Willow was born to a family of fairies who resided in the heart of an old willow tree. Willow's parents were some of the most powerful fairies in the forest and because of this, they expected great things from their daughter. When Willow was born, she was blessed with the gift of magic. As she grew older, Willow's magic began to grow stronger and she quickly learned how to use it to her advantage. Willow was always a bit of a rebellious fairy and loved nothing more than causing mischief. She would often play tricks on the other fairies and animals in the forest. This caused her to get into a lot of trouble, but she never regretted it for a second. Her mischievous nature often got her into trouble, but it also endeared her to those who knew her best. As Willow grew older, she began to feel restless. She wanted to see more of the world and explore beyond the confines of the Forest. She begged her parents to let her go on an adventure and after much persistence, they finally relented. Willow set out into the world with nothing but her magic and wit to guide her. Willow has had many adventures since leaving home and has made a name for herself as a powerful fairy. She has defeated creatures twice her size and saved entire villages from disaster. She is truly a force to be reckoned with.