* @param debtAsset The address of the underlying borrowed asset to be repaid with the liquidation
* @param user The address of the borrower getting liquidated
* @param debtToCover The debt amount of borrowed `asset` the liquidator wants to cover
* @param receiveAToken True if the liquidators wants to receive the collateral aTokens, `false` if he wants
* to receive the underlying collateral asset directly
function liquidationCall(
address collateralAsset,
address debtAsset,
address user,
uint256 debtToCover,
bool receiveAToken
) external;
* @notice Allows smartcontracts to access the liquidity of the pool within one transaction,
* as long as the amount taken plus a fee is returned.
* @dev IMPORTANT There are security concerns for developers of flashloan receiver contracts that must be kept
* into consideration. For further details please visit https://docs.aave.com/developers/
* @param receiverAddress The address of the contract receiving the funds, implementing IFlashLoanReceiver interface
* @param assets The addresses of the assets being flash-borrowed
* @param amounts The amounts of the assets being flash-borrowed
* @param interestRateModes Types of the debt to open if the flash loan is not returned:
* 0 -> Don't open any debt, just revert if funds can't be transferred from the receiver
* 1 -> Open debt at stable rate for the value of the amount flash-borrowed to the `onBehalfOf` address
* 2 -> Open debt at variable rate for the value of the amount flash-borrowed to the `onBehalfOf` address
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will receive the debt in the case of using on `modes` 1 or 2
* @param params Variadic packed params to pass to the receiver as extra information
* @param referralCode The code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
function flashLoan(
address receiverAddress,
address[] calldata assets,
uint256[] calldata amounts,
uint256[] calldata interestRateModes,
address onBehalfOf,
bytes calldata params,
uint16 referralCode
) external;
* @notice Allows smartcontracts to access the liquidity of the pool within one transaction,
* as long as the amount taken plus a fee is returned.
* @dev IMPORTANT There are security concerns for developers of flashloan receiver contracts that must be kept
* into consideration. For further details please visit https://docs.aave.com/developers/
* @param receiverAddress The address of the contract receiving the funds, implementing IFlashLoanSimpleReceiver interface
* @param asset The address of the asset being flash-borrowed
* @param amount The amount of the asset being flash-borrowed
* @param params Variadic packed params to pass to the receiver as extra information
* @param referralCode The code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
function flashLoanSimple(
address receiverAddress,
address asset,
uint256 amount,
bytes calldata params,
uint16 referralCode
) external;
* @notice Returns the user account data across all the reserves
* @param user The address of the user
* @return totalCollateralBase The total collateral of the user in the base currency used by the price feed
* @return totalDebtBase The total debt of the user in the base currency used by the price feed
* @return availableBorrowsBase The borrowing power left of the user in the base currency used by the price feed
* @return currentLiquidationThreshold The liquidation threshold of the user
* @return ltv The loan to value of The user
* @return healthFactor The current health factor of the user
function getUserAccountData(
address user
returns (
uint256 totalCollateralBase,
uint256 totalDebtBase,
uint256 availableBorrowsBase,
uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold,
uint256 ltv,
uint256 healthFactor
* @notice Initializes a reserve, activating it, assigning an aToken and debt tokens and an
* interest rate strategy
* @dev Only callable by the PoolConfigurator contract
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param aTokenAddress The address of the aToken that will be assigned to the reserve
* @param stableDebtAddress The address of the StableDebtToken that will be assigned to the reserve
* @param variableDebtAddress The address of the VariableDebtToken that will be assigned to the reserve
* @param interestRateStrategyAddress The address of the interest rate strategy contract
function initReserve(
address asset,
address aTokenAddress,
address stableDebtAddress,
address variableDebtAddress,
address interestRateStrategyAddress
) external;
* @notice Drop a reserve
* @dev Only callable by the PoolConfigurator contract
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
function dropReserve(address asset) external;
* @notice Updates the address of the interest rate strategy contract
* @dev Only callable by the PoolConfigurator contract
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param rateStrategyAddress The address of the interest rate strategy contract
function setReserveInterestRateStrategyAddress(
address asset,
address rateStrategyAddress
) external;
* @notice Sets the configuration bitmap of the reserve as a whole
* @dev Only callable by the PoolConfigurator contract
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param configuration The new configuration bitmap
function setConfiguration(
address asset,
DataTypes.ReserveConfigurationMap calldata configuration
) external;
* @notice Returns the configuration of the reserve
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @return The configuration of the reserve
function getConfiguration(
address asset
) external view returns (DataTypes.ReserveConfigurationMap memory);
* @notice Returns the configuration of the user across all the reserves
* @param user The user address
* @return The configuration of the user
function getUserConfiguration(
address user
) external view returns (DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap memory);
* @notice Returns the normalized income of the reserve
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @return The reserve's normalized income
function getReserveNormalizedIncome(address asset) external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Returns the normalized variable debt per unit of asset
* @dev WARNING: This function is intended to be used primarily by the protocol itself to get a
* "dynamic" variable index based on time, current stored index and virtual rate at the current
* moment (approx. a borrower would get if opening a position). This means that is always used in
* combination with variable debt supply/balances.
* If using this function externally, consider that is possible to have an increasing normalized
* variable debt that is not equivalent to how the variable debt index would be updated in storage
* (e.g. only updates with non-zero variable debt supply)
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @return The reserve normalized variable debt
function getReserveNormalizedVariableDebt(address asset) external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Returns the state and configuration of the reserve
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @return The state and configuration data of the reserve
function getReserveData(address asset) external view returns (DataTypes.ReserveData memory);
* @notice Validates and finalizes an aToken transfer
* @dev Only callable by the overlying aToken of the `asset`
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the aToken
* @param from The user from which the aTokens are transferred
* @param to The user receiving the aTokens
* @param amount The amount being transferred/withdrawn
* @param balanceFromBefore The aToken balance of the `from` user before the transfer
* @param balanceToBefore The aToken balance of the `to` user before the transfer
function finalizeTransfer(
address asset,
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount,
uint256 balanceFromBefore,
uint256 balanceToBefore
) external;
* @notice Returns the list of the underlying assets of all the initialized reserves
* @dev It does not include dropped reserves
* @return The addresses of the underlying assets of the initialized reserves
function getReservesList() external view returns (address[] memory);
* @notice Returns the address of the underlying asset of a reserve by the reserve id as stored in the DataTypes.ReserveData struct
* @param id The id of the reserve as stored in the DataTypes.ReserveData struct
* @return The address of the reserve associated with id
function getReserveAddressById(uint16 id) external view returns (address);
* @notice Returns the PoolAddressesProvider connected to this contract
* @return The address of the PoolAddressesProvider
function ADDRESSES_PROVIDER() external view returns (IPoolAddressesProvider);
* @notice Updates the protocol fee on the bridging
* @param bridgeProtocolFee The part of the premium sent to the protocol treasury
function updateBridgeProtocolFee(uint256 bridgeProtocolFee) external;
* @notice Updates flash loan premiums. Flash loan premium consists of two parts:
* - A part is sent to aToken holders as extra, one time accumulated interest
* - A part is collected by the protocol treasury
* @dev The total premium is calculated on the total borrowed amount
* @dev The premium to protocol is calculated on the total premium, being a percentage of `flashLoanPremiumTotal`
* @dev Only callable by the PoolConfigurator contract
* @param flashLoanPremiumTotal The total premium, expressed in bps
* @param flashLoanPremiumToProtocol The part of the premium sent to the protocol treasury, expressed in bps
function updateFlashloanPremiums(
uint128 flashLoanPremiumTotal,
uint128 flashLoanPremiumToProtocol
) external;
* @notice Configures a new category for the eMode.
* @dev In eMode, the protocol allows very high borrowing power to borrow assets of the same category.
* The category 0 is reserved as it's the default for volatile assets
* @param id The id of the category
* @param config The configuration of the category
function configureEModeCategory(uint8 id, DataTypes.EModeCategory memory config) external;
* @notice Returns the data of an eMode category
* @param id The id of the category
* @return The configuration data of the category
function getEModeCategoryData(uint8 id) external view returns (DataTypes.EModeCategory memory);
* @notice Allows a user to use the protocol in eMode
* @param categoryId The id of the category
function setUserEMode(uint8 categoryId) external;
* @notice Returns the eMode the user is using
* @param user The address of the user
* @return The eMode id
function getUserEMode(address user) external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Resets the isolation mode total debt of the given asset to zero
* @dev It requires the given asset has zero debt ceiling
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to reset the isolationModeTotalDebt
function resetIsolationModeTotalDebt(address asset) external;
* @notice Returns the percentage of available liquidity that can be borrowed at once at stable rate
* @return The percentage of available liquidity to borrow, expressed in bps
function MAX_STABLE_RATE_BORROW_SIZE_PERCENT() external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Returns the total fee on flash loans
* @return The total fee on flashloans
function FLASHLOAN_PREMIUM_TOTAL() external view returns (uint128);
* @notice Returns the part of the bridge fees sent to protocol
* @return The bridge fee sent to the protocol treasury
function BRIDGE_PROTOCOL_FEE() external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Returns the part of the flashloan fees sent to protocol
* @return The flashloan fee sent to the protocol treasury
function FLASHLOAN_PREMIUM_TO_PROTOCOL() external view returns (uint128);
* @notice Returns the maximum number of reserves supported to be listed in this Pool
* @return The maximum number of reserves supported
function MAX_NUMBER_RESERVES() external view returns (uint16);
* @notice Mints the assets accrued through the reserve factor to the treasury in the form of aTokens
* @param assets The list of reserves for which the minting needs to be executed
function mintToTreasury(address[] calldata assets) external;
* @notice Rescue and transfer tokens locked in this contract
* @param token The address of the token
* @param to The address of the recipient
* @param amount The amount of token to transfer
function rescueTokens(address token, address to, uint256 amount) external;
* @notice Supplies an `amount` of underlying asset into the reserve, receiving in return overlying aTokens.
