pragma solidity ^0.4.13;
* This contract handles the actions for every collectible on DADA...
contract DadaCollectible {
// DADA's account
address owner;
// starts turned off to prepare the drawings before going public
bool isExecutionAllowed = false;
// ERC20 token standard attributes
string public name;
string public symbol;
uint8 public decimals;
uint256 public totalSupply;
struct Offer {
bool isForSale;
uint drawingId;
uint printIndex;
address seller;
uint minValue; // in ether
address onlySellTo; // specify to sell only to a specific person
uint lastSellValue;
struct Bid {
bool hasBid;
uint drawingId;
uint printIndex;
address bidder;
uint value;
struct Collectible{
uint drawingId;
string checkSum; // digest of the drawing, created using SHA2
uint totalSupply;
uint nextPrintIndexToAssign;
bool allPrintsAssigned;
uint initialPrice;
uint initialPrintIndex;
string collectionName;
uint authorUId; // drawing creator id
string scarcity; // denotes how scarce is the drawing
// key: printIndex
// the value is the user who owns that specific print
mapping (uint => address) public DrawingPrintToAddress;
// A record of collectibles that are offered for sale at a specific minimum value,
// and perhaps to a specific person, the key to access and offer is the printIndex.
// since every single offer inside the Collectible struct will be tied to the main
// drawingId that identifies that collectible.
mapping (uint => Offer) public OfferedForSale;
// A record of the highest collectible bid, the key to access a bid is the printIndex
mapping (uint => Bid) public Bids;
// "Hash" list of the different Collectibles available in the market place
mapping (uint => Collectible) public drawingIdToCollectibles;
mapping (address => uint) public pendingWithdrawals;
mapping (address => uint256) public balances;
// returns the balance of a particular account
function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {
return balances[_owner];
// Events
event Assigned(address indexed to, uint256 collectibleIndex, uint256 printIndex);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
event CollectibleTransfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 collectibleIndex, uint256 printIndex);
event CollectibleOffered(uint indexed collectibleIndex, uint indexed printIndex, uint minValue, address indexed toAddress, uint lastSellValue);
event CollectibleBidEntered(uint indexed collectibleIndex, uint indexed printIndex, uint value, address indexed fromAddress);
event CollectibleBidWithdrawn(uint indexed collectibleIndex, uint indexed printIndex, uint value, address indexed fromAddress);
event CollectibleBought(uint indexed collectibleIndex, uint printIndex, uint value, address indexed fromAddress, address indexed toAddress);
event CollectibleNoLongerForSale(uint indexed collectibleIndex, uint indexed printIndex);
// The constructor is executed only when the contract is created in the blockchain.
function DadaCollectible () {
// assigns the address of the account creating the contract as the
// "owner" of the contract. Since the contract doesn't have
// a "set" function for the owner attribute this value will be immutable.
owner = msg.sender;
// Update total supply
totalSupply = 16600;
// Give to DADA all initial drawings
balances[owner] = totalSupply;
// Set the name for display purposes
name = "DADA Collectible";
// Set the symbol for display purposes
symbol = "Ɖ";
// Amount of decimals for display purposes
decimals = 0;
// main business logic functions
// buyer's functions
function buyCollectible(uint drawingId, uint printIndex) payable {
// requires the drawing id to actually exist
require(drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId].drawingId != 0);
Collectible storage collectible = drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId];
require((printIndex < (collectible.totalSupply+collectible.initialPrintIndex)) && (printIndex >= collectible.initialPrintIndex));
Offer storage offer = OfferedForSale[printIndex];
require(offer.drawingId != 0);
require(offer.isForSale); // drawing actually for sale
require(offer.onlySellTo == 0x0 || offer.onlySellTo == msg.sender); // drawing can be sold to this user
require(msg.value >= offer.minValue); // Didn't send enough ETH
require(offer.seller == DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex]); // Seller still owner of the drawing
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] != msg.sender);
address seller = offer.seller;
address buyer = msg.sender;
DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] = buyer; // "gives" the print to the buyer
// decrease by one the amount of prints the seller has of this particullar drawing
// increase by one the amount of prints the buyer has of this particullar drawing
// launch the Transfered event
Transfer(seller, buyer, 1);
// transfer ETH to the seller
// profit delta must be equal or greater than 1e-16 to be able to divide it
// between the involved entities (art creator -> 30%, seller -> 60% and dada -> 10%)
// profit percentages can't be lower than 1e-18 which is the lowest unit in ETH
// equivalent to 1 wei.
