Welcome to the first Kekmmunity card!
This fine piece of pepeganda, showing a member of The Memelitia (you!) heroically defending the memefront, was created by [Kero]( & [Whalesink](
It features the iconic [PEPENADE]( from [Batz](, the firey totter seen in [I$$A CLOWN WORLD]( by [Arnofromearth](, the original [KEKDROP]( by Kero, and the [MEMETOV NUTAIL]( by Whalesink.
The Kekmmunity Card is free to claim for all artists involved in the mission, holders of all pieces (2x), holders of 10 pieces (1x), and some patients and $AINT$ of Dr. $ who showed up to their telemetacine call on time.
Later, it is also an OE for sale for .007e for any KWE member holding 1 piece and then a OE to all at .017e. All sales funds evenly split between existing KWE artists who have pieces minted in the collection.
EDIT 11/10/22: Due to FTX nuking and issues with Manifold CSV claim by a number of collectors, we are changing the battle tactics. Open Edition for 77hrs - 1 per wallet. In times like these, we were all BORN TO MEME!