* - E.g. User supplies 100 USDC and gets in return 100 aUSDC
* @dev Deprecated: Use the `supply` function instead
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to supply
* @param amount The amount to be supplied
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will receive the aTokens, same as msg.sender if the user
* wants to receive them on his own wallet, or a different address if the beneficiary of aTokens
* is a different wallet
* @param referralCode Code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
function deposit(address asset, uint256 amount, address onBehalfOf, uint16 referralCode) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @title IPoolAddressesProvider
* @author Aave
* @notice Defines the basic interface for a Pool Addresses Provider.
interface IPoolAddressesProvider {
* @dev Emitted when the market identifier is updated.
* @param oldMarketId The old id of the market
* @param newMarketId The new id of the market
event MarketIdSet(string indexed oldMarketId, string indexed newMarketId);
* @dev Emitted when the pool is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the Pool
* @param newAddress The new address of the Pool
event PoolUpdated(address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress);
* @dev Emitted when the pool configurator is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the PoolConfigurator
* @param newAddress The new address of the PoolConfigurator
event PoolConfiguratorUpdated(address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress);
* @dev Emitted when the price oracle is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the PriceOracle
* @param newAddress The new address of the PriceOracle
event PriceOracleUpdated(address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress);
* @dev Emitted when the ACL manager is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the ACLManager
* @param newAddress The new address of the ACLManager
event ACLManagerUpdated(address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress);
* @dev Emitted when the ACL admin is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the ACLAdmin
* @param newAddress The new address of the ACLAdmin
event ACLAdminUpdated(address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress);
* @dev Emitted when the price oracle sentinel is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the PriceOracleSentinel
* @param newAddress The new address of the PriceOracleSentinel
event PriceOracleSentinelUpdated(address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress);
* @dev Emitted when the pool data provider is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the PoolDataProvider
* @param newAddress The new address of the PoolDataProvider
event PoolDataProviderUpdated(address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress);
* @dev Emitted when a new proxy is created.
* @param id The identifier of the proxy
* @param proxyAddress The address of the created proxy contract
* @param implementationAddress The address of the implementation contract
event ProxyCreated(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed proxyAddress,
address indexed implementationAddress
* @dev Emitted when a new non-proxied contract address is registered.
* @param id The identifier of the contract
* @param oldAddress The address of the old contract
* @param newAddress The address of the new contract
event AddressSet(bytes32 indexed id, address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress);
* @dev Emitted when the implementation of the proxy registered with id is updated
* @param id The identifier of the contract
* @param proxyAddress The address of the proxy contract
* @param oldImplementationAddress The address of the old implementation contract
* @param newImplementationAddress The address of the new implementation contract
event AddressSetAsProxy(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed proxyAddress,
address oldImplementationAddress,
address indexed newImplementationAddress
* @notice Returns the id of the Aave market to which this contract points to.
* @return The market id
function getMarketId() external view returns (string memory);
* @notice Associates an id with a specific PoolAddressesProvider.
* @dev This can be used to create an onchain registry of PoolAddressesProviders to
* identify and validate multiple Aave markets.
* @param newMarketId The market id
function setMarketId(string calldata newMarketId) external;
* @notice Returns an address by its identifier.
* @dev The returned address might be an EOA or a contract, potentially proxied
* @dev It returns ZERO if there is no registered address with the given id
* @param id The id
* @return The address of the registered for the specified id
function getAddress(bytes32 id) external view returns (address);
* @notice General function to update the implementation of a proxy registered with
* certain `id`. If there is no proxy registered, it will instantiate one and
* set as implementation the `newImplementationAddress`.
* @dev IMPORTANT Use this function carefully, only for ids that don't have an explicit
* setter function, in order to avoid unexpected consequences
* @param id The id
* @param newImplementationAddress The address of the new implementation
function setAddressAsProxy(bytes32 id, address newImplementationAddress) external;
* @notice Sets an address for an id replacing the address saved in the addresses map.
* @dev IMPORTANT Use this function carefully, as it will do a hard replacement
* @param id The id
* @param newAddress The address to set
function setAddress(bytes32 id, address newAddress) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the Pool proxy.
* @return The Pool proxy address
function getPool() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the implementation of the Pool, or creates a proxy
* setting the new `pool` implementation when the function is called for the first time.
* @param newPoolImpl The new Pool implementation
function setPoolImpl(address newPoolImpl) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the PoolConfigurator proxy.
* @return The PoolConfigurator proxy address
function getPoolConfigurator() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the implementation of the PoolConfigurator, or creates a proxy
* setting the new `PoolConfigurator` implementation when the function is called for the first time.
* @param newPoolConfiguratorImpl The new PoolConfigurator implementation
function setPoolConfiguratorImpl(address newPoolConfiguratorImpl) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the price oracle.
* @return The address of the PriceOracle
function getPriceOracle() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the address of the price oracle.
* @param newPriceOracle The address of the new PriceOracle
function setPriceOracle(address newPriceOracle) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the ACL manager.
* @return The address of the ACLManager
function getACLManager() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the address of the ACL manager.
* @param newAclManager The address of the new ACLManager
function setACLManager(address newAclManager) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the ACL admin.
* @return The address of the ACL admin
function getACLAdmin() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the address of the ACL admin.
* @param newAclAdmin The address of the new ACL admin
function setACLAdmin(address newAclAdmin) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the price oracle sentinel.
* @return The address of the PriceOracleSentinel
function getPriceOracleSentinel() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the address of the price oracle sentinel.
* @param newPriceOracleSentinel The address of the new PriceOracleSentinel
function setPriceOracleSentinel(address newPriceOracleSentinel) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the data provider.
* @return The address of the DataProvider
function getPoolDataProvider() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the address of the data provider.
* @param newDataProvider The address of the new DataProvider
function setPoolDataProvider(address newDataProvider) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
/// @title IPriceFeed
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
interface IPriceFeed {
/// @notice Returns the price of the asset
function getPrice() external view returns (uint256);
/// @notice Returns the number of decimals of the price feed
function decimals() external view returns (uint256);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
/// @dev Interface for WETH
interface IWETH is IERC20 {
function deposit() external payable;
function withdraw(uint256) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {IPool} from "@aave/interfaces/IPool.sol";
import {IERC20Metadata} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/IERC20Metadata.sol";
import {IWETH} from "@src/interfaces/IWETH.sol";
import {Math} from "@src/libraries/Math.sol";
import {CREDIT_POSITION_ID_START, DEBT_POSITION_ID_START} from "@src/libraries/LoanLibrary.sol";
import {PERCENT} from "@src/libraries/Math.sol";
import {IPriceFeed} from "@src/oracle/IPriceFeed.sol";
import {NonTransferrableScaledToken} from "@src/token/NonTransferrableScaledToken.sol";
import {NonTransferrableToken} from "@src/token/NonTransferrableToken.sol";
import {State} from "@src/SizeStorage.sol";
import {Errors} from "@src/libraries/Errors.sol";
import {Events} from "@src/libraries/Events.sol";
// See SizeStorage.sol for the definitions of the structs below
struct InitializeFeeConfigParams {
uint256 swapFeeAPR;
uint256 fragmentationFee;
uint256 liquidationRewardPercent;
uint256 overdueCollateralProtocolPercent;
uint256 collateralProtocolPercent;
address feeRecipient;
struct InitializeRiskConfigParams {
uint256 crOpening;
uint256 crLiquidation;
uint256 minimumCreditBorrowAToken;
uint256 borrowATokenCap;
uint256 minTenor;
uint256 maxTenor;
struct InitializeOracleParams {
address priceFeed;
uint64 variablePoolBorrowRateStaleRateInterval;
struct InitializeDataParams {
address weth;
address underlyingCollateralToken;
address underlyingBorrowToken;
address variablePool;
/// @title Initialize
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
/// @notice Contains the logic to initialize the protocol
/// @dev The collateralToken (e.g. szETH), borrowAToken (e.g. szaUSDC), and debtToken (e.g. szDebt) are created in the `executeInitialize` function
library Initialize {
/// @notice Validates the owner address
/// @param owner The owner address
function validateOwner(address owner) internal pure {
if (owner == address(0)) {
revert Errors.NULL_ADDRESS();
/// @notice Validates the parameters for the fee configuration
/// @param f The fee configuration parameters
function validateInitializeFeeConfigParams(InitializeFeeConfigParams memory f) internal pure {
// validate swapFeeAPR
// N/A
// validate fragmentationFee
// N/A
// validate liquidationRewardPercent
// N/A
// validate overdueCollateralProtocolPercent
if (f.overdueCollateralProtocolPercent > PERCENT) {
revert Errors.INVALID_COLLATERAL_PERCENTAGE_PREMIUM(f.overdueCollateralProtocolPercent);
// validate collateralProtocolPercent
if (f.collateralProtocolPercent > PERCENT) {
revert Errors.INVALID_COLLATERAL_PERCENTAGE_PREMIUM(f.collateralProtocolPercent);
// validate feeRecipient
if (f.feeRecipient == address(0)) {
revert Errors.NULL_ADDRESS();
/// @notice Validates the parameters for the risk configuration
/// @param r The risk configuration parameters
function validateInitializeRiskConfigParams(InitializeRiskConfigParams memory r) internal pure {
// validate crOpening
if (r.crOpening < PERCENT) {
revert Errors.INVALID_COLLATERAL_RATIO(r.crOpening);
// validate crLiquidation
if (r.crLiquidation < PERCENT) {