// if(offer.lastSellValue < msg.value && (msg.value - offer.lastSellValue) >= uint(0.0000000000000001) ){ commented because we're assuming values are expressed in "weis", adjusting in relation to that
if(offer.lastSellValue < msg.value && (msg.value - offer.lastSellValue) >= 100 ){ // assuming 100 (weis) wich is equivalent to 1e-16
uint profit = msg.value - offer.lastSellValue;
// seller gets base value plus 60% of the profit
pendingWithdrawals[seller] += offer.lastSellValue + (profit*60/100);
// dada gets 10% of the profit
// pendingWithdrawals[owner] += (profit*10/100);
// dada receives 30% of the profit to give to the artist
// pendingWithdrawals[owner] += (profit*30/100);
// going manual for artist and dada percentages (30 + 10)
pendingWithdrawals[owner] += (profit*40/100);
// if the seller doesn't make a profit of the sell he gets the 100% of the traded
// value.
pendingWithdrawals[seller] += msg.value;
makeCollectibleUnavailableToSale(buyer, drawingId, printIndex, msg.value);
// launch the CollectibleBought event
CollectibleBought(drawingId, printIndex, msg.value, seller, buyer);
// Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and refund it.
// Any other bid can stay in place.
Bid storage bid = Bids[printIndex];
if (bid.bidder == buyer) {
// Kill bid and refund value
pendingWithdrawals[buyer] += bid.value;
Bids[printIndex] = Bid(false, collectible.drawingId, printIndex, 0x0, 0);
function alt_buyCollectible(uint drawingId, uint printIndex) payable {
// requires the drawing id to actually exist
require(drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId].drawingId != 0);
Collectible storage collectible = drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId];
require((printIndex < (collectible.totalSupply+collectible.initialPrintIndex)) && (printIndex >= collectible.initialPrintIndex));
Offer storage offer = OfferedForSale[printIndex];
require(offer.drawingId == 0);
require(msg.value >= collectible.initialPrice); // Didn't send enough ETH
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] == 0x0); // should be equal to a "null" address (0x0) since it shouldn't have an owner yet
address seller = owner;
address buyer = msg.sender;
DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] = buyer; // "gives" the print to the buyer
// decrease by one the amount of prints the seller has of this particullar drawing
// commented while we decide what to do with balances for DADA
// increase by one the amount of prints the buyer has of this particullar drawing
// launch the Transfered event
Transfer(seller, buyer, 1);
// transfer ETH to the seller
// profit delta must be equal or greater than 1e-16 to be able to divide it
// between the involved entities (art creator -> 30%, seller -> 60% and dada -> 10%)
// profit percentages can't be lower than 1e-18 which is the lowest unit in ETH
// equivalent to 1 wei.
pendingWithdrawals[owner] += msg.value;
OfferedForSale[printIndex] = Offer(false, collectible.drawingId, printIndex, buyer, msg.value, 0x0, msg.value);
// launch the CollectibleBought event
CollectibleBought(drawingId, printIndex, msg.value, seller, buyer);
// Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and refund it.
// Any other bid can stay in place.
Bid storage bid = Bids[printIndex];
if (bid.bidder == buyer) {
// Kill bid and refund value
pendingWithdrawals[buyer] += bid.value;
Bids[printIndex] = Bid(false, collectible.drawingId, printIndex, 0x0, 0);
function enterBidForCollectible(uint drawingId, uint printIndex) payable {
require(drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId].drawingId != 0);
Collectible storage collectible = drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId];
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] != 0x0); // Print is owned by somebody
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] != msg.sender); // Print is not owned by bidder
require((printIndex < (collectible.totalSupply+collectible.initialPrintIndex)) && (printIndex >= collectible.initialPrintIndex));
require(msg.value > 0); // Bid must be greater than 0
// get the current bid for that print if any
Bid storage existing = Bids[printIndex];
// Must outbid previous bid by at least 5%. Apparently is not possible to
// multiply by 1.05, that's why we do it manually.
