The Interdimensional Ampoule is a crucial component in a long and dangerous journey. Masters of I.D.I.O.T. have all once relied on this relic of ancient wisdom in order to transcend beyond time and space. It is an ampoule of luminous orange liquid, which when quaffed will take the drinker to a place far beyond the world they know. Caution must be taken, for the ampoule's effects are not easily tamed by those unprepared. Once ingested, only those with true inner strength and the wiliness to wield interdimensional power with accuracy can reap the benefits. Masters urge to never mix the contents of the ampoule with Earthly substances, as the consequences could be dire. Advised to take before starting a journey, this sacred liquid can preserve one's safety and sanity in the face of vast cosmic expanse, and even destitution. In the eyes of I.D.I.O.T., the Interdimensional Ampoule stands as the ultimate power of interdimensional magick, and it is far from the realm of the novice.