revert Errors.INVALID_COLLATERAL_RATIO(r.crLiquidation);
if (r.crOpening <= r.crLiquidation) {
revert Errors.INVALID_LIQUIDATION_COLLATERAL_RATIO(r.crOpening, r.crLiquidation);
// validate minimumCreditBorrowAToken
if (r.minimumCreditBorrowAToken == 0) {
revert Errors.NULL_AMOUNT();
// validate underlyingBorrowTokenCap
// N/A
// validate minTenor
if (r.minTenor == 0) {
revert Errors.NULL_AMOUNT();
if (r.maxTenor <= r.minTenor) {
revert Errors.INVALID_MAXIMUM_TENOR(r.maxTenor);
/// @notice Validates the parameters for the oracle configuration
/// @param o The oracle configuration parameters
function validateInitializeOracleParams(InitializeOracleParams memory o) internal view {
// validate priceFeed
if (o.priceFeed == address(0)) {
revert Errors.NULL_ADDRESS();
// slither-disable-next-line unused-return
// validate variablePoolBorrowRateStaleRateInterval
// N/A
/// @notice Validates the parameters for the data configuration
/// @param d The data configuration parameters
function validateInitializeDataParams(InitializeDataParams memory d) internal view {
// validate weth
if (d.weth == address(0)) {
revert Errors.NULL_ADDRESS();
// validate underlyingCollateralToken
if (d.underlyingCollateralToken == address(0)) {
revert Errors.NULL_ADDRESS();
if (IERC20Metadata(d.underlyingCollateralToken).decimals() > 18) {
revert Errors.INVALID_DECIMALS(IERC20Metadata(d.underlyingCollateralToken).decimals());
// validate underlyingBorrowToken
if (d.underlyingBorrowToken == address(0)) {
revert Errors.NULL_ADDRESS();
if (IERC20Metadata(d.underlyingBorrowToken).decimals() > 18) {
revert Errors.INVALID_DECIMALS(IERC20Metadata(d.underlyingBorrowToken).decimals());
// validate variablePool
if (d.variablePool == address(0)) {
revert Errors.NULL_ADDRESS();
/// @notice Validates the parameters for the initialization
/// @param owner The owner address
/// @param f The fee configuration parameters
/// @param r The risk configuration parameters
/// @param o The oracle configuration parameters
/// @param d The data configuration parameters
function validateInitialize(
State storage,
address owner,
InitializeFeeConfigParams memory f,
InitializeRiskConfigParams memory r,
InitializeOracleParams memory o,
InitializeDataParams memory d
) external view {
/// @notice Executes the initialization of the fee configuration
/// @param state The state
/// @param f The fee configuration parameters
function executeInitializeFeeConfig(State storage state, InitializeFeeConfigParams memory f) internal {
state.feeConfig.swapFeeAPR = f.swapFeeAPR;
state.feeConfig.fragmentationFee = f.fragmentationFee;
state.feeConfig.liquidationRewardPercent = f.liquidationRewardPercent;
state.feeConfig.overdueCollateralProtocolPercent = f.overdueCollateralProtocolPercent;
state.feeConfig.collateralProtocolPercent = f.collateralProtocolPercent;
state.feeConfig.feeRecipient = f.feeRecipient;
/// @notice Executes the initialization of the risk configuration
/// @param state The state
/// @param r The risk configuration parameters
function executeInitializeRiskConfig(State storage state, InitializeRiskConfigParams memory r) internal {
state.riskConfig.crOpening = r.crOpening;
state.riskConfig.crLiquidation = r.crLiquidation;
state.riskConfig.minimumCreditBorrowAToken = r.minimumCreditBorrowAToken;
state.riskConfig.borrowATokenCap = r.borrowATokenCap;
state.riskConfig.minTenor = r.minTenor;
state.riskConfig.maxTenor = r.maxTenor;
/// @notice Executes the initialization of the oracle configuration
/// @param state The state
/// @param o The oracle configuration parameters
function executeInitializeOracle(State storage state, InitializeOracleParams memory o) internal {
state.oracle.priceFeed = IPriceFeed(o.priceFeed);
state.oracle.variablePoolBorrowRateStaleRateInterval = o.variablePoolBorrowRateStaleRateInterval;
/// @notice Executes the initialization of the data configuration
/// @param state The state
/// @param d The data configuration parameters
function executeInitializeData(State storage state, InitializeDataParams memory d) internal {
state.data.nextDebtPositionId = DEBT_POSITION_ID_START;
state.data.nextCreditPositionId = CREDIT_POSITION_ID_START;
state.data.weth = IWETH(d.weth);
state.data.underlyingCollateralToken = IERC20Metadata(d.underlyingCollateralToken);
state.data.underlyingBorrowToken = IERC20Metadata(d.underlyingBorrowToken);
state.data.variablePool = IPool(d.variablePool);
state.data.collateralToken = new NonTransferrableToken(
string.concat("Size ", IERC20Metadata(state.data.underlyingCollateralToken).name()),
string.concat("sz", IERC20Metadata(state.data.underlyingCollateralToken).symbol()),
state.data.borrowAToken = new NonTransferrableScaledToken(
string.concat("Size Scaled ", IERC20Metadata(state.data.underlyingBorrowToken).name()),
string.concat("sza", IERC20Metadata(state.data.underlyingBorrowToken).symbol()),
state.data.debtToken = new NonTransferrableToken(
string.concat("Size Debt ", IERC20Metadata(state.data.underlyingBorrowToken).name()),
string.concat("szDebt", IERC20Metadata(state.data.underlyingBorrowToken).symbol()),
/// @notice Executes the initialization of the protocol
/// @param state The state
/// @param f The fee configuration parameters
/// @param r The risk configuration parameters
/// @param o The oracle configuration parameters
/// @param d The data configuration parameters
function executeInitialize(
State storage state,
InitializeFeeConfigParams memory f,
InitializeRiskConfigParams memory r,
InitializeOracleParams memory o,
InitializeDataParams memory d
) external {
executeInitializeFeeConfig(state, f);
executeInitializeRiskConfig(state, r);
executeInitializeOracle(state, o);
executeInitializeData(state, d);
emit Events.Initialize(f, r, o, d);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {State} from "@src/SizeStorage.sol";
import {AccountingLibrary} from "@src/libraries/AccountingLibrary.sol";
import {Errors} from "@src/libraries/Errors.sol";
import {Math} from "@src/libraries/Math.sol";
uint256 constant DEBT_POSITION_ID_START = 0;
uint256 constant CREDIT_POSITION_ID_START = type(uint256).max / 2;
uint256 constant RESERVED_ID = type(uint256).max;
struct DebtPosition {
// The borrower of the loan
// Set on loan creation; Updated on borrower replacement
address borrower;
// The future value of the loan. Represents the amount of debt to be repaid at the due date.
// Updated on debt reduction
uint256 futureValue;
// The due date of the loan
// Updated on debt reduction
uint256 dueDate;
// The liquidity index of the Variable Pool at the repayment
// Set on full repayment
uint256 liquidityIndexAtRepayment;
struct CreditPosition {
// The lender of the loan
// One loan can have multiple lenders, each with a different credit position.
// The sum of credit is equal to debt.
// Set on loan creation; Updated on full lender replacement
address lender;
// Whether the credit position is for sale
bool forSale;
// The credit amount
// Updated on credit reduction
uint256 credit;
// The debt position id
uint256 debtPositionId;
enum LoanStatus {
// When the loan is created, it is in ACTIVE status
// When tenor is reached, it is in OVERDUE status and subject to liquidation
// When the loan is repaid either by the borrower or by the liquidator, it is in REPAID status
/// @title LoanLibrary
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
library LoanLibrary {
using AccountingLibrary for State;
/// @notice Check if a positionId is a DebtPosition id
/// @param state The state struct
/// @param positionId The positionId
/// @return True if the positionId is a DebtPosition id, false otherwise
function isDebtPositionId(State storage state, uint256 positionId) internal view returns (bool) {
return positionId >= DEBT_POSITION_ID_START && positionId < state.data.nextDebtPositionId;
/// @notice Check if a positionId is a CreditPosition id
/// @param state The state struct
/// @param positionId The positionId
/// @return True if the positionId is a CreditPosition id, false otherwise
function isCreditPositionId(State storage state, uint256 positionId) internal view returns (bool) {
return positionId >= CREDIT_POSITION_ID_START && positionId < state.data.nextCreditPositionId;
/// @notice Get a DebtPosition from a debtPositionId
/// @dev Reverts if the debtPositionId is invalid
/// @param state The state struct
/// @param debtPositionId The debtPositionId
/// @return The DebtPosition
function getDebtPosition(State storage state, uint256 debtPositionId) public view returns (DebtPosition storage) {
if (isDebtPositionId(state, debtPositionId)) {
return state.data.debtPositions[debtPositionId];
} else {
revert Errors.INVALID_DEBT_POSITION_ID(debtPositionId);
/// @notice Get a CreditPosition from a creditPositionId
/// @dev Reverts if the creditPositionId is invalid
/// @param state The state struct
/// @param creditPositionId The creditPositionId
/// @return The CreditPosition
function getCreditPosition(State storage state, uint256 creditPositionId)
returns (CreditPosition storage)
if (isCreditPositionId(state, creditPositionId)) {
return state.data.creditPositions[creditPositionId];
} else {
revert Errors.INVALID_CREDIT_POSITION_ID(creditPositionId);
/// @notice Get a DebtPosition from a CreditPosition id
/// @param state The state struct
/// @param creditPositionId The creditPositionId
/// @return The DebtPosition
function getDebtPositionByCreditPositionId(State storage state, uint256 creditPositionId)
returns (DebtPosition storage)
CreditPosition memory creditPosition = getCreditPosition(state, creditPositionId);
return getDebtPosition(state, creditPosition.debtPositionId);
/// @notice Get the status of a loan
/// @param state The state struct
/// @param positionId The positionId (can be either a DebtPosition or a CreditPosition)
/// @return The status of the loan
function getLoanStatus(State storage state, uint256 positionId) public view returns (LoanStatus) {
// First, assumes `positionId` is a debt position id
DebtPosition memory debtPosition = state.data.debtPositions[positionId];
if (isCreditPositionId(state, positionId)) {
// if `positionId` is in reality a credit position id, updates the memory variable
debtPosition = getDebtPositionByCreditPositionId(state, positionId);
} else if (!isDebtPositionId(state, positionId)) {
// if `positionId` is neither a debt position id nor a credit position id, reverts
revert Errors.INVALID_POSITION_ID(positionId);
if (debtPosition.futureValue == 0) {
return LoanStatus.REPAID;
} else if (block.timestamp > debtPosition.dueDate) {
return LoanStatus.OVERDUE;
} else {
return LoanStatus.ACTIVE;
/// @notice Get the amount of collateral assigned to a DebtPosition
/// The amount of collateral assigned to a DebtPosition is the borrower's
/// collateral pro-rata to the DebtPosition's futureValue and the borrower's debt
/// @param state The state struct
/// @param debtPosition The DebtPosition
/// @return The amount of collateral assigned to the DebtPosition
function getDebtPositionAssignedCollateral(State storage state, DebtPosition memory debtPosition)
returns (uint256)
uint256 debt = state.data.debtToken.balanceOf(debtPosition.borrower);
uint256 collateral = state.data.collateralToken.balanceOf(debtPosition.borrower);
if (debt != 0) {
return Math.mulDivDown(collateral, debtPosition.futureValue, debt);
} else {
return 0;
/// @notice Get the pro-rata collateral assigned to a CreditPosition
/// The amount of collateral assigned to a CreditPosition is equal to
/// the total borrower collateral pro-rata to the CreditPosition's credit
/// and the total borrower debt, because of the auto-assigned collateral to individual loans
/// @dev If the borrower's debt is 0, the amount of collateral assigned to the CreditPosition is 0
/// @param state The state struct
/// @param creditPosition The CreditPosition
/// @return The amount of collateral assigned to the CreditPosition
function getCreditPositionProRataAssignedCollateral(State storage state, CreditPosition memory creditPosition)
returns (uint256)
DebtPosition storage debtPosition = getDebtPosition(state, creditPosition.debtPositionId);
uint256 debt = state.data.debtToken.balanceOf(debtPosition.borrower);
uint256 collateral = state.data.collateralToken.balanceOf(debtPosition.borrower);
if (debt != 0) {
return Math.mulDivDown(collateral, creditPosition.credit, debt);
} else {
return 0;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {FixedPointMathLib} from "@solady/utils/FixedPointMathLib.sol";
// 100% in 18 decimals
uint256 constant PERCENT = 1e18;
// 1 year in seconds
uint256 constant YEAR = 365 days;
/// @title Math
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
library Math {
function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return FixedPointMathLib.min(a, b);
function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return FixedPointMathLib.max(a, b);
function mulDivUp(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 z) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return FixedPointMathLib.mulDivUp(x, y, z);
function mulDivDown(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 z) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return FixedPointMathLib.mulDiv(x, y, z);
function amountToWad(uint256 amount, uint8 decimals) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return amount * 10 ** (18 - decimals);
/// @notice Convert an APR to an absolute rate for a given tenor
/// @dev The formula is `apr * tenor / YEAR`
/// @param apr The APR to convert
/// @param tenor The tenor
/// @return The absolute rate
function aprToRatePerTenor(uint256 apr, uint256 tenor) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return mulDivDown(apr, tenor, YEAR);
/// @notice Find the index of `value` in the sorted list `array`
/// @dev If `value` is below the lowest value in `array` or above the highest value in `array`, the function returns (type(uint256).max, type(uint256).max)
/// Formally verified with Halmos (check_Math_binarySearch)
/// @param array The sorted list to search
/// @param value The value to search for
/// @return low The index of the largest element in `array` that is less than or equal to `value`
/// @return high The index of the smallest element in `array` that is greater than or equal to `value`
function binarySearch(uint256[] memory array, uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint256 low, uint256 high) {
low = 0;
high = array.length - 1;
if (value < array[low] || value > array[high]) {
return (type(uint256).max, type(uint256).max);
while (low <= high) {
uint256 mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (array[mid] == value) {
return (mid, mid);
} else if (array[mid] < value) {
low = mid + 1;
} else {
high = mid - 1;
return (high, low);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {IPool} from "@aave/interfaces/IPool.sol";
import {WadRayMath} from "@aave/protocol/libraries/math/WadRayMath.sol";
import {IERC20Metadata} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/interfaces/IERC20Metadata.sol";
import {Math} from "@src/libraries/Math.sol";
import {NonTransferrableToken} from "@src/token/NonTransferrableToken.sol";
import {Errors} from "@src/libraries/Errors.sol";
/// @title NonTransferrableScaledToken
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
/// @notice An ERC-20 that is not transferrable from outside of the protocol
/// @dev The contract owner (i.e. the Size contract) can still mint, burn, and transfer tokens
/// Enables the owner to mint and burn scaled amounts. Emits the TransferUnscaled event representing the actual unscaled amount
contract NonTransferrableScaledToken is NonTransferrableToken {
IPool private immutable variablePool;
IERC20Metadata private immutable underlyingToken;
event TransferUnscaled(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
IPool variablePool_,
IERC20Metadata underlyingToken_,
address owner_,
string memory name_,
string memory symbol_,
uint8 decimals_
) NonTransferrableToken(owner_, name_, symbol_, decimals_) {
if (address(variablePool_) == address(0) || address(underlyingToken_) == address(0)) {
revert Errors.NULL_ADDRESS();
variablePool = variablePool_;
underlyingToken = underlyingToken_;
/// @dev Reverts with NOT_SUPPORTED
function mint(address, uint256) external view override onlyOwner {
revert Errors.NOT_SUPPORTED();
/// @notice Mint scaled tokens to an account
/// @param to The account to mint the tokens to
/// @param scaledAmount The scaled amount of tokens to mint
/// @dev Emits a TransferUnscaled event representing the actual unscaled amount
function mintScaled(address to, uint256 scaledAmount) external onlyOwner {
_mint(to, scaledAmount);
emit TransferUnscaled(address(0), to, _unscale(scaledAmount));
/// @dev Reverts with NOT_SUPPORTED
function burn(address, uint256) external view override onlyOwner {
revert Errors.NOT_SUPPORTED();
/// @notice Burn scaled tokens from an account
/// @param from The account to burn the tokens from
/// @param scaledAmount The scaled amount of tokens to burn
/// @dev Emits a TransferUnscaled event representing the actual unscaled amount
function burnScaled(address from, uint256 scaledAmount) external onlyOwner {
_burn(from, scaledAmount);
emit TransferUnscaled(from, address(0), _unscale(scaledAmount));
/// @notice Transfer tokens from one account to another
/// @param from The account to transfer the tokens from
/// @param to The account to transfer the tokens to
/// @param value The unscaled amount of tokens to transfer
/// @dev Emits TransferUnscaled events representing the actual unscaled amount
/// Scales the amount by the current liquidity index before transferring scaled tokens
/// @return True if the transfer was successful
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public virtual override onlyOwner returns (bool) {
uint256 scaledAmount = Math.mulDivDown(value, WadRayMath.RAY, liquidityIndex());
_burn(from, scaledAmount);
_mint(to, scaledAmount);
emit TransferUnscaled(from, to, value);
return true;
/// @notice Returns the scaled balance of an account
/// @param account The account to get the balance of
/// @return The scaled balance of the account
function scaledBalanceOf(address account) public view returns (uint256) {
return super.balanceOf(account);
/// @notice Unscales a scaled amount
/// @param scaledAmount The scaled amount to unscale
/// @return The unscaled amount
/// @dev The unscaled amount is the scaled amount divided by the current liquidity index
function _unscale(uint256 scaledAmount) internal view returns (uint256) {
return Math.mulDivDown(scaledAmount, liquidityIndex(), WadRayMath.RAY);
/// @notice Returns the unscaled balance of an account
/// @param account The account to get the balance of
/// @return The unscaled balance of the account
function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) {
return _unscale(scaledBalanceOf(account));
/// @notice Returns the scaled total supply of the token
/// @return The scaled total supply of the token
function scaledTotalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return super.totalSupply();
/// @notice Returns the unscaled total supply of the token
/// @return The unscaled total supply of the token
function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) {
return _unscale(scaledTotalSupply());
/// @notice Returns the current liquidity index of the variable pool
/// @return The current liquidity index of the variable pool
function liquidityIndex() public view returns (uint256) {
return variablePool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(address(underlyingToken));
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {Ownable} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import {ERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import {Errors} from "@src/libraries/Errors.sol";
/// @title NonTransferrableToken
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
/// @notice An ERC-20 that is not transferrable from outside of the protocol
/// @dev The contract owner (i.e. the Size contract) can still mint, burn, and transfer tokens
contract NonTransferrableToken is Ownable, ERC20 {
uint8 internal immutable _decimals;
// solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks
constructor(address owner_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_)
ERC20(name_, symbol_)
if (decimals_ == 0) {
revert Errors.NULL_AMOUNT();
_decimals = decimals_;
function mint(address to, uint256 value) external virtual onlyOwner {
_mint(to, value);
function burn(address from, uint256 value) external virtual onlyOwner {
_burn(from, value);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public virtual override onlyOwner returns (bool) {
_transfer(from, to, value);
return true;
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public virtual override onlyOwner returns (bool) {
return transferFrom(msg.sender, to, value);
function allowance(address, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
return spender == owner() ? type(uint256).max : 0;
function approve(address, uint256) public virtual override returns (bool) {
revert Errors.NOT_SUPPORTED();
function decimals() public view virtual override returns (uint8) {
return _decimals;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {Errors} from "@src/libraries/Errors.sol";
import {Math} from "@src/libraries/Math.sol";
import {VariablePoolBorrowRateParams, YieldCurve, YieldCurveLibrary} from "@src/libraries/YieldCurveLibrary.sol";
struct LimitOrder {
// The maximum due date of the limit order
// Since the yield curve is defined in relative terms, users can protect themselves by
// setting a maximum timestamp for a loan to be matched
uint256 maxDueDate;
// The yield curve in relative terms
YieldCurve curveRelativeTime;
/// @title OfferLibrary
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
library OfferLibrary {
using YieldCurveLibrary for YieldCurve;
/// @notice Check if the limit order is null
/// @param self The limit order
/// @return True if the limit order is null, false otherwise
function isNull(LimitOrder memory self) internal pure returns (bool) {
return self.maxDueDate == 0 && self.curveRelativeTime.isNull();
/// @notice Validate the limit order
/// @param self The limit order
/// @param minTenor The minimum tenor
/// @param maxTenor The maximum tenor
function validateLimitOrder(LimitOrder memory self, uint256 minTenor, uint256 maxTenor) internal view {
// validate maxDueDate
if (self.maxDueDate == 0) {
revert Errors.NULL_MAX_DUE_DATE();
if (self.maxDueDate < block.timestamp + minTenor) {
revert Errors.PAST_MAX_DUE_DATE(self.maxDueDate);
// validate curveRelativeTime
YieldCurveLibrary.validateYieldCurve(self.curveRelativeTime, minTenor, maxTenor);
/// @notice Get the APR by tenor of a limit order
/// @param self The limit order
/// @param params The variable pool borrow rate params
/// @param tenor The tenor
/// @return The APR
function getAPRByTenor(LimitOrder memory self, VariablePoolBorrowRateParams memory params, uint256 tenor)
returns (uint256)
if (tenor == 0) revert Errors.NULL_TENOR();
return YieldCurveLibrary.getAPR(self.curveRelativeTime, params, tenor);
/// @notice Get the absolute rate per tenor of a limit order
/// @param self The limit order
/// @param params The variable pool borrow rate params
/// @param tenor The tenor
/// @return The absolute rate
function getRatePerTenor(LimitOrder memory self, VariablePoolBorrowRateParams memory params, uint256 tenor)
returns (uint256)
uint256 apr = getAPRByTenor(self, params, tenor);
return Math.aprToRatePerTenor(apr, tenor);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (access/Ownable.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {Context} from "../utils/Context.sol";
* @dev Contract module which provides a basic access control mechanism, where
* there is an account (an owner) that can be granted exclusive access to
* specific functions.