require(msg.value >= existing.value+(existing.value*5/100));
if (existing.value > 0) {
// Refund the failing bid from the previous bidder
pendingWithdrawals[existing.bidder] += existing.value;
// add the new bid
Bids[printIndex] = Bid(true, collectible.drawingId, printIndex, msg.sender, msg.value);
CollectibleBidEntered(collectible.drawingId, printIndex, msg.value, msg.sender);
// used by a user who wants to cancell a bid placed by her/him
function withdrawBidForCollectible(uint drawingId, uint printIndex) {
require(drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId].drawingId != 0);
Collectible storage collectible = drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId];
require((printIndex < (collectible.totalSupply+collectible.initialPrintIndex)) && (printIndex >= collectible.initialPrintIndex));
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] != 0x0); // Print is owned by somebody
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] != msg.sender); // Print is not owned by bidder
Bid storage bid = Bids[printIndex];
require(bid.bidder == msg.sender);
CollectibleBidWithdrawn(drawingId, printIndex, bid.value, msg.sender);
uint amount = bid.value;
Bids[printIndex] = Bid(false, collectible.drawingId, printIndex, 0x0, 0);
// Refund the bid money
// seller's functions
function offerCollectibleForSale(uint drawingId, uint printIndex, uint minSalePriceInWei) {
require(drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId].drawingId != 0);
Collectible storage collectible = drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId];
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] == msg.sender);
require((printIndex < (collectible.totalSupply+collectible.initialPrintIndex)) && (printIndex >= collectible.initialPrintIndex));
uint lastSellValue = OfferedForSale[printIndex].lastSellValue;
OfferedForSale[printIndex] = Offer(true, collectible.drawingId, printIndex, msg.sender, minSalePriceInWei, 0x0, lastSellValue);
CollectibleOffered(drawingId, printIndex, minSalePriceInWei, 0x0, lastSellValue);
function withdrawOfferForCollectible(uint drawingId, uint printIndex){
require(drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId].drawingId != 0);
Collectible storage collectible = drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId];
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] == msg.sender);
require((printIndex < (collectible.totalSupply+collectible.initialPrintIndex)) && (printIndex >= collectible.initialPrintIndex));
uint lastSellValue = OfferedForSale[printIndex].lastSellValue;
OfferedForSale[printIndex] = Offer(false, collectible.drawingId, printIndex, msg.sender, 0, 0x0, lastSellValue);
// launch the CollectibleNoLongerForSale event
CollectibleNoLongerForSale(collectible.drawingId, printIndex);
function offerCollectibleForSaleToAddress(uint drawingId, uint printIndex, uint minSalePriceInWei, address toAddress) {
require(drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId].drawingId != 0);
Collectible storage collectible = drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId];
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] == msg.sender);
require((printIndex < (collectible.totalSupply+collectible.initialPrintIndex)) && (printIndex >= collectible.initialPrintIndex));
uint lastSellValue = OfferedForSale[printIndex].lastSellValue;
OfferedForSale[printIndex] = Offer(true, collectible.drawingId, printIndex, msg.sender, minSalePriceInWei, toAddress, lastSellValue);
CollectibleOffered(drawingId, printIndex, minSalePriceInWei, toAddress, lastSellValue);
function acceptBidForCollectible(uint drawingId, uint minPrice, uint printIndex) {
require(drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId].drawingId != 0);
Collectible storage collectible = drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId];
require((printIndex < (collectible.totalSupply+collectible.initialPrintIndex)) && (printIndex >= collectible.initialPrintIndex));
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] == msg.sender);
address seller = msg.sender;
Bid storage bid = Bids[printIndex];
require(bid.value > 0); // Will be zero if there is no actual bid
require(bid.value >= minPrice); // Prevent a condition where a bid is withdrawn and replaced with a lower bid but seller doesn't know
DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] = bid.bidder;
Transfer(seller, bid.bidder, 1);
uint amount = bid.value;
Offer storage offer = OfferedForSale[printIndex];
// transfer ETH to the seller
// profit delta must be equal or greater than 1e-16 to be able to divide it
// between the involved entities (art creator -> 30%, seller -> 60% and dada -> 10%)
// profit percentages can't be lower than 1e-18 which is the lowest unit in ETH
// equivalent to 1 wei.
