The smell of death thickens the surrounding air, even through the smoke and pungent aroma of gunpowder. As the fog of war begins to clear, they now see the temple is littered with the dismembered corpses of General Kwons assassins. A quick feeling of disappointment washes over the Commander at the thought of these goons dying at the hand of any other than his own. The feeling is short-lived when the creature responsible slithers into view from behind a pile of bodies, still chewing on a plucked arm from one of the assassins. The commander quickly spots what they came for halfway up the temple steps: The Benangbaja Artifact, wrapped in the arm of a dead assassin, missing his legs and half his face. The Hunterz make a dash for the ancient Artifact, as does this serpent from the void. Sliding down the temple walls to greet them, her blood-red gaze widens as she lets out a terrifying scream and so the battle begins.