* The initial owner is set to the address provided by the deployer. This can
* later be changed with {transferOwnership}.
* This module is used through inheritance. It will make available the modifier
* `onlyOwner`, which can be applied to your functions to restrict their use to
* the owner.
abstract contract Ownable is Context {
address private _owner;
* @dev The caller account is not authorized to perform an operation.
error OwnableUnauthorizedAccount(address account);
* @dev The owner is not a valid owner account. (eg. `address(0)`)
error OwnableInvalidOwner(address owner);
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
* @dev Initializes the contract setting the address provided by the deployer as the initial owner.
constructor(address initialOwner) {
if (initialOwner == address(0)) {
revert OwnableInvalidOwner(address(0));
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
* @dev Returns the address of the current owner.
function owner() public view virtual returns (address) {
return _owner;
* @dev Throws if the sender is not the owner.
function _checkOwner() internal view virtual {
if (owner() != _msgSender()) {
revert OwnableUnauthorizedAccount(_msgSender());
* @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call
* `onlyOwner` functions. Can only be called by the current owner.
* NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner,
* thereby disabling any functionality that is only available to the owner.
function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {
* @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
* Can only be called by the current owner.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner {
if (newOwner == address(0)) {
revert OwnableInvalidOwner(address(0));
* @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
* Internal function without access restriction.
function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal virtual {
address oldOwner = _owner;
_owner = newOwner;
emit OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner, newOwner);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {State} from "@src/SizeStorage.sol";
import {Errors} from "@src/libraries/Errors.sol";
import {CreditPosition, DebtPosition, LoanLibrary, LoanStatus} from "@src/libraries/LoanLibrary.sol";
import {Math, PERCENT} from "@src/libraries/Math.sol";
/// @title RiskLibrary
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
library RiskLibrary {
using LoanLibrary for State;
/// @notice Validate the credit amount during an exit
/// @dev Reverts if the remaining credit is lower than the minimum credit
/// @param state The state
/// @param credit The remaining credit
function validateMinimumCredit(State storage state, uint256 credit) public view {
if (0 < credit && credit < state.riskConfig.minimumCreditBorrowAToken) {
revert Errors.CREDIT_LOWER_THAN_MINIMUM_CREDIT(credit, state.riskConfig.minimumCreditBorrowAToken);
/// @notice Validate the credit amount during an opening
/// @dev Reverts if the credit is lower than the minimum credit
/// @param state The state
/// @param credit The credit
function validateMinimumCreditOpening(State storage state, uint256 credit) public view {
if (credit < state.riskConfig.minimumCreditBorrowAToken) {
revert Errors.CREDIT_LOWER_THAN_MINIMUM_CREDIT_OPENING(credit, state.riskConfig.minimumCreditBorrowAToken);
/// @notice Validate the tenor of a loan
/// @dev Reverts if the tenor is out of range defined by minTenor and maxTenor
/// @param state The state
/// @param tenor The tenor
function validateTenor(State storage state, uint256 tenor) public view {
if (tenor < state.riskConfig.minTenor || tenor > state.riskConfig.maxTenor) {
revert Errors.TENOR_OUT_OF_RANGE(tenor, state.riskConfig.minTenor, state.riskConfig.maxTenor);
/// @notice Calculate the collateral ratio of an account
/// @dev The collateral ratio is the ratio of the collateral to the debt
/// If the debt is 0, the collateral ratio is type(uint256).max
/// @param state The state
/// @param account The account
/// @return The collateral ratio
function collateralRatio(State storage state, address account) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 collateral = state.data.collateralToken.balanceOf(account);
uint256 debt = state.data.debtToken.balanceOf(account);
uint256 debtWad = Math.amountToWad(debt, state.data.underlyingBorrowToken.decimals());
uint256 price = state.oracle.priceFeed.getPrice();
if (debt != 0) {
return Math.mulDivDown(collateral, price, debtWad);
} else {
return type(uint256).max;
/// @notice Check if a credit position is self-liquidatable
/// @dev A credit position is self-liquidatable if the user is severely underwater and the loan is not REPAID (ie, ACTIVE or OVERDUE)
/// @param state The state
/// @param creditPositionId The credit position ID
/// @return True if the credit position is self-liquidatable, false otherwise
function isCreditPositionSelfLiquidatable(State storage state, uint256 creditPositionId)
returns (bool)
CreditPosition storage creditPosition = state.data.creditPositions[creditPositionId];
DebtPosition storage debtPosition = state.data.debtPositions[creditPosition.debtPositionId];
LoanStatus status = state.getLoanStatus(creditPositionId);
// Only CreditPositions can be self liquidated
return state.isCreditPositionId(creditPositionId)
// the user must be severly underwater (CR < 100%) and the loan is not REPAID
&& (collateralRatio(state, debtPosition.borrower) < PERCENT && status != LoanStatus.REPAID);
/// @notice Check if a credit position is transferrable
/// @dev A credit position is transferrable if the loan is ACTIVE and the related borrower is not underwater
/// @param state The state
/// @param creditPositionId The credit position ID
/// @return True if the credit position is transferrable, false otherwise
function isCreditPositionTransferrable(State storage state, uint256 creditPositionId)
returns (bool)
return state.getLoanStatus(creditPositionId) == LoanStatus.ACTIVE
&& !isUserUnderwater(state, state.getDebtPositionByCreditPositionId(creditPositionId).borrower);
/// @notice Check if a debt position is liquidatable
/// @dev A debt position is liquidatable if the user is underwater and the loan is not REPAID (ie, ACTIVE or OVERDUE) or
/// if the loan is OVERDUE.
/// @param state The state
/// @param debtPositionId The debt position ID
/// @return True if the debt position is liquidatable, false otherwise
function isDebtPositionLiquidatable(State storage state, uint256 debtPositionId) public view returns (bool) {
DebtPosition storage debtPosition = state.data.debtPositions[debtPositionId];
LoanStatus status = state.getLoanStatus(debtPositionId);
// only DebtPositions can be liquidated
return state.isDebtPositionId(debtPositionId)
// case 1: if the user is underwater, only ACTIVE/OVERDUE DebtPositions can be liquidated
&& (
(isUserUnderwater(state, debtPosition.borrower) && status != LoanStatus.REPAID)
// case 2: overdue loans can always be liquidated regardless of the user's CR
|| status == LoanStatus.OVERDUE
/// @notice Check if the user is underwater
/// @dev A user is underwater if the collateral ratio is below the liquidation threshold
/// @param state The state
/// @param account The account
function isUserUnderwater(State storage state, address account) public view returns (bool) {
return collateralRatio(state, account) < state.riskConfig.crLiquidation;
/// @notice Validate that the user is not below the opening limit borrow CR
/// @dev Reverts if the user is below the opening limit borrow CR
/// The user can set a custom opening limit borrow CR using SetUserConfiguration
/// If the user has not set a custom opening limit borrow CR, the default is the global opening limit borrow CR
/// @param state The state
function validateUserIsNotBelowOpeningLimitBorrowCR(State storage state, address account) external view {
uint256 openingLimitBorrowCR = Math.max(
state.data.users[account].openingLimitBorrowCR // 0 by default, or user-defined if SetUserConfiguration has been used
if (collateralRatio(state, account) < openingLimitBorrowCR) {
account, collateralRatio(state, account), openingLimitBorrowCR
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (utils/math/SafeCast.sol)
// This file was procedurally generated from scripts/generate/templates/SafeCast.js.
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
* @dev Wrappers over Solidity's uintXX/intXX casting operators with added overflow
* checks.
* Downcasting from uint256/int256 in Solidity does not revert on overflow. This can
* easily result in undesired exploitation or bugs, since developers usually
* assume that overflows raise errors. `SafeCast` restores this intuition by
* reverting the transaction when such an operation overflows.
* Using this library instead of the unchecked operations eliminates an entire
* class of bugs, so it's recommended to use it always.
library SafeCast {
* @dev Value doesn't fit in an uint of `bits` size.
error SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(uint8 bits, uint256 value);
* @dev An int value doesn't fit in an uint of `bits` size.
error SafeCastOverflowedIntToUint(int256 value);
* @dev Value doesn't fit in an int of `bits` size.
error SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(uint8 bits, int256 value);
* @dev An uint value doesn't fit in an int of `bits` size.
error SafeCastOverflowedUintToInt(uint256 value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint248 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint248).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint248` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 248 bits
function toUint248(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint248) {
if (value > type(uint248).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(248, value);
return uint248(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint240 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint240).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint240` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 240 bits
function toUint240(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint240) {
if (value > type(uint240).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(240, value);
return uint240(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint232 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint232).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint232` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 232 bits
function toUint232(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint232) {
if (value > type(uint232).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(232, value);
return uint232(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint224 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint224).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint224` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 224 bits
function toUint224(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint224) {
if (value > type(uint224).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(224, value);
return uint224(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint216 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint216).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint216` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 216 bits
function toUint216(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint216) {
if (value > type(uint216).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(216, value);
return uint216(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint208 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint208).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint208` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 208 bits
function toUint208(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint208) {
if (value > type(uint208).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(208, value);
return uint208(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint200 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint200).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint200` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 200 bits
function toUint200(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint200) {
if (value > type(uint200).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(200, value);
return uint200(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint192 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint192).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint192` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 192 bits
function toUint192(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint192) {
if (value > type(uint192).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(192, value);
return uint192(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint184 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint184).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint184` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 184 bits
function toUint184(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint184) {
if (value > type(uint184).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(184, value);
return uint184(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint176 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint176).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint176` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 176 bits
function toUint176(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint176) {
if (value > type(uint176).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(176, value);
return uint176(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint168 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint168).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint168` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 168 bits
function toUint168(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint168) {
if (value > type(uint168).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(168, value);
return uint168(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint160 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint160).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint160` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 160 bits
function toUint160(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint160) {
if (value > type(uint160).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(160, value);
return uint160(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint152 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint152).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint152` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 152 bits
function toUint152(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint152) {
if (value > type(uint152).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(152, value);
return uint152(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint144 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint144).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint144` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 144 bits
function toUint144(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint144) {
if (value > type(uint144).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(144, value);
return uint144(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint136 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint136).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint136` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 136 bits
function toUint136(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint136) {
if (value > type(uint136).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(136, value);
return uint136(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint128 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint128).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint128` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 128 bits
function toUint128(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint128) {
if (value > type(uint128).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(128, value);
return uint128(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint120 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint120).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint120` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 120 bits
function toUint120(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint120) {
if (value > type(uint120).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(120, value);
return uint120(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint112 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint112).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint112` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 112 bits
function toUint112(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint112) {
if (value > type(uint112).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(112, value);
return uint112(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint104 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint104).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint104` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 104 bits
function toUint104(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint104) {
if (value > type(uint104).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(104, value);
return uint104(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint96 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint96).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint96` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 96 bits
function toUint96(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint96) {
if (value > type(uint96).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(96, value);
return uint96(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint88 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint88).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint88` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 88 bits
function toUint88(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint88) {
if (value > type(uint88).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(88, value);
return uint88(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint80 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint80).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint80` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 80 bits
function toUint80(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint80) {
if (value > type(uint80).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(80, value);
return uint80(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint72 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint72).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint72` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 72 bits
function toUint72(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint72) {
if (value > type(uint72).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(72, value);
return uint72(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint64 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint64).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint64` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 64 bits
function toUint64(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint64) {
if (value > type(uint64).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(64, value);
return uint64(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint56 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint56).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint56` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 56 bits
function toUint56(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint56) {
if (value > type(uint56).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(56, value);
return uint56(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint48 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint48).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint48` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 48 bits
function toUint48(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint48) {
if (value > type(uint48).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(48, value);
return uint48(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint40 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint40).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint40` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 40 bits
function toUint40(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint40) {
if (value > type(uint40).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(40, value);
return uint40(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint32 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint32).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint32` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 32 bits
function toUint32(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint32) {
if (value > type(uint32).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(32, value);
return uint32(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint24 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint24).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint24` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 24 bits
function toUint24(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint24) {
if (value > type(uint24).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(24, value);
return uint24(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint16 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint16).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint16` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 16 bits
function toUint16(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint16) {
if (value > type(uint16).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(16, value);
return uint16(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted uint8 from uint256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint8).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `uint8` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 8 bits
function toUint8(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint8) {
if (value > type(uint8).max) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(8, value);
return uint8(value);
* @dev Converts a signed int256 into an unsigned uint256.
* Requirements:
* - input must be greater than or equal to 0.
function toUint256(int256 value) internal pure returns (uint256) {
if (value < 0) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntToUint(value);
return uint256(value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int248 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int248 or
* greater than largest int248).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int248` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 248 bits
function toInt248(int256 value) internal pure returns (int248 downcasted) {
downcasted = int248(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(248, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int240 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int240 or
* greater than largest int240).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int240` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 240 bits
function toInt240(int256 value) internal pure returns (int240 downcasted) {
downcasted = int240(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(240, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int232 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int232 or
* greater than largest int232).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int232` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 232 bits
function toInt232(int256 value) internal pure returns (int232 downcasted) {
downcasted = int232(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(232, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int224 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int224 or
* greater than largest int224).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int224` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 224 bits
function toInt224(int256 value) internal pure returns (int224 downcasted) {
downcasted = int224(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(224, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int216 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int216 or
* greater than largest int216).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int216` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 216 bits
function toInt216(int256 value) internal pure returns (int216 downcasted) {
downcasted = int216(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(216, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int208 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int208 or
* greater than largest int208).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int208` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 208 bits
function toInt208(int256 value) internal pure returns (int208 downcasted) {
downcasted = int208(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(208, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int200 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int200 or
* greater than largest int200).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int200` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 200 bits
function toInt200(int256 value) internal pure returns (int200 downcasted) {
downcasted = int200(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(200, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int192 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int192 or
* greater than largest int192).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int192` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 192 bits
function toInt192(int256 value) internal pure returns (int192 downcasted) {
downcasted = int192(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(192, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int184 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int184 or
* greater than largest int184).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int184` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 184 bits
function toInt184(int256 value) internal pure returns (int184 downcasted) {
downcasted = int184(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(184, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int176 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int176 or
* greater than largest int176).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int176` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 176 bits
function toInt176(int256 value) internal pure returns (int176 downcasted) {
downcasted = int176(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(176, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int168 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int168 or
* greater than largest int168).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int168` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 168 bits
function toInt168(int256 value) internal pure returns (int168 downcasted) {
downcasted = int168(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(168, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int160 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int160 or
* greater than largest int160).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int160` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 160 bits
function toInt160(int256 value) internal pure returns (int160 downcasted) {
downcasted = int160(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(160, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int152 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int152 or
* greater than largest int152).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int152` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 152 bits
function toInt152(int256 value) internal pure returns (int152 downcasted) {
downcasted = int152(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(152, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int144 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int144 or
* greater than largest int144).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int144` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 144 bits
function toInt144(int256 value) internal pure returns (int144 downcasted) {
downcasted = int144(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(144, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int136 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int136 or
* greater than largest int136).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int136` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 136 bits
function toInt136(int256 value) internal pure returns (int136 downcasted) {
downcasted = int136(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(136, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int128 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int128 or
* greater than largest int128).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int128` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 128 bits
function toInt128(int256 value) internal pure returns (int128 downcasted) {
downcasted = int128(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(128, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int120 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int120 or
* greater than largest int120).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int120` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 120 bits
function toInt120(int256 value) internal pure returns (int120 downcasted) {
downcasted = int120(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(120, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int112 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int112 or
* greater than largest int112).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int112` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 112 bits
function toInt112(int256 value) internal pure returns (int112 downcasted) {
downcasted = int112(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(112, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int104 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int104 or
* greater than largest int104).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int104` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 104 bits
function toInt104(int256 value) internal pure returns (int104 downcasted) {
downcasted = int104(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(104, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int96 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int96 or
* greater than largest int96).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int96` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 96 bits
function toInt96(int256 value) internal pure returns (int96 downcasted) {
downcasted = int96(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(96, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int88 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int88 or
* greater than largest int88).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int88` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 88 bits
function toInt88(int256 value) internal pure returns (int88 downcasted) {
downcasted = int88(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(88, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int80 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int80 or
* greater than largest int80).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int80` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 80 bits
function toInt80(int256 value) internal pure returns (int80 downcasted) {
downcasted = int80(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(80, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int72 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int72 or
* greater than largest int72).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int72` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 72 bits
function toInt72(int256 value) internal pure returns (int72 downcasted) {
downcasted = int72(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(72, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int64 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int64 or
* greater than largest int64).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int64` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 64 bits
function toInt64(int256 value) internal pure returns (int64 downcasted) {
downcasted = int64(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(64, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int56 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int56 or
* greater than largest int56).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int56` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 56 bits
function toInt56(int256 value) internal pure returns (int56 downcasted) {
downcasted = int56(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(56, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int48 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int48 or
* greater than largest int48).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int48` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 48 bits
function toInt48(int256 value) internal pure returns (int48 downcasted) {
downcasted = int48(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(48, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int40 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int40 or
* greater than largest int40).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int40` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 40 bits
function toInt40(int256 value) internal pure returns (int40 downcasted) {
downcasted = int40(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(40, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int32 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int32 or
* greater than largest int32).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int32` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 32 bits
function toInt32(int256 value) internal pure returns (int32 downcasted) {
downcasted = int32(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(32, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int24 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int24 or
* greater than largest int24).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int24` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 24 bits
function toInt24(int256 value) internal pure returns (int24 downcasted) {
downcasted = int24(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(24, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int16 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int16 or
* greater than largest int16).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int16` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 16 bits
function toInt16(int256 value) internal pure returns (int16 downcasted) {
downcasted = int16(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(16, value);
* @dev Returns the downcasted int8 from int256, reverting on
* overflow (when the input is less than smallest int8 or
* greater than largest int8).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `int8` operator.
* Requirements:
* - input must fit into 8 bits
function toInt8(int256 value) internal pure returns (int8 downcasted) {
downcasted = int8(value);
if (downcasted != value) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedIntDowncast(8, value);
* @dev Converts an unsigned uint256 into a signed int256.
* Requirements:
* - input must be less than or equal to maxInt256.
function toInt256(uint256 value) internal pure returns (int256) {
// Note: Unsafe cast below is okay because `type(int256).max` is guaranteed to be positive
if (value > uint256(type(int256).max)) {
revert SafeCastOverflowedUintToInt(value);
return int256(value);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {IPool} from "@aave/interfaces/IPool.sol";
import {IERC20Metadata} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/IERC20Metadata.sol";
import {IWETH} from "@src/interfaces/IWETH.sol";
import {CreditPosition, DebtPosition} from "@src/libraries/LoanLibrary.sol";
import {LimitOrder} from "@src/libraries/OfferLibrary.sol";
import {IPriceFeed} from "@src/oracle/IPriceFeed.sol";
import {NonTransferrableScaledToken} from "@src/token/NonTransferrableScaledToken.sol";
import {NonTransferrableToken} from "@src/token/NonTransferrableToken.sol";
struct User {
// The user's loan offer
LimitOrder loanOffer;
// The user's borrow offer
LimitOrder borrowOffer;
// The user-defined opening limit CR. If not set, the protocol's crOpening is used.
uint256 openingLimitBorrowCR;
// Whether the user has disabled all credit positions for sale
bool allCreditPositionsForSaleDisabled;
struct FeeConfig {
// annual percentage rate of the protocol swap fee
uint256 swapFeeAPR;
// fee for fractionalizing credit positions
uint256 fragmentationFee;
// percent of the futureValue to be given to the liquidator
uint256 liquidationRewardPercent;
// percent of collateral remainder to be split with protocol on profitable liquidations for overdue loans
uint256 overdueCollateralProtocolPercent;
// percent of collateral to be split with protocol on profitable liquidations
uint256 collateralProtocolPercent;
// address to receive protocol fees
address feeRecipient;
struct RiskConfig {
// minimum collateral ratio for opening a loan
uint256 crOpening;
// maximum collateral ratio for liquidation
uint256 crLiquidation;
// minimum credit value of loans
uint256 minimumCreditBorrowAToken;
// maximum amount of deposited borrowed aTokens
uint256 borrowATokenCap;
// minimum tenor for a loan
uint256 minTenor;
// maximum tenor for a loan
uint256 maxTenor;
struct Oracle {
// price feed oracle
IPriceFeed priceFeed;
// variable pool borrow rate
uint128 variablePoolBorrowRate;
// timestamp of the last update
uint64 variablePoolBorrowRateUpdatedAt;
// stale rate interval
uint64 variablePoolBorrowRateStaleRateInterval;
struct Data {
// mapping of User structs
mapping(address => User) users;
// mapping of DebtPosition structs
mapping(uint256 => DebtPosition) debtPositions;
// mapping of CreditPosition structs
mapping(uint256 => CreditPosition) creditPositions;
// next debt position id
uint256 nextDebtPositionId;
// next credit position id
uint256 nextCreditPositionId;
// Wrapped Ether contract address
IWETH weth;
// the token used by borrowers to collateralize their loans
IERC20Metadata underlyingCollateralToken;
// the token lent from lenders to borrowers
IERC20Metadata underlyingBorrowToken;
// Size deposit underlying collateral token
NonTransferrableToken collateralToken;
// Size deposit underlying borrow aToken
NonTransferrableScaledToken borrowAToken;
// Size tokenized debt
NonTransferrableToken debtToken;
// Variable Pool (Aave v3)
IPool variablePool;
// Multicall lock to check if multicall is in progress
bool isMulticall;
struct State {
// the fee configuration struct
FeeConfig feeConfig;
// the risk configuration struct
RiskConfig riskConfig;
// the oracle configuration struct
Oracle oracle;
// the protocol data (cannot be updated)
Data data;
/// @title SizeStorage
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
/// @notice Storage for the Size protocol
/// @dev WARNING: Changing the order of the variables or inner structs in this contract may break the storage layout
abstract contract SizeStorage {
State internal state;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @title WadRayMath library
* @author Aave
* @notice Provides functions to perform calculations with Wad and Ray units
* @dev Provides mul and div function for wads (decimal numbers with 18 digits of precision) and rays (decimal numbers
* with 27 digits of precision)
* @dev Operations are rounded. If a value is >=.5, will be rounded up, otherwise rounded down.
library WadRayMath {
// HALF_WAD and HALF_RAY expressed with extended notation as constant with operations are not supported in Yul assembly
uint256 internal constant WAD = 1e18;
uint256 internal constant HALF_WAD = 0.5e18;
uint256 internal constant RAY = 1e27;
uint256 internal constant HALF_RAY = 0.5e27;
uint256 internal constant WAD_RAY_RATIO = 1e9;
* @dev Multiplies two wad, rounding half up to the nearest wad
* @dev assembly optimized for improved gas savings, see https://twitter.com/transmissions11/status/1451131036377571328
* @param a Wad
* @param b Wad
* @return c = a*b, in wad
function wadMul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
// to avoid overflow, a <= (type(uint256).max - HALF_WAD) / b
assembly {
if iszero(or(iszero(b), iszero(gt(a, div(sub(not(0), HALF_WAD), b))))) {
revert(0, 0)
c := div(add(mul(a, b), HALF_WAD), WAD)
* @dev Divides two wad, rounding half up to the nearest wad
* @dev assembly optimized for improved gas savings, see https://twitter.com/transmissions11/status/1451131036377571328
* @param a Wad
* @param b Wad
* @return c = a/b, in wad
function wadDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
// to avoid overflow, a <= (type(uint256).max - halfB) / WAD
assembly {
if or(iszero(b), iszero(iszero(gt(a, div(sub(not(0), div(b, 2)), WAD))))) {
revert(0, 0)
c := div(add(mul(a, WAD), div(b, 2)), b)
* @notice Multiplies two ray, rounding half up to the nearest ray
* @dev assembly optimized for improved gas savings, see https://twitter.com/transmissions11/status/1451131036377571328
* @param a Ray
* @param b Ray
* @return c = a raymul b
function rayMul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
// to avoid overflow, a <= (type(uint256).max - HALF_RAY) / b
assembly {
if iszero(or(iszero(b), iszero(gt(a, div(sub(not(0), HALF_RAY), b))))) {
revert(0, 0)
c := div(add(mul(a, b), HALF_RAY), RAY)
* @notice Divides two ray, rounding half up to the nearest ray
* @dev assembly optimized for improved gas savings, see https://twitter.com/transmissions11/status/1451131036377571328
* @param a Ray
* @param b Ray
* @return c = a raydiv b
function rayDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
// to avoid overflow, a <= (type(uint256).max - halfB) / RAY
assembly {
if or(iszero(b), iszero(iszero(gt(a, div(sub(not(0), div(b, 2)), RAY))))) {
revert(0, 0)
c := div(add(mul(a, RAY), div(b, 2)), b)
* @dev Casts ray down to wad
* @dev assembly optimized for improved gas savings, see https://twitter.com/transmissions11/status/1451131036377571328
* @param a Ray
* @return b = a converted to wad, rounded half up to the nearest wad
function rayToWad(uint256 a) internal pure returns (uint256 b) {
assembly {
b := div(a, WAD_RAY_RATIO)
let remainder := mod(a, WAD_RAY_RATIO)
if iszero(lt(remainder, div(WAD_RAY_RATIO, 2))) {
b := add(b, 1)
* @dev Converts wad up to ray
* @dev assembly optimized for improved gas savings, see https://twitter.com/transmissions11/status/1451131036377571328
* @param a Wad
* @return b = a converted in ray
function wadToRay(uint256 a) internal pure returns (uint256 b) {
// to avoid overflow, b/WAD_RAY_RATIO == a
assembly {
b := mul(a, WAD_RAY_RATIO)
if iszero(eq(div(b, WAD_RAY_RATIO), a)) {
revert(0, 0)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;
import {SafeCast} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeCast.sol";
import {Errors} from "@src/libraries/Errors.sol";
import {Math, PERCENT} from "@src/libraries/Math.sol";
struct YieldCurve {
// array of tenors in seconds
uint256[] tenors;
// array of APRs, or constant factor to add to the market rate
int256[] aprs;
// array of market rate multipliers
uint256[] marketRateMultipliers;
struct VariablePoolBorrowRateParams {
// The variable pool borrow rate
uint128 variablePoolBorrowRate;
// The timestamp when the variable pool borrow rate was last updated
uint64 variablePoolBorrowRateUpdatedAt;
// The interval after which the variable pool borrow rate is considered stale
uint64 variablePoolBorrowRateStaleRateInterval;
/// @title YieldCurveLibrary
/// @custom:security-contact security@size.credit
/// @author Size (https://size.credit/)
/// @notice A library for working with yield curves
/// The yield curve is defined as following:
/// R[t] = aprs[t] + marketRateMultipliers[t] * marketRate,
/// for all t in `tenors`, with `marketRate` defined by an external oracle
/// @dev The final rate per tenor is an unsigned integer, as it is a percentage
library YieldCurveLibrary {
/// @notice Check if the yield curve is null
/// @param self The yield curve
/// @return True if the yield curve is null, false otherwise
function isNull(YieldCurve memory self) internal pure returns (bool) {
return self.tenors.length == 0 && self.aprs.length == 0 && self.marketRateMultipliers.length == 0;
/// @notice Validate the yield curve
/// @dev Reverts if the yield curve is invalid:
/// - The arrays are empty or have different lengths
/// - The tenors are not strictly increasing
/// - The tenors are out of range defined by minTenor and maxTenor
/// @param self The yield curve
/// @param minTenor The minimum tenor
/// @param maxTenor The maximum tenor
function validateYieldCurve(YieldCurve memory self, uint256 minTenor, uint256 maxTenor) internal pure {
if (self.tenors.length == 0 || self.aprs.length == 0 || self.marketRateMultipliers.length == 0) {
revert Errors.NULL_ARRAY();
if (self.tenors.length != self.aprs.length || self.tenors.length != self.marketRateMultipliers.length) {
// validate aprs
// N/A
// validate tenors
uint256 lastTenor = type(uint256).max;
for (uint256 i = self.tenors.length; i != 0; i--) {
if (self.tenors[i - 1] >= lastTenor) {
lastTenor = self.tenors[i - 1];
if (self.tenors[0] < minTenor) {
revert Errors.TENOR_OUT_OF_RANGE(self.tenors[0], minTenor, maxTenor);
if (self.tenors[self.tenors.length - 1] > maxTenor) {
revert Errors.TENOR_OUT_OF_RANGE(self.tenors[self.tenors.length - 1], minTenor, maxTenor);
// validate marketRateMultipliers
// N/A
/// @notice Get the APR from the yield curve adjusted by the variable pool borrow rate
/// @dev Reverts if the final result is negative
/// Only query the market borrow rate if the rate multiplier is not 0
/// @param apr The annual percentage rate from the yield curve
/// @param marketRateMultiplier The market rate multiplier
/// @param params The variable pool borrow rate feed params
/// @return Returns ratePerTenor + marketRate * marketRateMultiplier
function getAdjustedAPR(int256 apr, uint256 marketRateMultiplier, VariablePoolBorrowRateParams memory params)
returns (uint256)
if (marketRateMultiplier == 0) {
return SafeCast.toUint256(apr);
} else if (
params.variablePoolBorrowRateStaleRateInterval == 0
|| (
block.timestamp - params.variablePoolBorrowRateUpdatedAt
> params.variablePoolBorrowRateStaleRateInterval
) {
revert Errors.STALE_RATE(params.variablePoolBorrowRateUpdatedAt);
} else {
return SafeCast.toUint256(
apr + SafeCast.toInt256(Math.mulDivDown(params.variablePoolBorrowRate, marketRateMultiplier, PERCENT))
/// @notice Get the rate from the yield curve by performing a linear interpolation between two time buckets
/// @dev Reverts if the tenor is out of range
/// @param curveRelativeTime The yield curve
/// @param params The variable pool borrow rate feed params
/// @param tenor The tenor
/// @return The rate from the yield curve per given tenor
function getAPR(YieldCurve memory curveRelativeTime, VariablePoolBorrowRateParams memory params, uint256 tenor)
returns (uint256)
uint256 length = curveRelativeTime.tenors.length;
if (tenor < curveRelativeTime.tenors[0] || tenor > curveRelativeTime.tenors[length - 1]) {
revert Errors.TENOR_OUT_OF_RANGE(tenor, curveRelativeTime.tenors[0], curveRelativeTime.tenors[length - 1]);
} else {
(uint256 low, uint256 high) = Math.binarySearch(curveRelativeTime.tenors, tenor);
uint256 y0 =
getAdjustedAPR(curveRelativeTime.aprs[low], curveRelativeTime.marketRateMultipliers[low], params);
if (low != high) {
uint256 x0 = curveRelativeTime.tenors[low];
uint256 x1 = curveRelativeTime.tenors[high];
uint256 y1 =
getAdjustedAPR(curveRelativeTime.aprs[high], curveRelativeTime.marketRateMultipliers[high], params);
if (y1 >= y0) {
return y0 + Math.mulDivDown(y1 - y0, tenor - x0, x1 - x0);
} else {
return y0 - Math.mulDivDown(y0 - y1, tenor - x0, x1 - x0);
} else {
return y0;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (interfaces/draft-IERC6093.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
* @dev Standard ERC20 Errors
* Interface of the https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-6093[ERC-6093] custom errors for ERC20 tokens.
interface IERC20Errors {
* @dev Indicates an error related to the current `balance` of a `sender`. Used in transfers.
* @param sender Address whose tokens are being transferred.
* @param balance Current balance for the interacting account.
* @param needed Minimum amount required to perform a transfer.
error ERC20InsufficientBalance(address sender, uint256 balance, uint256 needed);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the token `sender`. Used in transfers.
* @param sender Address whose tokens are being transferred.
error ERC20InvalidSender(address sender);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the token `receiver`. Used in transfers.
* @param receiver Address to which tokens are being transferred.
error ERC20InvalidReceiver(address receiver);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the `spender`’s `allowance`. Used in transfers.
* @param spender Address that may be allowed to operate on tokens without being their owner.
* @param allowance Amount of tokens a `spender` is allowed to operate with.
* @param needed Minimum amount required to perform a transfer.
error ERC20InsufficientAllowance(address spender, uint256 allowance, uint256 needed);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the `approver` of a token to be approved. Used in approvals.
* @param approver Address initiating an approval operation.
error ERC20InvalidApprover(address approver);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the `spender` to be approved. Used in approvals.
* @param spender Address that may be allowed to operate on tokens without being their owner.
error ERC20InvalidSpender(address spender);
* @dev Standard ERC721 Errors
* Interface of the https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-6093[ERC-6093] custom errors for ERC721 tokens.
interface IERC721Errors {
* @dev Indicates that an address can't be an owner. For example, `address(0)` is a forbidden owner in EIP-20.
* Used in balance queries.
* @param owner Address of the current owner of a token.
error ERC721InvalidOwner(address owner);
* @dev Indicates a `tokenId` whose `owner` is the zero address.
* @param tokenId Identifier number of a token.
error ERC721NonexistentToken(uint256 tokenId);
* @dev Indicates an error related to the ownership over a particular token. Used in transfers.
* @param sender Address whose tokens are being transferred.
* @param tokenId Identifier number of a token.
* @param owner Address of the current owner of a token.
error ERC721IncorrectOwner(address sender, uint256 tokenId, address owner);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the token `sender`. Used in transfers.
* @param sender Address whose tokens are being transferred.
error ERC721InvalidSender(address sender);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the token `receiver`. Used in transfers.
* @param receiver Address to which tokens are being transferred.
error ERC721InvalidReceiver(address receiver);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the `operator`’s approval. Used in transfers.
* @param operator Address that may be allowed to operate on tokens without being their owner.
* @param tokenId Identifier number of a token.
error ERC721InsufficientApproval(address operator, uint256 tokenId);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the `approver` of a token to be approved. Used in approvals.
* @param approver Address initiating an approval operation.
error ERC721InvalidApprover(address approver);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the `operator` to be approved. Used in approvals.
* @param operator Address that may be allowed to operate on tokens without being their owner.
error ERC721InvalidOperator(address operator);
* @dev Standard ERC1155 Errors
* Interface of the https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-6093[ERC-6093] custom errors for ERC1155 tokens.
interface IERC1155Errors {
* @dev Indicates an error related to the current `balance` of a `sender`. Used in transfers.
* @param sender Address whose tokens are being transferred.
* @param balance Current balance for the interacting account.
* @param needed Minimum amount required to perform a transfer.
* @param tokenId Identifier number of a token.
error ERC1155InsufficientBalance(address sender, uint256 balance, uint256 needed, uint256 tokenId);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the token `sender`. Used in transfers.
* @param sender Address whose tokens are being transferred.
error ERC1155InvalidSender(address sender);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the token `receiver`. Used in transfers.
* @param receiver Address to which tokens are being transferred.
error ERC1155InvalidReceiver(address receiver);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the `operator`’s approval. Used in transfers.
* @param operator Address that may be allowed to operate on tokens without being their owner.
* @param owner Address of the current owner of a token.
error ERC1155MissingApprovalForAll(address operator, address owner);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the `approver` of a token to be approved. Used in approvals.
* @param approver Address initiating an approval operation.
error ERC1155InvalidApprover(address approver);
* @dev Indicates a failure with the `operator` to be approved. Used in approvals.
* @param operator Address that may be allowed to operate on tokens without being their owner.
error ERC1155InvalidOperator(address operator);
* @dev Indicates an array length mismatch between ids and values in a safeBatchTransferFrom operation.
* Used in batch transfers.
* @param idsLength Length of the array of token identifiers
* @param valuesLength Length of the array of token amounts
error ERC1155InvalidArrayLength(uint256 idsLength, uint256 valuesLength);
"compilationTarget": {
"src/token/NonTransferrableToken.sol": "NonTransferrableToken"
"evmVersion": "paris",
"libraries": {
"src/libraries/AccountingLibrary.sol:AccountingLibrary": "0xb52323706fd96c287225e0a3df64fd8e534fb49d",
"src/libraries/CapsLibrary.sol:CapsLibrary": "0x3c2a8f09d9bf211ef2336737046802e6f574c8c4",
"src/libraries/DepositTokenLibrary.sol:DepositTokenLibrary": "0xc99b3b628e03622bd652619e7c2f2cc737a950ba",
"src/libraries/LoanLibrary.sol:LoanLibrary": "0x0d87b39cde06faca19b579f41c96b282438e89eb",
"src/libraries/RiskLibrary.sol:RiskLibrary": "0x69e9d942ce8816a1799711aaa26780e945688105",
"src/libraries/YieldCurveLibrary.sol:YieldCurveLibrary": "0xf27010582e6c39415e383d8e01032004b9afa8d9",
"src/libraries/actions/BuyCreditLimit.sol:BuyCreditLimit": "0x81f44a8f0ccabd9d6fc1ca3a49c56b51a0a40a68",
"src/libraries/actions/BuyCreditMarket.sol:BuyCreditMarket": "0x5526cb58f11e78c699772a769ab249cc8e55111c",
"src/libraries/actions/Claim.sol:Claim": "0x6ca174d5ec16809890be98080b3bf97496087ada",
"src/libraries/actions/Compensate.sol:Compensate": "0x03ed9b2608a3e0ec4ba1132a974201cc2875fcc5",
"src/libraries/actions/Deposit.sol:Deposit": "0x12aa7188b7bb24c57f2233ec1ae8755baf48c7c1",
"src/libraries/actions/Initialize.sol:Initialize": "0x31d860966213a44eab9c29f89df6e8802b35a77d",
"src/libraries/actions/Liquidate.sol:Liquidate": "0x202a30d40f72941865e2899f467ce06f18f3cdc0",
"src/libraries/actions/LiquidateWithReplacement.sol:LiquidateWithReplacement": "0xbf90401958ac23bed592fb86172e2e6fda85c2ab",
"src/libraries/actions/Repay.sol:Repay": "0xe94a099317da6f48ba238b84c534909b1dcb1b90",
"src/libraries/actions/SelfLiquidate.sol:SelfLiquidate": "0xb603e1d83d5445b86cfb2a73b800ffaf9d8ee3ae",
"src/libraries/actions/SellCreditLimit.sol:SellCreditLimit": "0x6ee859f138535a8a2698a7133e38e00bf59ceac3",
"src/libraries/actions/SellCreditMarket.sol:SellCreditMarket": "0x8920403f0fbbb8d08944565122b2c87eaaf4ade9",
"src/libraries/actions/SetUserConfiguration.sol:SetUserConfiguration": "0xcfe57dc39399795f022eed6204a92eaee58826c8",
"src/libraries/actions/UpdateConfig.sol:UpdateConfig": "0x32ce1c94fba12e95b8dc3e5df58933629abefb7b",
"src/libraries/actions/Withdraw.sol:Withdraw": "0xc3ffff152cd7d5ca25f9dcaa519fba0dcb6f2967"
"metadata": {
"bytecodeHash": "ipfs"
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": [