// if(offer.lastSellValue > msg.value && (msg.value - offer.lastSellValue) >= uint(0.0000000000000001) ){ commented because we're assuming values are expressed in "weis", adjusting in relation to that
if(offer.lastSellValue < amount && (amount - offer.lastSellValue) >= 100 ){ // assuming 100 (weis) wich is equivalent to 1e-16
uint profit = amount - offer.lastSellValue;
// seller gets base value plus 60% of the profit
pendingWithdrawals[seller] += offer.lastSellValue + (profit*60/100);
// dada gets 10% of the profit
// pendingWithdrawals[owner] += (profit*10/100);
// dada receives 30% of the profit to give to the artist
// pendingWithdrawals[owner] += (profit*30/100);
pendingWithdrawals[owner] += (profit*40/100);
// if the seller doesn't make a profit of the sell he gets the 100% of the traded
// value.
pendingWithdrawals[seller] += amount;
// does the same as the function makeCollectibleUnavailableToSale
OfferedForSale[printIndex] = Offer(false, collectible.drawingId, printIndex, bid.bidder, 0, 0x0, amount);
CollectibleBought(collectible.drawingId, printIndex, bid.value, seller, bid.bidder);
Bids[printIndex] = Bid(false, collectible.drawingId, printIndex, 0x0, 0);
// used by a user who wants to cashout his money
function withdraw() {
uint amount = pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender];
// Remember to zero the pending refund before
// sending to prevent re-entrancy attacks
pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] = 0;
// Transfer ownership of a punk to another user without requiring payment
function transfer(address to, uint drawingId, uint printIndex) returns (bool success){
require(drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId].drawingId != 0);
Collectible storage collectible = drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId];
// checks that the user making the transfer is the actual owner of the print
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] == msg.sender);
require((printIndex < (collectible.totalSupply+collectible.initialPrintIndex)) && (printIndex >= collectible.initialPrintIndex));
makeCollectibleUnavailableToSale(to, drawingId, printIndex, OfferedForSale[printIndex].lastSellValue);
// sets the new owner of the print
DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] = to;
Transfer(msg.sender, to, 1);
CollectibleTransfer(msg.sender, to, drawingId, printIndex);
// Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and refund it.
// Any other bid can stay in place.
Bid storage bid = Bids[printIndex];
if (bid.bidder == to) {
// Kill bid and refund value
pendingWithdrawals[to] += bid.value;
Bids[printIndex] = Bid(false, drawingId, printIndex, 0x0, 0);
return true;
// utility functions
function makeCollectibleUnavailableToSale(address to, uint drawingId, uint printIndex, uint lastSellValue) {
require(drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId].drawingId != 0);
Collectible storage collectible = drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId];
require(DrawingPrintToAddress[printIndex] == msg.sender);
require((printIndex < (collectible.totalSupply+collectible.initialPrintIndex)) && (printIndex >= collectible.initialPrintIndex));
OfferedForSale[printIndex] = Offer(false, collectible.drawingId, printIndex, to, 0, 0x0, lastSellValue);
// launch the CollectibleNoLongerForSale event
CollectibleNoLongerForSale(collectible.drawingId, printIndex);
function newCollectible(uint drawingId, string checkSum, uint256 _totalSupply, uint initialPrice, uint initialPrintIndex, string collectionName, uint authorUId, string scarcity){
// requires the sender to be the same address that compiled the contract,
// this is ensured by storing the sender address
// require(owner == msg.sender);
require(owner == msg.sender);
// requires the drawing to not exist already in the scope of the contract
require(drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId].drawingId == 0);
drawingIdToCollectibles[drawingId] = Collectible(drawingId, checkSum, _totalSupply, initialPrintIndex, false, initialPrice, initialPrintIndex, collectionName, authorUId, scarcity);
function flipSwitchTo(bool state){
// require(owner == msg.sender);
require(owner == msg.sender);
isExecutionAllowed = state;
function mintNewDrawings(uint amount){
require(owner == msg.sender);
totalSupply = totalSupply + amount;
balances[owner] = balances[owner] + amount;
Transfer(0, owner, amount);
"compilationTarget": {
"DadaCollectible.sol": "DadaCollectible"
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []